1124 - October 14, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1124 - October 14, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky music]

NARRATOR:Night over Collinwood in the year ,

Julian Barnabus on, the danger mission to prevent

the destruction of the great house, tried to piece together

the jigsaw puzzle that refuses to stay in place.

For Barnabus has found Daphne outside of Collinwood,

but she says she knows none of the people with whom

she is to be so tragically linked in the future.

However, unknown to Barnabus, Daphne was at Rose Cottage.

This night, with Quentin, Desmond and Leticia, Flora has

read the tarot cards for Quentin and

learned that someone he has loved died recently.

Later, in her room, Daphne writes in her diary that

she has met the man she has come to k*ll, Quentin Collins.

And back at Rose Cottage, in the same room

where the tarot cards still lay, Desmond Collins

writes in a strange journal.

A journal he keeps in the name of a man

who has been dead for centuries.

MALE VOICEOVER:After nearly years of waiting,

I will finally answer. This search will be over.

I will know what I must.

For tonight, at o'clock, Otis Greene will be here.


Evil, evil, oh god the evil in this room!

I can feel it! I can feel it!

[eerie theme music]

Leticia! Leticia, are you alright?

No, no, get away from me!

Let me help you.

No, madness!

I say madness! Death, in this room.

And you! Help!

No one will help you!

You will tell no one of what you felt! No one!

Desmond! Oh, Desmond!

What happened to you? What made you like that? What did?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh yes, you do! Oh, Desmond, let me help you if I can!

I don't need your help. Will you stop worrying about me?

But I care what happens to you.

You're just imagining things.

Now you forget it. Do you understand?

Yes, Desmond, yes.

I wouldn't go telling tales.

There's enough real trouble going on

around here without inventing any.

Now, come out of this room.

[spooky music]

I still feel it.

Somewhere, somewhere.


The Tower of Destruction!

[eerie music builds]


Evil! Evil!

I'm so glad to see you feeling better, Roxanne.

Not as glad as I am. It was so dreadful being sick.

I hate it, I shan't be again!

I hope not.

Mr. Collins, I [sighs]

What's wrong?

I'm embarrassed.


I was thinking of that night they were looking for me.

I came to this house and you were here.

I somehow acted as though, as though you were

responsible for what had happened to me.

You still remember that?

Oh, I shall never forget it. Oh, but it was so unfair.

You and your sister have been so kind, so thoughtful.


My dear girl, they told me you were here.

You do know Barnabus Collins, don't you, Mr. Trask?

Yes, of course. Good evening.

Good evening.

My prayers have been answered, Roxanne.

You are well again.

You don't know how much time I have spent

looking forward to this moment.

Yes, as father said, you called

at the house every evening. Thank you.

Perhaps now you will pay heed to my advice.

I warned you about going out alone at night.

Even before this vicious animal made its appearance again.

Again? What do you mean "again", Mr. Trask?

I've made a most interesting discovery.

One that I trust will help the police in the capture.

Roxanne, you have given the police a complete

description of what att*cked you?

I, I can't seem to remember.

Now how is that possible?

I can't explain it.

You must try!

Trask, I don't think there's anything

to be gained by this questioning.

Oh, don't you?

Your attitude is remarkably that like of your late father,

the original Barnabus Collins.

I didn't realize that you were old enough

at that time to make such an observation.

I was not. But it is all here in this letter. All of it!

Your father's ridiculing of my father.

Yes, a most interesting document.

It was written in April of .

In this very house and to my dear mother.

Yes, it seems that at Collinwood at the time,

there were these same mysterious att*cks.

ROXANNE: Lamar, one has nothing to do with the other.

We shall see. Let me read this document.

Perhaps it will jar you rather quixotic memory.

Put that letter away and stop upsetting Roxanne.

It has no relevance here.

You are as arrogant as your father.

Evil has many faces, Mr. Collins.

I will say of you as my father wrote of your father,

that you are somehow linked with the powers of darkness.

You want this poor girl here to be in doubt

of what actually happened.

Why, Mr. Collins? Answer me that. Why?

[tense music]

Lamar, I wonder how I ever wasted five minutes on you.

I should like to speak to Ms. Drew alone.

Please, Barnabus, let me. It will be easier.

I'll go and pay my respects to Quentin.

Barnabus is it?

I find it impossible to understand your attitude.

Defending that man before me.

Making light of what I say when you know it's the truth!

I don't know it.

You should! That man is his father's son.

Well, you've told me of your father,

the same can be said about you!

What makes you defend him so?

Look at me!

Your eyes are veiled, Roxanne, filled with secrets.

They weren't that way before.

Before all this happened. Why, Roxanne?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Your evasions! Over the att*cks and over that man!

Lamar, one has nothing to do with the other.

No one said they did. No one but you.

What did you mean by that?

Look at me, Roxanne.

You have admitted that you remember little.

But that is not true. You do remember.

Tell me, Roxanne, speak to me.

You can tell me. I will help you.

I would give my life to help you.

I, I, no! No!

Is he botherin' you, ducks?

I don't know who you are, mister,

but you've got not no right upsettin' her!

Are you alright, Roxanne?

Yes, yes.

Have you seen Desmond, love?

-I got to find him. -No.

Roxanne, I've just met my sister upstairs,

she's ready to examine you now.

I'll take you up.

Oh, thank you, Barnabus.

I shall wait here for you, my dear.

Oh, please don't bother.

Don't look at me like that!

I got as much right to be here as you have!

I'm to meet Desmond Collins here.

I am Lamar Trask and you, miss?

My name's Leticia Faye, love.

Oh, yes, one of that circus at the Rose Cottage.

Circus? I never played a circus in my life!

Music halls, that's my style!

Oh, yes. Dancing and singing no doubt.

Wearing lewd costumes.

No, lookin' into men's souls, seein' their secrets.

You might learn somethin' about yourself

you wouldn't want to know!

You're a mentalist?

I've appeared before all the heads of Crowned Europe!

I've the true gift of second sight, love.

Only the almighty above has that.

Well he's given me a share of it!

You, you got somethin' on you mind, haven't you?

You're, you're after revenge!

Oh and not for yourself. For someone else.

Someone very close to you that you never even knew!

How do you know that?

I saw. That's all I've got to do, love, is just look.

Can you tell me who I'm trying to revenge?

What great injustice was done to him?

Oh, I'd have to go into a trance to do that, love.

Would you? [laughs]

Oh, you're believin' it now, aren't you?

I believe there are many roads to the truth.

I am not sure that yours is a right one.

Oh, well I can prove it easy. What do you want to know?

I want to know where my father's body is.

So that I can give him a decent burial.

Nothin' to it! But I would have to have somethin' of his.

Somethin' personal.

I have it here.

[dramatic music]

I am convinced my father was m*rder*d on this estate.

m*rder*d? I don't want to have nothin'

to do with no m*rder!

If you will name the m*rder*r,

you will rectify a great wrong.

You will bring peace eternal

to my father's tormented soul.

Give me the letter.

Spirits, in your resting place,

there is one of you who is hidden from us.

Here, hidden on this estate.

If that is true, let that spirit show us where he is.

[eerie music]

I see a house.

LAMAR: Yes, yes.

With pillars, a house that has been deserted.

LAMAR: The old house.

I see someone comin'. A man.

I can't see his face, but he waits.

He waits for someone to appear.

LAMAR: Who is that man?

LETICIA: There is another door. It leads to stairs.

LAMAR: Where is my father's body? Tell me!

Leticia, what's going on here?


She was in a trance.

What, what happened?

I'm afraid Mr. Trask was taking

advantage of your special gifts.

You may think you arrived at

the right moment, Mr. Collins, but it just may be

that you interrupted too late!

What did you tell him?

I didn't wanna tell him anything!

He kept insistin'. I just came in to find Desmond!

That's all.

I've got to find Desmond.

You will find no one until you tell me everything.

[tense music]

MALE VOICEOVER:Soon Otis Greene will be here,

and I will learn what I must.

It is nearly time now.

There will be a knock on the door, a man will enter

and before he leaves this room,

I will know where my body is.

[eerie music]

Mr. Trask.

Inspecting the work that my sister and I have done here?

You know why I'm here. I'm sure you made Leticia tell you.

Tell me what?

Well this house is going to be quite livable, isn't it?

If one can live in the presence of evil.

You know, considering that my sister

and I have been given this house,

you might have at least waited for an invitation.

My father's body is in this house. I'm positive of it!

You're more of fool than I thought, Trask.

What will your respectable friends say

when they hear that you're believing

in the ravings of musical hall mentalist?

Now I must ask you to leave.

Very well, but I shall return.

[eerie music]


Mr. Collins?

You're Mr. Greene?

Otis Greene, that's right. I got my card here somewhere.

I don't need your card, Mr. Greene.

Ah, what a treasure house this is!

I always said the Collins were fortunate people.

Your ancestors always bought the

finest furniture they could find.

How I wish I had these things in my shop!

The chair, for example, now I get $ for this,

from a collector in Boston.

I am not interested in getting

rid of that particular piece.

Rather, this table.

Oh, very interesting.

Yes and we do have some history of it.

Augustin Collins bought it in

Bedford after the witch trials.

It originally belonged to a woman

who was hanged for being a witch.

It's fascinating, isn't it?

Do you know anything of that period?

You know, while the Salem trials are more famous,

I think the local ones in

Bedford are even more fascinating.

Why you must know something about them!

My family came from Bedford.

Really? And was your family involved in the trials?

They were--

I asked you a question, Mr. Greene!

My grandfather was an executioner.

Some men wouldn't admit to that.

There's a curse on it.

And every one of the executioner's family.

I know that well, I know it.

Oh, I am in luck. I had no idea you were so involved.

I have something here that will really interest you.

Something else from that period.

Go and open that curtain, Mr. Greene.

Go and open that curtain!

You do recognize it, don't you?

He's an old friend of yours, isn't he?

No, no!

Oh no, you're not going anywhere. Not until you tell us!

You're under his power!

Well if you know that, don't fight me!

I won't look at it. Years it cost me!

Years of living in that asylum!

You will look at it!

Because you know where the body is buried!

Your grandfather buried it!

Where is it, Mr. Greene?

-You don't-- -Where is it?

You don't want to know.

The head, the head is was cut off to stop it.

[groans] So it wouldn't live again.

It was the only way to stop it!

Ah, my heart!

You will tell me where the body lies!

The noose, the noose, an unmarked stone

with a ring of gold and the stairs and the stairs.

You tell me! Tell me where the noose is! Tell me!

Top of the hill,

direct line,

unmarked stone.

[tense music]

It will be found.

[eerie Theremin music]
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