1112 - September 28, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1112 - September 28, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Collinwood in

where Julia Hoffman discovered herself

after she walked up the staircase of time

to escape the destruction of the great estate in .

Finding that Barnabas did not follow her,

she has turned for help to his old servant, Ben Stokes,

who works out a plan for her formal arrival

at the great house tonight.

But Julia, desperate to find Barnabas,

has gone to the secret room of the mausoleum

hoping that his spirit in the present

has been transferred to the body

that was chained in the coffin there in .

[Julia Voiceover]I should be at Collinwood,

but I can't meet that family, not now.

Barnabas is summoning me, I know it.

[gate creaking]

[eerie music]

What if he isn't?

What if it's my imagination?

My Barnabas is here, I know it.

[ominous music]

If his spirit has not made the journey through time,

he will not know me.


Barnabas Collins.

You can hear me, you must.

It's Julia, Julia Hoffman.

You must recognize my name.


Let your spirit reach out to me.

Let me feel its presence.

[ominous music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]


[suspenseful music]

I have to take the chance.

[suspenseful music]

Flora just left.

Ben took her in the carriage.

You're to go to Rose Cottage

after you've finished the novel.

Orders from the authoress herself.

And by the way, how is it?


Do you ever really say what you think,

except when you're angry?

I was fascinated at your reaction

at when I laughed at you yesterday.

Your eyes were mad.

You could have k*lled me.

If I weren't capable of anger,

I wouldn't be much of a man now, would I?

And you are a man, a rather dangerous one I imagine.

GERARD: Only to my enemies.

A man with powers.

You see, Gerard, I have decided that you do

have special powers.

Then why did you laugh at me when I told you

who that earring belonged to?

It was odd.

A woman who does not dress as women do.

I found it a perplexing statement.

But then, women around Collinwood

wouldn't wear such a thing at all.

Where did you find it?

Well, you tell me.

You're the one with the special powers.

I charge for my services.

And you know that I am poor.

The poorest of the rich Collins,

but not for long, not for long.

I found the earring in the children's playroom,

a room that is seldom used since Tad's death.

Who left it there?

Who could that earring belong to?

[chains clanging]

[coffin creaking]

Barnabas, it's Julia.

Julia Hoffman.

You must recognize me, Barnabas.

Barnabas, Barnabas, listen to me.

Barnabas, no, no, no.

BARNABAS: You know my secret.

No one must know my secret.

Barnabas, let her go.

She's a friend.

BARNABAS: Ben, how old?

How old?

I never thought I'd see you again.

BARNABAS: Too long, how many years?

Can't you tell by looking at me?


Mr. Barnabas, it's .

My God.

You are still the same.

The same.

You've told her about me.

No, she's going to walk out of here.

She will tell.

Get out, get out!

I will not let her go.

- You must. - Why?

You don't know what's happening.

I will find out.

Mr. Barnabas, you want my help

like you did before?

You need my help?

[ominous music]


What's happened to my family, my father?

Barnabas, your father's been dead these many years.

I'm the last left.

The boy, Daniel, he must be alive.

An old man now, dying.

Everything's changed, Mr. Barnabas.

The woman.

You are making me take chances.

Mr. Barnabas, listen to me.

Her story, it's strange.

Maybe you can understand it better than I do.

You always did.

She said she comes from another time, the future.

She says she knows you there.

You've gone mad, old man.

More than a hundred years from now,

someone will come and let you out of your coffin.


Mr. Barnabas, I believe her story.

She says in the future, you can send your spirit

back in time.

When she come here, when she opened your coffin,

she expected you to know her.

She expected you to help her.

Help her?

How can I help anyone?

She's alone in a time she don't know.

A bad time for us all, Mr. Barnabas.

I will find out for myself.

No, Mr. Barnabas, no.

Do you expect me to go back there?

Do you think that I'll let you chain me in again?

You've got to.

I've been there for over years.

I cannot do it.

This curse.

This curse, drinking blood.

I cannot stop it.

Mr. Barnabas, you don't understand,

everything's changed.

The village, don't go there.

I must get out and I must--

BEN: You'll get caught.

I cannot stop this craving, I cannot.

Mr. Barnabas, please don't leave this room.

Please, for your own sake, Mr. Barnabas.

[dramatic music]

I'm an old man.

I couldn't stop him.

But if he's found out.

He can't be.

But if he is, if he's caught tonight

and they destroy him,

the Barnabas in my time will disappear.

You'd better get back to the house.

I can't do that.

I can't meet them now, no.

You've got to, you've got to prepare them to accept him

in case somebody remembers.

There are people who do remember Barnabas Collins.

[wind howling]

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps shuffling]

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps shuffling]

[suspenseful music]


The very rich.

[door clicking]

A man.

I was followed in the woods.

When, when I saw him, he chased me.

GERARD: I'll go see.

No, I'm afraid, don't leave me.

It's all right, you're safe now, you're safe.

Don't cry, don't cry.


Charming, a charming tableau.

I was, I was in the woods and I was followed by a man.

Are you sure it was a man, Samantha?

You don't believe me, do you?

Oh, now you're going to say that I never do, aren't you?

You see how well I know you?

Did you see this man, Samantha?

No, just something tall and moving through the woods.

Well, I'll go see what it is.


GABRIEL: I wouldn't do that.

SAMANTHA: Just take a g*n, it's dangerous.

GABRIEL: Will both of you listen to me?

There is no reason for him to go anywhere.

The police are combing the entire area.


And you're wrong about another thing, Samantha.

It was not a man, because a woman was seen,

was found on the road near the cemetery.

She had been att*cked, bitten on the neck.

An animal?

What kind?

GABRIEL: She hasn't been able to say.

A servant found her.

Which one?

GABRIEL: Bainbridge.

I'm going to go talk to him.

GERARD: Now that's not necessary.

SAMANTHA: I'm gonna talk to him!

A strong-willed woman.

GERARD: That's right, so what?

GABRIEL: Do you like strong-willed women?

Usually not.

But after you're through with them,

there usually isn't any will left.

Isn't that usually the case?

I don't know where you get these impressions of me

or why you're so bound to inform opinions on me.

Aren't you?

GERARD: You said earlier that you wished for me

to be of some use to you.


What kind of use, Gabriel?

GABRIEL: Perhaps I haven't formed an opinion yet

to tell you.

Bainbridge has gone to bed.

I would think just hearing about it would keep him awake.

And you, too.

It's time to change the subject.

What do you say to a game of whist?

I couldn't possibly concentrate.


It's probably the constable.

He'll probably tell you what kind of animal it was.

Mrs. Collins?


I am...

I am Julia Collins, may I come in?

[dramatic music]

SAMANTHA: Julia Collins?

You don't know who I am?

I'm sorry, please come in.

Gabriel is the authority on the Collins family.

My brother is not here?

Who is your brother?

Barnabas Collins.

I'm terribly sorry.

There seems to be some dreadful mistake.

GABRIEL: Won't you come in, Ms. Collins?

Yes, please do.

Won't you please sit down?

You're very kind, I would never have dreamed

of arriving here, if I thought you weren't expecting me.

GABRIEL: I'm Gabriel Collins.

How do you do, Mr. Collins?

Gabriel is my brother-in-law, which you perhaps know.

This is Gerard Stiles, a friend.

How do you do, Mr. Stiles?

Ms. Collins.

GABRIEL: And now you say Barnabas Collins

is here in Collinsport?

Yes, I just took the evening stage.

I was to meet him either here or at the inn.

Where was he coming from?

JULIA: My brother lives in England.

But you're American.

Well, I've lived here for so long,

in Pennsylvania.

I really meant to get in touch with all of you,

but I'm afraid my brother is more interested

in the family than I am.

It's embarrassing, all this. I did write.

Posts are so, oh, so bad.

I wish they were better.

Barnabas will more upset than I.

BEN: You're talking of Mr. Barnabas.

Ben, the most curious thing.

We're about to be visited by him.

GABRIEL: He's coming from London.

Mr. Barnabas?

This is his sister, Julia Collins.

Ben Stokes.

Mr. Stokes, I've heard so much about you

from our dear father.

You were so much of a good friend to him

when he lived here.

I'm very happy to know you.

So you're Mr. Barnabas' daughter, my, my.

Oh, you'll be happier when you see my brother.

He looks just like father.

Well, this has turned into a special occasion now.

If I were head of the household,

I would bring out the champagne.

There isn't any, a sherry, yes, for everyone.

Where is your luggage?

JULIA: I left it at the inn.

I'll be happy to go in for you.

Oh, I don't mean to intrude, I don't--

We'll be delighted to have you, really.

JULIA: I'm so sorry Barnabas isn't here.

And he wanted so much to see Collinwood again.

Again, Ms. Collins?

I thought you said that your brother

had never been here before.

Oh, of course he hasn't been here,

but father has spoken so much about it,

he always says that he feels he knows Collinwood

as well as the people who live here.

A toast.

To our new found cousin.

May she find happiness here.

[suspenseful music]

[wind howling]

[clock chiming]

What are you doing?

You know.

You was waiting for the dawn, same as I was.

Ben, Ben, we've got to chain him in that coffin again.


[dramatic music]

Whenever it's done, you can't never

go back here no more.

Even if you think your Barnabas is in there.

Do you understand?

You can't take no more chances.


Ben, the coffin's gone.

He won't let us find him.

[Gerard Voiceover]This was found in the playroom

two nights ago, yet the mate is there

on Julia Collins' dresser today,

the mysterious Julia Collins.

Very mysterious, indeed.

GERARD: Good morning, Ms. Collins.

Good morning, Mr. Stiles.

GERARD: A brisk walk before morning?

Yes, yes, I thought I'd like to see the grounds

during the day.

Any news from your brother?

No, no news yet.

You must be terribly worried about him.


Tell me, how long has it been since you've seen your brother?

Not since I came to America.

I miss him very much.

I see.

Tell me, where do you live in Pennsylvania, yes?

A farm just outside Philadelphia.

I'm something of a recluse.

I hope not so much that you don't remember

the famous restaurant on Chestnut Street.

JULIA: I never go to the city.

Pity, you miss so much.

Oh, by the way, Ms. Collins,

I have something that belongs to you.

Oh, what?


[laughing] My word, what is it?

An earring, I think.

Really, such an unusual design.

Isn't it?

I found this in the playroom

the night before last.

But I wasn't here, why would you think

it would be mine?

Because there's another one just like it on your dresser.

JULIA: Why were you in my room?

I brought your luggage in from town.

This was on your dresser, one like this.

Now, this can't be a coincidence,

can it, Ms. Collins?

Can it?

Now tell me, who are you,

and what do you want here?

Tell me, now!

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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