1008 - May 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1008 - May 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The night continues toward its darker hours

in this Collinwood of another, yet concurrent time.

And the one man who's had experience of both,

Barnabas Collins, is still c*ptive of the writer,

William H. Loomis, ignorant of the knowledge

that on this night, the walk between the bands of time

will reveal to other eyes the mystery of multiple existence,

and, some truth about the fate of Barnabas,

with the mention of a curse.

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, are you standing in that hall

in the other time, watching me?


Unable to make me hear you, or, or see you?


Or has your curse, that, that terrible curse,

been, been discovered?

Oh, if only I knew, if only I knew.


What is it, Mr. Collins?

Is something wrong?

What is it, Mr. Collins?

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]


Mr. Collins, what happened?

What, what is it?

It happened once before, with, with Amy and Daniel.

And now, just now, it--

Please, please tell me what it is.

I, uh, I want you to look into Angelique's room,

and tell me whether you, uh, see what I just saw.

Has something happened to Miss Alexis?

QUENTIN: Now tell me, what do you see?

The room.

QUENTIN: Is it empty?

Well, of course it's empty,

Miss Alexis is downstairs in the drawing room.

But this room, a moment ago, it,

it was empty of furniture, and you were in here,

so was Mrs. Stoddard.

I saw you here, Hoffman!

Now, you were dressed differently, but it was you.

I called to you, but, uh, you, you, you couldn't hear me.

That is impossible.

But now, look, I know it is impossible, but it happened.

Now look, you were talking about Barnabas.



I don't know any Barnabas.

Barnabas Collins, he,

he's one of our ancestors.

Oh, the one Will Loomis wrote about.

No, uh...

No, I, I think it's, I think it's another Barnabas.

At least, I think so.

It's the one living now.

But he, uh...

he disappeared in this room.

Well, no, no it wasn't in this room,

it was in another room, but,

but it was behind this same door.

Mr. Collins.

And, and, and you said something about a curse.

There was a curse on him.

A curse?

Yes, and...


Now look, uh...

What's the use?

[laughs feebly]

I, uh...

It couldn't have happened, uh,

I couldn't have seen what I saw.

What I thought I saw, uh...

Listen, will you excuse me?

I, uh...

I shouldn't have mentioned it at all.

It was probably just my, uh...

Listen, I better go, it's getting awfully late.

Mr. Collins, is there anything I can do?

Is there anything I can get for you?

No, there's nothing.

Nothing whatsoever.

[eerie music] [wind whistling]

I haven't found anything worth adding to my

shell collection in ages, till this morning.

Thanks for giving me the idea to go looking.

Oh, I just suggested that you and I do some of the things

you used to enjoy with your mother.

This conch shell's the best one I've seen in ages.

I bet you can hear the whole ocean in that one.

No, not the ocean.


Why, isn't that what you're supposed to hear?

Yeah, but.

ALEXIS: But what?

Well, this is probably gonna sound silly,

since I'm so grown up and everything, but,

when I was little, my mother used to tell me that

what I'd hear would be her whisper.

Not words, just sounds,

to let me know that she was near,

thinking of me.

But that was when I was little.

Well, listen again.

Go on, don't be embarrassed.

Listen, and see.

[chiming, wistful music]

You hear it, don't you?

Don't you hear your mother's voice?

That is her voice, isn't it?

Talking to you, telling you that she's thinking about you.

That she's near,

very near.

Very near.


Alexis, uh, I'd like to talk to you for a moment,

if you have time.

Why, yes, of course.

Good, in the drawing room.



Who hung this portrait here?

Trask did.

I told him-- Why?

Well, it was in your study, and I had it hung here.

Well, I want it taken down immediately!

Whatever-- [Quentin shouts]

Whatever you say, Mr. Collins.

I'll, I'll go find Trask.

Alexis, do you have a moment?

Yes, uh, Daniel, take the shells upstairs,

and then I'll come up and see your whole collection.

[chiming, wistful music]


Quentin, what is it?

Now look, I'm, uh...

I'm very sorry if I sounded sharp just now, but, uh,

I haven't had much sleep.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, uh, to be very truthful,

that isn't it at all.

I'm not well.

And I don't mean physically.

You see, there have been many,

many things happening around here,

strange, inexplicable things.

You mean Dameon Edwards.

QUENTIN: Oh, partly, but, but there's something else.


Well, it's just...


No, it'll really sound ridiculous.

I just want to tell you that, uh,

I'm leaving Collinwood.



QUENTIN: Well, it's happened twice now.

What has?

QUENTIN: Well, in your room.

Quentin, please tell me what it is.

[tense music]

All right, I'll tell you.

Twice now, I've opened your door, and,

both times.

[eerie music]

What are you doing here?

Leaving some shells for Aunt Alexis.


Have you seen Trask?


You're leaving them just the way

you used to leave them for her.

Aunt Alexis likes them just as much.

You know, a couple of times on the beach today, she--


Forget it.

Everybody always gets angry at me when I say it.

You thought she was--


No, she's not my mother.

I've got to accept that.

And I do accept it.

Really, I do.


What was that all about?

He's confused.

It's not just that you look so much like his mother, it's,

it's that he seems to care about you

the way he cared about her.

Oh, I doubt that.

However, I will admit,

my feelings for Daniel...

But that's, that's of no interest right now.

Mr. Collins has told me that he's leaving Collinwood.


Yes, he told me what he saw in the room.

He says you know about it too.

He seems to be very disturbed by it.

Maybe it would be a good idea if he

got away for a while.

What, away from those who love him?

Well, I mean, we all do care a great deal about him,

and we want to help him.

How can we help him if he's not here?

You do understand, don't you?


Yes, I think I do.

[eerie music]

[heart beating]


I hear you.

I will follow.

I will find.



[dramatic music]

If I may say so, Mr. Collins,

you haven't even tried to understand.

Hoffman, perhaps I don't want to understand.

You said you saw this, this woman, Julia,

talking about someone named Barnabas Collins.

Now, now Will Loomis is writing another book about him.

You really should go and talk to him.

And the portrait, the portrait has had some,

some disturbing effects.

You're right.

I do know these things.

It's just that I cannot make any sense out of them.

I have tried to contact Will Loomis.

He'll neither see anyone nor talk to anyone.

I simply can't physically force the man to see me.

Why don't you go to the Loomis House, Mr. Collins,

and insist that he talks to you?

Tell, tell him exactly what you know about the portrait,

and about the room, and about the people in it.


I don't wanna know anymore about it, Hoffman.

I wanna forget it all.

That's final.

I will not go to the Loomis House again.

[tense music]

Cousin Will?



Nobody's here.

Why did I come?

"For long enough, the world has lived in ignorance

"of this terrible truth."

This must be part of Cousin Will's book.

"And perhaps, it was just as well,

"how many would have come in search of the locked door,

"not suspecting that if it had opened to their touch,

"a fate awaited them so devastating that,"

Now I remember.

[heart beating]



[chiming, wistful music]

Why couldn't Hoffman persuade Quentin

to go to Loomis House and see Will?

Why did he run out?

I've got to keep him here with me

so that I can help him.

I've got to convince him that this nonsense about the room

is just his imagination.

That it will all pass when he's had a chance to rest,

relax, surrounded by those who love him.

[dramatic music]

He didn't imagine it!

He didn't imagine it!



Hoffman, can't you hear me?

He isn't losing his mind.

It's true.

He really saw it.



[heart beating]

I'm trying to follow.

I'm trying to find.

Locked door?

Beyond locked door?


Find locked door.


Find locked door.


[dramatic music]

[heart beating]


Break the lock.




Daniel, Daniel what happened?


[ominous music]

Uh, you haven't seen Mr. Collins anywhere?

No, not since he left the room.

I've got to find him.

May I ask what happened?

I saw it myself.

The room, with you in it.

You saw it?

Yes, I opened the doors to my very own room,

and it was completely changed.


The same room.

Oh, I wish I knew where Quentin was.

He didn't just imagine it.

I saw it myself.

And I?

Yes, you were there.

You said one word, Barnabas.


The same thing that, that Mr. Collins heard me say.

[door thumps]

Maybe that's Quentin.

The last thing I remember was looking at the portrait

of Barnabas Collins.


Daniel, are you all right?

What happened?

Daniel, are you all right?

Tell me, what happened?

I found him at the Loomis House.

Oh darling, are you all right?

What happened to you?

DANIEL: I don't know.

He uh, he's all right.

Now, please, he's not hurt.

[tense music]

Well of course, I just...

I just wondered what happened to him, that's all.

I don't know, last thing I remember I was

looking at the portrait of Barnabas Collins.

Where is it?

I had Trask take it down.

I can't remember anything else.

Why? What does it mean?

I expect to find out very shortly.

Now Daniel, why don't you go upstairs now,

and I'll be up later?

DANIEL: I'm all right.



I guess I, I think I should think

about it a little--

No, I want you to forget all about it.

We'll talk later.

Come on.

Just let me have a few words with your father,

and I'll come right up.


What could he possibly have been doing there?

Doesn't he remember anything?

I don't know, it's got something to do

with Barnabas Collins.

But what?

Could it be the Barnabas that Hoffman was talking about

in that room?

That strange empty room?

[dramatic music]

Yes, Quentin.

I saw it too.

And Hoffman was there, she said one word, Barnabas.

You saw it?

It wasn't just your imagination.

No, it wasn't.

But that still doesn't explain everything.

Well, did you go and talk to Will Loomis?

Well, I didn't see him.

But I have a feeling that he doesn't know anything.

There's only one person who knows all about it.

Who? One obvious person.


Barnabas Collins.

But isn't he--


Yes, for over a century.

But I intend on talking to him tonight.

ALEXIS: Quentin--

A seance, in the drawing room.

Are you sure you want to do that?

It's the only thing I can do.

If I want to go on living here at Collinwood,

I've got to understand what's going on.

Quentin, say it's--

You, Hoffman, and myself are the only ones

who know about your room.

I'll see to it that Roger and Elizabeth

are out of this house.

Yes. Also, Trask.

And once Daniel and Amy are asleep.

A seance.

You, Hoffman, and I.

And we shall finally meet up with Barnabas Collins.


[eerie music]

[wind whistling]

[clock strikes]

[eerie music]

It is my ancestor,

Barnabas Collins, that I call upon.

If his spirit can hear me,

please answer.

Come to us, Barnabas Collins.

Speak to us,

Barnabas Collins!

[eerie, siren-like tones]

Oh, I, I, I can't,

I, I, I, I can't help,

No, don't break the circle.

No, I, I want to, but I can't, I can't!

Hoffman, don't break the circle!

Barnabas Collins.

Barnabas Collins, come to us.

Something was here, but it's gone.

The circle's broken.


No, don't go, whoever you are!

Don't leave us!

ALEXIS: Quentin.

Quentin, look.


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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