1100 - September 10, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1100 - September 10, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie instrumental melody]

NARRATOR:A night of horror on the

great estate of Collinwood.

For two possessed children, at the bidding of an evil ghost,

have performed a ceremony that has brought

their dead governess alive.

And now, the three of them stage the ceremony again,

this time to bring Gerard Stiles

into the land of the living.

[suspenseful string instrumental]

Feel the earth turning through eternal space.

Let it turn itself now towards the stars

that guide the destinies of us all.

Let the light from the star

The star that guides the destiny of Gerard Stiles,

touch the flame we have lighted in his name.

The light of the star must touch the light of the candle.

Then his spirit that waits to live again.

Then, only then, will it happen.

Light touch flame, light touch flame,

so that Gerard may breathe again.

[low whistling]

He's coming, he's coming!

[trilling trumpet blast]

[waves crashing]

[ethereal spooky orchestral melody]

[tense instrumental music]

Where is Gerard?

We should go down and meet him.

He'll be angry if we don't!


No, we must concentrate, it's not yet finished.

We must help him to cross that barrier that is higher

than any mountain and wider than any ocean.

The way is not as easy for him as it was for me.

My path was paved with love, your love.

Now concentrate.



CARRIE: It's Gerard!

What if it isn't him?

Who is it?

WILLIE: Open this door!

TAD: It's Willie.

[creeping violin melody]


We were sleeping, I was sleeping!

WILLIE: You weren't sleeping, I heard ya.

Open this door or I'm gonna call your Aunt Elizabeth down.

You want the whole house hauled down here, or just me?

Now you take your pick!

TAD: I can't let you in right now!

What is this?

[children breathing hard]

TAD: It's a game.

WILLIE: Sure it is, a game.

And I know what kind.

You can't, you don't because I made it up.

It's a star, isn't it?

I've seen 'em before like that.

You've got the devil in you, that's for sure.

Quentin told me all about you.


Now you tell me all about this black magic stuff, you hear?

The man is quite mad, wouldn't you say so, Carrie?

Quite, Tad.

He doesn't know the kind of games we like to play.

TAD: And what an interesting name he gave it though.

Black magic, I like that.

Don't you?

CARRIE: Very much, Tad.

Now you cut this stuff, you hear,

and you level with me.

What curious expressions he uses.

Honestly Tad, could you ever level with anyone?

Well, I don't believe I'd know how.

Well, I believe that.

Well, you won't tell me, I know who you will tell.

Where are you gonna take us?

WILLIE: To Barnabas.

And what if we don't decide to go with you?

Well, you got no choice.

He'll know what to do with you.

Now come on.

What makes you think that you have the right?

The fact that I'm bigger than you.

Now you come on boy!

You too!

[sustained flute note]

[sinister building melody]


Where are you now?

Why don't you go and try

and look for your friend Barnabas?


Just sit there, keep quiet.

What're we gonna wait here until he arrives?

Must we sit here all night?

Can't we go to bed at all?

[animals howling]

I don't wanna stay down here anymore.

I'm not gonna take you two back to your rooms.

Not until I find out what's goin' on, and why.

[barking and howling]


I'll get Quentin.

Yeah, he'll know how to deal with this.


[barking and howling]


[suspenseful instrumental]

Maggie what are you doing?

Don't stop me Willie, don't stop me.

[strident howling]

Do you hear them calling me, Willie?

I've got to go!

WILLIE: Oh no, no, you'll go right back upstairs.

- Oh Willie, no! - Go back upstairs

- where you just came from. - No, no!

- Come on! - No, no.

What's wrong with Maggie Evans?

Who's calling her?


What kind of an animal is that?

Like a dog, but different.

I've heard that before, in our own time.

I don't remember it.

Carrie, when Mr. Loomis comes back

No one will make me tell about Gerard, no one.

We've got to get away from him.

Do you suppose Daphne is still in my room?

Where else could she be?

Well, we've got to get to her.

Tad, Tad if we don't, Gerard can't come back!

Don't say that!

Can't you feel his presence in this very room?

[eerie chiming music]


It wasn't our fault, Gerard.

We performed the ceremony.

We tried to bring you to life.

It wasn't our fault that we failed.

[creepy whistling melody]

[mysterious chiming music]

CARRIE: It wasn't our fault Gerard, honestly!

We did everything Daphne told us to do.

TAD: It was Mr. Loomis.

If there's anybody for you to be angry at,

be angry at him!

CARRIE: We'll try again, Gerard.

Only this time, Carrie won't say anything

about not trying.

Will you, Carrie?

CARRIE: No I won't, I promise!

[suspenseful violin]


What were you going to do, Gerard?

He wants us to perform the ceremony again, tonight.

He knows we can't, the stars are out of position now.

You know that.

Perhaps when you're alive, Gerard,

you'll forget how important punishing has become to you.

I hope so.

We'll try again tomorrow night.

We won't fail then.

TAD: Only we can't use my room, they'll be watching us,

much too carefully.

We'll find a place and a time.

We'll manage, you'll see.

He's gone.

You must leave now.

Mr. Loomis will be coming back.

CARRIE: Where will you go?

Please don't ask me.

TAD: You must tell us

if we're to come to you.

CARRIE: Quent, Quentin

you've seen him?

I do not want Quentin to know.

TAD: He wouldn't ask where you were.

Yes he would, he knows everything.

Everything except about Gerard and about my hiding place.

Now you mustn't tell him.

We won't, we promise.

I'll be in Rose Cottage.

You come to me when night has fallen.

CARRIE: But your clothes!

You can't go through the woods like that!

Someone'll see you!

TAD: We have clothes for you in my room.

We must be careful.

Must you go alone?

Then you better go,

and lock the door so he won't know any difference.

DAPHNE: All right, 'til tomorrow.

CARRIE: Be careful!

TAD: Please.


Maggie, please, just lie down,

just try not to hear it.

I can hear nothing else.

WILLIE: I know Maggie, I know.


Maggie, where's Mrs. Johnson?

How'd you get out of the room?

She was supposed to be here with you.

I got other things to do.

MAGGIE: Leave, just go Willie!

No, I can't go, Maggie.

Why are you trying to stop me?

'Cause I know what'll happen to you out there.

No you don't, Willie.

You can't know.

Maggie, it'll be dawn soon.

Then you'll be able to rest.

For a little while, anyway.

Just hold on until the dawn, eh?

Just try to get through it.


Who is it, Maggie?

Who's out there calling you?

Tell me, please.

[jarring suspenseful chords]

[birds singing]

[suspenseful building melody]

Maggie, you've got to help us!

You're the only one who can!

They wanna send us away!

Unless you can stop them!

Wait a minute.

I'm sorry, I don't understand, what are you talking about?

CARRIE: That Dr. Hoffman.

TAD: And Quentin.

Why would, why do they want to send you away?

David, you must have misunderstood.

No, we didn't!

Perhaps they planned a trip for you?

We can't go away now.

Not today.

Especially today.

Carolyn tried talking to them but they won't listen!

MAGGIE: David, where do they want you to go?

Some place called Wyncliffe.


Why do they want you to go there?

CARRIE: Is it a terrible place?

TAD: It must be if that's where they want us to go.

David, you've been to Wyncliffe.

Don't you remember?

Julia drove you to Wyncliffe more than a year ago.

I remember, don't you?

Yes, yes.

And I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now.

David, why do they want to send you there?

You're both feeling all right aren't you?

Yes. Of course we are!

I don't understand, it doesn't make any sense

that they'd send you there.

David, I'm going to go and talk to them.

What are you bothering Maggie for?

Willie, they're not bothering me.

Julia and Quentin want to see you in the drawing room.


They're waiting for you right now, go on!

MAGGIE: David, you go on ahead,

I'll be down in just a minute.

Do you promise?

MAGGIE: I promise, David, of course.

Willie, what's going on in this house?

Maggie, I wish I knew, I don't.

I'm glad to see you up, but you shouldn't be out of bed.

Got to be, they need me.

WILLIE: Who needs you?

David and Hallie!

WILLIE: Maggie, you don't know.

And I guess they didn't wanna tell you

because of the way you feel.

Maggie, those two children, they're possessed.

[startling brass notes]

[eerie meandering instrumental]

Look, David's suitcase, and it's already packed.

And I bet if we go to Hallie's room,

her suitcase will be packed too.

We can't go, we can't!

We have to meet Daphne tonight!

And if we can't?

Have you got any idea what Gerard will do?

And that's all I know, and it's all true.

David has become Tad, and that girl is Carrie.

And I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you.

And it's all my fault.

Aw, no Maggie.

If I'd been well

Could you really have stopped it, Maggie?

Could anyone?

[sinister orchestral melody]

[thrumming trumpet trill]

[warbling eerie music]

DAPHNE VOICEOVER:Oh, I'd forgotten what it's like

to be alive.

Feeling of hope, of love.

Oh, Quentin.

Can there be any hope for this love of ours?

Or must we, be forever apart?

Oh, Quentin, Quentin.


You mustn't be angry.

Now, we tried to bring you back to life.

You would be alive today if Willie Loomis hadn't

walked into the room.

That isn't my fault.

No Gerard, it's not because of him!

It isn't, it's not because of Quentin!

[glass shatters]

He's been kind to me, that's all!

He could have told them everything.



I loved you when we first met, remember?

And you loved me.


You loved me.


Gerard, are you here?


He will destroy Quentin.

He will destroy everyone.

I must not allow him to be let loose in the world again.

I must not help bring him back to life.


TAD: Daphne!

CARRIE: They're coming to take us away.

They're gonna take us away to Wyncliffe.

It's a hospital or something.

Before night.

Don't you understand?

CARRIE: If they catch us, we won't be able

to bring Gerard back!

You must go!

We can't! Gerard!

DAPHNE: He'll understand.

He will not understand, you know he won't.

He never understands.

Gerard will understand.

Now you must do whatever they tell you to do.

TAD: No!

Yes, you must go.

Now go back to Collinsport!


[suspenseful violin]

Gerard, are you here?


I sent them away, because without them,

we'll be free of Barnabas and Julia.

Won't interfere with our plans.

Gerard, we don't need the children to be together again.

Believe me.

Trust me Gerard.

[discordant music box melody]

[flames crackling]

[evil percussive music]

[aggressive drumming]

[gasping whimpers] [thudding]

[ominous trill]

[eerie orchestral melody]
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