1020 - May 21, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1020 - May 21, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

NARRATOR:Parallel time on the great estate

of Collinwood.

On this night a dead woman finds a plot

to separate a husband and a wife interrupted.

Where she feels herself getting colder and colder.

And she knows she must steal all the warmth

from anothers body,

if she is to evade the eternity of the tomb.

[eerie music]


find someone to give me the warmth I need.

Send them here to me, now.

[eerie music]

Julia please, hurry.


Who will it be?

Who will it be?

[dramatic music]

[theme music]

[eerie music]

Ms. Stokes is something wrong?

MS.STOKES: I don't know.

Well, you're trembling.

Suddenly this house is as cold as a tomb.

I'm so afraid.

Well, what's frightened you?

MS.STOKES: I hate to be alone.

Well, where's Quentin and Maggie?

MS.STOKES: I think they went out for the evening.


I heard someone down the hall.

Would you stay here with me for a while?

- Well, actually-- - Oh, I'm sorry,

I shouldn't have asked you, should I?

Well nonsense, I finished my work at the office,

I just wanted Quentin to sign some papers I brought.

Isn't your wife expecting you?

I'm not married Ms. Stokes.


I'm the last of the bachelors and proud of it.

Could you come here please?

Well, look here, something is wrong.

- Let me get you a drink. - No, no, no.

Please, it's all right.

I feel much better just standing here near you.

Well, that's the effect I like women to have.

Hold me.

You're sure no one is here?

Quite sure.

Hold me.

I've wanted to do this ever since I first met you.


MS.STOKES: He's dead!

He's dead!

We were just standing here talking

and suddenly he fell over.

He's so cold!

MS.STOKES: Get a doctor!

It wouldn't make any difference!

It's as if he's been dead for hours.

MS.STOKES: No, well that can't be, it just happened.

How can that be?

I don't know, please just let me.

I'll call Cyrus Longworth

now just try to calm yourself.

I know what a shock something like this can be.

No you don't.

WILL: I'll call Cyrus.


Yes, do that, will you?

[mysterious music]

CYRUS VOICEOVER: What am I doing?

Do I miss being John Yeager so much?

Do I have to m*rder again?


No, this time will be different.

This time I will just see about,

[telephone rings]


WILL:Cyrus, Will Loomis.

Look, can you get out to Collinwood right away?

CYRUS:Well, what happened?

It's Chase.

He had some sort of attack, he's dead.

I'll be right over.



MS.STOKES: When will Cyrus be here?

I don't, won't be long.

MS.STOKES: Maybe there's someone else we should notify?

BARNABAS: The police I should think.

No offense.

But his death was most mysterious as you say.

Oh well, of course you're right.

Yes, we should tell them.

Would you do that, Mr. Loomis?

No, please look, wait for Cyrus to come, eh?

He'll know exactly what to do.

What a terrible thing to have happened

with Mrs. Collins having just returned.

Death seems to have

the most curious affinity for this house.

Why do you look at me when you say that?

Ms. Stokes, please, now look.

You're still upset and understandably so,

but Barnabas meant nothing.

Did you Barnabas?

Why should I?

I was just thinking of the strange mysteries around here.

Yes, and you yourself, are one of those mysteries.

Aren't you, Mr. Collins?

I hope not, Ms. Stokes.

[knocking at door]

WILL: Excuse me.

Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

Good evening.

MS.STOKES: Dr. Longworth.

Where is the body? It's in the drawing room.

- I'll show you. - No.

He'll have a lot of questions he wants to ask me.

[door opens]

[door shuts]

WILL: Why did you come to this house?

To visit the corpse.

And that's all?

Well, yes.

You are not in charge of me any longer, Will.

I can't stop you from doing what you do,

but I won't have you hurting anyone here.

I saw the way you were staring at her.

I have no interest in her.

Now, you will meet me at the secret room, just before dawn.

WILL: Where are you going?

I don't need to tell you.

Just tell Ms. Stokes and Dr. Longworth

that I'm sorry that I couldn't stay.

At last.

At last.

I must find someone to make me stop thinking of Maggie.

I must find someone tonight.

I'll follow the ambulance to the morgue, do an autopsy.

Oh, is that necessary?

CYRUS: Oh yes, in cases like this, it's always necessary.

Now, are you absolutely positive of the time of the attack?

Yes. Yes, it was just like, I told you.

Because it is highly unusual for a body

to get rigor mortis that quickly.

Well, I'll drop on back soon.

Bring you something to help you rest.

- All right. - Cyrus, thank you.

Thank you for coming.

MS.STOKES: Cyrus, will you perform the autopsy yourself?

No, no, no, no, please don't worry.

I'm not worried.

Make sure that you don't leave her alone tonight.

I don't know about you but I could stand a drink.


Oh come on, it'll do you good.


Look you needn't worry, Cyrus will take care

of everything.

Yes. Look, you needn't worry.

No, I won't.

You know Barnabas Collins well, don't you?

Well, I wouldn't say that.

MS.STOKES: Well you know him better than anyone else

in this house.

Why did he come to you?

He read my,

my book about his


What do you really think of him?

WILL: I don't know.

You're hedging, Mr. Loomis.


No, I,


What are you bothering to ask me all these questions

- about him for? - Well, because he looks at us

as though he knows all about us.

And he couldn't really, could he?

I mean it's as though he has some secret information.

Do you understand him?


No, why should I?


Well, I don't know.

But you're very nervous right now.

I just wondered why.

[relaxing music]

Will that be all, sir?


Will you join me?

Such a lonely night.

[laughs] Lonely, I never thought of a night being lonely.

Well, I guess this one is.

I'm Barnabas Collins.

Oh, I thought I knew all the Collinses.

Are you just visiting here, Mr. Collins?

Where are you from?

South America.

Are you really?

I always wanted to travel everywhere, anywhere.

BARNABAS: Perhaps you will.

I've about given up on that now.

You know I was reading about a theory the other night

that we exist in different bands of time.

We look the same but we behave differently

because we've made different choices.

Perhaps, in another band of time you left Collinwood,

and you are living the life that you want.

Yeah well, I hope I'm having a better time.

Oh, I don't mean now, I mean in general.

[door opens]

A customer.

You will come back?

CYRUS: Ms. Harrington.

Dr. Longworth.

Mr. Collins.

Well, Dr. Longworth we meet again.


Will you join us?

Oh no, no, no, no, no thank you.

Just back from the morgue

and I was just driving back to Collinwood.

You know exactly what happened to Mr. Chase?

CYRUS: Ah, no, no, no not yet.

Did you want a drink?

No, thank you.

I just, I was,

I was wondering if you had seen, John Yeager.

Is he back in town?

I don't know, I was wondering if you knew.

I thought you told me yourself

that he wasn't coming back again.

Oh, I did, didn't I?

Yes well, well he's,

he's a very,

a very unpredictable fellow.

Well, I guess, I better be going.

Would you like a lift back to Collinwood, Mr. Collins?

Thank you, no.

Yes, well.



Do you know why he came in here?

He wanted to see you obviously.


[laughs] Are you crazy?

No, I'm right.

Not likely [laughs].

You're a very pretty girl.

Well, you keep telling me that

and maybe I'll get to believe it.

Will you be closing here soon?

BUFFIE: In an hour or so.

Perhaps I could take you home?

I think that would be very nice.

BUFFIE: Where are you going?

I'll be back.

You could stay and keep me company until closing time.

I don't think that would be wise.

I'll be back.

[door slams shut]

MS.STOKES: How much longer will it be

before you get the results of the autopsy?

Not, not until morning.

Now take these and I hope

that you'll get some rest out of them.

Oh, thank you. You're probably very tired.

Yes, yes I am.

You would know if you'd had a little drink

with me you wouldn't have needed that.

Yeah, it's the greatest relaxer in the world.

MS.STOKES: For you, perhaps.


Dr. Longworth would it be all right

if I called you in the morning

to find out about poor Mr. Chase?

Please do, please do.



Won't you join me, Cyrus?

No, no, no thank you.

You know, I don't know what's wrong

with everyone around here.

It used to seem about this hour of the night,

everything was just beginning.

We'd all mosey down to the Eagle.

I'm afraid you wouldn't even find much company there.

Except for your friend.

What friend?

Barnabas Collins.

I stopped in there tonight.

He was there with her, the girl that works there.

They were alone together.


Will, wait, I was just-- I'll see you later, Cyrus.

[door opens]

Oh Will, you're just in time for the last one.

Where is he?


Barnabas Collins.

He'll be back.

How do you know?

He's taking me home, that's why.


BUFFIE: What's wrong, Will?


What is wrong, Will?

Tell me.

What did you want to tell Ms. Harrington, Will?

Nothing at all.

I heard that you were in town

and I thought that we might go home together.

I won't be going home now.

Thank you for your consideration.

But it won't be necessary.

You understand, Will?

Yes, I think, I'll be going home now.

You won't even have one drink, Will?

No, no I don't think I'd better, thank you.

[door closes]

Everyone's acting so peculiar tonight.

Aren't they?

Is it time to close now?

I think so, before anyone else comes in.

Well, come on, Mr. Collins.

You sure I'm not bothering you Cyrus?

No, none.

I need company tonight. Oh, so do I.

You know I remember once, you and I talking

about good and evil.

And I accused you of knowing

nothing at all about evil.

You were wrong.

We all have evil inside us.

I think it's best that we just admit it

and just let it out.

Like your friend, Yeager.

I didn't know you knew John.

Oh, I don't know him actually.

I ran into him once.

Tall, dark,

wild man.

Described him to Quentin and Quentin said,

"That must be who it is."

He never mentioned me to you?



why should he?

WILL: I just thought he might.

Where is he now?

- He's waiting. - What?

Waiting somewhere.

Waiting to come back.

You know,


You know he and I are much more alike than you think.

It's just the only difference is that,

that I work and he plays.

And I do what I should,

and he just does what he wants.

Saw it yourself.

You know!

Cyrus, you can quit work you know,

have fun, just have a ball.

[chuckles] I wouldn't know where to begin.

Why you do it by just doing whatever you want, for once.



You're right.

I should.

I will.

I always meant to fix this up more.

BARNABAS: A lovely picture.

Do you honestly think so?

Oh, I don't know whether I like it or not.

I keep changing my mind about it.

Someone gave it to me and,

well, when I think of him,

I don't like it too much, I guess.

But you didn't come here to hear about my problems.

- No. - Can I give you a drink?

No, thank you.

Are you sure?

Oh well, you have the strangest eyes

I've ever seen.

It's like, they could see through me.

[dramatic music]


[knocking at door]

[knocking at door]

Buff, Buffie?

[Theme music]
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