1096 - September 6, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1096 - September 6, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood as it looks

in the present time.

By way of a strange experience in the future,

in the year , Barnabas Collins

and Julia Hoffman learned that a terrible catastrophe

occurred at Collinwood in this year of .

They have tried desperately to find a way

to avert that tragedy.

They know that the two people in the greatest danger

are the children, David and Hallie,

both of whom have been in contact with the evil spirits

within the house.

On this night, David Collins has answered the summons

of one of these spirits and has slipped out of the house.

Terrified but unable to resist,

David moves closer and closer toward the greatest danger

he has ever known.

I want to go with you.

I want to go back to Collinwood.

They'll see that I'm gone from my room

and come looking for me.

Please, please let me go back!

[ominous music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

All right.

I'll follow you.

But can't you tell me where you're going?

Why isn't Hallie here?

Where is Hallie?

Why can't you tell me anything?

[dramatic music]

Hallie, you don't seem to realize how urgent this is.

You must tell me where David is.

But I've told you a dozen of times, I don't know!

Why won't you believe me?

Because I know you're frightened and that's why

you won't tell me anything.

Oh, please, I don't know what you're talking about.

Just let me go back to my room!


You will stay here.

You're safe here.

You would be at their mercy in your room.

Wouldn't you?

Who are you talking about?

JULIA: Gerard and Daphne.

I don't know anyone by those names.

You were talking to one of them

just as I came to your door.

Now which one was it?

I wasn't talking to anyone!

What do they want you and David to do?

Oh, please, leave me alone!

No, I am sorry, but you will not leave this room

until you tell me everything.

But I told you.

I don't know anything!

Can't you understand that?

I haven't seen any ghosts, and neither has David!

Ghosts, Hallie?

I never said anything about ghosts.

What made you say that?

I don't know.

You knew all along that I was talking about ghosts,

but I didn't mention it and there was only one way

that you could've known.

Oh please, let me go!

Hallie, I've got to find some way to make you understand.

You don't want David to come to any harm, do you?

Oh, no, no!

Well, then you must tell me where he is

because he's in danger.

His life is in danger and yours may be, too.

I don't believe that!

I swear to you that it's true.

Now tell me where David is, Hallie.

[dramatic music]

What's wrong?

You've seen one of them, haven't you?

Hallie, which one?

Which one was it?

Please, let me go!


No, they want, they want you to go where David is,

and I can't let that happen.

Where is it that they want you to go?

I don't know!

I don't know!

JULIA: You do know and you will tell me.

[dramatic music]

[creepy music]


[dramatic music]

Daphne, I've got to talk to you.

I've just heard that David is missing.

I want to know if you know anything about it.

If you do, you've got to tell me!

Someone believes that he was forced from this house.

Is that true?

Daphne, you listen to me.

I have protected you.

I've not told anybody that you're in this house

and I've done that because I didn't believe any harm

would come to anybody.

You led me to believe that.

Now, if it isn't true, and if danger,

if David is in any danger whatsoever,

you've got to tell me.

Daphne, I'd do anything to help you find the peace

that you want, but you've got to tell me if David...


Daphne, come back!

[dramatic music]


familiar to me?


Gerard, I'm getting so tired.

How much further is it?

Can't we just rest here a minute?

What is it?

What is it you want me to see?

[dramatic music]

It's Rose Cottage!

It's real!

It really exists.

Is that where you're taking me there?

Why are you taking me?




Oh, you're finally there.

I've been trying to get you since early today.

Oh, no, no, it's all right, you don't have to explain.

Now, listen, David Collins disappeared

from the house tonight.

We believe that he was lured outside by Gerard.

Well, Barnabas is out looking for him now.

No, Hallie is here.

Well, it's obvious to me that they've been trying

to take her away, too.


Yes, that's exactly what I was going to suggest.

I'll get her things ready and bring them there immediately.

Thank you.

I'll go upstairs and get Hallie's bag.

You stay here with her.

And if Barnabas comes, will you tell him I'll be right back?

Come on, Hallie.

Quentin, please.

Don't let her take me to my uncle's house.

I want to stay here in Collinwood.

Now listen to me.

What Dr. Hoffman says is for your own good.

You don't realize the danger you're in.

Now come on inside, let's go.

[eerie music]

The scent of lilacs.

She's here.

Who's here?


I knew you would change your mind.

I knew you'd come.

You know about her?

You've seen her before and you have never

told anyone, either?

[creepy music]

I knew that you wouldn't let anything happen

to the children.

You're going to tell me where David is, aren't you?

Aren't you, Daphne?

[dramatic music]


Hallie, where are you?

Come back!

And you tricked me!

You deliberately...

[suspense music]



[creepy music]

Where are you taking me, Daphne?

To where David is?

Is that where we're going?

[creepy music]

How could you have let her get out of the house?

Quentin, I don't understand it.

You know the danger they're both in.

It all happened so suddenly,

I simply didn't realize she'd slipped out of the house.

Well, what happened?


I thought I felt a presence.

I turned around to see if anyone was there.

When I turned back to see if Hallie was all right,

she was gone.

Is there anything you're not telling me, Quentin?



I'll go look for her.

And I'll find her if I have to search every inch

of this estate.

[door opening and shutting]


[dramatic music]

Gerard, can't you tell me why, why we've come here?

What's gonna happen?

Is Hallie gonna come?

Well, are we gonna wait?

Well, if we're gonna wait for her,

can't I just sit down and rest?

I'm so tired, Gerard.

I'm so tired.

[creepy music]

It's Rose Cottage!

It's a real place!

[wind blowing]

[suspense music]

David, we've been in this room before.

I know.

But it was only in a dream.

David, look at the dolls.

They're crying.

But why, David?

Dolls don't cry.

[clock ticking]


I can hear voices.

CARRIE:Are we going to die?

TAD:Yes, we are.

CARRIE:But, I don't want to die.

TAD:Don't worry.

We are only gonna die

so we can live again.

David, I don't understand.

Neither do I.

How is it possible to die and then live again?

I don't know.

Let's just get out of this house.



Stay away!

HALLIE: Please, stay away from us!

DAVID: Stay away!

[dramatic music]

Hallie, we have to get out of here.

Something is going to happen.

Something terrible!

How do you know?

I had a dream.

And we went into that room with the dolls.

And we heard voices talking about death.

[creepy music]



We have to run as fast as we can back to Collinwood.

No, David.

It's too late to run.

We have to do what they want us to do.

[dramatic music]


Whatever they want us to do.

[wind blowing]




This is the old McGruder mansion.

But why did Daphne have it in her room at Collinwood?

It's obviously a child's drawing.

Daphne was once the governess at Collinwood.

There must be a connection.

Maybe Daphne and Gerard have taken the children there.

But why?

Why there of all places?

[suspense music]

David, this is the room that was in our dream.

I know.

Everything is exactly the same except for the dolls

that were sitting at the table.

The dolls aren't here because we don't need them anymore.

What do you mean?

David, what's going to happen to us?

David, answer me!

[creepy music]

David, what's going to happen to us?

It's too late.

It's too late, Hallie.

Why is it too late?


[dramatic music]

David, I'm so frightened.

You mustn't be frightened, Hallie.

You mustn't be.

[dramatic music]

TAD: Goodbye, David.

CARRIE: Goodbye, Hallie.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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