1071 - August 2, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1071 - August 2, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[creepy music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood

in the year .

After escaping from parallel time,

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

discovered a Collinwood in ruins,

the result of some mysterious disaster

which occurred in .

The spirit of the evil man who reigns

over the ruined house has possessed Julia Hoffman

and forced her to betray Barnabas Collins' secret

to the local authorities.

But Barnabas has rescued Julia, and now the two are looking

for a way out of the house and hopefully out of this time.

[dramatic music]

It's only a little longer.

- [groaning] - Julia, Julia!

[eerie music]


[door creaks]

[dramatic music]

Come and sit in this chair.

You'll be all right.

- [groaning] - Just relax, sit down.

Julia, Julia, you'll be all right.

- You'll be all right. - Who are you?

What is wrong?

Who are you?

[eerie music]

[creepy music]

[dramatic music]

We don't know how you helped us,

but we want to thank you.

Helped you?

BARNABAS: Don't be afraid of us.

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Barnabas, her dress.

Her dress, it's not the same.

That's right.

Then she can't be the same girl we saw in the playroom.

I'm going to tell Mrs. Stoddard you're--

No, wait.

Please, you mustn't be afraid of us.

Believe me.

Who are you?

I'm Barnabas Collins and this is Dr. Hoffman.

I've heard them talk about you.

BARNABAS: Did you say that Mrs. Stoddard was here?

Here in this house?

Yes, of course.

Is it possible, Julia, that we've traveled through time

while we were on those stairs?

I don't know, Barnabas.

Young lady, what year is this?

Don't you know?

I know that it may seem very strange to you,

but we've just had a very frightening experience.

Even if we explained it to you,

you wouldn't be able to understand.

It's .

Barnabas, we're back.

I don't know how it happened, but here we are.

Neither do I understand, but at least we're back

in time to try and prevent what's going to happen.

I don't understand anything you're saying.

JULIA: Tell us who you are

and how long you've been at Collinwood.

My name is Hallie, Hallie Stokes.

BARNABAS: Are you any relation to Professor Stokes?

He's my uncle.

My parents were k*lled in an accident

and he brought me here.

Mrs. Stoddard invited me to stay at Collinwood.

Well, you better take us to her or to Roger Collins.

We have a great deal to tell them.

Roger's in Europe.

I know Mrs. Stoddard is downstairs.

[dramatic music]


ELIZABETH: Quentin. What's the matter?

- I've been to the east wing. - You went to the room again?

Yes, and this time, I saw something happening.

What was it?

The room changed while I was standing in the doorway.

There had obviously been a fire

because the room was filled with smoke.

There was a young girl wandering around the room,

calling out for Barnabas.

- Calling for Barnabas? - Yes.

- You know who she was? - No, I never saw her before.

Was there no sign of Julia or Barnabas?

None. I tried to communicate with the girl,

but I couldn't.

Quentin, do you think it's possible

that Julia and Barnabas were trapped in the fire?

That's the only conclusion that I can come to.

And if it's true, Elizabeth,

then we shall never see them again.

Elizabeth, Quentin, we've returned.

[dramatic music]

We found out too late

that Stokes had set fire to the house.

But when we tried to get out,

we found the front of the corridor in flames.

And then the room changed.

QUENTIN: We were afraid that you were

both lost in the fire.

Quentin, how did you know about the fire?

ELIZABETH: Quentin saw the room change.

He said it was filled with smoke.

When did you see this?

Right after Julia and you got here.

BARNABAS: But that's not possible.

Why not?

The fire occurred over a week ago.

Barnabas, are you telling us that the room changed

over a week ago with you and Julia in it?


Then where have you been?

That's the incredible part of our story.

You see, Julia and I found ourselves transported

to the future.

To the year .

- ? - Barnabas.

JULIA: Oh, it's true.

We were there, and the two of you must listen

to what happened to us.

Unless something is done very soon,

we're going to find there's going to be a disaster here,

right here at Collinwood.

A catastrophe? What are you talking about?

After we left the west wing room,

we came downstairs to the foyer, we found the house in ruins.

The beams in the ceiling had collapsed,

the floors were covered with leaves,

there was no power at all.

The house was in complete shambles.

We couldn't imagine what had happened.

The entire place was deserted.

We went to the cemetery and we saw Mrs. Johnson.

She was putting flowers on David's grave.

David's grave?

BARNABAS: Yes. According to the tombstone,

David had died in .

You both must have imagined this.

Elizabeth, you must listen.

We don't have very much time to prevent

what's going to happen.

QUENTIN: Time for what?

Well, we just have a very short time

before-- before something happens here, a disaster.

Barnabas, exactly what do you think's going to happen?

I wish I knew.

Julia and I found everything and everyone

so completely changed in the future.

Everyone either unable to tell us,

or unwilling to tell us, what had caused the catastrophe.

Who else did you see there?

Carolyn, Professor Stokes,

and you, Quentin.

Everyone else had disappeared mysteriously.

And I wasn't able to tell you what happened?

JULIA: No, Quentin.

We discovered that you had been in a mental institution.

You didn't know what had happened, neither did Stokes.

The only person that we thought knew anything was Carolyn.

And she refused to tell you?

Carolyn was in a...

in a very strange state, mentally.

She had somehow managed to block out

the memory of whatever had happened.

Towards the end, she began to remember.

Towards the end?

What do you mean?

She died of fright...

right here in this room.

That sounds so terrifying,

I can't believe it really happened.

Barnabas, when you and Julia

made the transition from parallel time

to this time, now, isn't it possible

that you experienced some kind of hallucination?

We both couldn't have imagined it.

And we have those few clues, remember?

Just before she died,

Carolyn managed to scribble a note.

She said that there were six events

that lead to the catastrophe.

One of them, she mentioned a place called Rose Cottage.

Have you ever heard of such a place around here?

Rose Cottage?

I've never heard of it.

I don't believe there is such a place,

at least not near Collinwood.

Do you know the date when the fire occurred?

I do.

I remember seeing the calendar

in Inspector Hamilton's office.

It was August rd.

That's what I thought.

Today happens to be August rd.

JULIA: No, it can't be.

But it is!

You think that a week has passed

when actually not even one night has passed.

I don't understand it,

but whatever the explanation is,

I still believe the experience we had was real,

and we had all better do something about it

before it's too late.

[dramatic music]

Did you find anything?

No mention of any names we heard.

Elizabeth found these two volumes

covering the first half of the th century.

How is she?

Oh, she's still upset, I'm afraid.

Julia, do you think it was wise of us

to tell Elizabeth and Quentin about the future?

Barnabas, they're going to be a part of it.

We had to tell them, no matter how disturbing

it is for them.

Well, maybe Quentin was right.

Maybe we did imagine it.

We couldn't have. It was too real.

Even now, I can almost still feel that--

that presence of evil.

I can still see Gerard's face vividly in my mind.

We were there, Barnabas.

And somewhere back in time,

those spirits existed as living human beings.

Julia, I found one of the names.

- Which one? - Daphne.

Daphne Harridge.

What does it say about her? Who was she?

She was governess to the Collins in .

JULIA: Yes, what else?

That's all there is.

But at least it's a beginning.

- I'm going to the cemetery. - What for?

Well, when she was-- Daphne's spirit when we saw her,

she looked as she did when she died.

She was quite young.

I want to find out just how young.

I'll come with you.

[curious music]

[dramatic music]


Who is it?

HALLIE: Hallie. May I come in?

Yes, Hallie.

It's past your bedtime, isn't it?

I've got to talk to you, Quentin.

Why? You have trouble?

Yes, but I don't know what it is.

Come on, you're gonna have to do better than that.

HALLIE: You know those strange feelings get sometimes?



those two people who came back to Collinwood today...

Barnabas and Julia?


Do you think-- what I mean is...

are they good people?

QUENTIN: Now, you've seen them.

What do you think?

I don't know.

When I first met them in the west wing,

I was frightened by them.

Hallie, you met them in the west wing?

HALLIE: Yes. Why?

Are you sure that's where you found them?


I guess the reason I was frightened

was the way they looked at me and talked to me.

What do you mean?

Well, they said things that made me think

that they'd seen me someplace before.

And I know I've never seen them before.

But then when I brought them downstairs,

I had the awful feeling that something terrible

was going to happen.


Now look, now you listen to me.

Barnabas and Julia are very fine people,

and you don't have to be afraid of them

or of anything else.

Now you believe that.

Now just what were you doing in the west wing?

I don't really know.

I was sitting in my room

and suddenly I had the feeling I had to go to the west wing.

And I have no idea why.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

BARNABAS: She was years old.

Yes, but she didn't die a natural death, Barnabas,

because her spirit is not at rest.

Julia, if we could find out how and why she died,

at least we'd be making some progress.

Barnabas, Barnabas, we've already learned

more than I ever hoped to.

Look who's buried next to her.

[dramatic music]


QUENTIN: Come in.

Mrs. Johnson said you wanted to see me.

Yes. Barnabas...

When you were telling us the story downstairs,

you left out one very important detail.

Well, there was so much to tell,

I left some of it out, several things.

- One thing about you. - What was that?

When we finally found you, you hadn't aged at all.

You looked exactly like you do now.

Obviously your portrait hadn't changed.

Well, I don't know whether that's something

to look forward to or not.

Anyway, Barnabas, when you told us the story,

I was convinced that you had imagined

your experience in the future.

Now I don't know.

Well, what was the detail I left out?

Well, when you returned

from parallel time or the future,

you should have came back through the east wing.

Now, Hallie just told me that she discovered you

in the west wing.

BARNABAS: That's right.

Do you have any notion how you got there?

None whatever.

Now listen to me, have you said very much to the girl?

No, I-- Julia and I felt that she wouldn't understand.

Okay, good, because I don't want her to know

anything that you've told Elizabeth and myself.

She's a very sensitive child.

She frightens quite easily.

I understand that her parents died quite recently.

Hmm, about six months ago.

She was living with relatives and Stokes brought her here.

We've become very fond of her.

Well, you have my word that I won't say anything to her.

All right, thank you.

Now, um, about your return.

You don't have any idea whatsoever

how you got to where you were?

All I can tell you is that we were

in the children's playroom off the west wing corridor.

Now, wait a minute.

There's no playroom there,

and there never has been.

Well, that's the way I felt, too, Quentin.

But that's the room that led us to the west wing corridor.

Julia and I were in it.

We didn't know how we were going to get out,

and then Hallie, well, she appeared.


Well, actually it was the ghost of Hallie.

You see, in the disaster that is coming,

Hallie is supposed to have died, too.

Go on.

Well, the spirit guided us to a door

that hadn't been opened a moment before.

We went through it and found a strange staircase,

and then we found another door that led us to this corridor.

And then Hallie appeared again.

Only this time, she was alive.

That's when we knew that we had got back.

Fantastic as it all seems, I'd be willing to believe it.

But a playroom just doesn't exist.

Well, I will prove to you that it does.

Now come with me.

[dramatic music]

Tell me, Hallie, have you enjoyed your stay at Collinwood?

Yes, very much.

Has the house changed much since you arrived?

I don't understand what you mean.

Well, a house like this doesn't stay the same.

Things happen to it, sometimes strange things.

The house has always seemed very peaceful to me.

I'm glad to hear that.

Tell me, Hallie, have you ever heard

of a place called Rose Cottage?

Rose Cottage?

No, I haven't.

I'd better go.

It's time for me to go to bed.

All right, Hallie.

Good night.

Good night, Dr. Hoffman.

[dramatic music]

Julia and I came out of that door.

It leads to the playroom.

I'm afraid you're in for a dismal disappointment.

[dramatic music]

I don't understand!

I swear this was the door!

I don't understand either, Barnabas.

But there is no playroom.

And it's not conceivable

that there could have ever been a playroom here

because on the other side of the wall is the outside.

Now are you satisfied?

[suspenseful music]

[tinkling music]

[creepy music]
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