1051 - July 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1051 - July 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: The great house of Collinwood

in the dark and disturbing world of parallel time.

In this time, Angelique Collins has mysteriously

returned from the grave, and has spread fear and terror

throughout the Collins family.

Barnabas Collins has learned that Angelique's survival

is linked to the existence of a strange young woman

and a man he has not yet seen,

a man who will soon become his dedicated enemy.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

You knew I'd find you again, didn't you, Roxanne?

I soon realized how foolish I was to let you go.


What's happened to you?

Why don't you speak to me?

You're not

able to speak.

What has Stokes done to you?

Why has he brought you here to this house?

And where is he?

Roxanne, look at me.

I am Claude North.

There must be some way I can get through to you.

Surely you remember this.

Look at it, Roxanne.

Speak to me.

You do remember it, don't you?

[suspenseful music]

You remember it, but that's all.

It no longer has the effect on you it once had.

Whatever Stokes has done can be undone.

I will find a way, Roxanne.

[suspenseful music]

Mrs. Stoddard is under heavy sedation

and she can't be disturbed.

Yes, I know, Inspector.

Have you had any progress?

I see.

Yes, I'll have Mrs. Stoddard call you.

[suspenseful music]

Maggie, I thought you were staying with Mrs. Stoddard.

Roger's with her.

I have to call Mr. Stokes.

Stokes? Why?

Alexis has had another seizure.

Where is she?

She's up in her room.

She's lying on the bed, barely conscious.

I wanted to call a doctor, but she insists upon

seeing her father.

When did this happen?

Just a few minutes ago.

I was talking to her and she seemed perfectly fine,

and then suddenly she collapsed.

Barnabas, where are you going?

To the Loomis house.

I thought you were going to stay here.

I am, but there's something that I have to attend to

that's very urgent.

Don't worry, I'll be back.

[suspenseful music]

Keep looking at me, Roxanne.

My eyes have the power to restore you to me,

if you will it.

Keep looking into my eyes,

and come back to me, Roxanne.

Keep looking into my eyes,

and come back to me.

You've never resisted me before.

What has been done to you?

If Stokes were here I'd k*ll him with my bare hands.

I'm taking you away from this place.

I don't care about the deal I made with Stokes.

I'll return his money to him, tell him the truth.

But I can't live without you.

Take my hand, Roxanne, and come with me.

Someone's coming.

Roxanne, I must hide.

And you must do nothing

to reveal my presence here.

Do you understand?

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

Roxanne, what are you doing up here?

How did you get up here?

[suspenseful music]

Someone's been here.

Roxanne, was it Claude North?

Have you seen him?


do you know where he went?

Come, I'll take you downstairs.

[suspenseful music]

CLAUDE: I'll come back for you, Roxanne.

I'll come back.

[clock chimes]

[suspenseful music]

He was here.

He must have heard me talking to her.

He's sure to come back, sooner or later.

Hello, Buffy?

It's Barnabas Collins.

I want you to do something for me.

I'm bringing someone over to your room,

someone who's in danger.

You've got to keep her there.


yes, I'm leaving right away.

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

[door shuts]

[footsteps approaching]


Barnabas, have you come back?

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps approaching]

Who is it?

Please answer me.


Quentin, is that you?

[suspenseful music]



Barnabas, are you up there?

[suspenseful music]


[suspenseful music]


Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Suppose I ask the questions.

Stay away from me!

You have nothing to fear.

I have no intention of hurting you.

Just look at me.

Look into my eyes.


Who is Barnabas?

He's the man who lives here.

Tell me what you know about him.

I don't know anything.

He's a friend.

Where has he taken her?

I don't know what you're talking about.

CLAUDE: She was here earlier.

I saw her.

Who is she?

Look at me.

[suspenseful music]


you don't know what I'm talking about.

When you see this Barnabas again,

you tell him I'll be back.

Who are you?

You just tell him what I said.

I'll be back.

He'll know who and what you mean.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

Maggie, where have you been.

I've been looking all over the house for you.

Barnabas, I've been to the old house to look for you.


[suspenseful music]

Maggie, tell me what happened.

I saw a man there,

a man that I've never seen before.

His eyes, they were frightening.

He didn't harm you, did he?


I thought he was going to at first,

but he just wanted to ask questions about you.

About me?

MAGGIE: Yes, I didn't know who he was talking about.

Did he say who he was or what he was doing there?


I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me anything about himself.

What did he want to know about me?

He wanted to know who you were,

and where you'd taken her.

Do you know what he was talking about?

No, no, I don't.

He told me to tell you that he was coming back.

Barnabas, do you have any idea who that man is?


I'm sorry this had to happen.

But why did you leave this house to look for me?

You knew I would be back.

Barnabas, I was afraid.

I kept hearing strange sounds.

Barnabas, I've made up my mind.

I'm not staying here after tonight.

What are you talking about?

This house has a m*rder*r in it,

and it's not safe for anyone.

And you're convinced that the m*rder*r is Quentin?

Oh, Barnabas,

I suppose it's wrong of me, but,

now there's so much evidence against Quentin

I can't believe that he could be innocent.

Maggie, he is innocent.

How can you be so convinced of that?

Even his best friend thought that he was guilty

and tried to protect him.

Cyrus Longworth made an assumption,

and his assumption was wrong.


I know how much Quentin loved Angelique.

I also know how insanely jealous he can be at times.

Now it is possible that he could have imagined

some indiscretion on her part.

If he did, then it's possible that he could have k*lled her.

BARNABAS: It's possible for anyone if they're angry

enough, to k*ll, but not very many people do it.

Barnabas, I want so much to believe he's innocent.

If he is, then who k*lled Bruno?

Who disposed of Angelique's body?

Why did Quentin run away from jail?

I can't answer those questions.

Barnabas, there's one more question.

Where is Quentin now?

In spite of the fact that the police have

searched this house, and the grounds around

here, I'm convinced that he's in this house.

And if he is mad, as Roger says he is.

Roger had no right to say such a thing.

If he is, it's possible he may intend to k*ll all of us,

one by one.

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

If only you could hear me and understand me.

You hold the key to so much.

The force of your life in another body has

caused too much suffering, it must be ended.

We must find a way to restore you,

not only for Quentin's sake,

but because I so long to know, know you as you really are.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

Maggie, I'm home.




The mistress of Collinwood.

How lovely you are.

You're home early.

I didn't expect you until much later.

The board meeting only lasted an hour.

Why so short?

Because I told them that I had to come home

to my lovely, lovely wife.


I also told them that I was tired of long meetings,

and even more tired of long hours,

and finally I told them that they were

going to have to do without my inspired leadership

for the next six months.

Quentin, what are you talking about?

You and me, our life together.

I've neglected you long enough.

MAGGIE: Quentin, I don't feel neglected.

That's what you tell yourself.

But I have devoted too much time to the company

and not enough time to you.

We're hardly ever alone together.

But all that's going to change, and you know why?

Because you and I are going to take a trip around the world.


The two of us together.

We'll leave tomorrow.


Now wait a minute, Quentin.

Don't you think we ought to plan this?

I'm tired of planning everything.

We'll just go, start living again.


What's the matter?

Don't you want to go?

Why yes, of course.

I guess I'm just overwhelmed.

Well, I'm glad.

I'm going to see to it that you stay that way.


[suspenseful music]

Maggie, where did these come from?

MAGGIE: I've no idea.

You've been in this house all day, haven't you?


And you don't have any idea how they got here.

Quentin, I just told you I didn't. What's wrong?

You know what's wrong.

These are the same flowers that Bruno

used to send to Angelique.

Now, I've told you that they are

forbidden to be in this house.

Darling, I don't know how they got here.

Perhaps the children picked them.

Bruno's been in this house, hasn't he?

He brought these flowers for you.

That's absurd.

Did he, or didn't he?

He did not!

If you've been seeing Bruno behind my back

If I've been seeing him?

How can you say such a thing?

Because I know what Bruno is like.

Well then you obviously don't know what I'm like.

Maybe I don't.

You have behaved rather strangely ever since I walked

into this house.

Quentin, stop it!

QUENTIN: You know,

there's a good reason you don't want to go on

a trip around the world.

Quentin, I just told you that I want to go.

No, you don't!

And that reason is Bruno.

He's the reason you don't feel neglected.

Quentin, no.

You said that you were surprised to

see me come home so early.

Well, if you'd have known that I was coming home so early

you would have disposed of these.

No, Quentin!

You and Bruno,

how long has it been going on?

Quentin, you don't know what you're talking about.

Please let me go!

Maggie, how long has it been going on?

Quentin, no.

You and Bruno.

I should have known better than to take your--

Quentin, you're hurting me.

You're hurting me!




[dramatic music]


[eerie music]
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