1116 - October 4, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1116 - October 4, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[haunting music]

FEMALE:The great house of Collinwood in the year .

Into this time of mystery and intrigue, Julia Hoffman

has come from the present.

With the help of Ben Stokes, she has assumed the identity

of a relative, Julia Collins, in order to be accepted

by the family.

After her arrival, she unchains the coffin

in the secret room of the mausoleum,

hoping that the spirit of Barnabas Collins in has entered the body

originally placed in the coffin in .

But she finds that he looks upon her as a stranger

and enemy.

Since that time, the liberated Barnabas has met

a young woman named Roxanne Drew.

On this night, Barnabas has made the decision

to transform Roxanne into one of the living dead.

[haunting music]

I want you to be with me always.

I will do anything you ask of me.

There is a way for us to be together throughout

all eternity.

Are you willing to take that way?

I'm willing to die for you if I have to.

Then we shall be together.

Don't be afraid, Roxanne.

I'm not, Barnabas.

I'm not.

[haunting music]

Tomorrow you will be dead, but be not afraid

of death, Roxanne, for beyond it there is a life

you've never dreamed of, a life for the two of us.

Tomorrow they will find you, and they will grieve for you.

But tomorrow night, you will be mine again.

[haunting music]

[suspenseful music]

[waves crashing]

[haunting music]

[melancholic music]

[door shutting]

[soft footsteps]

Good evening.

Oh, Julia.

I was looking for you earlier.

Oh, I went to the village. What is wrong?

I understand you spoke to my sister Roxanne last night.

JULIA: Yes, yes, I found her charming.

You didn't notice anything strange about her behavior?

What do you mean by strange?

SAMANTHA: Did she seem vague or distracted?

No, not at all, why?

I saw her this afternoon, and she wasn't herself at all.

It was as though she barely knew who I was.

Perhaps she didn't feel well.

No, I had a feeling it was more than that.

Her bedroom was almost completely dark.

When I went to close the drapes, she seemed alarmed.

She said the light hurt her eyes.

I, I see.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to burden you with my troubles.

No, no, you weren't.

Perhaps I'm, I'm just being overly concerned.

No, no, I don't think so.

Tell me, did you notice anything else unusual?

As a matter of fact, I was disturbed by something

she wouldn't say.

What? What was it?

She admitted that there was somebody new in her life,

and that she was in love with him.

But she wouldn't tell me what it was.

It surprised me because she's never kept anything

from me before.

[haunting music]

[clock music]

[suspenseful music]

Gabriel is a fool, wanting to k*ll her slowly.

One good dose of this and she'll be dead in an hour.

Good morning, Samantha.

Good morning, Gerard.

Oh, would you care for some coffee?


Yes, I believe I would, thank you.

[suspenseful music]

[door slamming]

Do you really think Mr. Barnabas has found Miss Roxanne?

What Samantha said made it sound as if he had.

I'm going to the old house.

We already looked there.

Well, it's worth looking again, Ben.

We've got to find him.

[suspenseful music]

Still thinking about Roxanne?

-Yes. -Hmm.

Well, people in love usually do act a little differently.

Her behavior is quite understandable.

I don't think so.

[suspenseful music]

Good morning.


Would you care for some coffee?

No, no, thank you.

I'm going for a stroll.

I thought I'd go down and see the old house.

I've heard so much about it.

Perhaps I'll see you at lunch.

Fine, enjoy your stroll.

Thank you.

[door shutting]

[suspenseful music]

I like Julia, don't you?

Yes, she seems nice enough.

I can't understand why none of the Collins

have never heard of her.

[suspenseful music]

Will you be needing anything, Miss Samantha?

No, I don't think so.

Oh, Ben, someone left a note for you on the foyer table.

A note for me?

[suspenseful music]

SAMANTHA: Did you find it, Ben?

I, I, I found it, Miss Samantha.

Thank you, thank you.

[suspenseful music]

Dear Ben, I beg you to forgive me for what I am

about to do.

I do it because I am unable to endure the loneliness

of this life any longer.

I pray that in time you will understand.

Signed, Barnabas.

Do you think he means to do to her

what he tried to do to Miss Josette?

Yes, yes, Ben.

And our only hope is to find Roxanne before it's too late.

[door slamming]

[suspenseful music]

I'll get one of the servants to clear the coffee.

Please don't leave, Samantha.

Let's talk a while.

I'm not in the mood to talk.

Well, then, let me.

SAMANTHA: About what?

Mostly about you.

I think some other time.

No, this is not the time to put off important things.

And you are important, you know.

At least to me, you are.

SAMANTHA: I don't understand.

You're a very troubled woman, Samantha.

Deeply troubled.

And that concerns me a great deal because there is no reason

in the world for you to be.

What are you trying to say?

Give me your hand.

I beg your pardon?

No, no, no, no, no, please.

I want to see what the future may hold for you.

Gerard, what are you doing?

You didn't know that I was an authority on astrology,

numerology, and palm-reading, did you?

I don't believe in such things.

That's a pity, because it says here

that your troubled life lies behind you.

What do you mean?

Look at your hand.

The life line, heart line, and the love line.

The last two converge here, meaning that you're going

to have a very successful love live.

But what is more important is your life line,

strong and clean, although there is

a very clouded area here.

Is that bad?

Well, one might say it's just a clouded area

of your life.

Who it is or what it is is impossible to say.

Do you really take all of this seriously?

Yes, and you should, too.

Perhaps, well, perhaps this is the clouded area

of your life you're going through.

In fact, a thought just occurred to me.

Who in your life is making you the most miserable?

-Gabriel Collins, am I correct? -Yes.

What do you propose to do about it?

There's nothing that I can do.

In time, you will become the mistress of Collinwood.

Now is the time to start planning on what you plan to do.

Doesn't that make sense?

Yes, it does.

I suppose I hadn't wanted to face it, but I really

must make some decision about Gabriel.

At the moment, however, I still feel like being alone.

I think I'll take a walk around the grounds.

Please excuse me.

Of course.

Gerard, thank you for being so concerned

and for your advice.

My aim is to please you whenever I can.



[suspenseful music]


Help! Help!

Somebody help!

[suspenseful music]

Roxanne, Roxanne, I've got to get you back to Collinwood.

I must find help.

I must!

[suspenseful music]

Ben, Ben, are you here?

Is anybody here?

Somebody please answer me!

Gerard, where are you, Gerard?

Samantha, what's happened?

The gazebo, the gazebo, she's dying!

What are you talking about?

Roxanne is in the gazebo.

What happened to her?

I don't know. I found her on the ground.

It looked as if she's been att*cked by a wild animal.

You must come with me!

[suspenseful music]


What is it?

She's gone.

Gerard, she was here.

I saw her!

-Blood. -Oh!

Control yourself. She must have gotten to her feet somehow.

She couldn't have. She was unconscious.

We've got to find her. They can't have taken her far.

Samantha, you're in no condition to go any place

except back to Collinwood.

She could be dying!

You must find her.

Okay, I intend to.

Let's go.

[suspenseful music]

It was lucky we found her.

How is she?

Oh, she's in very serious condition.

I'll know more when I've stopped the bleeding.

[breathing heavily]

Gerard, don't worry about me.

I'll be all right.

Now, you must go and get the police.

Yes, I will help the police in the search

around the grounds.

Now, Samantha, you must stay here and take care of yourself.

Everything will be all right once we find her.

[suspenseful music]

The bleeding stopped.

What are you going to do?

Find some way to give her some fresh blood.

Maybe we shouldn't have brought her here.

She needs a doctor.

Ben, I am a doctor.

Now, I'm going to give you a list of the things I need.

I don't care how or where you get them, just get them

before dark and bring them to me.

I'll do my best.

Just tell me one thing.


Is she going to live?

I don't know.

[suspenseful music]

I don't understand.

You gave her some of your own blood.

I've never heard of anything like that.

How is she?

Well, she's much improved, but the danger

is not over yet, Ben.

It will be dark soon.

Mr. Barnabas will know she's still alive.

He'll come looking for her.

She won't survive another attack, Ben.

Ben, could, could you go to Collinwood for me?

BEN: What for?

Well, her temperature could rise,

and I need some alcohol.

It may take a little while.

If I see anybody there, they'll want to know

where I've been all day.

Yes, yes, well, that's all right.

Just get back here as soon as you can, please.

[suspenseful music]

[melancholic music]

[door shuts]

[suspenseful music]

Gerard, what are you doing here?

I was wondering what you were doing here.

Oh, I saw Ben earlier this afternoon.

And he told me that there was a lot of memorabilia

of my branch of the family up in the upstairs rooms here.

GERARD: Have you been here all this afternoon?

Yes, there are many turns upstairs.

My father was born in this house, if no one told you.

Well, it's not that I am doubting any reason

why you're here.

I'm sorry, I thought you were.

You better get back to Collinwood immediately.


Roxanne Drew was att*cked earlier this afternoon

in the gazebo by some wild animal.

How dreadful!

Will she be all right?

We don't know until we find her.

She disappeared shortly after Samantha found her.

I was searching with the police when I saw candlelight

burning from this house.

JULIA: Oh, and you thought Roxanne might be here.


Well, I wish I could say she was.

Well, I will resume my search with the police.

I advise you to get back to Collinwood immediately.

Yes, thank you. I will very soon.

[door shuts]

[suspenseful music]


So you brought her here.

Barnabas, Barnabas, you must not touch her.

Please, please try to understand.

I cannot go through eternity alone.

I must have someone.

It's wrong. It's wrong, don't you see?

Now, please leave her alone.

No! No!

You will not interfere again!

[suspenseful music]

[haunting music]
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