1077 - August 10, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1077 - August 10, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie dramatic music]

NARRATOR:When Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

returned from parallel time,

they found themselves not in ,

but in the year ,

and all Collinwood lay in ruins around them.

Now they have returned to their own time,

and their desperate efforts to avert the destruction

of the great estate have met only with

an ever-growing mystery.

And now on this night,

a new event occurs that will bring the house

and all of its inhabitants closer to disaster.

[eerie dramatic music]

QUENTIN:Daphne Harridge, the scent of lilacs.

[eerie dramatic music]

The scent of lilacs.

[eerie dramatic music]

[wind blowing]

QUENTIN: Daphne.

[eerie dramatic music]


No, wait, don't go.

Daphne, wait!

[eerie dramatic music]

Of course it was just a dream. Stupid of me.

[dramatic music]


Daphne, you were here.

You were in this same room.

And your name is Daphne.

Please, I beg you to appear to me.




[eerie dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]


Oh, Daphne.

[eerie dramatic music]

Your touch, so soft and real.

[eerie dramatic music]

No, wait.

Don't go, Daphne, please!

[wind blowing]


Daphne, what happened?

Daphne, please don't go. Come back!

[dramatic music]

David, please.

The next time you take the boat out alone,

please try to be back before dark.

I've been worried sick about you!

I just wanted to go to the lighthouse and back.

I know, but not after dark.

Look, the light's all over the dock.

Now, David, I'm serious.

A fog could come up or a summer storm.

I know how to handle a boat.

David, I know you do,

but sometimes things can come up unexpectedly

and the best sailor in the world

wouldn't know what to do.

David, are you listening to me?

Of course I am.

Well, where did that come from?


Yes. Where did you get it?

I found it.

Found it? Where?

In the attic with a whole bunch of other old stuff.


Yeah, where else would I get it?

I just mean it's extraordinary.

Yeah, I kinda like it myself.

David, you should take care of it.

It looks very valuable.

I will.

David, maybe from now on, you can confine

your after-dark sailing hours to ships like this?


[eerie dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

Did you give it to me?

Did you?

I've never seen it before!

Or have I?

Was it in the playroom?

Is that where it came from?

Did you give it to me?

Oh, I knew it.

Tell me who it belonged to.

I've never seen one like it before.

Is there a real one like it?

Is there?



David, do you mind if I come in?

No, of course not.

[clearing throat]

Here's my camera.

You wanted to use it for the picnic.

Oh, thanks.

Well, I must say that your gratitude

is less than overwhelming.

You've been wanting to use my camera

for the last year, and now that...



DAVID: What?

David, I'd swear that I smelled lilac.

Lilacs? Oh, it's too late for them to bloom.

Yes, I-- I know that, but...

Then it must be something else.

Must be.

Unless someone else was here, I mean,

that was wearing lilac perfume.

Maggie or Carolyn in here?

DAVID: Well, Maggie was just here a few minutes ago.

Well, then it could be that.

David, you want to know something interesting?

DAVID: What?

Well, now, I've heard it said that a scent like this,

one that seems to fill the whole room

for no reason at all,

indicates that a spirit is present.

A spirit!


- You've never heard that? - No.

Are you trying to tell me there's a spirit in this room?

If I didn't know better,

I'd think you were trying to scare me.

Would it frighten you if you knew

that there was a spirit here?

Of course it would.

But I don't mean to scare you.

If you have any questions about the camera

before the picnic, you let me know, all right?

I will.


The scent is gone now.

[soft eerie music]

MAGGIE: Carolyn!

I'm sorry.

I was afraid it might be my mother.


Isn't that ridiculous?

Someone my age worrying that her mother

will catch her on the telephone, talking to the wrong person.

MAGGIE: Why? Who were you trying to call?

- Jeb. - Jeb?

Maggie, he's alive.

I've seen it with my own eyes in this very house.

Carolyn, you're not talking about Sebastian Shaw, are you?

- Then you've seen him, too? - MAGGIE: No.

No, but I heard that he bears a striking resemblance to Jeb.

Couldn't he be Jeb?

Carolyn, I know how much you miss him

and I know how much you loved him,

but you've got to accept the fact that Jeb is dead.

Sebastian Shaw is an entirely different person.

How can you be so sure?

Maggie, we both know there are so many things

in this world that just cannot be explained.

Carolyn, really, I would do anything in this world

if I thought it would bring Jeb back to you, but...

Carolyn, if you go on thinking this way,

you're only going to cause yourself more pain.

I think you've suffered enough.

Maggie, what am I going to do?

I want it so much to be Jeb.

I know it's wrong to love the dead

and go on looking for them,

but I love Jeb so much.

I can't help looking for him,

hoping I'll find him.

[eerie dramatic music]

QUENTIN:Could she have been in David's room?

The scent of lilacs.

Did David see her and not want to tell me?

No, I'm sure he would have been too frightened

not to tell me.

I'm sure he...

Who's there?

QUENTIN:Someone's following me.

Not Daphne.

[eerie dramatic music]


[eerie dramatic music]



[eerie dramatic music]

QUENTIN:"I tried not to tremble,

"but I couldn't help myself.

"Nothing in my life has terrified me more

"than the thought that you love me.

"Nothing in my life has..."

That's all it says.

It was never finished.

Someone loved her and it frightened her.


Daphne, please!

There's so many questions that I want to ask you,

and only you can give me the answers.

Now, why do you come to me and then go away?

You must have led me here for a reason!

If you need help, there's nothing I won't do,

but you must appear to me.

The note, it's gone!

[dramatic music]



[soft eerie music]

DAVID: Come on, don't smile.

Don't smile?

David, what kind of picture is this supposed to be?

DAVID: I want it to look natural.

Oh, thanks.


Now you, Carolyn.

I'm sorry, David, I'd rather not.

I've been such a grouch all afternoon,

I'd look even more natural than Maggie.


DAVID: Come on, I only have two sh*ts left.

All right.


We should have gone out on the boat.

Well, not with a storm coming up.

I wouldn't care.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I don't want to spoil the picnic.

I'm just in one of my moods.

Hey, did you get the pictures? It's gonna rain, I think.

Mm, we better go.

I only have one shot left.

MAGGIE: Well, hurry, then.

QUENTIN: All right.

Come on, let me take one of you two.

Okay, my pleasure.

Maggie, come on.

MAGGIE: All right, one second.

QUENTIN: Wait, let me get this.

Now, should we smile or look natural?

Oh, just...

QUENTIN: David, what is it?

I don't know.

I thought there was somebody standing behind me.


DAVID: I don't know.

David, there's no one there.

I know, Maggie. I was just mistaken.

David, was it anyone in particular

you thought might be waiting there?

DAVID: I thought it might be Hallie,

home early from visiting her uncle.

Well, let me get this picture before the storm breaks.

Ready when you are.

DAVID: Aren't you gonna smile?

David, I wish you'd make up your mind.

QUENTIN: Did you get it?

I hope so.

MAGGIE: All right.

Let's be on our way.

[wind blowing]

[eerie dramatic music]

Oh, I'm certainly glad we got our picnic in

before the storm broke.

Maggie, I didn't mean to sulk all through it.

Can you forgive me?

You weren't sulking. You were thinking.

Well, it did help me clear my mind, anyway.

About what?

Last night, I was being so stupid

about Sebastian Shaw.

Carolyn, you were thinking of Jeb, that's all.

No, I was going to call him,

ask him all sorts of inane questions.

MAGGIE: And now you're not going to?

No, I'm not.

At least I hope I'm not.

I don't want to do anything stupid, Maggie.

I just hope I don't.

CAROLYN: Oh, Quentin, did you see David?

No. Why?

Well, I was wondering if he got the pictures developed.

I promised him I'd have a look.

I'll go and look in his room.

I wonder if she'll ever get over Jeb.

Oh, in time, I suppose.

It's so futile to love somebody who's dead.

What are you reading?

A family history.

Part of it, anyway.

What part?

QUENTIN: Around .

Is it interesting?

Oh, it seems that I had a great-grand-uncle

with the same name as mine, Quentin Collins.

You know, it's very strange to think that

someone had my name, lived in this same house

years ago.

[soft dramatic music]


Come on in!

[door opens, closes]

CAROLYN: David, have you finished?

Yeah. Some of these aren't bad.

The storm didn't ruin the last few?

I don't think so.

Looks fine to me.

I think I agree with you.

David, that's a very good picture.

Let me see the rest of them.

- Carolyn? - CAROLYN: Hmm?

Look at this one again.

Tell me if you see anything special.


Only that Quentin is handsome and Maggie is beautiful.


Look behind them and tell me what you see.

A lot of leaves.

You don't get the feeling that there's somebody there

watching us?

I don't know. Is there?

I don't know either.

If there is, who is it?

[eerie dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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