1043 - June 23, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1043 - June 23, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie theme music]

NARRATOR: The great estate of Collinwood

in parallel time.

And the mounting tension permeates every life there.

For Quentin Collins, accused of the m*rder of his wife,

Angelique, and of Bruno Hess, has escaped from jail.

And Barnabas and Julia are determined to find

the secret of the séance at which Angelique died.

And this night in Loomis House,

Carolyn has had a very revealing dream.


Carolyn, Carolyn, what's happened?

I remember it now.

JULIA: Remember what?

I know who m*rder*d Angelique.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]

Who k*lled Angelique?

Carolyn, you must tell me.

Well, it wasn't Quentin, was it?

Carolyn, why won't you say?


Don't ask me.

Carolyn, we must find out who m*rder*d Angelique.

Now, Quentin will be caught, you know that.

They'll hang him unless we do something.

No, Carolyn, I won't let you leave this room.

Let go of me.


I was wrong, I don't know why I said that.

It was just a dream, that's all.

Tell it to me.

Dreams don't mean anything.

They often do.

I... I don't even remember it now.

It was just a nightmare.

I was thinking about the séance.

All those questions you were asking me about it,

that's what caused it.

I don't wanna discuss it any more.


No, Julia.



Barnabas, is Carolyn Loomis is very much

in love with her husband?

I presume so.

She wouldn't want anything to happen to him, that I know.

Is it possible that Will Loomis m*rder*d Angelique?


Carolyn's protecting someone. It must be her husband.

She told me she had a dream and she knew

the name of the m*rder*r.

And then she stopped talking.

She got afraid, she ran up the stairs to avoid telling me.


Barnabas, you're not simply gonna ask him?

You forget, Julia, that I have certain powers over Will.

He will tell me the truth. He has to.

Now, I want you to leave us alone.


We must find the m*rder*r as quickly as possible

to clear Quentin.

WILL: What is it, Barnabas?

Tell Carolyn I want to see her, too.

What, has, uh, something else happened?

You know when I came to this house,

I thought I'd find a little peace.


A writer does need peace, yes.

Tell me, Will, have you ever thought

of writing a m*rder mystery?

Me? Um, no.

BARNABAS: Why not?

I don't know, I don't have that kind of mind.

Don't you?

I would have thought you had.

You're the sort of man that seems to have some v*olence

and a great deal of passion in you.

You have something on your mind, Barnabas.

Why don't you tell me what?

You hated Angelique, didn't you?

Hated her?

Oh, you've been talking to the wrong people. [laughs]

She flirted with you and then she ran back to Quentin.

You want to know if I k*lled her, is that it?

Well, sorry you'll have to find someone else.

I liked looking at her too much to end her life.

I mean, what would make you even think that?

You're sure you're telling me the truth?

[thunder crashing]

How could I lie to you?

You may go.

- WILL: You don't think-- - Will.

[dramatic music]

You treat him so badly.

I wanted to talk to you alone.

CAROLYN: It will do you no good.

Aren't you going to tell me about your dream?

It's none of your business.

I think it is.

Well, you're wrong.

No, you're wrong, to protect a m*rder*r.

Carolyn, who do you think m*rder*d Angelique?

I don't know.

Look at me.

I won't.

You will.

You forget that I have certain powers, Carolyn.

I can make you speak, if I choose.

You know that, don't you?



Are you going to force me to use my powers?

Who k*lled Angelique?


Who k*lled Angelique?


My mother.

[dramatic music]

[thunder crashes]

Carolyn, I find it difficult even to consider

that your mother m*rder*d Angelique.

Sit down.

Try to compose yourself.

Can you tell me why you think this is?

I remembered kneeling down by the body.

Angelique was dead.

As I stood up, I picked up from the floor a piece of jade.

I didn't even think anything about it,

but it wasn't from a necklace.

It was the top of a hat pin.

One of my mother's.

Did you actually pick up the jade

the night of the séance?


Yes, but I didn't know then that Angelique

had been k*lled by a hat pin.

The m*rder*r actually broke it off.


Carolyn, why do you think that

your mother m*rder*d Angelique?

If you know, tell me.

She... she hated her.

Oh, she won't admit it, usually.

She simply refuses to discuss it.

But Angelique treated her so badly,

like some poor relation she had to put up with.

If my mother wanted something done around the house,

Angelique took great pleasure in seeing that

it did not happen.

You're sure that that hat pin belonged to your mother?


Someone could have taken it from her.

I don't think Elizabeth has the temperament to k*ll.

She lived too long in that house with Angelique.

Unless there's another reason that you haven't told me.


That night, the night of the m*rder, Will and I fought.

BARNABAS: Over Angelique?

It wasn't Will's fault the way he was acting.

She simply looked at a man and he fell in love with her.

But she was ruining Will's life.

He wasn't writing any more.

All he did was haunt Collinwood to see her.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

I went to my mother and told her I was leaving Will.

She... became very upset.

So upset that she could have--

I don't want to believe that.

I don't want you to believe it, either.

She's... she's had such a sad life.

Barnabas, you must promise me you'll do nothing

about what I'm telling you.

I can't promise you that, Carolyn.

I won't allow it.

I'll deny everything.

If my mother did m*rder Angelique, it's my fault.

I made her do it.

Going to her, crying to her in fear and in rage.

Barnabas, don't tell the police what I've told you.


Carolyn, I won't say anything to the police

until we have further evidence.

We cannot ignore the fact that

that hairpin is your mother's.

[dramatic music]

Red eight on black nine.


WILL: Here we are.

Did you hear something or someone just now?

- No. - ELIZABETH: Are you sure?


I don't think you feel like playing.

Have you seen Maggie tonight?

No, I haven't.

She says that Quentin is in this house.

I doubt that he is.

Do you, honestly?

WILL: Is that why you're so jumpy?

Alexis says he's mad now.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to what Alexis says.

She saw him just before he escaped.

Why would he come back here, Will?


Well, if he's innocent, to find out whoever is,

is guilty, I suppose.

I, uh... I think I'd like to get out of this house.

Perhaps come and stay with you and Carolyn for a while.

Come now, Elizabeth, you'd hate that.

No, no, I wouldn't.

Well, frankly, uh, Carolyn has all she can

handle with Barnabas right now.

I mean, come on, you've got nothing to worry about here.

Haven't I, Will, haven't I?

Three people who were at that séance have died since,

Cyrus, Sabrina, and Bruno.

Do you think there's a connection?

I don't know.

I don't think there can be a connection

between Sabrina and Bruno, Barnabas.

Barnabas, Maggie found a small clay doll

with Bruno's ascot tied around its neck.

She found it in her drawer.

Angelique put it there, no doubt.

Maggie feels that, that Quentin put it there

to make her feel guilty.

When Quentin ran to Bruno's,

Angelique went upstairs.

She tied that ascot around the doll, she pulled it tight.

In front of Quentin, Bruno died.

How clever she is.

We must get that doll.

That body at Stokes.

The sleeping girl at the house there.

JULIA: What about her?

She moves, Angelique reacts.

Barnabas, you said yourself that we couldn't

bring that girl back to consciousness,

that Angelique would die and we wouldn't be able

to prove Quentin's innocence.

But we can get to Angelique through her.


If we control some of her condition slightly,

Angelique will collapse.

Then, well, we can control her then and she can do nothing.

It will give us time.

That's impossible, Barnabas.

We-- we don't know if we can change her condition at all.

BARNABAS: She moved when I touched her?

For an instant.

You are a scientist.

You've had some work in this before.

You've worked with a life force, through Adam.

But Stokes won't let me do it.

He will not know what's happening.

We will go, we will bring that girl here.

No, Barnabas.

Julia, it's perfect.

We can find out that secret.

At the proper moment, we can destroy Angelique forever.

By bringing that girl to life?

It won't work, Barnabas.

If Angelique finds that body missing,

she'll know that you have something to do with it.

BARNABAS: Let her.

She'll come here and search this house.

BARNABAS: I'll hide her someplace else.

Barnabas, don't you understand that...

that Angelique will find a way of...

this will make her destroy you more quickly.

I'm ready to do battle with Angelique.

Barnabas, forget the girl, find Quentin.

No, the girl comes first.

You'll have to figure out a way

to control that girl yourself, Barnabas.

I will not help you.

You forget, Julia, that I've had work

transferring life force into Adam.

It will be easier if you helped.

If you won't, I will do it alone.


I have someone who will help me.

We will get that girl tonight.



[dramatic music]

WILL: I mean, how can you be so sure

you're right about everything?

You know Stokes is a buddy of mine.

I mean, every Wednesday we'd go to The Eagle

and have a few drinks together.

I mean, I'd never suspect him of anything like this.

You'll see that I'm right

when we find that girl in his house.

WILL: How can you be sure

there's a secret room in this place?

Because there is one in my own time.

It was built during the Revolutionary w*r.

It was used to store weapons.

It's the perfect place to hide this girl.

WILL: I know every Collins legend and there's nothing

about a secret room in any of them.

Same lion's head.

Just the same.

[concrete scraping]

Someone's been living here.

Yeah, someone left in a hurry.

Barnabas, the milk is still fresh.

Who would live here?

WILL: I wouldn't.


WILL: Who is she?

The girl at Stokes.

WILL: Are you sure?

BARNABAS: How could I forget her face...

WILL: Drawn by Claude North.

You know him?

You know where he lives?

No, no I never heard of him.

Was this where she lived before?

Or he did?

There's no way of telling.

We must find out.

Well, it's certain you cannot hide her here.

This room was my refuge

for over a century of my own time.

Strange that it should serve the same purpose

for someone else...

someone connected with her.

Carolyn, are you going to Portland tomorrow?

I don't know, I thought I might.

There's something I want you to do for me.

On Great Market Street there's an antique shop, Trillings.

I phoned him.

He'll give you a check.

Mother, why are you selling your hat pins?

ELIZABETH: Oh, it was foolish to ever

start collecting them.

Don't sell them now.

I can't bear to have them around and know they're here.

Please take them, get rid of them for me.

You look so upset.

Mother, I... I want to talk.

Well, go ahead, dear.

I want to talk about the séance.

There's been enough said about that.

- Mother-- - I mean it, Carolyn.

It won't do any good to talk about it further.

But the m*rder.

If it was a m*rder.

It was m*rder and you know it was.

Here I am talking about it,

and I said I'd never discuss it.

Will you take these hat pins to Portland for me?

Yes, Mother, I'll do it.

If not tomorrow, then the next day.

[dramatic music]

[thunder crashing]

You say Stokes is at The Eagle?

Yes, yes, until it closes.

You're sure?

Barnabas, there's nothing to worry about.

We'll have to carry her out of here to the car.

We'll have to go out the back way so no one will see us.

Come, Will.

Barnabas, there's someone else in this room.

I swear it, don't you feel it, Barnabas?

It's so cold in here.

There's someone here, Barnabas.

You're wrong, Will.



HOFFMAN VOICEOVER: You will not enter.

You will not.




It's Hoffman's voice.

- It's her ghost! - I will not let you...


I will not let you...

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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