1023 - May 26, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1023 - May 26, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: Dusk has fallen on the country

around this Collinwood of parallel time

where Barnabas Collins has found himself trapped

beyond the reach of those he has known

and come to love,

but in this concurrent band of time,

there are people who have their counterparts

in his own time, and on this night,

one of them finds herself

the victim of evil personified.

[clock chiming]

Well, Mrs. Collins, good evening.

Are you the gentlemen who phoned me?

At your service.

Who are you?

Your friend, Mrs. Collins.

Your friend.

Please, tell me what you have to tell me.

Yes, I'll tell you.

I was only going to say that

I find you inescapably charming.

Oh, well in that case, good night.

Oh, your husband--

your husband was seen

choking his wife in that first séance.

Go on.

I'll go on, but I hope you know

that you're doing me--

that I'm doing you a very big favor

in giving you all this information.

I was wondering

if you'd give me a favor, too.

[screams] Don't! No!

Let go of me!

Oh, soon enough, Mrs. Collins.

Soon enough.


[dramatic music]

[theme music plays]

No! No!

You are so much more spirited than people say.

Help! Somebody!

You want help?

I'm not gonna harm you.

Oh, far from it.

Let go of her!

Are you all right, Mrs. Collins?

Thank heavens you're here.

Take one step closer and I'll call the police.

Go ahead.

Why don't you, why don't you tell them,

why don't you tell them all the sordid experiences,

why she's here [pants].

I'm sure she's gonna love to explain

what she's doing meeting a stranger on a deserted street.

I'm sure her husband is gonna enjoy that, too.

I can't wait to hear his reaction.


Just get away.

Just stay away from me.

Buffie, change your mind about going to the authorities?

You heard her.

Leave us alone!

Gladly. In due time.

Now that I've met Mrs. Collins,

I can't wait for a second encounter,

and I promise you you're gonna enjoy our meetings

just as much as Miss Harrington did.

I told you before, I never want

to see you again, and I meant it!

Now, did you?

I doubt it.

Mrs. Collins, till we meet again.

[evil chuckle]


[dramatic music]

Oh, Maggie. Maggie.

Maggie, I touched you with these hands

and some day, some day these lips

are going to touch you, too...

and nobody's going to stand in my way.

Not even Quentin Collins.


The police?

Perhaps I underestimated her.

They might be out there too.

I can't take the chance.

[persistent knocking]

I'm coming!

[dramatic music]

[choking and groaning]

Maggie, sorry I didn't hear you knock.

I was napping.

Cyrus, I, I'm terribly sorry.

I never would have stopped by so late like this, but I ...

Maggie, what's the matter?

You look frightened.

John Yaeger, he phoned me.

I don't know how I could have been so stupid.


He said that, he said that he knew

something about the séances.

Cyrus, you didn't tell him anything, did you?

Of course I didn't, Maggie.

He said that if I would meet him,

he would tell me something that I wanted to know.

Then when he saw me,

is it true that he's a friend of yours?


No, I mean, it is true that he did help me

in some experiments, but ever since then

I've considered him my enemy.

Very much my enemy.

Cyrus, I can't tell Quentin.

I'd be too ashamed.

Cyrus, you're the only one in the world who can help me.

You've got to get rid of John Yaeger.

I'll do everything I can.

Everything possible.

Cyrus, do you know what he almost did?

If Miss Harrington hadn't heard my screams.

It was horrible.

He was holding me

and touching me and laughing.

Maggie, you have my solemn word

that you're never going to see John Yaeger again.

Oh, if I could believe that.

Just believe me.

Please, please trust me.

Trust me.

I do trust you, Cyrus.

I trust you almost more than anybody I know.

Thank you, Cyrus.


Goodnight, Maggie.

Become Yaeger and go after her!

He'd never miss an opportunity like this.

Why'd you just stand here?

You can have her.


[dramatic music]

No, I'm not gonna do it.

Maggie, I won't let Yaeger hurt you.

I remember how you looked when I tried to force her to--

Oh, he's evil.

Maggie, I'm not gonna let him touch you again.

But I am Yaeger.

I made myself into Yaeger because I want to be Yaeger.

There's no distinction between us.

What Yaeger does is done by Cyrus Longworth.

I was the one that was so cruel to Buffie.

I was the one who k*lled Horace Gladstone.

I was the one who walked up those streets in Collinwood

and I almost [screams].

[glass shatters]

I was wrong, John Yaeger.

I've got to destroy John Yaeger forever!

[shattering glass]


[shattering glass]


Ah, John Yaeger is destroyed forever.

Oh, the mistress of Collinwood.

Just the person I wanted to see.

Roger, please excuse me.

There's something that I have to do.

What I have to say will only take a moment.

I simply want to express my feeling

about the costume ball.

I think it's in highly questionable taste

considering it's traditional association.

Traditional association?

I don't think I understand.

I'm not surprised.

[sighs] Roger, please, I don't know

what you're going to get at,

but anything that has to do with

the costume ball just does not interest me now.

Do you happen to know where Quentin is?



I don't know.

My cousin was buried more deeply

than usual in his famous mood.


Well, you're his wife.

You tell me.

Why? Did it seem to have something to do with me?

With you?

I'm afraid, my dear,

that you flatter yourself.

My cousin's mood is brought about

by something that touches him far more deeply

than you do, I'm afraid.

Oh, I say this not to be unkind,

but I do have an affection for accuracy.

Or is it just your need to be cruel?

Well, interpret it as you wish.

It's one of your prerogatives

as the new mistress of Collinwood.

Well, what was that all about?

Just Roger,

and his usual friendly self.

Why? What did he say?

It's not so much what he said,

it's just so many things.

Is there anything I can do?


Perhaps you could tell me.

Could you come in here for a minute.

Did Angelique write you very often when you were travelling?

When you were living in Florence?

Not often, but when she did write she made up for it.


Well, you've seen how Quentin can be.

His moods, I mean.

So erratic.

One minute he's loving,

and gentle, and kind,

and the next minute he's simply lost and withdrawn

as if he had some secret that he was hiding...

or brooding about.

I've seen him.

What is it you want to know?

Was he always like that?

I mean, did Angelique ever mention

it in any of her letters to you?

Oh no.

No, in her letters she always spoke

of how happy and loving he was.

I see.

She always talked about

the things they did together.

Things he said.

All the wonderful things that Quentin did for her.

Thank you, Angelique.

That's what I wanted to know.

I think you know how happy she and Quentin were.

You know, I think I can bare almost anything in this world

but that one thing.

To be left out of Quentin's life and I am shut out.

I really am.

You will learn more about

your precious Quentin tonight, dear Maggie.

All that I choose to reveal,

but none of what you learn will help you.

Quite the opposite.

[dramatic music]

Did I startle you, Roger?

For a moment, I thought Angelique was standing there.

Forgive me, but I'll never get used to you.

The resemblance you have to your sister,

especially when the lights are low.

And brandy plentiful.


Well, I'm afraid it'll take more than dim lights...

and a few glasses of brandy to bring Angelique back.

That is true.

Has Quentin come home yet?

I don't think so.

I wouldn't expect him for some time.

After all, you know, there are days

when a man wants to be alone with his memories.

Roger, you always say things like that

and you never explain them.

Very well, I shall be crystal clear.

Today, in case your husband hasn't told you,

is the anniversary of his marriage to Angelique.

That it's affected him, I have no doubt.

Am I still being obscure and enigmatic?

Roger, that was cruel and unnecessary.

The lady wanted a certain piece of information

and I merely gave it to her.

And to further alleviate any anxieties

that you may have about your husband,

I would tell you only this:

I don't think he'll be back tonight.

Pleasant dreams.

Why did Roger have to do that?

Because he enjoys it.

You look tired.

I'm more tired than I can tell you.

Why don't you try and get some sleep?

I don't think I can.

Come on. Try.

All right.

Oh, and Maggie.


Roger was being sarcastic, but I really mean it.

Pleasant dreams.

Thank you, Alexis.

[clock chiming]

Sleep, Maggie.


and while you sleep you will hear my voice,

but you will not know it is mine.

You will hear me and obey me

for I will lead you to what you want to find,

to the secret of Quentin's life.

You are asleep, but you hear me.

Follow my voice.






Come in, Maggie.

Come into this room, and learn the secret.

The table holds the secret.

Underneath, beside the ornament.

Push the button.

There before you lies the secret.

It was only a dream.

It was only a dream.

[dramatic music]
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