1063 - July 21, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1063 - July 21, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie theme music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in

is a very different place than in ,

as Julia and Barnabas have found out,

for escaping from parallel time

they find themselves in the future

with Collinwood in ruins.

The family seemingly gone

with no record of where or why,

and the three people they meet,

Mrs. Johnson, Professor Stokes,

and a mad Carolyn,

refuse to tell them what has happened.

And so they return to their hiding place.

[wind howling]

I felt the evil in Collinwood, Barnabas.

I felt it.

Something incredible is going on here.

Some plot to keep us or anyone else

from finding out what happened in .

I will find out.

[suspenseful music]


Barnabas, someone knows.

Someone knows.

[footsteps approaching]

[suspenseful music]

I knew you'd come back here.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]

JULIA: Well, of course we'd come.

I wanted to show Barnabas Naomi Collins' tomb.

You've seen it before.

But we couldn't remember the dates.

We wanted the exact date of her death.

We're working on a book.

What is that coffin doing in there?

Was that a secret room?


How unusual.

Has it always been here, do you think?

Who would ever put a coffin in here?

Yes, why would anyone?

How many secrets does this room have?

Secrets, yes.

Sometimes it's best not to know secrets.

You believe that strongly, don't you, Carolyn?

Oh, oh yes.

Do you know any secrets about this coffin, this room?

There was no coffin in this room before.

Before what?

Before, when I came here.

BARNABAS: When was that?

It's no business of yours!

But Carolyn,

if someone had moved the coffin in here.

Someone, someone. [laughs]

I know why it's here. [laughs]

You do?


Why is it here, Carolyn?

CAROLYN: It's waiting.

For what?

CAROLYN: For you.

Why is it waiting for me, Carolyn?

Or for her.

For the first one of you to die.

I see things, you know.

Things other people can't see.

That coffin is for one of you.

If you stay here, you will die.

Get out, get out quickly.

-Carolyn -Get out!

You do not belong here, get out!


Barnabas come.

Don't come back here ever again!

I don't know how much she knows.

Nothing about me.

We can't be sure of that, Barnabas.

I don't want to harm her, Julia.


It is for...


[wind howling]

We don't need anyone investigating us, Barnabas.

We'll have to move the coffin, tonight.

We shall find a hiding place at Collinwood.

No, not there Barnabas.

We don't know what's there.

No, Barnabas.

Look, Barnabas, the window!

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

It's our imagination, Barnabas.


Light the candle.

Is someone in this house?

Someone could be hiding.

Barnabas, it's insane for us to be here.

We don't even have a w*apon.

If I'm convinced of what I think resides in this house,

no w*apon could help us.

Barnabas, look.

Yesterday, there were a pile of papers here,

now there's just one.


Dried blood.

It wasn't on the table yesterday.

Someone is here.

Julia, the diary, remember?

I left it here.

It's gone, too.

That's everything we touched.


Someone is as interested in us,

as we are in what happened here.

[light melodic music]


[light melodic music]

BARNABAS: It's gone.

Barnabas, these things don't make any sense.

No, not yet.

If there are forces in this house,

if they don't want us to be here,

then why do they do these things?

Perhaps they're trying to frighten us.

Frighten us away.

With a dagger on the desk,

with music?

Oh, no, Barnabas.

Well, that is only the first step.

JULIA: What is the second?

BARNABAS: We shall have to wait to find that out.

JULIA: Oh, Barnabas we're not gonna stay here?


JULIA: Well, now, that's ridiculous.


Our presence here is the only way we can be sure

to see what it is that's here.

Well, it's always nice to see you, you know that.

Why, I was thinking just the other day about,

oh, years ago, when I was just a kid.

How you used to do your shopping,

going from store to store.

You don't like to think about those days

any more than the rest of us, I guess.

Well, what can I do for you?

You've got to help me.

Sure, if I can.

No one else can now.

And it's got to be done fast.

Very fast.

Well, tell me what you want.


Barnabas, I'm almost afraid to go into my room.


I don't know, it's just a feeling.

Here, hold this.

[suspenseful music]

Barnabas, look, my clothes.

Hanging exactly the way I left them in

when I went to Angelique's room.


Barnabas, my notes.

The lock is broken on my strongbox.

What notes are you talking about?

The notes that I took when I was trying to change you.

To stop you from being the way you are.

Anyone looking at them will know.

Julia, this box has been broken a long time.

Yes, but suppose Carolyn read them?

Whoever found out must've said something.

Must've told.

[wind howling]


Is there a spirit in this room?

If there is, appear to us.

Show us who you are!

[windows slamming]

[wind howling]

Show yourself!

[crashing] Oh, Barnabas! Run!


[wind howling]

[eerie music]

I don't care what you say, Barnabas.

There is no point in your staying in this house.

We've got to find some other place for you to hide.

Surely, you can see that.

The old house, perhaps.

All right, let's go there now.

Let's settle it.

But I'm coming back here.

Tonight, Julia.

Whether you are or not.

SHERIFF: All right, what are you doing here?!

[dramatic music]

BARNABAS: Sheriff, what right do you have

to bring us here for questioning?

I've had a complaint.

JULIA: From whom?

The owner of Collinwood.

Carolyn, a distant cousin.

You say.

But you don't have any identification.

Either of you.

We told you, we left it at Bangor.

We forgot it, that's all.

Obviously, Carolyn doesn't remember that

the old house is in my name.

When was it put in your name, Mr. Collins?

BARNABAS: Well, Mrs. Stoddard gave it to my father

back in the late s, and he willed it to me.

But I didn't find you at the old house, Mr. Collins.

You can certainly understand that I have

an interest in Collinwood.

SHERIFF: I wouldn't hang around there, if I were you.


I'm asking the questions.


What were you two doing here yesterday?

Visiting the family property.

SHERIFF: Where did you stay?

Bangor, we went back there.

But you don't have a car.

BARNABAS: Friends came for us.

I see.

I hope you realize I can book both of you on vagrancy.

Well, I have a great deal of money.

I own property here.

I could stay at the old house.

I'm going to give you some advice.

Don't stay in Collinsport.

Now, I can understand you wanting to come back here

to see what you own.

You've seen it,

let that be enough for you.

What if it's not?

What if I intend to return, and restore the old house?

Well, you may start to fix it up,

but I don't think you'll ever stay to finish it.


Collinwood is not a healthy place to be.

Take my word for that.

And that's all I have to say.

JULIA: Then, we may go?


Thank you.

I hope your friends from Bangor pick you up soon.

[suspenseful music]

Well, I did the best I could.

Will they go back?

To the old house?


I can't stop them from that.

Will you be here for a while?

I want to show you something.


It's something I don't understand.

[wind howling]


Barnabas, we shouldn't have come back here.

The sheriff may return.

Tonight may be the last time we can find out

what destroyed Collinwood.

If we're never to find that out,

we may never know,

and never be able to get back to our own time.


[light melodic music]

[light melodic music]

BARNABAS: It's coming from upstairs, Julia.

It's fading.

[footsteps approaching]


Someone's there.

BARNABAS: Who's there?



No one.

Someone was there.

At least we know whatever is in this house

has a physical presence.

[loud thudding]

It came from the drawing room.

Is this what you wanted me to see?

Now, Miss Carolyn,

I don't have time to be looking at pictures.

You must see just one.

You spend too much time thinking about those days.

I do not.

I never think about them.

It's just when I saw her last night.

I began remember...


[dramatic music]

SHERIFF: It's the same woman.

CAROLYN: Look, spring .

SHERIFF: She even wears her hair the same way.


What kind of joke are you trying to pull?

Oh, it's no joke.

That was years ago.

Nobody looks now like they did then.


You have a picture of this,

this Barnabas Collins in here?

I went all through my book looking for one.

Not one here.

Isn't that odd?

There's only an oil portrait of him.

It's at my house.

And it was painted in .

Whatever it is, it can evidently materialize

or dematerialize at will.

I'm going back upstairs.


[light melodic music]


Somewhere, in a room upstairs,

someone or something is playing that music.

Now, it can't be very dangerous

because music is seldom used to frighten.

But if I can find it,

I will force whatever it is out.

You wait here.

Julia, watch out!


[crashing] Oh!

That woman! That woman, Jean!

It happened to her!




[suspenseful music]


He meant to k*ll me.

He meant to k*ll


But why, Barnabas?



[eerie music]

[eerie theme music]
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