1066 - July 26, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1066 - July 26, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music]

NARRATOR:The great house of Collinwood

in the year .

For reasons that are still a mystery to them,

Barnabas and Julia have found themselves projected

into the future after their escape from parallel time.

And in the future they have come to,

Collinwood is in ruins,

and most of the family has disappeared.

On this night, Barnabas and Julia

have found a halfmad Quentin,

who remembers nothing of what happened

to the house and to the family.

They decide to take Quentin

to a strange children's playroom that exists in

but did not exist in ,

for Barnabas believes that the playroom

may hold the key to the mystery.

[soft music]

Barnabas, that music.

It's the same music we heard

when we were here the other evening.

Yes, just before we saw the figure in the window.

I don't want to go in.

Are you frightened, Quentin?


Then we must go in.

Quentin, we must go in.

[door unlatches] [music stops abruptly]



[ominous music]

[Dark Shadows theme music]

David, don't you recognize us?

It's Barnabas, and this is Dr. Hoffman.

Speak to us!

He's a ghost, Barnabas.

He may not speak.

The ghost of David Collins.


Why has it come back to Collinwood now?

Perhaps he's been here ever since the catastrophe.

Well, maybe we'll be able to communicate.

Did you see the expression on his face

when he looked at us?


There was absolutely no recognition.

Julia, I'm convinced that this room

holds the key to what we're looking for.

I know this room didn't exist in ,

and yet this room had something to do

with what happened then.

Even though it didn't exist?

As strange as that sounds, yes.

How, how can we find out what happened, Barnabas?

We've been trying to from the beginning.

I think Quentin knows more than he's telling us.

I'm so anxious to know why he reacted to the ghost when he

saw it like he did.

Yes, why did he run off like that?

And more important, where did he run to?

Well, in any case, we better find him.

He's in no condition to be wandering around by himself.

[banging/rattling door]

[wind blowing]

[strong wind blowing]

[metal crashes]


No, leave me alone!


Leave me alone.

I didn't want to come back here.

They forced me to come back into the house!

Now listen to me.

Listen to me, can't you hear?


Look, if you let me go, I promise

I'll never come back here again.

[wind howling]

[cosmic howling]

Stop it!

Will you stop torturing me!

[door banging]

[banging on door] [cosmic howling ends abruptly]

MAN: Help.

[dramatic orchestral chord]


[gentle chiming music]


Make him stay away from me!

God, please stay away from me!


[whimpers softly]

[gentle chiming music]

[screams loudly]


What's wrong?

Well, Barnabas, there's no way out.

- No way out. - What are you talking about?

He's got us trapped in here!

Who has?

He's got us trapped in here,

and there's no way out.

Tell us who you're talking about.

He's going to k*ll us!

And there's nothing we can do to stop it.

He's out there on the landing.

I saw him.

Quentin, we came just across the landing

and down the stairs and we saw nothing.

He is out there on the landing, I'm telling you.

I saw him!

I am going to prove to you, Quentin,

that there's no one there.

Now, where you going?

I'm going to the landing.

No, Barnabas, he'll k*ll you!

There's no one here, Quentin.

You've nothing to be afraid of.

Oh yes, I do!

I'm telling you, we've all got something

to be afraid of!

He's got us trapped in this house!

[laughs wearily]

And the door's locked and there's no way out.

We've got to get out of here!

Quentin, come back to the old house with us

and Julia will give you a sedative.

No, I don't want anything from either one of you.

You should have never come back here, never!


What is it, Julia?

The same feeling I had when we were here the other night.

A feeling of...

The presence of evil.

Julia, let me take you back to the old house.


Someone is watching us, Barnabas.

[loud thud]

There's no one here, Julia.

No, no one that we can see,

but the feeling...

The feeling is...

so overwhelming.

Come, come along.

[mysterious music]

[dramatic ominous note]

Barnabas, look!

[dramatic music]

They haven't seen us.

Well, let's make sure that they don't.

[soft chiming music]

That music again.

Where is it coming from?

I don't know.

[soft chiming music]

Barnabas, it's the way they're dancing,

it doesn't make any sense.

They didn't dance that way in .

I know.

I don't understand.

It's a minuet, and why are they doing that?

Maybe we should approach them.

No, no if they see us, they'll just go away.

Let's just watch here and wait

and see if we learn something.

[music stops]

BARNABAS: They're leaving.

I guess there's no way we can stop them.


Wait, you must speak to us!

That girl, I mean...

I don't know.

She must be important in all of this.

Isn't it curious that David should be

with someone that we never saw at Collinwood?

Well, maybe she came there after we left?

How much time actually passed since we left?

I don't know,

but Quentin must know who she is.

Yes, there's no doubt about that.

Question is, can we get him to admit it

and tell us about her.

We can try.

Why won't you appear to me?

Is it because of all the tragedy and death?

Nothing can change all that.

Whatever's done cannot be undone.

Just like nothing can be done about the burden of guilt

that I felt for all these years.

The memory of you is all I have left.

Oh please, Daphne.

Please let me see you again.

[ominous chimes]

How long have you been standing there?

We just came in a moment ago,

but we couldn't help but overhear.

Quentin, who is Daphne?

I'll tell you nothing.

Is she the girl that we heard talking

with David a short time ago?


- David Collins? - Yes.

David Collins is dead.

We know that, Quentin.

We all saw his ghost earlier in the playroom.

You ran when you saw it.

Barnabas, why are you trying to confuse me?

Oh, Quentin, you must know who you saw?

I did not see David in the playroom.

It was Tad.

It was Tad that I saw!

Tad, that was one of the two names on that birthday card.

Quentin, the child we saw was David.

There's no doubt about that.

Why do you think that this person is named Tad?

I am not going to answer any more of your questions.

Quentin, who was Tad?

Tell us.

Now you get out of my way before...

Before what, Quentin?

I suggest you try to get a hold of yourself.

Go upstairs now, Quentin, and get some rest.


There can be no rest now.

Barnabas, it'll be dawn soon.

We must go.

And another night's gone by.

And each new clue that we find

leads to so many more questions.

Three meaningless names.

I guess they're meaningless now,

but certainly in time they don't have to be.

We'll learn who they are.

Yes, in time.

[wind howling]

[soft music]

Oh, good...

You frightened me.

Why should I frighten you?

Why, I didn't expect to see you

standing there as soon as I got up.

Oh, you shouldn't be frightened of me.

I never mean to hurt people intentionally.

Tell me, are you feeling...

I was in the...

upstairs in the attic room,

and the door is locked.

Who locked it?



To protect your painting.

Where's Barnabas now?

Quentin, it's still daylight.

You know he can't come out until dark.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Anyway, it's going to be dark soon.

You tell him that I want to see him.

[mysterious music]

[soft flute music]

[wind howling]

[soft flute music]

[door slams shut]

[eerie suspenseful music]

[dramatic eerie music]

[Dark Shadows theme music]
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