1068 - July 28, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1068 - July 28, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music]

NARRATOR: Collinwood in the year ,

abandoned and in ruins,

found by Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman,

in their escape from parallel time,

and here they have discovered that an evil spirit presides,

unchallenged over the great estate.

An evil spirit so potent, that he has unknown to Barnabas,

gained command over the mind and actions of Julia herself.

But there are other ghosts who walk the night,

and they too are not without powers of their own.

[wind howling]

Scent of lilacs.

Who's here?

I sense your presence.

Appear to me.

[mysterious music]

Who are you?

Please I beg you, speak to me.

[thunder crashing] [wind howling]

Don't go, come back, speak to me.

Come back.

She will die.

[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]

[ominous music]


Julia, come here quickly!

JULIA: Barnabas what is it, what's happened?


[gasps] Where'd you find this?

A woman, in th century clothes appeared to me,

she left it.

She will die, what does it mean?

BARNABAS: I don't know.

Possibly Carolyn.

Yes of course, who else could it be?

Why the th century clothes?

Julia, both she and the evil spirit

were dressed in th century clothes,

but the children were dressed in clothes of .

What does that mean?

I don't know.

QUENTIN: She was here.

JULIA: Quentin, Quentin I thought you were resting?

Has she gone?

Where'd she go?

I've got to find her.

How do you know she was here?

Did you see her?

Lilacs, can't you smell them?

Yes, yes the scent of lilac.

Yes, whenever she was near [chuckles],

the air, with such fragrance.

BARNABAS: Who Quentin?


Oh Daphne.


Quentin, who is Daphne?

Yes, who's Daphne?

JULIA: You mean, you don't know?

A few times I saw her,

so cold, oh but so beautiful [chuckles].

There was such sorrow in her eyes.

Maybe Carolyn knows huh?

Oh, I'd give anything to see her again.

Will she come back?

I don't know Quentin.

Oh please let me see her again.

Daphne, Daphne,

Daphne, why are you so cruel?

Daphne, oh Daphne come back to me.

Now Quentin come, you've got to rest.

Oh no, I've got to find her.

She's gone.

Gone yes, they're all gone, everyone is gone.

She mustn't come back here,

she mustn't ever come back to this place.

They're all gone.

[ominous music]

[moves into music box music]

[mysterious music]

Barnabas I, I've read the family history

for the th century, over and over again,

and I don't remember a single entry of anyone named Daphne.

Well there maybe not been mention of a name,

but there must've been some indication, some clue.

At any rate, it's worth a try.

You, you go ahead Barnabas, I'll wait out here.

Let me know if you see anything.

[music box music]

[ominous music]

[wind whistling] [thunder cracking]

[doors thudding]

Barnabas, Barnabas!


Oh I saw him, I saw him,

I heard the thunder and the wind, and I saw him.

The evil spirit?

Oh no the boy, David or whoever.


Up, up there in the shadows.

[suspenseful music]

BARNABAS: He's gone, there's nothing here, nothing.

Just the dark.

What did he look like?

The same way he looked when we saw him before.

You better come into the drawing room with me.

I don't want to let you out here alone.

Did you find anything?

Just the family album that you were reading,

and then suddenly, the disturbance started.

[door thuds]

Barnabas, someone's in there.

I've got to get that book,

I'm convinced more than ever, how important it is.

Just flew out of my hand and off across the room.

I don't know where it is.

It's got to be someplace.

I can't see it now.

Could someone have taken it?

No, but I've got to find it.

[mysterious music]

The scent of lilacs again.

Daphne are you in this room?

Appear to us if you can.


Please appear to us if you can.

She's gone.

The bookm it's here,

she could've left it.

JULIA: Well I don't see how.

Oh no, it doesn't matter whether she did or not,

it's no use to us now.

Barnabas but who, and how?

Well, the spot I wanted,

the first part of the th century,

it's been torn out.

But, no one could've done it.

She did it,

because she didn't want us to know what was there.

JULIA: Sure it wasn't torn out before Barnabas?

I'm positive, it was all here a moment ago.

Now it's ruined.

JULIA: And there was nothing we could do to stop it.

Nothing at all.

And what a pity,

what a terrible pity.

[ominous music]

Barnabas, Barnabas, isn't it time to give up.

No, it isn't.

Well where are we going?

I want you to go back to the old house,

I want to see Carolyn alone.

That will be more frustrating than ever.

I know, but I can't help it, I must see her.

[music box chiming]

I've got to remember them,

I don't want to lose them again.

That, that's, that's my mother,

on my th birthday,

and she gave me a party,

and that's,

that's Uncle Roger, oh yes, yes [giggles],

and that, that's Quentin,

I think that's Quentin, yes, [giggles] yes,

that's Quentin [giggles], my cousin,

and who is it, I've got to remember.

I've seen that face before.

Who is it?


[Carolyn gasps]

It's you.

How did you get in here?

BARNABAS: Well I know you wouldn't

have answered the door if I had knocked.

CAROLYN: Why don't you leave me alone?

Because you're my cousin,

and because you're a Collins and I need your help.

I, I can't do anything for you,

I can't do anything for anyone.

Carolyn, who is Daphne?

[ominous music]


I, I don't know.

BARNABAS: Carolyn, I saw her ghost,

and the ghost of David and a young girl,

and the ghost of the evil man.

You must tell me who they are.

I told you before, I don't know what you're talking about.

How many times do I have to say it?


who is this, in this picture.

I don't remember.

It was taken a little less than years ago.

It's a girl, a young woman, a woman with courage and spirit.

Who cared more for her family than anything.

Now do you remember her?


Carolyn, I tell you that it's you, it's you.


Yes, now, do you remember who this is?

[giggles] My mother [giggles].

And this boy?


And this man?

Quentin [giggles]!

BARNABAS: It's all of them, you remember them,

[Carolyn giggles]

and I want you to help them.

I, I can't help them.

I tried before and I couldn't help them.

Carolyn, Quentin's at the old house,

he told me about a woman named Daphne,

and he said that you might know who she is.

If I can see her picture maybe I can remember.

Her picture isn't there.

There's my mother, wasn't she beautiful?

And this was my

Carolyn, now I appeal to you to help me.

[giggles] This was, this was my cousin Barnabas.

He was never cruel to me, he never did anything to hurt me.

Where is he now, why isn't he here to help me?

Carolyn, I am Barnabas, I am here,

and I do want to help you.

[giggles] No, he's gone.

They've all gone,

my mother and my Uncle Roger,

and David, gone, all gone,

and who did you say this girl is?

I can't remember.

You Carolyn.

[mysterious music]

[Carolyn giggles]

Me, he said she had great spirit and courage,

and she cared more than her family

than anything in the world, and he said it was me.

Yes, yes, I remember, it's me, it's me [giggles].

You've should've known

she wouldn't have told you the truth.

She wouldn't tell you anything.

Would you say that again.

All I said was,

you should've known that she wouldn't tell us anything.

I didn't imagine it, you sounded almost pleased.

Barnabas that, that's ridiculous.

BARNABAS: I know, but still I heard it.

But, what you heard was a sort of a,

a kind of a natural exasperation.

I mean, I think it's really almost funny,

we keep going to her and not getting anything.

That's all you heard.


Barnabas, we're both very tired.

We could say anything, you could hear anything.

Well maybe,

but in any case, we both are tired.

Where's the note?

Note, what note?

BARNABAS: Daphne's note.

Why do you want it?

I might give it to Stokes.

JULIA: Why would you give it to him.

In case we want to do another exorcism, now where is it?

Well, I don't know.

Don't you have it?

BARNABAS: I gave it to you.

Well I don't know where it is,

but I'll keep looking for it, if you want me to.

Yes, please.

[mysterious music]

[mysterious music]

Barnabas, Barnabas are you here?

QUENTIN: Barnabas went to visit Professor Stokes.

Is it Quentin?


CAROLYN: You don't remember me [giggles]?


Quentin, Quentin, oh [giggles].

Carolyn, hey, hey, hey what have they done to you?

What's happened to you?



No, no, no I'm the same.

QUENTIN: Yes, they've changed you.

No, I'm the same really.

That's what I've come to tell Barnabas,

that I haven't changed.

No, no, something terrible happened.

Somethings happening to us.

No Carolyn, what is it?

Why can't I remember?

Oh Carolyn, Carolyn will you help me?

You love me, I know you love me, you loved all of us.

Please help me.

Shh, everything's going to be all right Quentin.

I'm going to help, I really am.


CAROLYN: You must take this to Barnabas,

will you do that for me?

For you?

For Carolyn.

CAROLYN: Tell him, I will be waiting.


We're going to be all right Quentin.

All of our sorrows will disappear,

and we'll all be happy again, all of us [giggles].

[Quentin giggles]

That was Carolyn,

that was Carolyn [giggles].

[suspenseful music]

CAROLYN: I will wait for you at Collinwood.

Come there and I will tell you all I remember.

Tell all that she remembers.

Oh no, no one must see

BARNABAS: Quentin!

What is that?

It's just a note, it doesn't say anything.

BARNABAS: A note from Daphne?

No, it's from Carolyn.

Let me see it.

[mysterious music]

You were going to destroy this?


No one must know, no one.

JULIA: Barnabas, I've looked everywhere

for the note from Daphne,

but it's nowhere to be found.

Makes no difference,

I think this note will be far more valuable.

JULIA: What is it.

I'll tell you on the way to Collinwood, you come.

[door thuds]

[mysterious music]

Don't tell anyone.

Please don't tell anyone, please.

Please don't tell anyone, please.

Barnabas, nothing but terrible things have happened

every time we've come here.

Julia, we've been trying to get Carolyn to talk,

and now that she's willing, you're against it.

No, I'm not against it, I, I just think it's a trap.

Barnabas, please, please forgive me,

but I'm too frightened to go in there now.

Then you wait here.

Carolyn, I can't tell you how much this means to me.

I know how difficult this must have been for you.



[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]
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