1047 - June 29, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1047 - June 29, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[ominous music]

NARRATOR: The day has turned to darkest night

on the great estate of Collinwood

in Parallel Time, and Will Loomis

has leaped to his death from the tower window,

a victim of Angelique.

Before the dawn returns, a new terror will appear,

as Angelique and her father continue

their relentless drive to destroy all who dwell

at Collinwood.

- Carolyn.


- I promise you, I will send Angelique

back to her grave.

I found a way of fighting her.

It's only a question of time.

[ominous music]

- Barnabas.

Barnabas, what's happened to the body?

I was with Angelique and all of a sudden

she got so weak she could hardly stand.

BARNABAS: Julia, the girl is gone.

- No.

- And there's every reason to think that Stokes has her.

I want you to go to him and find out if he does,

and if so, where.

I'll stay here and search the grounds,

and then go to the mausoleum.

- Yes, she might have been drawn to the mausoleum,

if she could walk by herself.

I'd better go to Stokes.

- Julia.

Be careful.

It's possible that they both suspect you.

Yes, Barnabas. Don't worry, I'll be careful.

- Going out on another of your adventures

to rid Collinwood of the evils of Angelique?

- Carolyn, I'm doing everything I can.

- Don't you think you've done enough?

- I told you how sorry I am for Will.

CAROLYN: He died protecting your secret.

- He died to keep Angelique from trying to destroy

Quentin and Maggie.

- And why shouldn't Maggie and Quentin be destroyed?

- I know you don't mean that.

- I do. Why should Will be destroyed

and every hope of happiness we had?

All the years we were married I kept telling myself

things would get better.

And now there's nothing.

Nothing at all.

And you expect me to say,

"Oh, well, as long as Quentin and Maggie survived,

"it was worth it."

Well, I won't say that, it's not worth it!

I don't care about them.

I only care about Will.

And he's dead.

He's dead.

- I'm sorry.

If there was only something I could say or do--

- And I'm supposed

to live out my life watching them enjoy

their life together.

What if I have no intention of doing that?

What if I have another plan?

BARNABAS: I hope you don't mean anything specific.

- Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

- If his death has any meaning at all,

it was to destroy Angelique.

If she's not destroyed, then

his death was for nothing, do you want that?

- No.

I'm sorry, Barnabas.

I really am.

But I loved Will.

And he loved me in his own way.

And now-- - You were going to get

some rest, as I remember.

- Rest?

Upstairs, in our room?

Did you say rest?

- Carolyn.

Now, I have to go up to something important,

but I must know if you're going to be all right.

- I won't be, but go on ahead, anyway.

Oh, I'm not gonna betray you

if that's what you're worried about.

And do you know why?

Because it doesn't make any difference to me

who wins or who loses.

What does it matter to me?

Go on, go out.

You're protected by my indifference.

Oh, Will.


- Are you sure, Mr. North,

you're not playing a prank of some kind?

Are you sure Roxanne isn't with you?

Of course I'm serious.

She's disappeared, and it's imperative

that she come back at once.

Perhaps you could use some of that

rather special psychic sympathy

that seems to exist between the two of you

to find out where she might be.

Well, at least do one thing for me.

Meet me in half an hour.

At the usual place.

No, we must find her.

I can't exaggerate how important this is, and

how valuable it could be for both of us.

Fine, I'll see you there, but be very careful.

We have enemies.

Rather extraordinary enemies.

- Mr. Stokes, I've been looking for you.

Angelique is very weak again.

Have you found the girl?

- No, I haven't, but I hope to, possibly.

- Do you know where she is?

- Possibly.

- Is there anything I can do to help?

- I'll let you know when I have more information.

[wind howling]

[footsteps approaching]

[dramatic music]

[dogs howling]

- Barnabas Collins.

What brings him here?

Exactly how much has he discovered?

He knows that too?

He knows too much.

Far too much.

He must have the girl.

Is she in there?

- Someone's been here.

It's been cleaned up.

Is someone actually living here?

Could she have come back here after all?

Is this the place where I might find her?

The dagger.

The one thing in the entire room

that didn't frighten her.

It's gone.


Claude North, of course!


[knocking on door]

- I hope I didn't alarm you unduly.

- Are you in a habit of looking into windows

at this time of night?

- I only wanted to see whether or not you were up.

I was passing by and I thought I'd take

this opportunity to extend my sincerest condolences.

Your husband was a fine man and a good friend.


- Fine?

He was a drunk who squandered the gifts he had.

And as for being your friend--

- I know you didn't approve of our relationship.

Nevertheless, he was my friend.

I shall feel his loss very deeply.

- Mr. Stokes, if you'll excuse me, I'm very busy.

- Oh, allow me.

- Thank you.

Say what you want about Will's talents.

I always considered them far beyond the ordinary.

Very far beyond the ordinary.

Whatever was wrong, one thing fascinates me.

- Yes?

- The influence of the name Barnabas Collins in Will's life.

His biography of the th century.

Barnabas Collins was his greatest success.

- Oh, yes.

His greatest success.

- And then a new Barnabas Collins

arrived on the scene and he, too,

in his own way, began to influence

Will's life.

I wondered if the new

Barnabas Collins might not provide

the material for a new book.

He's an extraordinary man,

Barnabas Collins.

Don't you think?

- I really don't know him that well.

But there was a connection

between his arrival and the change in Will's life.

- I don't really know.

- Well, I suppose it doesn't matter now.

- He's gone.

We'll never know the reasons.

Why would a man with his talent, his future,

with a young and beautiful wife,

why would a man like that deliberately destroy himself?

I can't, for the life of me, figure it out.

Why would Will do a thing like that?

- If you don't mind, Mr. Stokes,

I would rather not talk about it.

- Of course, you wouldn't.

It defies rational thought.

That's why I think there

must have been someone else behind it.

Am I right or am I wrong?

You tell me.

- You're right.

- Then there was someone else behind it.


- Well, good evening, Mr. Stokes.

Is this a social call you're paying at this hour?

- Well, yes, I was.

I, I heard about Will in town, and I came to express

my deepest sympathies to Mrs. Loomis.

- Well, I'm sure she's accepted, which means that

you are free to leave.

- It is rather late.

We both have a taste for nocturnal living, Mr. Collins.

It's a pity we aren't better friends.

We seem to have many interests in common.

- I doubt that.

- For example, my fondness for long walks

over unusual terrain, even at night.

Just this evening,

I was coming home, walking, and I took a shortcut

through the cemetery.

I do believe, Mr. Collins, I saw you there.

- It's possible, I took a shortcut myself.

And now, if you'll excuse us, but Mrs. Loomis is tired.

- Oh, of course.

When I mentioned your rather

irregular life to Will a few days ago,

he conjectured you might have a girl somewhere.

Was he right, Mr. Collins?

Do you have a girl somewhere?

- I believe I said good night, Mr. Stokes.

- Yes, good night.

Good night, Mrs. Loomis.

- He said Will was gifted.

He said no one really appreciated him

until it was too late.

- Come, Carolyn. - And he was right.

- Let me take you upstairs.

He only said those things to get you to talk.

- But they were true. They were all true.

BARNABAS: Come. Please, Carolyn.

- No.

I don't wanna rest.

I don't ever wanna rest again as long as I live!

- Carolyn!

- Will?



- Go to Stokes and tell him

you searched the locked basement and found nothing.

- Well, at least we know he doesn't have the girl.

But who has?

Perhaps she was able to move by herself and went out.

- Perhaps, or--

I'm going to the mausoleum.

It's possible that she's going there,

or that someone is bringing her to Claude North.

Now, before you go to find Stokes,

I want you to find Carolyn.

- Isn't she upstairs sleeping?

- No, she went to Collinwood.

I'm very worried about her. She's very upset,

and there's no telling what she might do.

- He...he died here.

He jumped.

It's so far down.

So far.




- You shouldn't be up here.

- He's dead.

Will is dead.

- I know.

I'm very sorry.

- Quentin, what's gonna happen to us?

To all of us?

- I don't know.

- We'll never win.

She's too powerful.

Barnabas is powerful, too, but she'll win.

I know it.

- What are you talking about?

- Angelique.

- Angelique?

- She is Angelique, you know.

She's dead.

B-But she's alive.

- You're drunk.

- And she's gonna destroy all of us.

- Carolyn, Angelique does not exist,

I destroyed her myself.

- But that's not possible.

QUENTIN: Yes, it is possible.

Now, I want you to get out of here.

- Then my mother didn't...

QUENTIN: What are you talking about?

- Nothing.

Now I'm gonna go now.

You're right, I shouldn't be here.

- No, you shouldn't be here. And if you tell anyone--

- Oh, no, I won't tell anyone I saw you.

Don't worry, Quentin.

Your secret is safe with me.

- It had better be.

[dramatic music]


Wait, wait.

[ominous music]
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