1089 - August 26, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1089 - August 26, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood

as it looks in present time.

But Barnabas Collins knows that one day soon

the interior of the house will be in ruins.

Because of a mysterious experience in the future,

in the year , he has learned that catastrophe

will strike Collinwood in this year of .

But how and precisely when is something

he has been unable to learn.

Thus far, the mistress of Collinwood, Elizabeth Stoddard,

has refused to believe the forecast of disaster,

but on this night, Elizabeth has suddenly been awakened

to a supernatural presence in the house.

And now she realizes that drastic action must be taken

if tragedy is to be averted.


Julia, we must get the children out of this house tonight.


[mysterious whistling music]

Who are you?

What are you doing in this house?

Tell me who you are.

Stay away from me.


Stay away from me!

David, I wish you'd stop thinking about it.

I don't know how you can be so calm.

I'm not a bit calm, but I think we should start

thinking about other things.

What do you want me to do?

Forget that all this ever happened to us?

No, but we should be grateful that nothing has happened

for the past two days.

But that's what's bugging me most.

Why hasn't anything happened?

Why haven't we seen Daphne or Gerard or Carrie or Tad?

I don't want to think about it.

We've got to think about it.

Because there's a reason.

Maybe it's because we haven't gone to the playroom.

Do you think that's it?

If they wanted us to go to the playroom, we would've gone.

I don't know, but I think they have something

in store for us.

David, do you think, maybe, we really are free?

Could it be possible that the spirits are put to rest?

Well, I know a way we can find out.

No, David, I don't think we should do anything.

But we have to find out.

There's an old legend that says

if you stand on somebody's grave at midnight,

you can tell whether their spirit is at rest or not.

Well, I'm gonna stand on Gerard's grave tonight.

No, David.

I don't think you should.

I have to.

My mind's made up and don't try and change it.

You don't have to come if you don't want to.

Well, I don't want to.

But I can't let you go at it by yourself.

Whatever happens, we're in this together.

I understand everything now.

The children will not leave this house.

I know what must be done.

And I will see that it is done.


Who were you talking to, Elizabeth?

Julia, you startled me.

JULIA: Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought I heard you talking to someone in here.

That's right, you did.

JULIA: There's no one here.

I was on the telephone with my lawyer.

Oh, I see.

Something wrong, Julia?

I don't know.

Are you sure nobody else was here?

I'm quite sure.

I'm sorry.

I just have that strange feeling again.

Feeling of evil.

I think the idea of spirits in this house

is a figment of someone's imagination.

My horoscope has convinced me more than ever

that we are not on the brink of a catastrophe.

Well, what about that message that was

in your horoscope for yesterday?

An enemy will become a friend.

Obviously it had no meaning.

I still think we should take the precaution

of getting the children out of the house

just in case something happens.

I have already told you,

I am certain the children are perfectly safe here.

I hope you're right.

I found some very interesting thing in one of these books.

Where did you get them?

From upstairs in the library.

I found that there really was a ship called the Java Queen.

The Java Queen?

Yes, don't you remember?

David found a model in the attic.

ELIZABETH: Yes, of course.

Well, what's interesting is that the real Java Queen

was shipwrecked quite near here on this very day in .

A fascinating coincidence, Julia,

but I think that's all you can make of it.

It's more than coincidence.

I'm sure of that.

On Thursday, the th day of August in the year ,

the Java Queen, notorious scavenger of the seas,

was caught in a storm off the rockbound coast of Maine,

near the fishing village of Collinsport.

Her crew of brigands and cutthroats perished at sea.

For years it was believed that her infamous Captain,

whose identity was never known,

survived the wreckage and vowed to unite his evil followers

in death, causing them to rise from their graves

to k*ll and plunder once more.

In darkness he did live and die.

I wonder what that means?

I don't know, and I don't want to know.

I just want to get this over with and go home.

Listen, it isn't yet,

and we have to do it exactly at the stroke of midnight.

What are you looking at?

That area over there.

The one that's fenced in.

What is it?

Come on over and I'll tell you about it.

See that gate over there?

It's been locked for more than years.


During the th and th century,

they used to bury criminals and misfits here.

Most of the graves are unmarked.

And there are a lot of legends about them.

What sort of legends?

All about how cruel and mean they were.

They must've been in order to have been buried there.

The story is that their souls had no place to go.

They weren't wanted in heaven or in hell.

So they were left here to molder in their graves

and try to come back from death.

Oh, David, I don't want to stay here anymore.

It's almost .

seconds to go.

Pretty soon we'll know whether Gerard's spirit

has come back or not.

[thunder crashing]

Oh, David, please let's get out of here.

No, we have to stay here a few more minutes.

Oh, David, please!

David, look!

[thunder crashing]

[eerie music]

I guess we know what we wanna know now.

Yes, but listen, we have to be very quiet.

And we'll have to go up the back way.

JULIA: David, Hallie?

Dr. Hoffman.

JULIA: What were you doing outside just now?


We were just walking.

Do you know that it's almost one o'clock in the morning?


Nobody goes for a walk at one o'clock in the morning.

Now what were you doing?


Let us go upstairs and talk to Mrs. Stoddard about it.

No, please don't tell Aunt Elizabeth.


Then suppose you come into the drawing room

and tell me about it.

I'm waiting.

Well, it was nothing.

We were just upstairs in my room talking.

And David wanted to take me for a walk.

To show me the stars.

Yes, I was gonna show her the constellation of Gemini.

Only we can't see it from my room.

Hmm, so you went outside, I see.


And that's the whole story?

Yes, it's the truth.

Now, are you gonna tell Aunt Elizabeth?

JULIA: I don't know.

Please don't.

It'll just make her upset.

And there's really nothing to be upset about.

Isn't there?

No, of course not.

I think there is.

I think you both know more than you'll admit.

HALLIE: I don't know what you're talking about,

Dr. Hoffman.

JULIA: Suppose, suppose I prove to you

that I'm on your side, by agreeing not to

tell Mrs. Stoddard

if you will help me.

HALLIE: Help you?


I want you to feel free to confide in me,

because I can help you.

I really don't know what you're talking about.

DAVID: Neither do I, Dr. Hoffman.

Alright, the two of you can go up to your rooms.

DAVID: Are you gonna tell Aunt Elizabeth?

No, not now.

DAVID: Thanks a lot, Dr. Hoffman.

You're a real friend.

Come on, Hallie, let's go up the back way.

They know so much more than they're telling,

but how can I ever get them to admit it?

Elizabeth, I thought you'd gone to bed.

Oh, I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't.

And then I remembered something I intended to do

earlier in the day.

That's the same bust that was there in .

The one that fell and almost k*lled me.

Do you like it?

Julia, is something wrong?

Elizabeth, where did you find that bust?

Been around the house for years.

What made you decide to place it there?

Oh, I've tried it in various places,

and I thought it might look best there.

Why do you ask?

When Barnabas and I were in the future,

I was in the foyer, and that bust was there.

And I was directly under it, and someone or something

caused it to fall.

If it had hit me, it would've k*lled me.

I'm sorry, Julia, but I'm afraid I don't know

what you're talking about.

Don't you see, it's just another sign

of what's going to happen.

That bust was there in the future

because you placed it there now.

Julia, I think you and Barnabas are

with what the future holds.

If you take my advice, you'll forget all about .

I believe that disaster you imagined

is never going to take place.

David, where did you get that?

I took it out of one of the books Dr. Hoffman was holding.


Well, I noticed how old it was and I saw it was signed

with the letter G.

I think it must have been written by Gerard.

What does it say?

Know ye who do not rest in the town of Collinsport

in the dead of night watch for the signal,

as ever before the green flag in the window

three times shall it wave as it did in days of yore.

I don't understand a word of it.

Neither do I, but I'm gonna find out.


Now don't you think we've had enough for one day?

You know how angry Gerard is with us.

We have to do something to please him.

Like what?

Well, if I go to the tower, and I find a green flag,

I'll know I'm right.

And I'll wait, and I'll wave it three times

and see what happens.

HALLIE: Well, I think you should go to your room

and go to bed.

Gerard is very angry with us.

Don't you know what he can do when he's angry?

Oh, David, don't.

Please don't go.


The green flag in the window.

Three times shall it wave.

I was right.

I knew it.

Gerard, if you can hear me, I'm following your instructions.


[dramatic music]

[mysterious whistling music]
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