1131 - October 26, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1131 - October 26, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: Collinwood, in .

And on this stormy night

a new terror is about to be unleashed.

Almost years before this,

the vicious warlock, Judah Zachary,

was beheaded and his body buried separately

in an underground vault

in order to end forever his evil powers.

Now, Leticia, under the spell of the disembodied head

has discovered the body's secret resting place

and soon Judah Zachary may walk the earth again.

[dramatic music]

I am back.

Now you will be whole again.

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

No, you must wait.

It's not time.



Now you must tell me, master.

What more is to be done?

The missing head.

Headless body.

But is it still missing?

JULIA: It was when the governess was k*lled

by a headless body.

They could have been brought together after that.

And if they are, what kind of evil could be among us?

Why, if it was in ,

we had no idea that all this was involved.

If the head was so important in this time,

surely Daphne would have told us.

Maybe she never had a chance to learn about it.

We've got to find out more about Judah Zachary

if we are ever to understand any of this.

Judah Zachary, was that the name

of the man when he was alive?


He was convicted of witchcraft in ,

at a port in Bedford.

Decapitation is an unusual form of execution for witchcraft.

There had to be some reason for that.

Julia, you must go to Bedford.

Find out what you can about the trial.

There must be some newspaper file of it, of some sort.

We, we must find out.

Bedford was an important port at that time.

Can you go this evening?

Yes, I could, but why this evening, Barnabas?

The newspaper would probably not have opened.

But you must try, Julia.

I'm beginning to remember reports

about the witchcraft trials in Bedford.

I was just a boy at the time.

I never took them very seriously.

But if indeed, they are based on truth,

and Judah Zachary walks this earth,

then men will find out the true meaning of evil.

Yes, someone was there.

Someone very special.

I understand, Zachary.

[eerie music]

Oh, good evening, madam.

Good evening, sir.

Oh, you must be Daniel Collins, of course.

My dear lady, you have the advantage over me.

You are?

Mrs. Barnabas Collins, Valerie.

Yes, of course, yes, of course.

Gabriel told me so.

He's been most kind.

I feel quite at home here.

I haven't, however, seen my husband yet.

He will be back soon, I've been told.

I hope so.

I'm sorry.

Have I said something I shouldn't have?

DANIEL: No, no, no.

You, uh, you remind me of someone.

I do?

Yes, I can't remember.


You said your name is Valerie?


No, it is not.

What is my name, Daniel Collins?

No, it is not possible.

VALERIE: Tell me who you think I am.

You are, you are Angelique!

[dramatic music]


I remember you!


You can't deny it!

Those eyes!

You haven't been feeling well, have you, Mr. Collins?

The witch, the witch!

Brian Stokes testified to your death,

but they did not believe him.

But you are Angelique, you are!

And, Barnabas, if you have remained the same, has he?

You have an excellent memory, Daniel.

Why, you were only a child when Barnabas and I

No, it cannot be!

Why have you both come back?

How have you both come back?

You don't really want to know the answer to that, do you?

Wouldn't you rather just forget?

I'll never forget.

Help! Someone help me!

VALERIE: No one can help you!

Quentin is in town, Gabriel and Edith are in their rooms.

The servants are in their quarters, no one will hear you.

No, no, no! Help, help, help!

When I came back, I thought perhaps this might happen.

So I am not unprepared.

No, not at all.

Because, you see, Daniel,

you are going to have to forget

everything you have remembered.

No, no!

Yes, you must.

Because I do not intend to leave.

What are you going to do?

There are things in your life

you would like to forget, are there not?

What do you mean?

[suspenseful music]

Let the spirit of dark night

take possession of this place.

[eerie music]


Why, why has it become so cold?

Oh, Daniel, don't you know?

What is happening?

-Look, Daniel. -No!

You must look.

Someone is here.

Someone you said you loved once.

She is waiting for you, turn and look at her.

You will look at her and you will not look away!



VALERIE: Yes, Daniel, your wife!

You see, I know all about you!

Every secret.

DANIEL: Make her go away!

VALERIE: Wouldn't you like to hear her speak?

DANIEL: No, no!

VALERIE: Wouldn't you like to hear her scream

the way she screamed the night you m*rder*d her?


VALERIE: Look into her eyes, Daniel.

Has she forgiven you?

No, she remembers the night

you m*rder*d her on Widow's Hill.

Stop it!

She wants revenge, Daniel.

She will come to you to seek her revenge.

DANIEL: Don't let that

She will not be denied her revenge.

Don't let her come near me!

You cannot escape from the dead.

Please send her away.

By her cold hand, you are going to feel

the cold touch of death.

No, no, no!

Don't let her touch me!

You must make her go away.

If I do, will all your memories

of Barnabas and Angelique disappear with her?

Yes, yes, please, please!

VALERIA: You will understand

that whenever you start to remember,

she will come to you.

I won't remember.

No, you will not remember anything, even this.

But it will lie deep in your consciousness.

[sobs] I will not remember!

I will not remember!

Please, please, I will not remember!

Harriet Collins, return again to the waters

that are your grave.

But know, you must come to Daniel

whenever he thinks of Angelique.

[Daniel crying]


Is someone there?

What's happening?

Mr. Collins!

Are you all right?

Why, yes, Miss Faye, of course.

Tonight, we have a surprise.

LETICIA: A surprise?

This lady is the surprise.

Now, you'll never guess who she is.

She is Mrs. Barnabas Collins, quite a shock,

Barnabas having a wife, but a pleasant one!

My dear Valerie, this is Leticia Faye.

A friend of our cousin, Florence.

How do you do, Mrs. Collins?

It's nice to see you, Miss Faye.

I'm not fond of surprises.

Sometimes they seem to jar me in a way that they shouldn't.

I haven't been well lately, you know?

If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go and get some rest.

Yes, of course, Mr. Collins.

Oh, before you go, is Julia here?

The doctor.

No, is something wrong at the Rose Cottage?

Oh, no, sir.

I just must find her.

Oh, she must be with Barnabas, I'm sure.

Valerie is waiting for him, too.

Oh, I can imagine how pleased they will all be

to find themselves together again.

Well, I was in luck.

The Bedford County Newspaper was printing tonight,

so I had access to their files.

Well, of course I didn't get any record of the trial.

There wasn't any.

BARNABAS: Well, what did they have?

Well, there was an article by a prosecutor.

He wrote it when he was very old.

He felt that Judah Zachary

was one of the most evil men that ever lived.

He referred to himself as the Devil's son.

Somehow, I have the feeling that Judah Zachary

is a vital part of what happened at Collinwood in .

What did you learn?

Judah Zachary was deeply involved in the black arts.

He corrupted the entire town that he lived in.

It was a small village near the town of Bedford.

He organized a witches coven which met nightly.

There were murders, there were rumors of human sacrifice.

And Zachary claimed immortality.

He said he could not be k*lled

as long as he possessed the Mask of Baugh.

Mask of Baugh.

Yes, a jeweled mask that he used,

that he wore during his rituals.

He said the Devil himself had given it to him.

And that it had enormous powers.

Desmond told of finding a mask.

The Witchcraft Trials were taking place

all through New England then.

Because of the stories of Zachary's strange practices,

he was brought to trial.

And in spite of how evil he was,

they thought that he would go free

because they could not find one single person

that would testify against him.

Finally, when they had all just about given up,

on the last day of his trial,

one of his most loyal followers,

a woman known only as Miranda,

testified against him in exchange for her freedom.

She told them that in order to destroy his powers,

his head had to be severed from his body

and the body buried secretly.

So that's why he was beheaded.

Yes, yes, and the mask was buried with the body.

What about the head?

The head was put on display

in the Town Square as a warning.

It disappeared soon after.

Probably stolen by one of his followers.

It's never been found,

but there are rumors that it still exists.

And still has its enormous powers.

Judah Zachary was condemned by a tribunal of three judges.

All three of them died mysterious deaths.

One by one, the various members of their families

died as well.

That's the important thing to remember, Barnabas,

that the members of their families died as well.

BARNABAS: Why is that so important?

Because one of the judges was a Collins.

His name was Amadeus Collins.

That's why I heard so much discussion of the trials

when I was a boy.

Amadeus was my great uncle.

I also remember that his son

and the son's wife died in a strange accident

soon after that.

They were the only ones.

Because the deaths stopped suddenly

for all of the families, I wonder why?

I remember Desmond brought back

that head from the Far East.

The deaths must have stopped

the time that it was taken from this country.

[door opens and closes]

So, at last I'm to meet my new sister-in-law!

Hello, Barnabas.

Aren't you going to welcome me home?


You mustn't call me that, my darling.

I'm known as Valerie now.

I was afraid that I might be recognized

if I use my own name, I was thinking of you, as I always do.

I've always protected him, dear sister.

That's a lie.

Oh, come, Barnabas.

Don't be bitter.

You don't wanna make a bad impression

on my new sister-in-law.

Get out of this house.

Oh, and go back to Collinwood, crying,

because my husband was not pleased to see me?

Gabriel would be most sympathetic.

I want to see her alone.

She does as you tell her.

You have her well trained.

Shall we stop this pretense?

How long have you been traveling with him?

BARNABAS: Don't answer her.

VALERIE: I see you're not like him.

Where did you meet him, and how?

BARNABAS: Julia, please, go now.


He wants to be alone with me.

Isn't his devotion touching?

Yes, you may go, Miss Collins, back to Collinwood.

You and I have all the time in the world

to find out about one another.

I know all about you now.

So you have mentioned me?

Why have you come back?

Nothing in the world could make you

believe that I love you, could it?

Yet I do love you, Barnabas.

BARNABAS: That's another lie.

I have changed.

Let me show you that I've changed.

Let me be with you.

And share what I call my life?

My life that is your doing?

I gave you immortality.

You gave me a thousand nights of agony.

Now get out of this house, out of this village!

No, Barnabas, no!

[eerie music]

Oh, it is you, love, thank heaven!

You must come with me.

Well, I can't, I can't go anywhere now.

Julia, I found the body!

The headless body.

-Leticia! -It won't move.

It just lies there.

JULIA: We must wake Quentin.

No, no, no, he's not here.

There's no one here but you who can help me.

Well then, Barnabas, no, no, he can't.

We'll wait.

No, I'm afraid someone will find him,

please, we must hurry.

Well, we can't go unarmed.

Oh, he won't hurt you.

I've told you, not now.

He'll never hurt you again.

Please come with me, Julia, please!


So we are at our usual stalemate.

You caused it, I did not.

In spite of your delusions,

do you seriously think that I'm going to accept you again?

You are going to have to, Barnabas.

I'll let everyone know about you.

If you do, you will be the one who is destroyed.

Daniel will remember you.

He has been taken care of.

What have you done to him?

Oh, he is well. I did nothing.

I restrained myself because I knew how angry you would be.

I was thinking of you, you see?

I am always thinking of you.

Can't you, for once, think of me?

Can't you, in your heart, find a little mercy for me?

You can be so good and gentle toward others.

I cannot be good and gentle to my enemies.

Perhaps in time, you'll not consider me one of them.

[dramatic music]

[chains rattling]

Where's the body?


It's not moving.

Not yet, no.

What do you mean, have you seen it move?

You told me you hadn't.

What is that, Leticia?

Judah Zachary?


You're part of it?

You're, you're in his power!



[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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