1044 - June 25, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1044 - June 25, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[foreboding music]

NARRATOR: Collinwood in a parallel time,

as Barnabas Collins embarks on a most dangerous mission.

He and Will Loomis set out to steal the unconscious girl

whose life force Angelique is using.

If he fails, he may thr*aten the safety

of many more than himself.

But if he succeeds, he will gain

complete control over Angelique.

You say Stokes is at The Eagle.

Yes, yes until it closes.

You're sure?

Barnabas, there's nothing to worry about.

We'll have to carry her out of here to the car.

Have to go out the back way so no one will see us.

Come, Will.

Barnabas, there's someone else in this room.

I swear it, don't you feel it, Barnabas?

It's so cold in here.

There's someone here, Barnabas.

You're wrong, Will.

JULIA: No, no.


JULIA: You will not enter.

You will not.

No, no.


It's Hoffman's voice!

JULIA: I will not--

It's a ghost!

JULIA: Let you, no.

I will not let you!

[dramatic music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

Barnabas, look!

Will, it's nothing.

Barnabas, Hoffman is in this room.

No, she's not.

But her spirit is.

Protecting Angelique as always.

JULIA: Go from here, go, go.


Hoffman, let me

- help you. - JULIA: Go from here, go.

I know that you cannot rest, Hoffman,

and I know why,

because your mistress is not at rest, either.

She walks the halls of Collinwood.

She should be in her grave.

JULIA: Go, go.

No, Hoffman, you are keeping Angelique alive.

You are keeping your mistress from joining you.

Is that what you want?

Would your spirit not like to rest?

You can rest, Hoffman, and Angelique

can enjoy the peace, too.

You can share it as you shared so much in life.

If only you let us enter that room

and do what we came here to do.

[Julia sobbing]

Did you hear me, Hoffman, did you?

Did you understand me?

[Julia sobbing]

Let us enter.

[Julia sobbing]

Do you still feel a presence in this room, Will?

No, no I--


But how, how, how did you do it?

Spirit, Will, does not wish to leave the grave.

Spirit wishes to rest,

wishes whatever caused it unrest to vanish.

Hoffman knows now that it is possible.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

Amy, Amy what is it?


No Amy, something's wrong, tell me what it is.

AMY: Where's Maggie?

I think she's in town.

I wanna see Quentin.

Darling, Quentin's away.

I saw someone outside in the back.


I was looking out my window.

He crossed the lawn.

He saw the open window.

It looked like Quentin.

It did?

AMY: Yes, and I think he crawled in the window,

but I'm not sure.

Why would Quentin do a thing like that?

Amy, you didn't see Quentin.

You saw a shadow, that's all.

Lightning flashed and then you saw a shadow

and it disappeared, that's all.

Now why would anyone want to climb in a window?

I don't know, but then I heard someone at my door.

Well, that was I.

AMY: No, no, it wasn't.

I know it was a man.

You know, you remind me of me when I was a little girl.

I had a very vivid imagination, too.

It wasn't my imagination, it wasn't!

It sounded like Quentin or Barnabas.

Darling, Quentin isn't here now,

and Barnabas isn't here, either, I'm sure of it.

I feel a strange kind of humility

daring to try without Julia's help

to bring this creature back to life.

Well, if you say that no one was there,

I guess I have to believe it.

What is it Alexis?

ALEXIS: What'd you say?

What's wrong, what's happened to you?

Oh, nothing, I just felt a little faint

for minute, that's all.

Now, tell me what you said.

Barnabas, are you sure she's alive?

She hasn't moved since we've been in this room.

Stokes has somehow put her in this state.

Will, take a look in those books and see

if he has any records on her.

Barnabas, we've been here took long.

There now, I'm glad you realized no one was there.

So you can go to bed now, can't you?

Not frightened any more, are you?

No, I guess not.

Well, good, goodnight, then.

AMY: Alexis!

Just go back to bed, Amy.

Where are you going?

ALEXIS: There's something I must do.

Alexis, come back!

[ominous music]

I'm not afraid.

[ominous music]

[door slamming]

[ominous music]

[door clicking]


Oh, no!

JULIA: You should have listened to me.


You have no idea what you've started.

He has, Julia, and he's explained it all to me.

Will, you don't know.

I'd like to talk to Barnabas alone, please.

Julia, I know that you're against this, but it's done now.

No, Barnabas, it is just beginning.


Who do you think that is, Barnabas, who?

I don't know.

Will, I'd like to see Barnabas Collins, please.

What's the matter, Will?

Isn't Barnabas Collins here?

You know, you don't know Barnabas.

ALEXIS: Don't I?

You know, you never know when he's going to be in.

I think he has a girl somewhere.

ALEXIS: Oh, that's a girl I'd like to meet.

You know, so would I.

I mean, he's a very secretive man, Barnabas.

Oh yes, I've noticed that.

Well, it doesn't matter if I stay here awhile

and wait for him.

WILL: Well, actually, I'm going to start work

and Carolyn's not here.

ALEXIS: Well, half an hour won't matter, will it?

You go ahead and work, and I'll wait for Barnabas.

Well he just won't be back.

If I didn't know you Will, I'd think

you were trying to get rid of me.

WILL: I tell you, he won't be back, he just won't.

You're sure?

That's funny, I thought he stayed here most of the time.

I mean, we never see him at Collinwood during the day

and then at evening, he's usually in and out.

You never know what to expect of him.

ALEXIS: Why are you so nervous, Will?

I'm not nervous.

Yes, you are.

Isn't this the evening you're supposed to spend

with my father at The Eagle?

Yes, it is.

ALEXIS: You decided not to go tonight?

And do you know why?

No, why?

WILL: Well really, you know, it's really rather

very embarrassing for me to admit,

but tonight's a very important night for me.

ALEXIS: Oh, really?

Yes, really, you see, every once in awhile,

I try to turn over a new leaf.

I mean, you know, just try, you know?

Tonight's the night for me to start.

Alexis, I'm going to begin writing again.

I mean, I have the greatest idea for a new book.

Well, if you talk about it, it will be

more difficult to write, won't it?

You know, Alexis, you're absolutely right.

You know, everybody's left me alone tonight

because they know how difficult it is for me to start.

So they've all left me alone.


Well, then it would be graceless of me to stay, wouldn't it?

I think so.

All right, well, since you're going to be working,

you'll probably be up when Barnabas gets back.


Don't tell him that I was here.

I wanna surprise him, soon.

She will.

[door slamming]

I know, Julia.

I know you wanna say I told you so, and you'll be right.

No, no, Barnabas, I don't want to say that at all.

She's gone, don't come out yet, she just might come back.

We may as well start to work.

Julia, you said--

I changed my mind.

You, you know.

You know what has to be done here

because of the danger now.

Thank you, Julia.

AMY VOICEOVER: I should go back to bed.

I won't find anything,

and tomorrow I can tell Daniel.

He won't believe I did this.

He thinks I'm always scared.

[door clicking]

[footsteps clicking]

[door clicking]

[suspenseful music]

You aren't here anymore when I want you.

Something like this happens, you're nowhere to be found.

I do have other duties.

Oh, on the one night when you should've

followed Barnabas Collins everywhere he goes.

Well, you know that body's moved before.

And I always felt it when it did.


Julia, go to The Eagle and find Father, I'm sure he's there.

Take him back to the cabin with you.

Explain to him what happened.

Maybe he knows what happened.

I'll meet you there later.

What will you do?

I'm going to think, think very hard

about how Barnabas Collins could've

found out about that girl.

You don't know that he did.

Yes, I do.

I'm not nearly as naive as you are.

And you're far more trusting than you ever were before.

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]




[ominous music]

[suspenseful music]

We're neglecting one vital point.

We know that Alexis is Angelique,

all we have to do is show Quentin that body in that room.

But even if we did find him--

You will find him, tonight.

That's impossible.

He needs help.

Angelique is helping him.

I know he must be somewhere on the estate,

some place where the police haven't looked.

You know the house, you know the grounds,

go start your search, Will.

ALEXIS: Father said nothing, there's no explanation?

He really was quite incoherent.

Drunk, of course.

Oh, Hoffman, what am I gonna do?

I must have that girl.

I can't do anything without her.

I have to worry every single minute.

It can just end, like that.

I must stay calm.

What are Barnabas Collins' choices?

You must consider the possibility

that somebody else may have taken her.

No, I won't.

He is my enemy.

Why hasn't he k*lled her?

I would think he would've done that by now.

Surely he must know that would end me.

I don't understand him, but I will.

I will.

Where did you get this?

In a room in the west wing.

Which room?

In the tower.

What is it, Uncle Will?

Why do you stare at it like that?

Hmm, oh, yes, that's because it's very unusual.

Come now, I'm going to put you to bed.

No, there's someone in the house.

Nobody else'll believe me!

Please, there is someone upstairs!

I believe you.

AMY: Honest?

Honest, and I am going to do something about it.

Come on now, I will take care of everything.

You shouldn't have come here again.

She went up to her room.

She might have been pretending and followed you instead.

No, Barnabas, I had to warn you.

She is absolutely certain that you have the girl.

She will stop at nothing until she destroys you, Barnabas.

Yes, I must be careful.

We must both be careful.

WILL VOICEOVER: I must be careful.

Maggie says he's mad.

Quentin will know I'm on his side.

He'll realize I want to help him.


unless Angelique has somehow changed him.

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps clicking]

[door clicking]

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]
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