1113 - September 29, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1113 - September 29, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in ,

and a night of horror and tension is over

for Julia Hoffman.

She has introduced herself to the family as Julia Collins,

the sister of the Barnabas who is to arrive from England,

but Barnabas has not followed her to the past,

and she has released from the coffin a Barnabas

who does not know her, and will not help her.

This morning, she and Ben Stokes went

to chain the coffin again,

but the secret room of the mausoleum was empty.

And at Collinwood,

Julia finds herself alone with a man she fears.

By the way, Ms. Collins,

I have something that belongs to you.

Oh? What?


My word, what is it?

An earring, I think.

Really, such an unusual design.

Isn't it?

I found this in the playroom.

The night before last.

But I wasn't here, why would you think it would be mine?

Because there's another one just like it on your dresser.

JULIA: Why were you in my room?

I brought your luggage in from town.

This was on your dresser, one like this.

And this can't be any coincidence,

can it, Ms. Collins?

Can it?

Now tell me, who are you, and what do you want here?

Tell me!


[dramatic spooky music]

I am waiting.

What right have you to question me?

Would you prefer Gabriel Collins to do it?

He was the one that found the earring.

He is as interested in this as I am.

Daniel Collins says there was a woman in the room

the night the earring was found.

Now was it you?

I arrived this evening.

You know that.

I'm not accustomed to strangers doubting my word.

When Gabriel showed me this,

I had a feeling that it belonged to a woman

who did not dress as a woman ought to do.

- You're a psychic, too? - Not professionally.

Well, whatever your interests,

I can answer your questions about

the earring very easily.

It was on the bureau when I went into the room.

Nobody has been into that room

since all the time I've been here,

and that's been several months.

I meant to call it to Mrs. Collins' attention,

but you can do that now.

There's no way of telling

how long it's been there, is there?

No, there isn't.

Well, I'm afraid you'll have

to solve the little mystery yourself.

We will solve it.

And soon.

Good day, Ms. Collins.

Mr. Styles.

Good day, Ben.

I've been hoping to see you

so that I could hear more stories

about Father when he was young.

My brother and I used to listen to how Collinwood was then.

If you will excuse me.

Oh, Mr. Styles, I should think

you'd be fascinated with the family story.

I'm afraid I'm only interested in the living.

He suspects something.

I lost an earring, and he, Gerard Styles,

found the other one in my room.

We've got enough troubles without him.

I've looked everywhere,

and I can't find Mr. Barnabas's coffin.

We've got to find him before it's too late.

There was att*cks in the village last night.

They got everybody all riled up.

Old Mr. Pettibone asked me this morning

if I remembered a long time ago

other people bein' att*cked in the same way.

He figured they happened around 'bout .

And he was right.

I never thought I'd see it happen again.

Mr. Barnabas's father and I chained him in his coffin.

If we could only talk to him.

There's one place, just one place he'd be sure to go.

Well, we must go there, too.

Not you, just me.

It's your only chance.

I think he'll listen to me, there.

[wind howling]

[eerie childish music]


How I've longed to see your face again.

I will never forget you.

Now I am free again.

Free, I must begin a new life.

Forgive me.

I had to say goodbye.

You know me well, Ben.

Well enough to know you'd come here.

For the last time.

What does that mean?

Josette can never be mine.

I will make an existence without her.

Barnabas, you hated your life before.

I will no longer condemn myself to that coffin.

You've got to, Mr. Barnabas.

Ben, you've served me well.

You cannot understand the eternal darkness of that tomb.

I will not involve you this time as I did before.

I will take whatever chances I must alone.

You must not.

Mr. Barnabas, you must talk to that woman, that Julia.

She's from the future, from .

What an incredible story.

I do not have your naivety.

She could help ya.

No one can help me.

You'll be caught, Mr. Barnabas.

I can feel it.

How, Ben?

Since I still exist in the year .

She explained it to me.

You were released from your coffin in .

She changed the course of history

when she let you escape last week.

You're not safe.

The word safe has no meaning for me, Ben.

[thunder rumbling]

A note from Flora at Rose cottage.

Should I tell you what is in it?

"Please, Gerard, come and see me as soon as you can."


You are psychic, love.

Ah, no, Leticia, I have learned to recognize

that peculiar look she gets in her eye

whenever she wants to, whenever she wants to see me.


A real heart-breaker.

As I should know.

I shall never break your heart, Leticia.

I promise.

Maybe that's what I'm afraid of.

You've paid very little attention to me

since I came here, love.

Leticia, I've made a brand new life for you.

New luxury.

No more cheap music halls.

No more bums asking you for to read their minds.

No more singing and dancing in those putrid--

Sometimes I miss it.

You just gave me to that Flora

like I was a present of some kind.

I gotta talk to her all the time.

About my life.

She writes it all down!

But you're going to be very famous.

You're going to be in a book.


Now, love, you know there are some things about my life

a lady shouldn't even talk about, much less read.

There's money here, Leticia.

Money just waiting.

And we're not leaving here until we get it.

Let's, let's just make sure we leave here together.

Please, love.

I beg your pardon.

No need to apologize.

Julia Collins, Ms. Leticia Faye.

And if you will excuse me now.

Leticia, may I give you a ride back to Rose Cottage?

Thank you, love.

I promised to start Samantha's horoscope.

JULIA: Oh, do you do horoscopes, Ms. Faye?

As a favor.

Yes, Ms. Faye is a professional psychic.

Unlike myself, she can read the future.

If you'll excuse me.

LETICIA: Tell Flora I won't be late!

Don't you live at Collinwood?


At Rose Cottage, with Mrs. Flora Collins.

The novelist.

Can you really see the future?

Oh, yes.

Some people don't believe what I see,

but they find out it's true.

How fascinating.

You mean, just standing here you can,

you can tell what will happen in this room one day?

Hm, perhaps.

Could you tell something about, say, ?


No, I couldn't do that, love.

I can only see tomorrow or the next day.

Anyway, even if I could see ,

why, none of us would live long enough

to find out whether I was right or not.

How'd you ever pick that date?

Oh, I, I had a dream about this room in, in that time.

Could you, could you possibly try

and see if my dream is right?

I'm not promising anything.

I see, I see.

- Do you smell the smoke? - No, go on.

Smoke and dust.


I'm sorry, love.

That's all I see.

JULIA:Was Collinwood destroyed?

Barnabas must be alive, but why hasn't he joined me?

If I could only see the future.

If I only knew what Barnabas was doing now.

[spooky music]

ELIOT: Are you feeling any better?


ELIOT: I'm sorry.

I had hoped you'd feel well enough

to attend the funeral this afternoon.

I couldn't even do that.

I know I shouldn't have gone to Europe.

But I thought I had time to bring back the one man

who could exorcise Gerard.

I thought I had time.

That's all I could hear this afternoon

as I listened to the minister

read the Psalms over those caskets.

Elizabeth, David, Daphne, Hallie.

All gone.

I'll never forget that night.

Those creatures that Gerard summoned from the grave.

They stopped me from following Julia.

And yet I'm going to find her.

That night in the hall, she opened the door

and the stairs was there,

that same stairs that brought us back from .

Someone wanted her to find them, to help her.

I've got to find out where Julia went,

and somehow I've got to get there!

If those stairs brought you from ,

that must be where Julia is now.


No, I believe the only place

those stairs went was back into the past.

That's where all this began.

But the family journals say that the original

Quentin Collins built some sort of strange staircase

somewhere back in .

Stairways that led to another time.

And I assume you intend to use the I-Ching again.

I have no other choice.

Even if I don't go back with Julia,

I have to go back and try to change history

so that this terrible night couldn't have happened.

The I-Ching can be very dangerous.

You cannot talk me out of it, Eliot.

Now, Carolyn.

I love visiting you, cousin Barnabas,

but I can't quite understand why you insisted

simply because Mother is away.

I think it was a very good idea for her

to take David and Hallie on a trip.

They've had no vacation at all this year, you know.

Do you know what I think I shall do?

Spend a weekend at the beach house!

Could I, cousin?

We will decide that later, Carolyn.

I used to always go there at this time of year.

I love it in the fall.

The leaves are red, and dying.

Something happened.

What happened at Collinwood?

Who were those men who set fire to it?


How silly I am.

It was only a dream, that's all.

A nightmare.

I don't even remember what it was about now.

I think I shall go upstairs and pack a bag

so that I should be ready to go to the shore in the morning.

Oh, it'll be so lovely to be by the sea.

And alone.

We must get her to a psychiatrist at once.

She should be at Windcliff.

I keep hoping that the effects of

what happened would wear off.

That's not true, you told me yourself,

she was, she will be just the same in .

She will harm no one.

You may be right about Carolyn, Barnabas, but I,

I don't think you should overlook the other problem.

Where is he?


[dramatic music]

[woman screams]

No, Quentin, no!

- Barnabas! - You can't stop me!

- Barnabas! - No, I've got see Daphne!

- No, you can't. - I've got to be with her!



Quentin, no!

She thought you went to England!

You went to England,

and you knew this would happen, and you don't care.

No, Quentin, that's not true!

Hallie was his niece!


Why did you say was?

Carolyn, you go up to your room,

and I'll come by and explain later.

No, you won't stop me from seeing Daphne.

You won't!

I've got, I've got to see, I've got to see her.

She's, she's with, Gerard now.

You don't understand, I've lost her forever.

I saw her die.

Oh, she died in my arms.

And I saw, I saw the children, they were dead, too.

I could have saved them.

I, I could have saved them!

No, Quentin.

No one could save them.

- Now come. - No.

You want me to go back to Collinwood again.

You want me, you want me to go back

and watch it all over again and I--

- No, Quentin. - I'm not gonna do it.


There's only one place where we want you to go,

where you'd be be much happier.

I'll never be happy.

I'll never be happy until I see her again.


We will take him to Windcliff at once.

[somber music]

He'll be better off at Windcliff.

The expression on his face when he said goodbye.

It felt like I'd betrayed him.

You kept him alive.

But for what?

In , he will, he will be as lost as he is now,

and after all those years of confinement.

I've asked you for many things, but I,

would like to ask one more favor.

Would you take care of Carolyn?

Yes, of course.

Perhaps you could find a doctor for her.

I trust you, Elliot.

Barnabas, you didn't think of one thing.

If the I-Ching works, your body will remain

after your spirit has left.

Someone must stay here.


Willie Loomis.

He knows his instructions.

Yes, of course.

I'll go and tell Carolyn

that we're driving to the beach house.


You will be safe here. I'm going away.

Sebastian's gone.

I'm going to try to get back to your time

and change your fate.

Oh, I wish, I wish I could look at you.

But when I come back, perhaps I can.

She's genuinely pleased to be going.

She was very upset about Quentin.

She wanted to get away from here.

Thank you.

Barnabas, I wish there were some other way.

Well, there is not.


Throw the wands, Barnabas.

I pray that this will work.

You've no assurance that you will arrive in the right time.

th hexagram.

The hexagram of change.

I'm ready, Professor.

You must visualize a door with a hexagram painted on it.

Concentrate until the door begins to open.

[door squeaks]

It's opening.

Now, you must pass through the door.

Rise, and go through that door.


No, it can't be.

It can't be!

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]
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