1074 - August 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1074 - August 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, .

Julia and Barnabas have returned from the future

with the knowledge that unless they can prevent it

before the present year ends,

David will be dead and the great house destroyed.

This night, unknown to the adults,

David has discovered a mysterious note

which tells him to come to the gazebo at midnight.

[clock tower strikes, wind howls]


Hallie, are you playing some kind of joke on me?

Where are you Hallie, don't hide.

[leaves rustle]

[eerie music]


You're not Hallie.

You're the girl that was in my dream.

[eerie music]

[waves crash]

[eerie music]

Who are you?


[eerie music]


David, what am I doing in this dress?

What am I doing here?

You wrote me a note to meet you here.

I have it.

[paper rustles]

I didn't write that.

What kind of game is this, Hallie?

I didn't write it!

I know your handwriting.

It's different.

It is sort of different.

It's a little old-fashioned looking.

Who wrote it, David?

You mean you didn't?

Then how did you to come?

I don't know.

DAVID: Oh, Hallie.

I don't!

I was going to bed

when I saw this dress,

it's the dress that you, that was in your dream.

Isn't it?

The dress you dreamed I was wearing.

Where did you get it?

HALLIE: It was lying on my bed.

No, after I described it to you,

you must have gone and got it some place.

No, David.

David, it was lying on my bed

before you ever had that dream.


It's true!

How could I have dream about a dress that I've never seen?

A dress that's real?

I don't know!

It's crazy, Hallie.

Everything is.

My coming here.

David, I didn't know where I was going

when I left the house.

But when I came near the gazebo,

I knew, I knew!

DAVID: Knew what?

This is where I was meant to come.

I wasn't even surprised to see you.

Oh, David!

Somebody else wanted you here.


I don't know.

But I'm gonna stick around and find out.

I don't think we ever should find out.

We have to.



Remember this afternoon when we were here?

And I said I felt someone watching us?

Someone was.


I don't know, but it wasn't anyone real.

It's a mystery.

And I like mysteries.

But we're part of it, David.

Don't you see?

We're part of the mystery.

[wind howls]


Do you smell them, David?


It's too late for lilacs.

Lilacs bloom in the spring, everybody knows that.

Don't you smell them?

[eerie music]


I do!

Where you going, Hallie?

David, don't stay here!

I have to.

No, David!

I'm gonna find out who wrote this not, Hallie.

Don't David, don't!

[eerie music]

Are you here?

Are you?

Forebodings of disaster.

Mrs. STODDARD: What?

My horoscope for tomorrow,

"Beware of unexpected meetings and sudden shocks,

"conserve your energies for a more fruitful day."

Think I'll stay in bed.

Carolyn, do you believe in those things?

[Laughs] Ask me tomorrow night.

No, I mean it.

Mother, I don't really very much believe in anything.

Mrs. STODDARD: Carolyn.

CAROLYN: It's true, Mother.

A horoscope seems about as much good as anything else.

That's a very cynical attitude.

You've gotten very cynical, Carolyn.

Well, you sound as if there was some

pill I could take for it.

I'm sorry, darling.

I know distressing it's been since Jeb died.

Let's not talk about Jeb, please.

Well, maybe we should.

Maybe you wouldn't brood so much.

No, I would just remember him more.

I just find myself waiting for him

to walk through that door.

I guess only one person talking doesn't help.

Goodnight, Mother.

Goodnight, dear.

[eerie music]


[knocking on door]


[eerie music]

Halley, what is that dress you're wearing?

I found it.


In a trunk upstairs.

And you got up in the middle of the night to put it on?



[Stammering] I don't know why I did it.

Of course you do.

Yes, you're right.

I was lying in bed and I really wasn't sleeping.

Um, I started thinking about the dress.

And, uh, I bet myself it would fit me and it does,

just as if it was made for me.

Hallie, is everything all right?

Is something wrong?

I have trouble sleeping sometimes.

So do I.

I really have to stop thinking about the accident.

Yes, you must remember your mother and father

when they were alive,

when you were happy together.

I know, Hallie, I've lost someone I love very much, too.


I think I'll be able to sleep now.


Hallie, if I can help you, about anything,

just let me know.

[eerie music]

Why didn't I tell her?


[wind howls]

What's the point of staying here?

Nobody's gonna come.

No, wait, just a little while longer.


[wind howls]

[eerie music]

[door creaks]

David, what are you doing in those clothes?

David, what's wrong?


Why don't you answer me, David?

Who are you?

Who is she, David?



Stay away from me!

I don't know you!

Stay away from me!

Stay away! [screams]

[wind howls]

[eerie music]

The lilacs again.

Who are you?


[eerie music]

[knocking on door]

DAVID: Hallie?

Come in.

I saw her, Hallie.

In the gazebo.


A woman.

With a long, long dress on.

I think she's the one that wrote the note.

Did she have dark hair?



I just wondered.

DAVID: There's gotta be a reason, Hallie, what reason?

There is no reason, David.

Who is she?

What does she want from us?

I don't know who she is.

She didn't speak.

When I walked towards her she disappeared.

She was a ghost, Hallie.

The funny thing was is,

I wasn't scared.

I was calm.

Why aren't you surprised?

I thought you'd be surprised.

Why aren't you?

David Collins, not only are you up at this hour,

but you're still dressed.

What are you doing in here?

I'm planning something.

What are you so busy planning?

What Hallie and I are going to do tomorrow.

What is it?

I'm old enough to have a secret or two, aren't I?


[door slams]

I'm sorry he disturbed you, Hallie.

It's all right, Mrs. Stoddard.

No it isn't and you mustn't let him.

Goodnight, dear.

[eerie music]

And there was Hallie wearing

a very old-fashioned looking dress.

One she said she found in the attic.

It does seem and odd time to dress up.


Mother, Barnabas said that whatever happened here

has something to do with David and Hallie.

Well, I don't think getting into and old-fashioned dress

can cause what Barnabas is talking about.

[knock at the door]

Are you expecting someone?


I'll get it.

[wind howls]

No, no!

[suspenseful, dramatic music]

Jeb, it can't be Jeb, it can't be!

Quite right, I'm not Jeb.

Mr. Shaw.


Carolyn, this is Sebastian Shaw.

Sebastian Shaw.

I [stammers] I'm sorry.


Mother, leave me alone!

You shouldn't have come here.

I certainly didn't know I'd have this kind of affect.

Well, you resemble my daughter's husband.

Her late husband.

Oh. Oh I am sorry.

You had no way of knowing.

It's not your fault.

Come in.

I have your horoscope, Mrs. Stoddard.

From this day until December st, .

Wait, come in here.

[eerie music]

It's a day-by-day analysis

of what the stars and planets have in store for you.

Are you afraid, Mrs. Stoddard?

You tell me what it says.

No, no, no if I do that I would probably

be here all day long.

Is it, does it say whether I'm going

to live through a disaster?

Will David, my nephew, be all right?

Is there any sign that we're going to leave Collinwood?

No, not a thing.

Thank God.

Yes, it was a very, very interesting chart

to draw up, Mrs. Stoddard.

Your sign is Pisces, which is very fortunate.

Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces.

And there was one very, very curious thing.

You seem to has a propensity for the occult.

Although, under other circumstances

with your psychic powers.

I have no psychic powers.

Oh yes, you do.

We all do, Mrs. Stoddard.

The intuition borders on the psyche.

And that during this period you may, you may find

that Neptune is interfering with your intuitive gifts.

It's just a word of warning, that's all.

I see.

Well, I'll let you read it and you come and call me

and I'll be very happy to discuss it with you.

Yes, yes I wish you'd fix the price.

Mrs. Stoddard, please don't make a shop keeper out of me.

You're a very strange young man.

Yes, I also have my values.

Oh, yes, one more thing about the horoscope.

You see, I'm not infallible.

You may find one day that your experiences

are quite different from what the horoscope

is telling you.

Well, just come to me and I'm sure I can catch

whatever mistake I made

and adjust the rest of the horoscope.

Would you be willing to do that?

Well, now, Mrs. Stoddard.

You may have come to me on a whim,

but charting the future is not a whim with me.

[paper tearing]

All right, I'm sure I can be of future service to you.


[eerie music]

I found it in the trunk in the attic.

This one has the same handwriting

that was on the note from last night.

The writing that looks like mine.

This one is dated .

How can someone back then right like I do now?

I don't know.

Look at this!

The writing look like yours.

Yeah, but it's got all sorts of strange curly-cues on it.

"Where Abner Collins found, warning all not to enter.

"I will meet you tonight."

Who's Abner Collins?

DAVID: Some dead relative.

"Come to the playroom if you value your life."

Playroom? There is no playroom.

HALLIE: Is there a picture of Abner Collins?

Yeah, I think there is in one of the back halls.

Let's go find it.


Well, maybe there's a room that I don't know about.

No, David.

Come on, you wanna find the playroom, don't you?

And you wanna find out about that lady from last night.

Come on!

[eerie music]

I think it's around here somewhere.

There he is.

There's the door.

And now I shall show you what hasn't been--

Don't joke, David!

What hasn't been seen my the human eye

for more than a hundred and thirty years.

HALLIE: A closet?

It isn't big enough to be a playroom.

Unless they had small children [laughs].

[music box music]

Music, listen.

[music box music]

Sounds like it's coming from behind this wall.

I don't like it, David, let's get out of here.


Lilacs, do you smell them?


It's her!



Hallie, wait.

[music box music]

[eerie music]
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