1032 - June 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1032 - June 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[creepy music]

NARRATOR: The great house at Collinwood,

in a strange and disturbing world,

a parallel time where Barnabas Collins has found himself

in the midst of people who look familiar

but who lead completely different lives.

In this time, Barnabas has discovered

that there are evil forces at work.

On this night, he knows that Maggie Collins,

who has disappeared, is in grave danger somewhere.

He also knows that Angelique,

the former mistress of Collinwood,

is behind Maggie's disappearance.

Now, in an attempt to expose Angelique,

Barnabas has made a move that will

place Maggie's life in even greater danger.

[creepy music]


WOMAN: He says he knows a way to circumvent death,

I wonder if I can believe him.

Circumvent death?

Who is he?

I think I have discovered something.

I may have found what I'm looking for.

This time, I will not be disturbed,

lock the door until I'm finished.

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, you're back, you're safe.

BARNABAS: I can't be.

But you are.

Barnabas, what's wrong?

I'm back in my own time and in that other time,

Maggie's in terrible danger.

How can I help her, Julia, how?

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

Well, what kind of danger is Maggie in?

She's disappeared, and I believe

she's being held by someone, possibly by Angelique.

Angelique, I think that she's probably

as evil in that time as she is in this.

How do you know that?

Well, I was here earlier, and I saw Angelique here

with that other Julia Hoffman, the room changed.

She was so cold and cruel, I don't understand how

my counterpart could be so different from me.

That entire world is different from the one that you know.

Barnabas, Barnabas, we've been very worried about you.

Angelique said that she had to find a way to destroy you.

That doesn't surprise me, she's aware of my suspicions.

What else did you hear them say?

JULIA: She said that it was necessary

to discover what your secret was.


Did you hear them say anything about Maggie?

Maggie? No.

No, they didn't mention Maggie,

but what difference does that make?

You're away from all that now.

I have no intentions of staying away,

I must go back to that time.

Go back?

Yes, I intend to find Maggie and reunite her with Quentin.

Barnabas, that's insane, besides,

there's no way you can return.

BARNABAS: Yes, there is, the same way I went before.

You mean stay in this room until it changes again?

I have no choice, we know that the room does change.

I won't let you do it.

My mind is made up and don't try to change it.

All right, then, I'll go with you.

No, that is out of the question.


You forget, Julia, that I have no counterpart

in that other band of time, you do.

There's already a Julia Hoffman in that other band of time.

I suppose there's a law that says that only

one can exist in any given band of time,

and the presence of two means that one must die.

I will take that chance, Barnabas,

knowing that I may never see you again.

I won't let you take that chance, besides,

I was able to get here this time,

I'll be able to get back again.

If Angelique doesn't discover your secret and destroy you.

Don't worry, Julia, I'm well protected.

Now, there's one thing I want you to do for me.


I want you to go downstairs and get the key for that door,

then come back up here, and lock me in.


If there's anyone from this house

that should come up here,

I don't want them to get trapped in the other time with me.

Are you sure there's no chance

that you'll change your mind?

I'm positive.

Now, go and get that key.

[dramatic music]

[heels clicking]

Are you sure no one knew that I was out of the house?

No, no, no, just stop worrying,

you weren't gone that long.

Did John Yaeger give you a message for me?

No, no, I gave him the letter for Quentin,

from Quentin, and he told me I could leave the house.

He's a very hostile man.

We can endure his hostility as long as he's of use to us.

[dramatic music]

What's wrong?

My diary, I had it locked in here.

Someone's been reading it.

I think we can guess who it has been.


If he read it, and he knows what's in it,

why didn't he take it with him?

I don't know.

That doesn't make sense.

This is something he could have used against me.

You really should burn that diary.


No, this is the only link I have with the past.

I'll take it and I'll hide it somewhere,

somewhere where Barnabas will never find it.

JULIA VOICEOVER: Barnabas, why can't I get through?

I've got to help you, I've got to find you.

[dramatic music]

Mister Collins, are you looking for something?

BARNABAS: As a matter of fact, I am.

The last time I was in here, I had a book with me

and I thought I left it here.

Did you?

Well, apparently not, I haven't been able to find it.

But it is possible that I did

have it here and someone took it.

Anything is possible, Mister Collins.

If you'll excuse me.

- BARNABAS: Hoffman. - Yes?

Why don't you and I, well, agree with each other for once,

and have a good talk?

I don't understand what you're talking about.

I think I should tell you

that you're fighting a losing battle.

You're on the wrong side, Hoffman.

That makes no sense at all.

You know, one time, I knew a woman

who looked remarkably like you.

She was a doctor, she was a kind person, and a true friend.

One who would never stand by and watch an innocent woman

like Maggie Collins get hurt.

Well, I have never been anything

but considerate to the second Mrs. Collins.

You know where she is right now.

I haven't the faintest idea.

Perhaps not,

but if you do, you are going to tell me.

[suspenseful music]

Hoffman, I've been looking all over the house for you.

I need you downstairs, now.

You will excuse us, won't you, Mister Collins?

[creepy music]

[heels clicking]

[door clicking]

JOHN: How are you feeling, my dear?

You've got to let me out of here.

You keep saying that, and you keep forgetting

the one condition under which I'd let you leave.

Are you willing to walk out that door

with me and not try to escape?


Well, you see, you see you're not ready to leave.

You haven't adopted the proper attitude.

Now, now, you could say you wanted to leave,

but you'd have to mean it,

and you'd have to convince me that you'd mean it.

You've got to let me out of here,

I'm not well, I have a high fever!


You're quite right, Maggie, you do have a fever.

Anybody would get sick here, it's damp and it's cold.

No, no, no, don't you worry, don't you worry,

I'm not gonna let anything happen to you,

I'm gonna make everything all right.

By tomorrow, you'll be completely well.

MAGGIE: What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna get some medicine.

I'm gonna restore your health.

But you're not a doctor, you don't know what to do.


I was an associate of Doctor Longwood, Maggie,

and I still have access to his laboratory,

I know what must be done.

Can't you just let me go?

Where would you go, if I let you out a little?

Back to Collinwood.

But aren't you aware

of the rather cold reception you'd get if you went back?

I don't understand.

Oh, now, you wrote a letter to your little darling Quentin

telling him goodbye forever, didn't you?

You made me write that!

Yes, that could have changed Quentin's mind,

he'll believe it.

He knows I wouldn't leave like that.

On the contrary, that's where you're wrong Maggie

because I have an answer from your darling little Quentin.

MAGGIE: Where is it?

Matter of fact, I have it right here, Maggie.

Oh, please, please give it to me.

JOHN: Oh no, no, no, you're much too sick to read it.


I'm going to have to read it myself.

"Maggie," notice, notice he didn't call you,

my darling or my dearest?


Just tell me what it says!

All right, "I might know where to begin, Maggie,

"if you're behavior at Collinwood had not been

"so totally incomprehensible to me.

"You obviously know what you're doing and what you want,

"but it has been and still is a mystery to me.

"I have tried to understand, but find that I cannot.

"You must believe that what you've done is for the best."

Stop it, I don't want to hear anymore!

All right, Maggie, I'll let you finish it.

No, I don't want to read it.

JOHN: Well, at least take a look at it, Maggie.


Now, is that Quentin's handwriting, or isn't it?

Isn't it?

It is.

Obviously, Quentin's trust in you

is not as much as you expected.

Where did you get that letter, who gave it to you?

What difference does it make?

The only difference is that soon, Quentin,

you're going to forget that he ever existed

and then you're going to find the love,

a love that you never dreamed possible.

Now, you think about that, Maggie.

I'm gonna go now.

I'm gonna get something to make you better.

You think about it, Maggie.

[creepy music]

[door thuds] [lock clicks]

[dramatic music]

[somber music]

MAGGIE VOICEOVER: I must get out of this place,

but how, how?

If only I felt stronger.

No, there might be a way.

If I can persuade him to take me out.

[suspenseful music]

What are you doing in here?

Need you ask?

Either tell me what you're doing in here,

or I'll go directly to Quentin.

Tell me Angelique, what.

My name is Alexis and you will call me that!

Tell me, who is the mysterious man

who believes that he can circumvent death?

I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.

BARNABAS: I'm talking about your diary, and you know it.

I found it most intriguing.

What a vivid imagination you have.

I never kept a diary, and neither did my sister.

I might have known you wouldn't answer my question,

but that passage in your diary obviously has to do

something with the fact you survived death.

And that someone else, other than myself, knows your secret.

And I intend to find out who that person is.

[door slams]


Come in.

I just saw Barnabas leave.

Yes, I caught him going through the room.

- The diary? - Yes.

He didn't find it?


It isn't safe as long as he is in this house,

and that means that you are not safe.

I know it, Julia, I know it.

I still think that we should burn that diary.

Yes, I'm inclined to agree with you now,

but the diary won't be the only thing we'll destroy.

We're going to find out what Barnabas' curse is

and use that knowledge to destroy him.


I don't know how, yet, but we're going to

watch him very carefully, follow him perhaps.

Sooner or later, he'll have to do something

that will betray his secret to us.

Then we'll know what to do.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

[lock clicking]

Brought the medicine, let me help you up.

Now, you hold these while I go get you a glass of water.

[creepy music]

Here you are, now take two of these pills.


Come on, it's just an antibiotic, you're

Good, good, good.

Now you take two more of those in the next four hours.

In four hours, I hope we're not here.

I beg your pardon?

I've decided to go away with you.

No way, you reached that decision, honestly?

You told me that I should think about it,

that's what I did.

Yeah, I also told you

that you had to convince me that you wanted to go.

I'm afraid you haven't convinced me.

You're gonna have to do better than that.

You can think whatever you like,

and you can do whatever you want with me,

I'm telling you the truth.

I read that letter from Quentin again after you left

and I realized how right you were!

There's nothing for me at Collinwood,

I have no future there.

I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that I love you,

but, but perhaps in time, I could learn to.

I think you really mean that.


All right, all right, we're gonna go away,

we're gonna go to New York, we're gonna fly there.

I'll need, I'll need some time to get clothes.

Now, you don't need any, you don't need any,

I've got all the money we're gonna need,

all the money, we're, I'm gonna, I'm gonna buy you jewels,

I'm gonna buy you furs,

and Maggie, you're gonna learn to love me.

I, I only said that I would try!

That's all I need.

Now, Maggie, I'm gonna go away for about half an hour,

but I'm gonna be right back.

MAGGIE: Where are you going?

I'm gonna get us money.

I'm gonna get us all the money we need!

[door thuds]

[lock clicks]

[suspenseful music]

[door clicks]

[heels clicking]

Follow him, Julia, watch where he goes

and tell me everything he does.

[door thuds]

[dramatic music]


[suspenseful music]

[door creaks]

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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