1035 - June 11, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1035 - June 11, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: The great house of Collinwood,

in the strange and frightening world of parallel time.

In this time, Barnabas Collins has discovered

forces more evil than he has ever known.

For almost a week, Maggie Collins,

the mistress of Collinwood,

has been held c*ptive in an abandoned farmhouse

by a man named John Yaeger.

Most people have believed that Maggie simply went away,

but Barnabas has been convinced that Maggie was abducted,

and that she has been in terrible danger.

On this night, he will learn how right he has been

when he meets John Yaeger for the first time.

[ominous music]

BARNABAS VOICEOVER: Maggie was here.

Her brush.

[door creaking]

MAGGIE VOICEOVER: He'll look upstairs.

Then I'll have a chance,

once he leaves.

[door creaking]

[Maggie screaming] [John laughing]

Did you think I'd forget about you, baby?

[Maggie screaming]

Well, I'm back!

[eerie music]

You could have come away with me.

You could have had it all.

You could have had everything.

But it's too late.

-It's too late for both of us. -Let her go, Yaeger.

I said, let her go.

Well, Mr. Collins.

It's been a long time meeting you.

Yes, a long time.

JOHN: Don't take another step!

Let her go.

If you don't, you will never leave this place alive.

I'm aware of what little time I have left.

But I'm going to go out my own way.

[Maggie screaming]

Come upstairs, Maggie. [Maggie screaming]

That w*apon won't do you any good,

so you might as well put it away.

Why don't you just try to take it from me?


What kind of creature are you?

You will never know, Yaeger.

[both grunting and straining]

[John choking]

Oh! Barnabas.


-It's all right, Maggie. -Barnabas.

He's never going to harm you again.


[Maggie screaming]

[ominous music]


What's happening?

What's happening to him?

Come, let me take you back to Collinwood.

Cyrus! Cyrus!

Come, please come with me.


Did you speak to Quentin?

Yes, he's chartering a plane.

He should be here within the hour.

Where's my mother?

She's upstairs with the children.

There's been no word from Barnabas?

No, not yet.

When you called to speak to Mr. Quentin,

did you speak to Miss Alexis?

CAROLYN: No, only to Quentin.

He was terribly upset when he heard the news.

Yes, I understand that.

CAROLYN: Maggie, what's happened?

She's been through a terrible ordeal.

Let's take her into the drawing room.

Shall I get her some water?

BARNABAS: No, she just needs a rest.

Did you find her at the farmhouse?


And Yaeger was really holding her prisoner?

Yes, but he won't hurt her any longer.

JULIA: What do you mean?

John Yaeger is dead.

Dead? How?

BARNABAS: I'll explain everything later,

but now we must attend to Maggie.

Did you find out why he kidnapped her?

Please, Hoffman, get your mistress a blanket.

She needs rest now, and she has to be kept quiet.

Yes, of course.

Just lie there.

You're back at Collinwood now and you're quite safe.

[ominous music]

[car engine revving]

[car door closes]

-Where's Maggie? -She's right here.


What is it, what happened?

BARNABAS: She can't tell you that now, Quentin.

She's still in a state of shock.

What did that man do to her?

BARNABAS: He didn't hurt her.

Has anyone called a doctor?

-BARNABAS: Not yet. -Why not?

-How long has she been here? -About an hour.

Hoffman, I want you to get Dr. Longworth, right now.

Quentin, I'm afraid that

you won't be able to reach Dr. Longworth.

Well, then get Dr. Forbes, hurry!

Quentin, I must speak to you now.

Barnabas, I've got to stay here with Maggie.

She'll be all right, Carolyn will stay with her.

But what I have to tell you is of the utmost importance.

What is it?

We'd better go in the foyer.

Carolyn, will you stay with Maggie?

CAROLYN: Yes, of course.

Barnabas, look, I'm very grateful to you.

You were quite right, I've been a complete fool.

This is no time for self-recrimination.

There are many things that have to be done

and you have to attend to them personally.

What are you talking about?

What could be more important than Maggie's well-being?

You wanted to get hold of Dr. Longworth.

-Yes. -There's a good reason

why you can't do that.

QUENTIN: What is it?

Cyrus Longworth is dead.

[ominous music]


Dead, how?

I think the only thing to do

is for me to take you there where he is.


John Yaeger k*lled him.

John Yaeger is also dead.


Barnabas, I don't understand.

What's going on?

Quentin, so many things have happened,

even I don't understand.

But you must let me take you

to the farmhouse where he is.

It's extremely important for both you and Maggie

that you come with me.

No, I've got to stay here with her.

The doctor will be here momentarily.

He'll take care of her.

Now come, we have no time to lose.

All right.

[clock chiming]

The doctor's with Maggie now.

Oh, that's good.


I don't understand why,

why Mr. Quentin came back alone.

What do you mean?

Well, he went to Bangor with Miss Alexis.

Did he tell you why he returned without her?

CAROLYN: No, not a word.

I find it very strange that he'd leave her there.

I'm sure Quentin wanted to leave as fast as possible.

Most likely Alexis will be back tomorrow.

Yes, most likely.

The thing I don't understand

is why Quentin left the house with Barnabas.

JULIA: Left, when?

About a half hour ago.

I have a feeling there's a great deal more to this

than meets the eye.

What do you mean?

I mean that I think Barnabas knows

a great deal more about this than he's telling any of us.


Yes, I have that feeling, too.

Do you think the doctor will be needing me?

I'd like to go upstairs.

If he does need you, I'll call for you.

Thank you.

I only know that Maggie is back here at Collinwood.

I've no idea how he got to her,

but Yaeger is dead.

[sighs] Yes.

Yes, I was as shocked as you are.


Yes, Barnabas must have k*lled him.

That's what troubles me.

There's no telling how much he knows.

Yes, yes, I will.

You must get back as soon as possible.

Now, I have uncovered something

concerning Barnabas.

It may be what we want.


I'll tell you as soon as you arrive.

Now hurry, please.


QUENTIN: Incredible.

So incredible that no one could have imagined this.

We didn't.

It was Yaeger that I fought to the ground and strangled.

And then Maggie and I,

well, we saw his transformation into Cyrus.

You can see that he's still wearing Yaeger's clothes.

Cyrus Longworth, my good friend,

kidnaps my wife and tries to k*ll her.


It was John Yaeger who did all this.

Cyrus must have been terrified at his own duality.

After all, it was Cyrus who told me to find him,

told me where to find Maggie.

He told me that I must hurry,

because he didn't know how much longer he could keep

John Yaeger under control.

Of course, I never knew what he meant at the time.

This was the result of his secret experiment.

BARNABAS: He tried so desperately to separate

the good and evil within himself.

QUENTIN: And the evil was the dominant personality.

BARNABAS: Now it's all over.

I just don't understand how he

could have fooled us so completely.

I mean, somebody should have realized

that Cyrus and Yaeger were never seen together.

Then when he changed his will,

in case of my death or disappearance.

Oh, God, why didn't I do something then?

Quentin, all these questions you can resolve

for yourself in due time, but right now,

there's an important decision for you to make.

What do you mean?

Well, the fact is that Dr. Cyrus Longworth,

a distinguished citizen and doctor is dead,

and I k*lled him.

Well, you had no choice.

He would have k*lled Maggie.

We understand that.

But what about the authorities when they,

when they're notified?

The body of Cyrus they will see only.

Now, are you willing to tell them the truth

about Cyrus and Yaeger?

Cyrus was your friend,

and I'm willing to abide by

whatever decision that you come to.

I suppose I could try to keep his secret.

But then I would be saying that

Cyrus himself desired Maggie and kidnapped her,

and then that would put you in danger.

No, Barnabas, I think,

I think it's best to reveal the whole story,

fantastic as it is,

and even though it may harm his final memory.

I know that if you had to make this decision,

you would make the same decision.

Of that I'm certain, Cyrus.

I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry, it all went out of control.

JULIA VOICEOVER: It's happened again.

-The room has changed. -I don't understand

why you let him stay in this room.

Well, I tried my best to dissuade him,

but he had made up his mind.

He had to go back to that other time,

because Maggie was in danger.

What about Barnabas himself,

doesn't he realize he's in danger?

He says that's a risk he has to take.

Well, he's pushing his luck.

If those people know anything about vampires,

and they suspect that he is one,

he's as good as dead.

I know.

If there was only something we could do to help.

JULIA VOICEOVER: Barnabas Collins, a vampire.

So that's his great secret.

[clock chiming]

While at rest in its coffin

between dawn and dusk,

the vampire is at its most vulnerable,

and can be destroyed

by driving a wooden stake through its heart.

CAROLYN: Barnabas, it's so difficult to believe.

It simply is not possible for anyone

to be two people at the same time.

BARNABAS: But it's all true, Carolyn.

And since you're one of the few people

that's had contact with Yaeger,

the police will want to question you.

CAROLYN: I don't see how I could possibly help them.

BARNABAS: Perhaps you will remember something

that would help convince them of the truth.

I'll do whatever I can, of course.

BARNABAS: I suggest you spend the night here,

in case Quentin needs your help.

But Will isn't back from Portsmouth yet.

He won't be back 'til mid-morning.

That means you'll be alone at the house.

I'll be all right until Will gets back.

Good night, Carolyn.

Good night, Barnabas.

JULIA VOICEOVER: He had no reflection in the mirror.

If I needed any confirmation, that was it.

Good night, Hoffman.

[clock chiming]

[lid creaking]

[ominous music]

[door creaking]

[lid creaking]

[tense music]

[eerie music]
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