1075 - August 6, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1075 - August 6, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, in the year .

A year that will see an unknown disaster,

demolish the Great House.

Unless Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

can learn how to prevent it.

Meanwhile, unknown to them,

Hallie and David have set out to search

for a secret play room.

A room that is part of the coming tragedy.

DAVID: It's bound to be here somewhere.

Look, there he is!

HALLIE: There's the door!

And now, I shall show you what--

HALLIE: Don't joke, David.

What hasn't been seen by human eyes

for more than years.

HALLIE: A closet!

DAVID: This isn't big enough to be a play room.

Must have had very little children, then.

[carousel music]

David, listen.

Sounds like it's coming from this wall.

David, I don't like it.

Let's get out of here.



Do you smell them?

It's her!



Hallie, wait!

[waves crashing] [eerie music]

HALLIE: You saw her too, admit it.

DAVID: If only it wasn't so dark.

She's the same woman I saw in my dream.

Same woman that was down at the gazebo.

I'm sure of it!

So, what?

What if she was?

But you saw, she's a ghost!

Doesn't that scare you?

A little.

You're as frightened as I am about it.

Don't pretend you're not.

Stop talking for a minute.

I'm trying to figure something out.

Figure out who she is and what she's doing here!

I know she has something to do with the playroom,

the music, that smell of lilacs.

That doesn't tell us who she is,

what she's doing here.

There may be a way to find out, maybe.

What's that?

We have to find out where the music's coming from,

where the playroom is.

We need a lot more clues.

[opens drawer]

And I think they may be in here.

[rustles paper]

Do you want to find out what this is about or not?

You mean to say that in all these books,

the only thing we've been able to find,

is when Carrie and Tad were born and when they died?

Well, I think that can mean a great deal, Barnabas.

Carrie and Tad died,

at about the same age that David and Hallie are now.

BARNABAS: We've got to find more, much, much, more.

Well so far we've tried

but we haven't come up with anything.

Well at least the fact that they both

died at the same time warrants some explanation.

JULIA: Barnabas, try to remember

that the Collins family history is not

particularly famous for it's accuracy.

I mean, what happened to you was important

and you were deliberately omitted.

And the fact that so very little

has been written about them would indicate that...

That something unusual happened to them.

JULIA: That's possible.

QUENTIN: Still poring over the family history, eh?

JULIA: Yes and there's no success at all.

I don't know whether to admire your tenacity

or be exasperated by your stubbornness!

At the moment I'll settle for sympathy for my stiff neck.

[Quentin laughs]

Though seriously, I wish there was something I could do.

Well, at least you're not accusing us of outright madness.


[opens window]

I don't know whether that's necessarily virtuous of me.

Quentin, what are you looking at?

The moon.

[ominous music] The Moon?

QUENTIN: It's full tonight.

[wind howls]

Quentin, what are you saying?

-What? -Are you alright?

Are you in any danger?

Oh, no, no, no.

The portrait is secure and so am I.

No, I was just thinking about Chris.

I hated to see him and Sabrina and Amy,

go away together like they did.

I can't help thinking about what may be happening to them.

Especially on a night like this.

Poor man.

That poor woman.

You know, I forget how fortunate I really am.

These small pleasures like tonight.

What about tonight?

Well, I can enjoy the eclipse tonight

with the same joy and wonderment as I did when I was a kid.

JULIA: Oh, is there an eclipse tonight?

Total eclipse of the moon.

I, uh...

Don't suppose that perhaps I can

persuade you two to drop what you're doing

and come up to the tower room and watch it with me?

No, we better keep on working.

We may come up with something.

All right, but when the big moments occurs,

I'll let you know and at least you can take time out then.

JULIA: Perhaps.

You know, there's always a little mysterious

and, well, something a little, frightening

about the moon going totally dark

when the Earth's shadow crosses over it.

[dramatic music]

JULIA: Mm, I suppose so.


JULIA: What is it Barnabas?

You found something?

Did you hear what Quentin, just said?

He said something about the eclipse affecting him.

Tonight, the moon goes dark

as the Earth goes between it, and the Sun.


You remember the first clue that Carolyn wrote?

The one that tells us when the disaster will take place?

The night of the sun and the moon?

That night, Julia, is tonight!

[dramatic music]


Barnabas, what are we going to do?

If we only knew what was supposed to happen

we could at least try to prevent it.

But we don't!

Julia, the first thing we have to do is to make sure

that Hallie and David are all right.

Barnabas, don't you think we should tell them?

Just in case they see anything unusual?

No, but Elizabeth wouldn't allow that.

No, but it's for their own good.

What are we gonna tell them?

That they're going to die

and they're going to come back as some sort

of mysterious ghost to haunt Collinwood?

Now, we can't do that.

Well, Barnabas can't I hint to them

that they might look for something?

Of course, by all means.


Look, it's beginning.


Only touching the moon.

[suspenseful music]

[wind howling]

Here's one you wrote.

David, I did not write these and neither did you.

You know what I mean.

Some of them look like I wrote them.

Some look like you.

This one just happens to look like you wrote it.

"When you hear the carousel play,

"please come into the room."

Where is the room?

The portrait of Abner Collins didn't find it for us.

"Tomorrow the Sun will shine on Rose Cottage."

Rose Cottage?

Where's that?

It's not on the grounds.

Just keep looking for the ones that talk about the playroom.

Here's another one about Rose Cottage.

Just the playroom, Hallie.

I don't care about Rose Cottage!

But listen to it.

All right.

"Tonight I will tell you

"who is going to live in Rose Cottage."

Just tell about the ones

that tell about the playroom, please?

[rustling papers]

Here's one that I-

That looks like I wrote it.

"Don't ride on the carousel too long.

"It can be dangerous."

What does that mean?


Are you sure...

We're playing a game?

Of course.

But if it is a game,

then who's playing it with us?

She is, Hallie, of course.

[dramatic music]

All right.

So she is playing it.

But we don't know why she's playing it.

DAVID: For the fun of it, Hallie.

I'm not so sure.

What do you have against

doing something different for a change?

Just keep reading the letters.


Who is it?

JULIA: Dr. Hoffman, may I come in?

Sure, sure.

Well, Hallie, I was looking for you before.

I couldn't find you.

Maggie gave us an extra lesson

because we've been so lazy all summer.

[Julia snickers]

Is there anything you want?

I just wondered if the two of you

want to go sailing tomorrow.

Oh, we have lessons.

Well, I'll talk to Maggie.

She won't let us.

She told us today.

"No more time away from lessons

"unless there's a lot of improvement."

I see, well I'm very sorry about that.

Is everything all right?

DAVID: Sure, sure.

You haven't noticed anything unusual

around the house, have you?


No, I haven't.

Have you, Hallie?


Did you have anything particular in mind?

No, I suppose I was just reacting to the eclipse.

HALLIE: Eclipse?

Didn't Maggie tell you about it?

There's an eclipse of the moon, tonight.

DAVID: Yes, we forgot.

Thank you, for reminding us.

JULIA: Would you like to come and watch it with Quentin and me?

No thank you.

It is rather boring watching a shadow cross the moon

and it takes so long!

I better stick to my studying.

Why don't I come here later,

when the moon is fully gone and let you know?


That'll be after midnight

and we're supposed to be asleep.

But this is something special.

I really think we'd better study.

Thank you, anyway.

Well, all right then.

[ominous music]

[locks door]

"The night of the sun and the moon."

That's all Carolyn wrote.

I'm sure she meant tonight.

What do you think we ought to do?

Well, Julia's gone up to see

if the children are all right.

But if you're asking me,

I'd suggest that we get them out of Collinwood immediately.


But it's for their safety!

Well, I may believe that but Elizabeth never will.

Well she must be made to understand.

Are we to stand around waiting

for the second clue to take place?

And what would that be?

Well, again, it's cryptic.

It says,

"An unfinished horoscope."

[dramatic music] Barnabas...

Are you sure of that?

BARNABAS: I'm positive.

Do you have any idea why Elizabeth

wouldn't send the children away?

She doesn't want to frighten them.

No, but more than that.

She is convinced that for the remainder of the year,

nothing will go wrong here at Collinwood.

Well that's a rather dangerous assumption, I think.

Do you know why she's convinced of that?

BARNABAS: I have no idea.

She just had an astrologer draw up her horoscope.

[dramatic beat]

Elizabeth's had her chart drawn up by a,

by an astrologist?

There's the next clue.

"An unfinished horoscope."

But it's not unfinished.

I saw a complete chart in her room.

No disaster was mentioned?

Completely the opposite.

It states that uh,

"Collinwood, is to come under a siege,

"of unrelieved tranquility."

Then it must be unfinished.

Where is Elizabeth?

She went to Portland for a day or two.


I wish she were here.

I've got to tell her that there's danger

for the entire house!

Do you know what she'd say?


She would probably completely disregard

the horoscope as having anything to do

with the night of the sun and the moon.

She would also say, "It's not unfinished.

"It's absolutely complete!"

Then something must happen to Hallie or David

or somebody else before she'll even listen!

Julia, did you see the children?


Are they all right?

I don't know.

What do you mean?

Well, it's just an instinct,

but I feel they were hiding something from me.

Hiding what?

Don't know.

Their whole manner, it was just too casual.

Yes but it's not unusual for kids their age

to want to keep secrets to themselves.

Well, I have respect for their privacy

but this is no time for them to keep secrets.

I think the only thing we can do is to

keep watch over them.

For tonight, anyway.

Well, I'll go up and look in on them.

I don't share your fears

but I don't think we have to take a chance, either.

[dramatic music]

The moon's half dark.

I wonder when the next clue will be.

[wind howling]

I'm afraid it won't be very long from now.

[ominous music]

Did Quentin come into your room?

Just a few minutes ago.

He thought I was asleep.

Me too.

Quentin does have a point.

Elizabeth's horoscope is finished.

I feel someone in this house

was in touch with an astrology.

Now they're sound asleep.

Possible that we've been wrong?

Perhaps this isn't really isn't

the night of the sun and the moon.

Perhaps it's something else.

I only wish it were.

But in any case, you must keep close watch tonight.

Whatever happens isn't necessarily going to happen to the children,

it can happen to anyone.

I wish this eclipse were over.

QUENTIN: Now the Earth's...

Almost covering it, now.

Eclipse should be complete within a few minutes.

[ominous music]

[wind howling]

DAVID: This has got to be the right place.

We shouldn't have run away before.

Read me the note, again.

It's so dark, I can hardly see it.

Look, David.

There's no light coming through the window.

It's the eclipse!

[wind howling]

[carousel music]

David, the music.

What does the note say?

"When the music ends,

"the play begins."

I wish it would make more sense!

Oh, David, I'm getting frightened again.

I can't help it.

DAVID: I think the music is coming from behind this door.

[carousel music stops]

It stopped.


"When the music ends,

"the play begins."

Oh, something else has got to happen.

But what?

David, I don't think anything is gonna happen.

Let's go back.

We'll come back tomorrow and look.

I'm going!

Wait, Hallie.

[door creaks open]

Hallie, look! [carousel music]

[eerie music]
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