1143 - November 11, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1143 - November 11, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood in the year .

And on this night, an atmosphere of tragedy

pervades its halls.

A young woman named Roxanne Drew has died.

No one in the house is yet aware

of the repercussions her death will bring.

In the old house on the Collins estate,

Barnabas Collins sits in solitary grief.

Only he and Julia know that before another

night has passed, Roxanne will become

one of the living dead.



Are you Mr. Barnabas Collins?


My name is Randall Drew.

Roxanne was my sister.

May I come in?

By all means.

Terrible about Roxanne.

Let me extend you my condolences.

Thank you.

I wasn't aware that Roxanne and Samantha had a brother.

I've been away from Collinsport for some time,

practicing law in New York.

Oh, I see.

And you've returned for the funeral.


Mr. Collins, what do you know about my sister's death?

BARNABAS: What do you mean?

Lamar Trask told me that he has reason

to believe Roxanne died as the result of an act of sorcery,

and that you were somehow implicated.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]

An act of sorcery!

Mr. Collins, I'm not saying that I believe

what Mr. Trask told me,

although it did depress me quite a bit.

But after all, he must have some reason

for believing what he does.

I'm afraid I can't begin to think of what it is.

I can't either.

When Mr. Trask is pinned down, he becomes rather vague.

Why do you think was the cause of Roxanne's death?

Well no doubt you heard about the animal attack.


I assume she died from the wound she received.

Oh, but I understand that happened a few weeks back.

You... You were one of the last people to see her

on the night she died.

Did she seem ill then?


As a matter of fact, she was in exceptionally high spirits.

But three hours later, she was dead, and Trask tells me

that the animal wound on her neck mysteriously reopened.

How could that have happened?

Who would have wanted to harm her?

I have no idea, she was loved by everyone that knew her.

Were you in love with her, Mr. Collins?


Aren't you a married man?

Yes, I am, but I must confess that I loved her very much.

Of course, my own circumstances...

have not allowed me to...

think of any future with her, and I told her that.

I see.

Well, I don't know what to make of Trask's opinions.

Well, perhaps you should know that

Mr. Trask has been in a very, exceptionally,

well, disturbed state.

You see, he was engaged to Roxanne,

but just before she died, she broke off her engagement.

Are you sure about that, that she broke the engagement?

I'm absolutely sure.

Perhaps Mr. Trask couldn't face the fact

that she broke off the engagement,

simply because she didn't love him.

So he had to find another reason.

Yes, I believe that will be completely understandable.

Mr. Collins, I hope that these questions

haven't bothered you.

It's just that I wanted to clear my mind about all of this.

I understand.

Oh, Julia, this is Randall Drew, Roxanne's brother.

This is my sister, Julia.

Oh, how do you do, I'm so sorry about Roxanne.

Thank you.

Well Mr. Collins, I shan't keep you any longer.

Thank you, goodnight.


JULIA: What did he want?

Seems that Trask has been filling him

with stories of sorcery.

Do you think he believed them?


But Trask may be able to prove what he's saying,

if she becomes a vampire.

Now, the arrangements for the funeral,

have they been completed?

JULIA: Yes, yes, it'll be early tomorrow afternoon.

Well, she will not rise until tomorrow.

You know what to do.

Yes, tomorrow, after everyone comes back to the house,

I will go to the crypt.


I cannot bear to think of a stake through her heart.

It must be done, Barnabas.

You know it's the only way she can rest in peace.

Yes, peace.



I will be wandering as long as I live,

to find out why she had to die,

and who was responsible for it.

You are certain that someone is responsible?

I'll tell you what I think, there's a monster

on the loose.

Roxanne wasn't his only victim.

Our governess Hortense was viciously att*cked in the woods.

Isn't it possible though, that both these

deaths were caused by the attack of some animal?

Not if what Hortense said, before she died, is true.

What did she say?

Something about a strange, bodiless head.

Bodiless head?


I know it sounds absurd, but a person's dying words

cannot be dismissed lightly.

I know that, but who did she say it to?

Julia, she and Barnabas found

Hortense's body in the woods.

Hello, Samantha.

Randall, I would like you to meet Valerie Collins.

This is my brother Randall.

Hello, how do you do?

Mrs. Barnabas Collins?

Yes, that's right.

Well, I think the two of you probably want to be alone

to talk things over.

I have to go back to the old house.

Please excuse me.

So, that's his wife.

Yes. Where have you been?

I haven't seen you since lunchtime.

I stopped at the old house to meet him.


Because of what Trask told me.

What do you know about Barnabas Collins?

[suspenseful music]

I'm sure Randall will want to speak to me

when I see him at Collinwood.

I was the one that declared Roxanne dead.

Well, if he does, what can he find out?

Nothing, I suppose.

But I don't need lawyers probing questions

at this point, Barnabas.

I know.

By dusk tomorrow, let's hope that it'll be all over.

[door closing]

Well, it's obvious that you don't listen very well,

dear sister-in-law.

I told you that you were no longer welcome here.

Now, are you going to leave, or do I have to

force you to leave?

[dramatic music]

You might as well go back to Collinwood.

I want to speak with her alone.

I know exactly what you're going to say, so don't bother.

I warned you what would happen if you ever went

near Roxanne again.

What have you gained by doing this?

I have my husband back.

And in time, there will be a reconciliation.

There's no chance of that ever happening, and you know it.

But do what you want, I no longer care.

There's something different about you in this time.

You've undergone some kind of change,

you're not the same man I used to know.

You're even more bitter to me now than you were before.

There has to be some reason why you've changed,

and I think I know what it is.


Julia, what has she got to do with us?

I don't know, but I know as well as you do

that she's not your sister.

And I intend to find out who she is,

and just why she is so important to your life.

Randall, I wish you wouldn't go back to New York.

There's so many things happening here,

I'm terribly frightened.

I know, I have thought about staying.

You wouldn't have any trouble starting a practice

here of your own, and anyway, dearest, you belong here.

I'd be better off joining an existing firm,

like Thorndike and Hanley.


I don't want you working for them.

They're the Collins' family lawyers.

Samantha, I feel no bitterness towards the Collins family,

and I'm sorry that you do.

You, above all people, have a perfect right to feel

bitter toward Quentin Collins.

You introduced him to the girl you loved.

He took her away from you,

in spite of the fact that he was married to me.

How can you forget Joanna?

You can't even bear to hear her name, can you?

It is past history, and best forgotten.

I haven't seen her in four years,

and I don't ever plan to see her again,

even though I know that it's over between her and Quentin.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

No, that's quite alright, Miss Collins, please do come in.

I just really wanted to know about the schedule tomorrow,

if you feel up to talking about the funeral.

Yes, these things must be done.

We will be leaving the house shortly before one o'clock.

You will be in the carriage with Gabriel and Edith.

The ceremony at the cemetery will begin promptly at : .

It will be very brief, as I feel that that's

the way she would have wanted it.

Reverend Stone will give the eulogy.

Lamar Trask insisted upon that honor.

It gave me great pleasure to turn him down.

[ominous music]

How long have you been standing there?

Oh, only a moment.

Did you want to say something?

Oh, only that you're far more fascinating

than I even imagined.

I don't know what you mean.

Tell me, who is Professor T. Elliot Stokes,

Doctor Hoffman?

[dramatic music]

Come, come dear sister-in-law,

you're not usually at a loss for words.

Who is Professor T. Elliot Stokes?

I don't know.

I've never heard that name before.

Perhaps I should mention a few more.

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard?

Carolyn Stoddard?

Chris Jennings?

I don't know what kind of game you're playing.

I'm not playing any kind of game.

You know all those names well,

and you know that those people exist in the year .

JULIA: I haven't the faintest idea

what you're talking about.

I'm talking about this curious document

that I found in your room.

Doctor Julia Hoffman, appointments, .


I had a lot of thoughts about

where you might have come from,

but I never dreamed that it was the future.

Now, why don't you stop playing games

and tell me all about it.

There's nothing to tell.

Oh, please, Julia!

This is no time for modesty.

Why, you've succeeded in transcending time!

That alone is a miraculous accomplishment.

And then, as I look through this little journal of yours,

I find that the name you mention most often

is that of Barnabas Collins.

That's even more fascinating, to think that Barnabas

will be alive and active in .

So you see, there is a great deal to tell,

and you might as well tell me now,

because you're going to have to, eventually.

All right.

I've come from another time.

I first met Barnabas in the year .

Knowing what he was?

JULIA: I didn't know at first, but I soon found out.

But then, why didn't he k*ll you?

Because I swore I would keep his secret,

and I have kept it.

VALERIE: Oh, I don't believe that.

VALERIE: I know Barnabas too well to think that

he would ever trust...

Oh, no, you don't know Barnabas well enough,

not now or ever.

Or ever?

Do you mean that I also will exist in ?

Answer me, Julia!

I first met you in the spring of .

You were married to Roger Collins,

and you called yourself Cassandra.


To think that I will be alive, here,

more than a hundred years from now?

JULIA: It isn't necessarily true.

What do you mean?

Collinwood is destined to suffer a great disaster

in the year .

Barnabas and I hope to alter certain events

that will take place here, and change the future.

So if history is changed, you may never get

to Collinwood in .

And if history is changed...

you may never get there either.

It's possible for both you and Barnabas

to become permanent members of this time,

and I care far more about that than I do about the future.

What was your relationship with him in ?

We were the best of friends, as we are now.

You really expect me to believe that.

It's true.

I'll tell you what I believe.

I think that you have some kind of influence

over his thinking.

I think that you have decided that he will

never come back to me, possibly because you yourself

are in love with him, and you poisoned his mind against me.

You're being completely irrational.

I trust my instincts implicitly.

I have always known when I am in the presence of an enemy.

And yes, you are an enemy,

and I shall deal with you as such.

I know your powers.

Why haven't you tried to destroy me before this?

Ah, it would have been too easy.

And now that I know all about you,

I'm very glad that I haven't.

But I warn you, Julia, your time will come.

For you, the future will change, I promise you.

[suspenseful music]

[wind howling]

Samantha, let me take you back

to Collinwood with the others.

Let them wait, I'll only be a moment.

I want to have a final look at her to say goodbye.

Please, open the coffin for me.


I wanted so much for her.

I wanted her life to be so different from ours.

She had the capacity for happiness in her.

Why did this have to happen to her?




No, Julia, you will not go now.

I know what Barnabas wants you to do,

but you mustn't go now,

because you're tired, so very tired.

You must sleep.

Sleep, Julia.


Oh, no!

How about a little brandy, Samantha, it'll help.

Brandy won't bring her back.

We must face the fact that she's gone, life must continue.

Samantha, who was that young man standing at the grave

beside Mr. Trask?

Do you mean Gerard Stiles?

Oh, I'm sorry, if you don't want to talk...

No, it's all right.

You'll be meeting him sooner or later,

and I'd best prepare you for him.

Gerard is the most devious man I've ever met.

He's greedy and ambitious and selfish.

He thinks nothing of using people shamelessly

for his own selfish ends,

and the less either of you have to do with him,

the better.

Who is Gerard Stiles, and where did he come from?

He came to Collinwood about six months ago

to give us news of Quentin being lost at sea.

And he's been here ever since?



Well, I'm afraid I'm responsible for that.

I thought he was someone that I could trust, but when...

He turned out to be something quite different from that.

I think you better have that brandy after all.

SAMANTHA: I can't imagine why Barnabas Collins

wasn't at the funeral this afternoon.

He was so terribly fond of Roxanne.

[wind howling]

[suspenseful music]

[eerie theme music]
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