1026 - May 31, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1026 - May 31, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: The Collinwood of parallel time,

where Barnabas Collins finds himself

confronted with a growing mystery,

a mystery that seems to blur the line

between the living and the dead.

On this night, the powers of evil hope to fulfill

one important part of their dark design,

the destruction of Maggie Collins.

[piano music]

[music stops]



You know my voice.

[evil cackling]

It was you.

Yes, I watch you.

Watch you all the time.


You can't run away from me.

Then I'll stay and I'll fight you.

Fight me?

When I've already won?

You haven't won!

Oh, yes I have, Maggie.

Quentin loves me, not you.

No, that isn't true.

But it is.

Look in the mirror.

Look at what you are.

Go on.


A poor substitute.

A gauche, awkward little girl

who no one wants around here, especially Quentin.


And look at me.

Didn't you see the disgust on Quentin's face

when you came down the stairs in my dress?

Stop it!

He doesn't love you.

He knows now what a mistake he made.

That's why he ran out.

No, I won't listen!

He can't bear the sight of you and without his love,

there is nothing for you to live for, is there?'

No! Stop it!

Go to the window, Maggie.

I won't listen!

Go to the window.

[window clicks open] [wind howling]

Look down.

It would be so easy, wouldn't it?

To end everything quickly.

All your suffering.

Go on, Maggie, let go.


There's nothing here to live for without Quentin's love.

Nothing to live for when he has shut you out of his heart.

Go on, Maggie.

Let go.


[Dark Shadows theme plays]

What are you living for, Maggie?

Quentin doesn't want you anymore.

He'll never stop loving me.

No, stop it!


You cannot shut out the sound of my voice.

Only death can do that.

Why wait?


I heard someone scream.

Who was it?

Oh, I don't know.

It came from in there.

I can't.

Oh, let me go!

Let me go!

Maggie, Maggie.

If you fight me, you'll take me down with you.

Do you want me to die?

I want to die.

That's all I want!

Mrs. Collins, you don't mean that.

I'll handle this, Hoffman.

Just leave us alone, please.

Maggie, come away from the window.

I'm begging you, let me jump.

I wanna die.

I have nothing to live for.

What do you mean?

Angelique, she told me herself

that she'll never give Quentin up.

That she's the only one Quentin wants

and it'll always be that way.

You don't know what you're saying.

Yes I do.

Angelique told me so herself.

That's not possible.

I heard her voice and she spoke the truth.

Maggie, listen to me.

Angelique is dead.

You just imagined all this.

I want to die and that's all I want.

If you jump, you'll make Quentin feel guilty.

You wanna destroy him too?

Maggie, come down from the window.

Come with me.

[window closes]

[Maggie sobs]

I have nothing to live for. Nothing.

Everything that she said was true.

It was all true.

Maggie. Maggie.

My presence is in the portrait.

Look at me.

She almost did it.

She almost jumped from the window.

Mrs. Stoddard heard her scream and came in and stopped her.

Oh, Elizabeth was always too meddlesome for her own good.

I know you don't agree,

but it is better this way.

Maggie Collins should be dead.

And Quentin Collins would spend the rest of his life

feeling guilty about her death.

I can handle his guilt.

You want them to separate of their own free will.

Maggie will never stay with Quentin

after what he did to her tonight.

Now you've won but you just don't realize it yet.

Yes. I know.

Still, the image of Maggie lying

on the stone beneath my window,

cold, was not an unpleasant one.

However, you are right.

I have won and that's what's important, isn't it?


Who is it?

It's Barnabas.

Come in, Barnabas.

Is something wrong?

What made you return so late?

Well, I was wondering about Quentin.

Well, come in to the drawing room.

I don't want to leave Maggie alone.

Has Quentin come back?

He'll never come back as long as I'm here.

Are you all right, Maggie?

Of course she isn't.

How could anyone be after an evening like this?

I'll never forgive Quentin for running out like that.


He was only thinking of Angelique.

Remembering her.

I'm not interested in what he was thinking of.

Here, drink this, dear.

No, please.

Oh, please, Maggie.

It'll make you feel better.

No, thank you.

Elizabeth is right.

Drink just some of it.

Perhaps it will help calm you.

Barnabas, would you stay with Maggie

while I go upstairs and fix a place for her in my room?

I don't want her to be alone tonight.

That's not necessary.

It won't take me long.

You stay here with Barnabas and drink some brandy.

[Maggie shivers]

I'll fix the fire.

Angelique promised she'd return.


She's kept her promise.


I heard her voice tonight, but that wasn't necessary.

For a long time I knew that she'd come back.

You heard her voice?

Never mind.

You'll just tell me the same thing that Liz told me.

That it was the strain of the evening, the party.

Where did you hear her voice?

In her room, coming from her portrait,

[voice breaking] telling me ...

Telling you what?

Telling me that she would never give Quentin up

because she's the one that Quentin really wants.

It's the truth.


Angelique is dead.

Is she?

Then why is she still here?

In every corner of this house?

These rooms are filled with her presence.

You mean that only her spirit is here.

I don't know what I mean.

I know that this house is hers and these rooms and Quentin,

even Quentin is hers.

She'll never let me have Quentin.


In a way, Maggie, I believe you may be right.

You may be more right than you know.

You make me feel like a little girl.

Does that mean you're feeling better?

I feel calmer.

Well, that's a beginning.

No, no beginning

It's only an ending.

I've got to accept that.

You can't.

Tonight I wore a dress that belonged to Angelique.

Quentin saw me in that dress

and he saw so clearly the difference between us.

Angelique and me.

I don't blame him for getting angry.

I don't blame him for running from the house

and not coming back.

I do.

You shouldn't.

It's not, it's not his fault that I'm not Angelique.

You must stop comparing yourself to her.

Will Quentin stop?


She's won and I've got accept that.

You mustn't.

I have no choice.

Maggie, you must not allow the dead

to overcome the living.

Please, I just want to rest.

I want to accept defeat.

Please, don't make me fight anymore.

I just want to rest.

Mr. Collins, I didn't know you'd come back.

I was waiting to hear from Elizabeth

that Maggie was all right

It's been a very difficult evening for her.

Yes, so I understand.

I won't interrupt your reading.

Good night.


You were very close to the late Mrs. Collins, weren't you?

I was very devoted to her.

I've just been looking at this book

that apparently belonged to her.


Mrs. Collins had a wide variety of interests.

Some of them most unusual.

She was a very unusual person.

And so I gather.

I understand that, that she even

promised to return after her death.

Oh, she may have said it,

but, of course, it was figurative.

She was just talking about her love for Quentin,

that her love was so great that

it would survive even after her death.

I don't think that's very difficult to understand.

What isn't difficult to understand?

Mr. Collins wanted to know if I'd ever heard

your sister talking about returning after her death.

Well, I'm sure you did.

Angelique was something of a romantic.

Hmm, romantic?

Mr. Collins has been looking

at one of her books on witchcraft.

Oh, now Mr. Collins.

Well, surely you don't think Angelique's talk

of returning from the dead

had anything to do with witchcraft?

Perhaps you yourself are a romantic.


Hoffman, I noticed that one

of my bedside table lamps has gone out.

I want to do some reading.

Would you see what you can do about it?


Goodnight, Mr. Collins.

Good night, Hoffman.

You are a curious man, Mr. Collins.

I can see that that book has caught your imagination.

My imagination?

No, I wouldn't say that, but my interest, yes.

[chuckles] That's surprising.

I find even the idea of the occult immensely boring.


Well, I don't dismiss it entirely,

but it does seem to me that to,

to pursue it deliberately would be a waste of time.


I don't mean this as a criticism of Angelique,

but wouldn't you think that a really fertile imagination

shouldn't have to resort to witchcraft for stimulation?

But what if it wasn't merely to stimulate the imagination?

Well, I can't imagine what other purpose it would have.

Well, perhaps the purpose of a more concrete nature.

Oh, I see.

Now you're returning to your notion

that Angelique's interest was, uh,

sparked by a desire to return from the dead.


[Laughs] Oh, well, forgive me.

I'm afraid a discussion of witchcraft so late at night

is positively ludicrous.

Well, perhaps, but there are still portions of this book

that would be very much of interest to you.

I doubt it.

Well, the portions that I was just reading,

the ones about the uses of fire in sorcery and witchcraft.

Why should that interest me?

Well, if you will remember,

you mentioned to me last night your attraction to fire.

Oh, well, if you remember,

I said my attraction was purely aesthetic.

So you said, but it's my distinct impression

that when I saw you sitting here looking at the fire

that you seemed to have more

than merely an aesthetic interest.

What are you implying, Mr. Collins?

Well, I'm merely stating my impression.

It's too bad you never knew my sister, Angelique.

She had a marvelous appreciation for the preposterous.

I am being preposterous?

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I would like to say goodnight to Mrs. Collins.

Do you think he knows?

No, but he definitely suspects.

That could be dangerous.

Yeah, how?

He could talk to Quentin.

Oh, Julia.

Keep in mind a few facts.

Quentin and I have already been through the game

of does Angelique live or does she not

and the game ended the night Alexis's body was destroyed.

Anyone who tries to revive speculation

will get himself laughed right out of Collinwood.

Well, suppose he finds a way to prove it?

Oh, Julia, you'll have just the cure for your anxiety.


Relax and enjoy the spectacle

of Barnabas Collins trying to prove anything.

I just don't like it.

Aren't you forgetting one thing?


Even if Mr. Collins does get

a little too close to the truth,

I have the means to deal with him.

After all, he is only human.


Yes, of course, how could i have forgotten that?

I didn't want to leave before

I knew that you were all right.

She's feeling much better, aren't you, Maggie, dear?

I'm going to be all right.

Of course you will be.

What she really needs is a good night's sleep.

Isn't that true, Maggie?

Has Quentin come home yet?

I haven't seen him.

I don't think he has.

I'm quite sure he's all right

and you're going to be all right too, Maggie.

Barnabas, tell her she has nothing to worry about.

Maggie, whatever difficulties there are,

we'll find a way of handling them.

Now just forget everything and rest.

Good night, Maggie.

Good night, Barnabas.

Good night, Elizabeth.

Good night.

What a fine man he is.


Doesn't it mean something to you

to realize you have friends who love you,

who want to help you?

It does, doesn't it?

Let me look into the eyes of Angelique and know the truth.

What more could I need, Julia?

No, goodnight.

Good night.

I'll see you in the morning.

Yes, the morning of my new--

What's wrong?

Someone's watching me.


I can feel someone looking at me.

There's no one here.

Looking, staring into my eyes.

My eyes.

They're burning.

They're on fire!

Well, tell me, what can I do?

My eyes are on fire.

I can't bear it.

It's the eyes of Angelique I'm looking into.

It is the truth of Angelique that I must know.

Come closer to me.



My eyes!

Stop looking at me!


Because I see Angelique.


You know.

Yes, Angelique, I know.

[Dark Shadows theme plays]
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