1019 - May 20, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1019 - May 20, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: The great house at Collinwood,

as it exists in the strange world of Parallel Time.

Here, Barnabas Collins has discovered people

who are familiar and yet, total strangers.

As he has gotten to know these people,

he has found that theirs is a world of mystery and intrigue,

and that within Collinwood,

there is a force of evil

greater than any he has ever known.

The target of this evil is a young woman

who recently became the mistress of Collinwood.

[anxious music]

Quentin, I don't know what there is about that woman

that frightens me so much.

Are you frightened with me now?

Oh, Quentin, no.

I feel very safe with you.

If you didn't we'd both be in a lot of bad trouble.

Why don't you get ready for bed?

[anxious music]

QUENTIN VOICEOVER: Of any number of methods and weapons

used to practice black magic,

a crude doll figure representing the likeness

of the victim is probably the most common.

Pins can be stuck in the doll

and the victim will feel intense pain.

I once saw a man die that way.

[anxious music]

I once saw a man die that way.

[dramatic ominous music]

[eerie music]

Quentin, aren't you getting ready for bed?

Yes, in a minute.

Darling, is anything wrong?

I don't know.

What is that?

Don't you know?

Well, it looks like a doll.

Yes, it is a doll.

Where did you get it?

Out of your suitcase.

Out of my suitcase?

Yes, doesn't that belong to you?

Darling, I've never seen it before.

You didn't put it in your suitcase?

Quentin, I just told you I've never seen it before.

I mean I don't know where that came from.

Neither do I.

Quentin, why are you getting so upset about it?

I'm not upset.

I'm just trying to figure out how something

you've never seen before

managed to get into your suitcase.

Darling, all I can tell you is that

it wasn't in my suitcase when I left New York.

Do you think somebody here put it in?

Well, that seems to be what happened.

Maggie, when you woke last night,

and saw Hoffman in this room, where was she?


Do you think she put it in there?

I don't know.

I'm just wondering.

I think you should have a talk with her, Quentin.

I intend to...

but it can wait until tomorrow.

Whatever the explanation is, it can wait.

[anxious music]

[door lock clicks]

[door bangs]

Julia, has everyone gone to bed?

Mr. and Mrs. Collins went to the master bedroom

about half an hour ago.

Did anything happen before they went?

Exactly what you said would happen.

You know the second Mrs. Collins very well, don't you?

Hmm, whenever a woman lacks imagination,

she is quite predictable.

Tell me what she did.

Well, she spoke to Mr. Collins about me.

She told him she thought I should be replaced.

She said she felt that I lied

about why I went into her room.


The more hysterical she becomes,

the better for us.

JULIA: Well, now, what do we do next and when?

Oh, you can't wait to get her out of this house, can you?

She is hopelessly out of place here

and she always will be.

ALEXIS: Well, it will be a mistake for us

to rush matters, Julia.

We must be patient.

I hate having to take orders from her.

We're engaged in a w*r of nerves.

We must be cautious, we must move slowly.

We must convince her that we're her friends.

You may be able to do that but I won't.

You will try, Julia.

All right.

Whatever you say.

Look, there's nothing to worry about.

Time is on our side.

And by the time we're through with her and her mind,

she won't think of Quentin the way she does now.

Does that mean she'll leave?

She'll either leave, or he'll tell her to get out.

You wait and see.

[mysterious music]

[clock chimes]


Good morning, Hoffman!

Good morning, Dr. Longworth!

Quentin is expecting me.

Would you wait in the drawing room, please?

I'll tell him you're here.

Thank you.

[anxious music]

Cyrus, I'm very glad you could come.

Not at all, not at all, what's on your mind?

I want to know if you have ever seen this before.

[tense music]

Where did you find this?

I'll answer your question later.

Just tell me what it is.

Obviously handmade.

Also obviously, a doll

used in the practice

of black magic.

[ominous music]

Black magic?

Cyrus, are you absolutely sure?

I've seen many of these dolls.

They're all more or less the same, very cruelly made.

Quite effective when put to their proper use.

I don't want you to say a word of this to anyone.

-Do you understand? -Yes, of course.

But tell me, where did you find this?

Maggie's suitcase, last night.

Your wife.

You don't think she can possibly--

No, no, no, no, I can't believe that Maggie

knows anything about black magic.

Well, is it, is it possible that...

someone wants you to think that she does?

What do you mean?

Now, this, this doll couldn't just

-materialize in the suitcase. -I'm aware of that.

The question is, was the doll in the suitcase

through some freakish coincidence,

or did somebody deliberately put it there?

Now, I warned you that this attack of yours

was caused by something supernatural.

I know and I wouldn't believe you.

All right.

How do you feel about it now?

I don't know.

But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised about anything

that happens around here anymore.

I think you should investigate this,

find out where the doll came from,

and how it got into your wife's suitcase.


Yes, I will.

I will.


If you need me for anything, just...

Don't hesitate to call.

Thank you, Cyrus.

Thank you very much.

Yes, well, I...

I'd better be getting back to the lab.

Oh, Cyrus, wait a minute.

There has been one thing that...

-has been bothering me. -What's that?

Well, Larry Chase was here a few days ago,

and, well, quite by accident,

I happened to see a copy of your will,

and he told me that you had instructed him

to revise the will.

Yes, that's right.

Well, may I ask why?

No, I, I just wanted a change.

That, that's all.

Let me put it this way.

Does your changing the will have anything

to do with John Yaeger?

John Yaeger is gone forever.

How do you know?

I, I told him...

that I, I had no more use for him in,

in my experiments, and I, I told him to go away

and then never come back.

And your changing the will has nothing to do with him?

All right, let me put it this way.

I'm going to call Larry Chase,

and I'm going to have him revise the will again.

Does that answer your question?


It also pleases me very much.

Come on, I'll walk you to the door.

[mysterious music]

Good night, Cyrus.

Good night.

[mysterious music]


Come in.

Busy, Maggie?

Not very.

I was just putting some clothes away.


Well, I thought that now that

the crisis is over, and Quentin has recovered,

perhaps you and I should have a talk.

About what?

About us.

I don't understand.

[sighs] You don't have to put up any pretenses with me.

No, really, I want you to feel free

to express the way you feel truthfully.

Alexis, there is no pretense.

I really do feel that way.

Well, you see, ever since you went away,

I've been feeling very guilty.


Why, that should be obvious.

I was responsible for your leaving.

MAGGIE: [chuckles] Alexis, that's absurd.

No, it isn't.

However, I do feel if you've been warned beforehand

that I was coming...

Alexis, now listen to me.

I had a lot of time to think things over

when I was in New York.

I realize now that I have no one to blame except myself

for my separation from, from Quentin.

First day when I saw you, I allowed myself

to become hysterical and I behaved childishly.

And let, let's just leave it at that, shall we?

Look, if my presence here in this house

is disturbing to you,

-I want you to tell me. -Alexis--

No, really, I'll be the first one to understand,

and I'll gladly leave.

Alexis, please!

Now I know that you're Alexis and...

and not Angelique.

And for that matter,

I felt that I should be the one to apologize.


I'm glad we had this talk.

Because really, what I want is for

the two of us to be good friends.

So do I.

And I want you to feel welcome to stay here,

in Collinwood as long as you wish.

You know there's no way of knowing how long that might be.

What do you mean?

Well, in the first place,

I'd only planned to stay

about a week, but now I...

Well, I feel I can't really leave until I find out

who was responsible for my sister's m*rder.


What are you talking about?

You mean you haven't heard?

MAGGIE: Heard what?

Well, that Angelique was m*rder*d.

[dramatic music]

Angelique m*rder*d?

Why, I took it for granted that you knew.

No, I didn't know.

How strange that no one told you.

I don't understand.

Neither do I.

How did it happen?

She was at a séance here in this house.

At some point, there was...

The lights went out,

and there was a great deal of confusion.

And when the lights came back on again,

she had fallen across the table and she was dead.

But what caused her death?

No one has ever known.

The diagnosis was death as a result of a stroke.

Then why would anybody think that it was m*rder?

Just after you left Collinwood we re-enacted that séance

with all of the people that had been there before.

And during the séance, Sabrina Stuart went into a trance.

She was the one who revealed that someone in that room

had m*rder*d Angelique.

Who was at that first séance?

Elizabeth and Roger, Sabrina, Cyrus Longworth,

Bruno, of course, Quentin.

Do you think that somebody there m*rder*d her?

I am sure of it.

I didn't know my sister very well, but I do know

that she was much too young and too healthy

to have died of a stroke.

And that's why I...

Alexis, what's the matter?

Nothing, I just have a chill, that's all.

I'll get you a sweater.

No, no, it's all right.

It won't make any difference, anyway.

I mean I, I get these chills and I just have to

go to my bedroom and lie down, I'll be all right.

Can I do anything?

No, no, it's all right, don't worry about me.

MAGGIE VOICEOVER: Why didn't Quentin ever tell me

that Angelique was m*rder*d?

Why didn't anyone ever tell me?

[ominous music]

You wanted to see me, Mr. Collins?


I want to know about your appearance

in the master bedroom last night.

I assumed that that subject was closed.

I am reopening, Hoffman.

Do you mind?

JULIA: No, of course not.

When you went to the bedroom,

did you leave anything there?

Leave anything?

I don't understand.

The question is quite clear.

Did you place anything in the bedroom?

Shall I reiterate why I went into the bedroom?

I was concerned about Mrs. Collins' safety.

You are not answering the question.

No, sir, I did not leave anything in the room.

And if I may say, I, I'm beginning to be sorry

that I was concerned about Mrs. Collins safety.

[sighs] My integrity and my motives

have never been questioned before.

Whatever my shortcomings may be,

I thought you at least believed me to be loyal and honest.

I do, Hoffman.

I can only say if this would happen

with the first Mrs. Collins--

I know what you're going to say.

Will that be all, sir?


And you may consider the incident closed.

JULIA: Thank you, Mr. Collins.

[spooky music]

[clock chiming]



What's keeping you?


Where have you been?

I've been calling you.

I've been in the servants' quarters.

What, what's wrong?

It's happening to me.

I feel cold all over.

You remember that I told you

I must have warmth to survive.


Julia, you've got to help me.

Yes, of course. What, what do you want me to do?

Find someone for me.


If I go back to that tomb again, I'll never be awakened.

That's why you must bring me someone, here, now!


I have very little time left.

Don't say that.

ALEXIS: It's true.

The next person that walks in that door

will give me the warmth I need.

Don't fail me, Julia.

Unless you come back here with someone,

you will be the next victim.

[ominous drums]

[spooky music]

Julia, please.

Find someone to give me the warmth I need.

Send them here to me, now!

[anxious music]

Julia, please, hurry!

[anxious music]

[door lock clicking]

Who will it be?

Who will it be?

[door lock clicking]

[ominous music]

[eerie music]
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