1108 - September 22, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1108 - September 22, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the present time,

on a night that threatens to end in tragedy

for all who live here.

Earlier this night Quentin Collins,

stripped of his will to live,

was forced into a coffin by the evil Gerard,

and buried alive in an unmarked grave.

Julia and Barnabas have learned that something

terrible has happened to Quentin,

but they do not know what it is.

Only hours ago the missing children

returned to the old house

and while Julia seeks desperately for clues

in a th century diary,

Barnabas has questioned them in the hope

that they may know something of Quentin's fate.

If they do not, then Quentin's disappearance

may be the prelude to the total disaster

that is soon to overtake Collinwood.

[dramatic music]

[door closing]

Barnabas, Barnabas,

did you learn anything from the children?

Nothing whatsoever.

If they do have any information they're concealing it well.

I think it's amazing that they came back to the house

of their own free will.

They had no other choice.

They were in the woods for almost two days,

and they were exhausted and hungry.

What about Daphne and Carolyn?

I gave Daphne a sedative

and Carolyn was gone when I came downstairs.

We must find out what has happened to Quentin.

And I have the feeling that me must find out

before this night is over, or it will be too late.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

Carolyn might have helped us locate Quentin,

but now she's gone.

Lord knows where.

Well, she did tell you

that there was going to be a funeral tonight.

She must have meant Quentin's.

Remember she said that he had lost the will to live?


Barnabas, Barnabas I found something in this,

in the original Quentin's diary.

BARNABAS: What is it?

It worries me.

Well why should this worry you?

It's nothing but blank pages.

Yes, but look at the last entry.

It's on this date, this very day in .

And you think the original Quentin Collins

died on this day?

Yes I do.

But that wouldn't have any meaning for our Quentin.

Maybe, maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't,

but I have a terrible feeling that it might.

There's one person that might be able to find out for us.

[dramatic music]



Yes, yes I will.

Tell me where.

Where, please tell me.

Tell me where, where!

SEBASTIAN: Maggie, Maggie. Maggie!


Sebastian, how long have you been here?

SEBASTIAN: I just stopped in to see how you were Maggie.

You must have been having a bad dream.

Yes, yes, but I've had it before.

SEBASTIAN: You mean the same dream?

Yes, it's always the same.

Well tell me about it Maggie.

MAGGIE: I see chains, heavy chains,

they're wrapped around an object.

Can you see what kind of an object it is?

No, no I've never been able to make it out.

I hear a woman's voice calling me.

Calling my name, begging me to come and free her.

Do you see this woman in the dream Maggie?


No, I only hear her voice.

I know she's held c*ptive somewhere.

I feel so sorry for her, I want so desperately to help her.

No, no Maggie it's just a dream,

you can't take something like that

so seriously. No, no, it's not a dream,

I know it has some meaning for me.

Maggie, Maggie it doesn't have any meaning for you!

MAGGIE: Sebastian, why are you so upset?

I'm so sorry, I'm sorry Maggie,

I'm so concerned about your health.

Now, Maggie I gotta tell you this,

you've gotta get out of Collinwood,

and as soon as possible.

Leave Collinwood, why?

SEBASTIAN: Cause it isn't safe for you here.

No, I can't leave Collinwood.

My job here.

Maggie you can't even do your job, you're not able to.

And you, you got to, you just gotta get out of here.

No, no, I can't leave Collinwood,

the children need me.

And for some strange reason I need them.

Sebastian, I'm so tired, I want to sleep.


we can talk about this some other time.

Let's hope Sebastian's home.

[dramatic music]

"Quentin Collins, born , died .

"May he rest in peace."

The death notice of Quentin Collins.

[dramatic music]

But look at how old it is.

It really must be the original card

that the family sent to friends in .

Gerard has put this here.


Barnabas, I can feel his presence in the house now,

he's somewhere near.

I'm glad you're both here.

I want to talk about Maggie.

Sebastian, we were just going to call you.

BARNABAS: What about Maggie?

I just came from her room.

I want her to be out of Collinwood immediately.

BARNABAS: Why what's happened to her?

Nothing's happened to her,

but something will if we don't get her out of here.

JULIA: What do you mean?

SEBASTIAN: Cause Roxanne's gonna get out of that coffin,

I know that.

But she hasn't gotten out.

Look, I just came from her room,

she just told me about a recurring dream she had,

in which she goes to the old house,

to that secret room and let's Roxanne out of the coffin.

Now, of course she doesn't know what the dream means.

I was afraid something like this might happen.

SEBASTIAN: Wait, what do you mean?

How, how could you suspect?

Never mind.

The point is you're quite right Sebastian.

Even if Roxanne is chained in the coffin,

Maggie is still in danger.

Then you agree that Maggie should

be taken out of Collinwood immediately?

Yes, I do, but before we take her away,

there is one more favor we'd like to ask of you.

But Maggie is the most important thing Barnabas.

I know that Sebastian.

We will see that Maggie is safe tonight

and then tomorrow during the day

we will take her to some place away from this house.

But there's something very important for you to do for us.

It concerns the life of Quentin Collins.

What's happened to Quentin?

We don't know, it's possible that he may be dead.

SEBASTIAN: May be dead, how?

Well, that's what we want you to help us with.

We want you to use your powers

to find out what's happened to him.

We would very much appreciate that.


will you agree to get Maggie away from here?

Sebastian, the moment we know where Quentin is,

Maggie will leave Collinwood.

[eerie music]

BARNABAS: Do you see anything?

The image is not clear, but I see a window,

a high window somewhere in Collinwood.

I see a flag, a green flag,

someone in the house is waving it at the window.

I can't see who.

The image is changing now.

I see a, I see a cemetery.

Something's happening, something's happening.

The earth is moving all around the grave.

There's a terrible rumbling sound,

I don't know what this is that I'm seeing!

Sebastian, whatever you see,

does it have anything to do with Quentin?

No, no, there's been no sign of Quentin.


What is it, what is it?

What do you see?

A fire, Collinwood is in flames,

and then Maggie is coming down the stairs.

But there's no way for her to get out.

No wait, there's a path through the flames.

Maggie's leaving the house.

The image is changing again.

I see the chained coffin in the old house,

behind the secret panel.

Maggie's there.

[clanging] She's found the coffin.


Now she's beginning to remove the chains!



This is like I told you.

She's gonna set Roxanne free, I told you.

Sebastian, I don't understand your vision at all.

Of the flag at the window, the disturbance in the cemetery,

what does it all mean?

It means,

it means the beginning of the destruction of Collinwood.

BARNABAS: When is this to happen?

Tonight, it's going to happen tonight.

[dramatic music]

Julia, we must find a way to stop Gerard.

But how, there's still so much we don't know.

We do know that the destruction

will be preceded by a m*rder,

so our first task is to see that Daphne is kept alive.

What about Maggie?

Barnabas, you promised.

Maggie will leave Collinwood.

We must take her to Windcliff.

Julia, will you explain it to him?

I'll go up and get Maggie.

What does Barnabas have in mind?

LINDA: I will explain everything to you,

but first I have to make a phone call.

BARNABAS: Maggie wake up.


I didn't think you'd be back tonight.

BARNABAS: Maggie, listen to me

and try to understand what me must do.


BARNABAS: You're not well yet.

Julia thinks that your only chance

is to be taken away to Windcliff for some treatments.

No, I don't want to go away.

I told Sebastian I didn't want to.

BARNABAS: Maggie I wish there was time

to explain to you and convince you

how important this is, but there isn't.

You must simply go, whether you like it or not.

Now, trust me Maggie.

Let me help you up.

Windcliff Sanitarium?

Isn't sanitarium just a polite word for insane asylum?

You know as well as I do that Maggie's problem is physical,

it's not mental.

No it is both, and you know that as well as I do.

Now, Maggie is going to Windcliff.

And she will have proper treatment and protection.

As soon as she's well enough

you can go and take here away from there.

But now you must take her to Windcliff.

BARNABAS: Maggie's ready.

Good, everything's been arranged.

Sebastian you can go together in the car.

No I can't go yet, I have to see Carolyn first.

JULIA: Carolyn, why?

Carolyn asked me to give the children this box

and I won't be able to.

Oh, that's alright, I'll see that the children get it.

MAGGIE: You won't forget?

No, no, I promise.

Now, go on out with Sebastian.

Maggie, you'll be yourself again soon Maggie, very soon.

Come on Maggie, let's go.


[thrilling music]

Julia, what are you doing?

I've seen this box before.

Carolyn gave it to Daphne and Daphne cried.

We've got to find out why.

Barnabas, look.

Don't you recognize these?

This is the clothing that the children were wearing in .

Yes, now unless we find a way to prevent it,

they are destined to die in these clothes tonight.

[gasping] [thrilling music]

Barnabas, Barnabas, everything is happening so quickly.

There are so many things we have to do

before this night is over.

Let's start with the children.

We must see that they're kept safe until this night is over.

They cannot get into those clothes.

How can we stop Gerard from doing what he will?

We will burn those clothes here, now.

Yes, [gasping] Barnabas.

[dramatic music]

The clothes, the clothes are gone.


[car driving] [wind blowing]


Yeah Maggie?

You've got to turn around.

No, no, no, it's too late now.

- No. - We're gonna be

at Windcliff soon.

I've got to go back to Collinwood, you must take me.

Now, Maggie you've got to realize

that what we're doing is going to be for the best for you.

No, Collinwood is where I belong.

Maggie honey,

we've been driving for an hour and a half now,

and all of a sudden you want to,

you haven't said a word and you want to turn back now, why?

Sebastian, I just realized that we keep going like this

we'll never see Collinwood again,

or any of the people I love.

That's not true Maggie.

Look, I promise you that I'm gonna stay with you

as long as we're gonna be at Windcliff.

And when you get well,

I promise I'm gonna take you right back to Collinwood.

The children seem safe enough, they're fast asleep.

Oh, thank God Gerard hasn't gotten to them yet.

The clothes Barnabas, we've got to find them.

Julia, you're exhausted, you stay in the drawing room,

I'll attempt to find the clothes here someplace.


[heart beating]

A heartbeat?

But what's causing it and where's it coming from?

The secret room.

Roxanne trying to summon one of her victims.


No, it can't be coming from in here,

the sound would have gotten louder when I opened the panel.

What can it be?



JULIA: You hear it?

Of course, a heartbeat.

No Barnabas, I thought that too,

but I checked that and it's not coming from there.

Well, where's it coming from?



Barnabas, this is where it is.


[dramatic music]

Then he's still alive.

Yes, but if this portrait

is his only way of communicating with us,

he's either been taken prisoner somewhere

and is close to death,

or Gerard has buried him alive.

[eerie music]

[eerie music]
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