1007 - May 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1007 - May 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music]

NARRATOR:The great estate of Collinwood,

in parallel time, and the secrets of those

who know the house have never been more dangerous.

For Quentin's first wife, Angelique,

has returned from the dead,

and assumed the identity of the sister she has m*rder*d.

And in seemingly, no one can penetrate her disguise.

The strange time is perilous too for Barnabas,

who lies trapped, chained in a coffin,

unable to help, unaware of the dangers

which thr*aten those around him.

And this night in the village,

Cyrus Longworth is confronted by a man

who has helped him with his experiment.

But who now suddenly has many questions,

and too many answers.

[mysterious music]



Who is it?

HORACE:Horace Gladstone.

What do want?

A very urgent matter Dr. Longworth.

Thank you doctor.

[door closes]

Well, well as always burning the midnight oil.

I would appreciate it if visitors used

the front entrance,

that entrance is not to be used Mr. Gladstone.

I thought that one would be more appropriate this time.

What do you mean?

Don't you know?

Course I don't know.

About you and me and our little secrets.

CYRUS: What secret?

[Laughs] Come, come Longworth

it was inevitable that I'd find out

sooner or later [laughs].

You helped me to solve the mystery yourself.

You led me to the truth.

CYRUS: What truth?

That Cyrus Longworth is John Yaeger,

and John Yaeger is Cyrus Longworth.

[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]

You're going to deny it of course.

Why should I?

Oh, good.

Why should I bother to deny

anything as ridiculous as that?

Mr. Gladstone you know the compound you sold me.

[door slams]

Yes, yes, I know that it's capable of being used

to affect a restructuring of the chromosomes.

Yes but that is not its main use.

That is what you are using it for

to give you a chance to be something you are not,

to be filled with a lust for life,

to finally discover pleasures that you won't encounter

in this laboratory.

Excitement, love, adventure.

All of which I have found here.

Your theory is very interesting Gladstone,

but it's simply mad.

I don't believe that.

Where is John Yaeger tonight?

I haven't the faintest idea.

HORACE: Ah, you know very well.

I have what I consider to be proof.

[Laughs] There's no proof.

The day after I first delivered the compound,

you called me about correcting it

so as to eliminate amnesia.

Yes, I was performing an experiment.

The night before, John Yaeger appeared

in Collinsport for the first time.

I've checked the dates.

Well it's pure coincidence.

I reworked the formula for you.

The following Tuesday, Cyrus Longworth left on

a mysterious trip and John Yaeger miraculously appears.

I've checked this with your fiance.

I will not have you questioning her.


Are you afraid she'll find out about it too?

There's nothing to find out.

Dr. Longworth, I've been most thorough

in my investigation.

You as Yaeger appeared after a disturbance

at the Eagle with a check signed Cyrus Longworth.

Yes, yes, I gave that money to Longworth, a loan.

And then there's the matter of the painting

that use to hang on this wall,

and that now hangs in Ms. Harrington's room.

So you've been to see her too.

Oh, you trapped yourself now Longworth.

Why would Dr. Longworth care whether I saw her or not?

Yaeger is not going to like your interfering.

I know.

When you see Yaeger tell him that I've taken

very careful precautions.

I've written it all down.

Look Yaeger has done nothing wrong.

No, not as far as the law is concerned.

But surely the fact that you're able to turn yourself

into somebody else would be quite upsetting to many.

Your fiance, Ms. Harrington, Quentin Collins,

your friends at Collinwood.

You don't have to admit it if you don't want to.

If you wish to maintain the illusion

that nobody knows, I'd be perfectly willing

to go along with that.

You want something.

Yes, yes I do.

You can't imagine the difficulty I have

with your compound.

I'm woefully underpaid.

It takes up more and more of my time.

Plus there's the delivery tonight.

I mean that compound isn't nearly ready,

and if you want another on Friday.

How much do you want?


You're mad.

You're mad, why should I pay that?

It's a small price to pay

for the existence of John Yaeger,

and that is what you are buying.

Without my compound, John Yaeger will never

walk the streets again.

Now you don't have to make up your mind right away.

Friday will be plenty of time.

But remember, I wouldn't try to silence me

if I were you, unless you want someone very close to you

to read the whole story.

This is not your first attempt at blackmail is it?

Why do you think my number was in Angelique Collin's

phone book?

She's led many lives.

Each person only gets one.

Good night.

[mysterious music]


I don't understand how Hannah Stokes

could rid this place of Dameon Edward's ghost.

She said he was too powerful for her.

She found his grave.

Now why wasn't I told?

Why Quentin I thought you knew.

I thought you suggested to Hannah

that she exorcise the ghost.

QUENTIN: Are you sure he's gone?

I'm very sure.

I don't understand why Hannah

didn't tell me herself.

She was exhausted.

I insisted that she go home.

Quentin, why are you having so much trouble accepting this?

Show me where she found him.

[door squeaks]

I didn't know this was here, how did Hannah?

ALEXIS: She sensed it that's all.

[dramatic music]

My god, we've got to call the police.

ALEXIS: The police?

What will you tell them?

QUENTIN: I'm going to tell them

that Dameon Edwards was m*rder*d in this house.

ALEXIS: How will you explain

knowing that these are Dameon Edwards' bones?

It's a story to incredible for the police to believe.

But he was m*rder*d.

Angelique was m*rder*d, what are doing about that?

[wind blowing]

ELIZABETH: When the car wasn't at the station

Ms. Hoffman, I assumed you were still away.

Well I just got back.


Well I did wire ahead.

I haven't seen anyone here but Trask.

Quentin is most inconsiderate of me.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Did you enjoy your vacation?

I find I've miss this house.


If I had the money that Quentin Collin's has,

I'd close this house and move to the city.

I don't know how he stands it,

it's so depressing.

Would you fix me a brandy please?

Yes, yes of course Ms. Stoddard.

Yes Hannah of course he believed everything.

No, no he wasn't at all suspicious.

I know we took a chance,

but you and I will have to take a lot of chances.

ELIZABETH: Would you find Quentin please,

and tell him I want to see him?

Yes, of course Mrs. Stoddard.

Don't worry, there's no one going to suspect the truth.

[dramatic music]

What are you staring at Ms. Hoffman?

Ms. Hoffman?

I'm sorry Ms. Stokes.

I'll have to call you back Aunt Hannah, goodbye.

Ms. Hoffman,

it's so nice to see you again.

Thank you.

I've missed you here in the house.

QUENTIN: Hoffman!

Mr. Collins.

Well things at last are beginning to look normal

around here.

Did you enjoy your rest?

Yes, yes of course.

Mrs. Stoddard would like to see you in the drawing room.

Oh, so she's returned from travel.

Excuse me.

[dramatic music]

What's happened you don't look well.

I feel alright.

Perhaps you're not glad to see me back.

Of course I am.

The least you could have done

was to have the car at the station after my telegram.

Well I'm sorry, I simply forgot.

Well, did you enjoy your stay in New York?

I saw Maggie there.

[dramatic music]

Quentin, you must listen.

I am not interested in what she has to say about me.

She's not bitter, she's hurt.

I don't want to hear about it now!

Don't be a fool.

And don't you be a meddler!

She wants you to come to New York.

Oh, she does, does she.

Now how does she expect me to get there,

does she want me to come on my knees?

If you love her Quentin, go.

Does she have a list of demands

that I'm to give into?

ELIZABETH: She wants nothing but the assurance

of your love.

Isn't she interested enough to find out?


She left me, Elizabeth.

You forced her too.


By not forcing Alexis to leave this house.

She thought Alexis was Angelique, you know that.

Her hysterical idea that has no basis in reality.

Does she know that Alexis is still here?

ELIZABETH: She assumed that,

knowing how stubborn you are.

QUENTIN: Stubbornness has nothing to do with it.

ELIZABETH: Yes it has.

It's making both of you desperately unhappy.

Now you let me decide about my state

of happiness will you.

I don't need you to decide for me.

I don't expect you to understand me and Maggie.

Because you don't understand yourself.

I understand one thing.

I don't want a child for a wife,

only a child runs away and sulks.

If you're in touch with her, you tell her that.

[dramatic music]

It's hard for me to be

scientifically minded today Quentin,

but layman's opinion is that this man

did not die from the b*llet wound.

The b*llet is lodged here in the rib.


The man probably died from loss of blood.

You think I ought to call the police.

Quentin, I can't make that decision for you.

What if do, what will happen?

He was Angelique's friend.

Everyone knew that.

I'm not afraid what the police will ask me,

I didn't k*ll him.

It's my guess Bruno did.

But if I say something,

it will simply stir up more talk about Angelique.

Yes, yes it will do that.

And I'll have to live all over what happened last year.

And I don't want to do that.

And I would have to and so would Daniel.

And what would happen?

Edwards would still be dead.

And Bruno?

Well I'll find out.

Then I'll take care of Bruno myself.

Will you help me bury the remains?


Whether I'm right or wrong,

I'm simply tired about hearing all of this.

[mysterious music]

I thought when I walked into the house,

that you would be here.

I felt so strongly when I was in Boston

that I left.

She has returned that's what I thought.

But you've not.

But I wasn't just wishing it,

I felt it I really did.

Perhaps I'm back to make things ready for you.

As I always did when you were away,

that is what I must believe.

[mysterious music]

I'm sorry, I simply wanted to be sure

that the maid had turned down your bed.

You miss her very much, don't you?

We all do.

But you were close to her.

I was her friend.

I need a friend in this house Ms. Hoffman, very much.

I need someone to help me find my sister's m*rder*r.


ALEXIS: Didn't you know?

No one would have k*lled her.

Someone did.

Why do you think that?

If I tell you, will you help me?

Yes, yes of course.

After you left there was a seance.

Exactly like the one in which Angelique died.

Roger was --

[dramatic music]

Well, the deed has been done.

Yes, another thing to feel guilty about.


I'm getting pretty good at accumulating guilts.

First Maggie, then Sabrina at the seance

saying that Angelique was m*rder*d, and now Alexis

who's accusing me cause I'm not doing anything about it.

But what can you do?

What can I do about anything?

Cyrus, sometimes I think I'm losing my mind.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

No I'm serious.

You know I keep feeling that somebody's reaching,

reaching out for me, and I don't why.

Listen, have you ever heard

of a man called Barnabas Collins?

Well Lumus was writing up a--

Yes, yes.

Now he's rewriting the book, why?

And why did Amy when she saw Barnabas' portrait,

did she go into a sudden trance?

And what happened when I looked into Angelique's room,

it was completely bare.

Nothing, no furniture.

And why couldn't I enter the room,

what force was keeping me from getting into the room?

What are you talking about?

I wish I knew.

But I could not get into the room.

Daniel and Amy were there.

They were dressed in clothes I'd never seen before,

and they were talking about Barnabas Collins.

They said that that room was the last place

Barnabas Collins had been seen.

It all doesn't make sense.

Go away for awhile Quentin.

Go away from all this, away from this house.

You don't believe I saw that room do you?

In your mind, yes.

But what is keeping you here?

Hoffman is back, Roger, Mrs. Stoddard.

They can take care of everything.

Go for a rest man.

Yes, perhaps I should, I should.

I can't make any decisions without talking to Hoffman,

and Alexis.

CYRUS: Talk to them tonight then.

I know it's hard to do, I know very well.

But you must do it Quentin, you must.

[mysterious sound]

Julia, I didn't believe Roger when he tried

to explain this time parallel.

You must believe him.

I don't even like being in this room.


When I think of the way Barnabas just disappeared.


We should close it completely.

No, this room is his only chance of coming back to us.

ELIZABETH: Julia, let's go.

It's not doing either of us any good to stand here.

I feel closer to him here.

Oh please Julia.

You go, I'll come down soon.

I hate to leave you alone.

I thought I could join him, I would stay here forever.



Barnabas, Barnabas, can you hear me?

Barnabas, are you standing in that hall

in the other time watching me?

QUENTIN: Hoffman.

Unable to make me hear you, or see you.

QUENTIN: Hoffman!

Or has your curse, that terrible curse been discovered.

Oh, if only I knew, if only I knew.


What is it, Mr. Collins?

Is something wrong?

What is it, Mr. Collins?

[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]
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