1011 - May 10, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1011 - May 10, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Collinwood, in parallel time.

A new and different world.

A world Barnabas Collins saw as a possible escape

from his ancient curse,

but instead he lies, chained in a coffin.

The prisoner of William H. Loomis.

But even in his coffin he is threatened,

for this night, John Yeager, hiding after the m*rder

of the chemist who aided him, discovers a passage

from the cave by the sea.

A passage that leads to a room.

A room that will be very important to many lives.

[suspenseful music]

JOHN VOICEOVER: This has to be another building

on the Collins estate.

The only one that could have a cellar

this size is Loomis House.

Well, well.

What deep, dark secret is Will Loomis keeping

from the rest of the world?

I must find out.

Perhaps it's something that might come in handy someday.

[creepy music]

[chains rattling]

Still trying to rescue him?

It's not true.

Hmm, now it's all right for me to be fascinated

by a vampire, I'm getting a book out of him.

I thought I heard someone.

Oh, sure you did.

Will, there's someone down there.

Well, sure there is, there's a vampire.

As soon as I finish getting his story,

I'm going to interview you.

You know, not many men get the chance to know both

a vampire and one of his victims.

He's gotten out, Will.

Maybe that handyman, Fred, has come back.

WILL: He's gone, Carolyn.

[chains rattling]

Listen, Will!

You've got to do something.


Who is it?

I don't know.

How did he get in here?

What did he see?

[Grunting] Stop asking so many questions.

Will, he knows.

He knows what, that we have a coffin in the basement?

A chained coffin.

No Identification on him.

CAROLYN: What are we going to do?

-He'll come to. -Yes, I guess he will.

CAROLYN: And he'll ask questions.

Well, I got some questions for him.

Like what is he doing here?

Did he get the coffin open, Will? Did he?

Oh, if he did I wouldn't have had to do this to him.

Barnabas Collins would have taken care of him.

Maybe I should have let that happen.

What are you gonna do?

I am going to protect

my investment, that's all.

Putting all this time into my book,

I'm not gonna let this stranger ruin it now.

[melancholic music]




Something happened to him.

Why did make me steal this from Longworth,

and bring it to him here?

Why is he hiding?

What has he done?


CAROLYN: Don't you move.

JOHN: Why, Mrs. Loomis!

How do you know me?

Oh, I make it my business to know pretty ladies.


Where's that husband of yours, huh?

Why's he letting a girl do a man's work?

I know how to use this and I will.

[doorbell ringing]

You're keeping me from a very important appointment,

Mrs. Loomis, yes, very important indeed.

CAROLYN: What are you doing in this house?

[Laughing] I'm a curious man.

When there's a secret, I make it my business to know it.

And you got a very interesting secret, Mrs. Loomis.

Why is that coffin downstairs, Mrs. Loomis?

Why is it chained?

I don't know what you're talking about.

So you've decided to bluff it out, right?

Yeah well, a knock on the head

didn't make me forget what I saw.

There's someone in that coffin, isn't there?

CAROLYN: Don't you get up!

There's someone in that coffin.

CAROLYN: I, I told you before.

Why isn't your husband up here?

Is he down there moving it, is that why he isn't here?

You stay there, I mean it.

I think we better forget about tonight.

Both of us.


And then we'll continue this

fascinating conversation later.


[dramatic music]

Will! [door clanking]


I couldn't help it.

Will, go after him, he'll go to the police.

No no, no that's the last thing he'll do.

Will, he knows us.

He called me by name.

Would you just calm down.

You shouldn't have left me alone with him.

I had to fix that secret panel, in case

You see, that's how he got in, Carolyn.

But there'll be nobody getting through that door anymore.

I pretended I didn't know what he was talking about.

But I didn't fool him, Will.

I didn't.

Will, Will, there's only one thing to do.

Let Barnabas Collins go.

That man will be back.


You want me to go back to being what I was?

A writer who never writes?

Now, Carolyn, you've seen the change in me,

you said so yourself.

See, this book is going to be big, I swear it.

Why, every critic in America

is going to respect old Will again. Yes, sir.

His most imaginative work.

A classic!

Yes, that's what it's going to be called.

Hmm, hmm, no, no.

No one would believe it's all true.

[laughing] What a joke.

Will, one man will know it's true.

That man who was here tonight.

Will, be reasonable.


Do you know where we could hide Barnabas, Carolyn?

There's no safe place.

There is!

The secret room back there.

CAROLYN: No, Will!

Yes, but you could get to him

any time you wanted then, couldn't you?

Will, will you forget about me

and think about that man who was here.

He's evil, Will, evil.

And he'll come back.

I know it.

I know it.

[foot patter]


JOHN: At your service.

Where have you been?

JOHN: On a little adventure.

Did you bring it?

Yes, yes.

JOHN: Did anybody see you enter Longworth's lab?

I don't think so.

JOHN: Any trouble opening his safe?



What is that?

No questions, Buffie.

I think I have a right to ask some.

No you haven't!

I stole it, I don't even know why.

But you enjoyed it.

Didn't you?

[laughing] You see, I even know you better

than you know yourself.

If you and Cyrus Longworth are such good friends,

why didn't you get it?

Why are you hiding here waiting for it?

Go back to town, Buffie, get out.

Look, I was scared coming out here.

Don't you do as you're told?

I thought you'd at least come back with me.

If anybody asks, you haven't seen me tonight.

BUFFIE: Who would ask?

What have you done?

Nothing Buffie, nothing wrong, at least.

I don't believe you.

I merely defended myself.

BUFFIE: Against who?

A man has a right to defend himself, Buffie.

Now leave me.

I will.

I sure will.

But from here on in, you stay away from me, too.

Don't come around any more.

I don't want to see you.

You will, you will.


Yes you will, I'll see to that.

Now, just do as I told you.


There is nothing to be afraid of, Carolyn.

I don't want to see him.

This is the only way to move him.

If he should come toward me--

He has no power over you.

Just hold out that cross.

Now we have got to do this, Carolyn.

All right.


No questions, Mr. Collins.

Certain things have happened, we have to move you.

It is necessary, and do not try to out-wit us,

do you understand, Mr. Collins?

What happened, who was here?

I said no questions!

Now, you will please get up.

Carolyn also has a cross.

Put them away.

Oh, that would make it

easier for you, wouldn't it?

Now you will follow me, Mr. Collins.

We are taking you to a place that will be much safer.


[dramatic music]

JOHN VOICEOVER: Why must I become Longworth again?

Go back to that dull, miserable life.

That fool plans to...

He's making me take this.

Even in death, he dictates what I do.

I must play it smart.

I'll hide in Longworth until it is safe

to walk the streets again.

[dramatic music]


In your own time, you must have spent plenty

of time in here, eh, Mr. Collins?

Sit down.

I must have my coffin.

You will have it, sit down!

If you would only let me go.

Oh, now, don't start that.

-Will, listen to him-- -WILL: Shut up, Carolyn.

Please, listen, you have enough of my story now.

WILL: I will decide when we have enough.

You can write your book.

WILL: Oh sure, and let you free?

There's only one thing I want.

That is to go back to my own time, to the Collinwood I know.

Let him go, Will.

WILL: He's got no chance of getting back.


You don't know how to make the change.

BARNABAS: If I could only get to that room.

Nothing might happen.

I will harm no one, I promise you that, just let me try.

Can't you talk to him?

Can't you make him see?

You have no more spell over her.

No one is going to stop me

from doing what I want with you.

Someone may.

Whoever found this coffin tonight.

I'm safe in my own time.

Safe with friends who protect me, now let me go.


No chance of that.

[door clicking]




I was just about to leave.

The door upstairs was open, I was sure you'd be here.

Oh, uh.

[chuckles] I was out for a walk.

Oh, I changed my mind about going to Portsmith.

Oh, well, did you hear about Gladstone?

Those are horrible deaths.

I don't want to hear about it.

LARRY: Run through with a sword--


I'm sorry.

It's just, Gladstone's,

he was a fine chemist and,

and more than that, well, he was a friend of mine.

Well, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have described it to you.

Well, I don't know what he wanted to see me about anyhow.

Do the police have any idea who did it?

Well, no, I really never got a good look at his face.

But I think it's John Yeager.

No, no, no that can't be.

Well, the man I saw had the same build.

CYRUS: Could you identify him in a court of law?

Well, no.

Well then, well then you shouldn't be so certain

about people that you would accuse.

Cyrus, do you think he's capable of k*lling Gladstone?

No. No, I don't.

Why not?

Well he, for one thing, he wasn't in Collinsport.

Are you sure?


I sent him away.




That's my business.

Cyrus, I will never be able

to understand your relationship with him.

That's not necessary for you to.

Well, you said that he wasn't blackmailing you,

but Cyrus, you've gotta get rid of Yeager.

[Laughing] Yeah, for the first time,

I think, I think I agree with you, Larry.

Oh, yes, I, I was wrong to encourage him.

Larry, you have my word that John Yeager

will never walk the streets of Collinsport again.


[dramatic music]


Yes, we were talking last of Josette DuPres.

I do not wish to speak of her.

I need to know about her!

The book is nothing without her.

But you could never understand how I felt toward her.

I will try, Mr. Collins.

In my limited way, I will try.

We were to marry, just as we did

in this time band of yours.

If I could have the...

If I could have the life,

a few precious years that we had here.

If I could only have a memory of life

with her to sustain me.


Why did you not make her as you are?


I am waiting, Mr. Collins!

I hate myself for admitting that I tried.

But I needed her so.

But fate had a...

It's always been cruel to me.

Fate was against me as it,

as it was that first night in your time when you found me.



No, Will, I will no longer bow to fate.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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