1010 - May 7, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1010 - May 7, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood,

as it exists in the mysterious

and disturbing world of parallel time.

A world which Barnabas Collins entered,

hoping to escape from the curse

that has plagued him for so long.

But in this new time, William H. Loomis

learned of Barnabas' secret,

and has him trapped in a chained coffin.

On this night, however, certain events that occur

will change the fate of Barnabas Collins

for better or for worse.


Stay away from me!

Don't come near me!

Maybe Cyrus Longworth can tolerate

the likes of you, Gladstone,

but not John Yaegar.


Somebody, help!


[metallic strike]


[whimpering fearfully]

I'll give you anything you want.

How about peace of mind?

Bye, Gladstone.

Good riddance.

[Gladstone screams in agony]

What's happening?

What's going on down there?

[ominous music]

I see you hiding behind there.

Who are you?

Come out here so I can see your face!

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

I said, come out of there!

With pleasure, sir.



[door rattling]

SABRINA:Larry, you must tell me what you want.

LARRY:Well, I haven't got time for now.

Where is Cyrus?

SABRINA:He left earlier this evening.

LARRY:Well, I've got to get downstairs in the lab.

SABRINA:You know I'm not allowed to let anyone in there,

unless Cyrus is here.

LARRY:Sabrina, This is an emergency.

Now, I'll take full responsibility.

SABRINA:All right.


Well, nothing seems disturbed.

Larry, what's happening?

What did you expect to find here?

A man.

I chased a man all the way from the docks.

I saw him jump over the fence

into the courtyard of Cyrus,

and I was sure he'd be here.

But who is this man?

What would he be doing in here?

I don't know.

SABRINA: Cyrus always keeps it locked.

Well, can you open it for me?

The keys are upstairs.

I'll get them.

No, no, no, never mind.

He's probably gotten away by now.

I'll have to call the police.

SABRINA:Police?What for?

LARRY:Well, the man I was chasing just committed m*rder.


Yes, I heard somebody calling for help,

so I ran to the docks, and when I got there,

I found a man who was already dead.

Did you see who the man was?

LARRY: No, I've never seen him before.

Well, the m*rder*r.

What about him?

Did you see his face?

Well, I only got a fleeting glance at him.


Maybe it could be that man that knows Cyrus.

John Yaegar.


Larry, are you sure?

No, that's just it, I'm not sure.

If I had to swear to it on oath,

I don't know what I'd be able to say.

But what I want to know, I think I'd better go

to the police and tell them that, well, I'll call them now,

and say that I think we ought to have

a guard on the house all night.

Now, listen to me.

I suggest that you wait here until Cyrus gets back.

Undoubtedly, the police will want to question me

at the scene of the m*rder.

But I'll be back.


Yes, I want to speak to the sheriff.

I want to report a m*rder.

JOHN VOICEOVER: I can't risk going back inside,

and the police will be here soon, watching the place.

I must get the antidote and become Longworth again.

But how can I get it?


[gasp] Oh, you gave me a scare.

I'm very sorry.

What are you doing hanging around here, anyway?

Waiting for you.

BUFFIE: What for?

What do you want now?

I'd like you to do me a little favor.

You wouldn't mind doing your old friend

a little favor, would you?

[dramatic music]

What kind of favor did you have in mind?

I'm in need of something.

Rather desperately.

I want to know if you could get it for me.

Well, can't you get somebody else to help you?


Look, it's late, and I've put in a hard night,

and I'm very tired.

Miss Harrington!

I don't have time for gentle persuasion!

Look, you don't own me.

I am not a piece of property, and I told you, I was tired.

Being tired is better than being dead!

Isn't it?

You can't mean something like that.

Miss Harrington, the key to this thing

is that I need something very rather desperately!

And I will go to any extreme to get it!

Now what is your answer?


What is this thing that you need?

You wouldn't even understand if I told you.

But all you have to do is follow my instructions.

What do you want me to do?

I knew your common sense would prevail.

I want you to go to Dr. Longworth's laboratory,

and get something for me.

Can't Dr. Longworth get it for you?

No, he can't.

The doctor is away,

and I'm afraid that I can't go in there.

Why not?

Don't ask questions, Miss Harrington!

You're in some kind of trouble, aren't you?

Miss Harrington, I'm not in any trouble.


Now don't start asking questions, because this key,

this key will let you in the side door for the laboratory.

That's against the law.

If I get caught--

Miss Harrington, you're not going to get caught!

-I promise you. -I don't like this.

I've never done anything wrong in my life.

I don't have a record.

You're not going to get caught!

There is no risk involved!

I've told you that!


When you get inside the laboratory,

on the opposite wall, you'll see a painting.

You'll take the painting off.

There's a wall safe there.

This is the combination to the safe.

When you get in the safe, you'll see a small bottle

with green liquid inside it.

That's what you need?

JOHN: Yes.

Why, what's in the bottle?

It's not of your concern.

BUFFIE: Well, I think it is, if I'm gonna go--

Miss Harrington!

All right!

Just let me go, and get it over with!

But first I'll have to prepare you.

Prepare the way.

[suspenseful music]

[phone rings]


JOHN:Sabrina? This is Cyrus.


Where are you?

I'm calling from a payphone in Rockport.

I'm on my way to Portsmouth for the evening.



I ran into a colleague.

I've been discussing his work.

I'm most anxious to see what he's been doing.

I see.

When will you be back?

JOHN:Oh, sometime tomorrow morning.

Cyrus, are you all right?

JOHN:Of course, why?

I don't know.

You just don't sound like yourself.


I'm just rather tired, Sabrina.

Well then, why are you running off to Portsmouth?

Why don't you come back here and get some rest?

JOHN:Now, don't start worrying about me, Sabrina.

I'll be all right.


You haven't by any chance seen your friend

John Yaegar, have you?


No, why?

SABRINA:There was a m*rder here in town,

earlier this evening.

There's a possibility that he committed it.


I don't see how.

I spoke to him yesterday.

He said he was going to be out of town.

Well, he might have changed his mind.

I wouldn't put anything past him.

You know, Sabrina, you stop worrying about it.

Listen, I want you to lock up the lab for the night,

and get some rest.

And do it right now, understand?

SABRINA:Yes, Cyrus.

I'll see you in the morning.

Good night, my darling.

Good night.

She will have locked everything up about ten mintues

Then you should go there and get what I want.

Where do you want me to bring it?

You know the beach just below the Collins estate?


Well, there's a cave right near there.

I'll be waiting for you there.

This thing gets crazier by the minute.

Oh, come, come, Miss Harrington.

What would life be without its share

of mystery and adventure?

[door shuts]


LARRY: Well, have you heard from Cyrus?

[sigh] Yes, he called about minutes ago.

He's not gonna be home tonight.

He said he was with a colleague.

Well, that's too bad.

I know.

Sabrina, what's the matter?

He sounded so strange on the phone.

It was almost as if he were not himself.

Well, you know how far away his mind can be, sometimes.

SABRINA: But this is more than that.

What do you mean?

When he said good night, he said,

"Good night, my darling."


He's never used that phrase before.

The only term of endearment he's ever used

is, my dear.

Well, I don't think that's anything to be worried about.

I suppose you're right.

Well, what happened with the police?

LARRY: Well, I gave them a full account

of everything I saw.

That's all I could do.

Did you find out the name of the man who got k*lled?


Horace Gladstone.


LARRY: Do you know him?


I met him several times, right here, in this laboratory.


SABRINA: He was a friend of Cyrus.

[dramatic music]

Were Cyrus and Gladstone very close?

I don't think so.

They had a professional relationship.

Mr. Gladstone was a chemist.

He supplied Cyrus with certain chemicals for his work.

Well, it's getting more interesting all the time.

SABRINA: What is?

Well, I spoke to Gladstone this afternoon,

earlier when he called me.

He said that he wanted to meet me in front of the Eagle

at o'clock tonight.


Well, I just didn't know about today.

I told him I would be there, and that's why I happened

to be so close to when this m*rder took place.

[eerie music]

SABRINA:What did he say he wanted to see you about?

LARRY:Well, he said he wanted

to talk to me about John Yaegar.


What does this mean?

Well, I don't know.

I'm almost too afraid to speculate.

Sabrina, were Cyrus and Gladstone on good terms?

Yes, I think so.


I was just wondering.

Well, that's all that we can do tonight.

Now, look.

When Cyrus gets back,

have him call me right away.

I will.

Oh, Larry, wait, I'll go with you.

Well, fine.



SABRINA: Larry, you go on ahead.

I left something in the lab.

[door creaks]

[door closes]

[water dripping] [suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

JOHN VOICEOVER: Interesting.

I wonder where it leads to.

She won't be here for at least half an hour.

I have time to find out.

As I told Miss Harrington, what is life without

a little mystery and adventure?

This has to be another building on the Collins estate.

The only one that could have a cellar this size

is Loomis House.

[dramatic music]

Well, well!

What deep, dark secret is Will Loomis keeping

from the rest of the world?

I must find out.

Perhaps it's something that might come in handy someday.

[chains rattle]

[eerie music]
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