1111 - September 27, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1111 - September 27, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year .

A refuge for Julia Hoffman

who has fled the destruction of the great house

in her own time.

But a refuge without safety,

for Barnabas has not followed as he promised he would.

And so, not knowing whether he is dead or alive,

she hides, aided by Barnabas' old friend, Ben Stokes.

But she is very puzzled by what she has discovered

about the Collins family.

For Quentin and Tad are dead, lost at sea,

and Daphne is unknown to them all.

And while she ponders all the puzzles,

there is a new threat she does not know.

The mysterious Daniel Collins has escaped

from his prison in the tower room.

Miss Stokes!


[suspenseful music]


No, you mustn't scream, you mustn't scream.

They will come if you scream.

It's my duty to k*ll you!

[trembling music]

[spooky music]

You cannot leave, you know, or scream.

They would know you're in this house.

You didn't think I would recognize you,

simply because you're wearing that ridiculous getup.

We have never met before.

You did it deliberately to shame me,

just as you've always done!

And now we must play the little game again.

You were always so stubborn, Harriet!

I'm not Harriet.

Ha, how like you to say that!

Do you not think I recognize you?

Of course, you've changed.

But you were always deceptive.

You were always pretending to be someone you were not!

I should have known that when I married you!

JULIA: Don't come any closer to me or I will scream.

I swear I will scream.

You cannot scream.

If you scream, they will come.

They will know how you haunt me,

how you always come back to haunt me!

I thought when I k*lled you first,

that would be the end of it, but no.

Why, once you k*ll, you must k*ll over and over again!

JULIA: You're mad, you're mad!

Why did you come back?


Why do we relive that night?

Why don't you leave me alone?

[Julia groans]

BEN: Daniel!


Let her go, Mr. Daniel!


You don't let me!

Quiet, Mr. Daniel.

How dare you!

I've been searching for you.

You've changed, too.

You've turned on me.

You're on her side.

Telling me that Quentin is dead.

You once were my friend.

I am your friend.

Now you just come with me.

And leave her here?

Forget about Harriet.

No, she deserves to die!

BEN: She has been in her grave these years past.

She's here in this room!

Look, Mr. Daniel.

[misty music]

You say she's gone.

But no, tonight she will come to me, tonight.

You'll feel better in your own room.

I'll sit with you.

- Will you, Ben? - Yeah.

You won't let her come?

I won't let her come.

[mysterious music]

I don't like seeing her, Ben, I don't.

Something happens to me when I see her.

I know, Mr. Daniel, I know.

Aren't you going to speak to me, father?

[puzzled music]

Your mother awaits you.

She is hiding from me in that room.

But she will appear to you.

What are you talking about?

Mr. Daniel.

Why shouldn't he be told?

She always coddled him.

She always let him have his own way.

Now don't start that again, father!

Mr. Gabriel, there ain't nobody in that room.

You're a servant in this house.

How dare you call me a liar!

I'll prove it to you!

Mr. Daniel, I thought we were going to your room.

I will sit with you all night.

There's no one there, no one.

She's gone, isn't she?

Yes, she is somewhere else now.

Waiting, waiting for a chance to show herself again.



[creepy music]

No one here, Mr. Daniel.

[veiled music]

She will come to me,

and this time you won't save her.

Then she won't come to me again.

She does, you know, every night, always looking different.

[misty music]

This is not my bedroom.

What are we doing in here?

Mr. Daniel, you've been situated up here

for a considerable time.

Don't you remember?

Well, I don't like it!

We're going to my room immediately.

You wanted to come here.


You said you didn't want to stay

in the room where that happened.

You're lying!

You lie about everything.

You lied to Gabriel about that woman.

You lied to me about Quentin!

You said he was dead.

Quentin dead?

How could he be?

I didn't k*ll him.

You must mean Gabriel.

He's the one who's dead.

Or should be.

Gabriel died in an accident when he was a child.

Mr. Daniel.

I know that, he's been dead ever since to me.

[Daniel coughs]

Mr. Daniel.

Oh, the pain.

[Daniel coughs]

It's coming.

[troubled music]

I must k*ll that woman before I die.

Now, now, Mr. Daniel.

Don't tell me you didn't see her in that room.

You did!

That woman will ruin our world.

Mr. Daniel, our world was ruined a long time ago.

[eerie music]

Ben, even if you can get me some clothes,

I don't think this will work, especially after last night.

I don't think it will.

BEN: Gabriel don't know nothing.

I talked to him last night

when I came back to see if you were all right.

Is the old house deserted?

I think I should hide there until Barnabas comes back.

Why ain't he coming?

I don't know.

I don't understand it.

Something must have happened to those stairs.

Something has happened.

You can't keep expecting him.

There is another way.

There is something called the IChing.

He can project himself here.

You mean he'll just all of a sudden appear in this room?

You can't expect me to believe that one.

He's lying in his coffin down there at the mausoleum.

His spirit will go to his coffin,

then he will summon someone to come and get him out.

Last night I thought I heard him calling to me.

You stay away from that coffin, you understand me?

There's a vampire chained in that coffin!

He don't even know you exist!

He's chained there for his own sake,

to stop the k*lling.

You stay away from that Barnabas.

Ben, oh, Ben.

You listen to me, while I explain to you about the family.

Your life here depends on it.

You be careful of Gabriel and his wife.

Steer clear of Gerard too.

Then there's cousin Flora.

She lives at Rose Cottage.


[Flora gasps] Good morning, cousin Flora.

Oh, I don't know what to do.

I suppose it is the excitement.

A migraine, isn't it typical?

And my horoscope promised me a triumphant day.

And then a migraine just as I was stepping into my carriage.

Is he here?

GABRIEL: Is who here?

The healer.

[laughs] You give the most improbable names

to the most improbable people, Flora.

What is that?

FLORA: My new novel.

Isn't it glorious?

Well, I don't know, I haven't read it yet.

Did you bring it for me?

No, no, not exactly.

You must read it though.

It's by far my best work.

Oh, I do hope the critics notice.

A Summer's Death.

In three parts.

The book, not the death.

It's an ironic title.

It's a story about love,

a love that endures though the lovers die.

[door closes] [Flora gasps]

There you are.

The healer himself.

FLORA: For you.

At last.

Thank you.

I'll read it immediately.

Oh yes, yes, I want you to, but first, oh!

Another migraine?

I'm afraid the body punishes the spirit

for being too happy.

[Gerard laughs]

Could you, would you?

GERARD: If you will excuse us, Gabriel.

Can't I stay?

I'd love to see you work a miracle.

No miracles, Gabriel.

I work with the mind.

Flora will cure herself.

Oh, no, no, no, it is you who do it.

No, no, no, no, I merely make suggestions.

And you will follow.

However, I am not used to an audience.

Oh, just ignore me, Gerard.

I'm so fascinated.

GERARD: Where are you now, Flora?

I don't know, I can't see clearly.

Don't you feel the heat?

The burning sun coming down

on the warm sand beneath your feet?

Oh yes, yes I do.

I'm in the desert.


What are you thinking?

Of the cool night that is coming.

GERARD: That night is here now.

And you lie in bed listening to the soft wind blowing.

The mind is free.

You'll awake and forget about everything.

The mind is letting loose of all irritations of the day.

Oh, yes, yes, how clairvoyant you are!

I am in that desert.

You see other reincarnations of me.

[scary music]

When you open your eyes, your pain will be gone.

Open them, Flora.

GABRIEL: Well, Flora?

Now, now my day will start.

What did I ever do without you?

And now I must go and see your wife.

And your wife, too, of course, Gabriel.

Come back to Rose Cottage with me after dinner.

My honor.

Well, how many powers do you have, Gerard?

You've seen them all, Gabriel.

Could you cure me?

Could you make me walk again?

I wouldn't even attempt it.

[Gabriel laughs]

A headache can be cured through the mind.

The mind can change easily.

Flora tells me you're also a clairvoyant.

GERARD: In a limited way, yes.

What do you make of this?

Most unusual.

Some sort of an earring, I think.

Certainly one I've never seen before.


Where did it come from, Gerard?

Go on, use your powers.

Can you?

Can you feel any vibrations?

I can see a tall woman.

A woman, but not dressed as one should be.

GABRIEL: [laughs] You are a fraud.

Don't you laugh at me!

I told you stop laughing!

I don't like anybody laughing at me!

Well, Gerard, you certainly are worth watching.

Maybe I can use you, yes.

[ominous music]

Come on the stage.

The baggage is at the inn.

They'll know that's not true.

You've got to go through with this.

Now, what's your name?

Julia Collins.

And what's your brother's name?

Barnabas Collins.

I've been in America for years.

He wrote me and said he would meet me here.

Let me think about it, Ben.

No, you're going to put on these clothes,

and you're going to walk into this house tonight.

But Ben, it's dusk now.

Forget about Barnabas.

Get dressed and leave by the back way.

At :, you're gonna knock on that front door.

At :.

[frightful music]

[eerie music]

GABRIEL: Migraine back, cousin?

No, no, I am always this way

when someone's reading a new book.

Especially Gerard, I'd imagine.

Oh, he has opened,

introduced a whole new world to me, Gabriel.

My new book is going to be simply shattering.

You've met Leticia, of course?

Oh, none of us would have

if it hadn't been for dear Gerard.

Oh, her powers as a mystic are fantastic,

and the story I've worked around them,

absolutely incredible!

I will call it Whispers From Heaven,

because her powers must have come from above.

Some people might say

that Gerard doesn't come from that place at all.

The Black Arts are not usually connected with our Maker.

Black, ugh!

I've never heard of anything so ridiculous.

[clock chimes]

BEN: Good evening, Mrs. Collins.

Good evening, Mr. Stokes.

Well, then, you've decided to join us.

What's the special occasion?

BEN: I just felt the need of some company, that's all.

[laughs] We were discussing the occult, Ben.

BEN: I don't know nothing about any of that.

Oh yes you do, Ben, remember the legend,

the Legend of Angelique, rumored to be a witch?

FLORA: Here in this house?

Yes, she was a servant girl from the British West Indies

who eventually married Barnabas Collins.

It was a long time ago.

It's best forgotten.

GABRIEL: Oh, you knew her, Ben.

Was she a witch?

You're being very rude, Gabriel.

You don't have to answer that, Mr. Stokes.

GABRIEL: Why are you looking at the clock, Ben?

It's a bit later than I thought it was, that's all.

Ain't that a carriage I hear?

GABRIEL: Are you expecting someone?

No, no, just I could've swore I heard a carriage.

[spooky music]

JULIA VOICEOVER:I should be at Collinwood.

But I can't meet that family, not now.

Barnabas is summoning me, I know it.

[suspenseful music]

What if he isn't?

What if it's my imagination?

My Barnabas is here, I know it.

[ominous music]

If his spirit has not made the journey through time,

he will not know me.


Barnabas Collins.

You can hear me.

You must.

It's Julia.

Julia Hoffman.

You must recognize my name.

Ah, Barnabas,

let your spirit reach out to me.

Let me feel its presence!

[eerie music]

[spooky music]
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