1159 - December 3, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1159 - December 3, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood

in the year , a time when the evil of one man

threatens to destroy the entire Collins family.

Possessed by the warlock Judah Zachary,

Gerard Stiles has embarked on a scheme to have

Quentin Collins beheaded for witchcraft.

Valerie Collins realizes that Judah lives again

in the guise of Gerard, but when she tries

to prove it through a black magic ceremony

at the fireplace, it is not the face of Gerard

that appears but the face of Quentin Collins.

[dramatic music]

I thought I heard someone in here.

Mrs. Collins, are you all right?


- Are you sure? - Yes, I'm quite all right.

- Yes. - Are you sure?


Mrs. Collins, where did you find that?

Oh, I found it on the floor.

I suppose you dropped it when

the gypsy was telling your fortune.


Thank you very much, I'm very grateful

to you for finding it for me.

I thought I'd lost it outside.

It'd be quite embarrassing, I wouldn't

know exactly what to tell Quentin.

VALERIE: Quentin?

Well yes, yes, he gave this to me

as a token of our friendship.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

Mrs. Collins, have I said something to upset you?

Quentin gave you that watch fob?

Yes, as we were sailing the seas together.

Does that surprise you?

Oh, no, I don't think anything in the world

could surprise me anymore, Mr. Stiles.

I'd like you to call me Gerard.

Yes, I suppose we do know each other well enough

to be on a first name basis.

Providing of course I don't offend you

by calling you the wrong first name.

Remember when I called you Miranda?

Yes, yes I do.

I still don't understand why you did that.

You know, I don't understand it myself.

Until this evening, then it suddenly just came to me.


Yes, a few weeks ago, I was looking through

some books of Desmond's when I came across a journal,

a journal that belonged to a man

by the name of Judah Zachary.

Is that name familiar to you?

No, no, please go on.

Well, I'd come across a passage describing a woman

by the name of Miranda.

I'd become very fascinated with the description,

and then of course, the night I met you, it was,

do you know that you resemble her quite a lot.


Yes, it was though Miranda had just appeared

from the dead right before my very eyes.

You say this journal belonged to Desmond?

Well I don't know actually if it belonged to Desmond.

I know, however, that Quentin bought some books somewhere.


GERARD: Yes, he and Desmond are very good friends.

Yes, yes, I know they're good friends.

Gerard, I'm very glad that we had this chance to talk.

I am, too.

I think that you and I are going to be good friends.

Good night, Mrs. Collins.

[mysterious music]

VALERIE VOICEOVER: So it's really true.

It is Quentin that Judah has possessed.

Of course, for him it would be the perfect revenge,

and now Quentin is in jail,

and I'll see that he stays there.

[chuckling] The irony of it is too beautiful.

I will be responsible for his execution all over again.

I will see him beheaded as he was in .

Would you be more comfortable with another pillow, father?

I'm quite comfortable now, thank you.

Ah, how about some more broth?

I think that would be nice.

No, I don't want any more broth.

Well isn't there anything I can get you at all?

Yes, there is.

I would give everything I own for a little

peace of mind, but that can't be bought, can it?

Father, I know you've been through a horrible ordeal.

Yes, I have, but in my time of need,

I have you, don't I, Gabriel?

GABRIEL: Yes, yes, indeed you do, father.

I'm simply overwhelmed at my own good fortune.

Why are you here, Gabriel?

Why are you not at church praying for the soul

of your unfortunate brother?

Actually, I was going to go to church tomorrow morning.

Well see that you do, and say a prayer

for yourself while you're there.

You'll need the Lord's guidance after I've gone.

[melancholy music]


Well, going to see your dear sister?

You and I have nothing to say to each other

after what you've done to Roxanne and Julia.

I would have succeeded if it hadn't been for you!

Consider yourself lucky that you didn't succeed.

I would have k*lled you if you had!

I would destroy you even if it meant

my own destruction.

You are really that devoted to Julia?

Yes, I am that devoted to her.

Well, for the time being, I'll allow

her to continue this masquerade of being your sister,

but you know what continues to amaze me

is that you continue to survive.

What does that mean?

You choose the most atrocious friends!

Who are you referring to?

Quentin Collins!

[dramatic music]

Quentin is a fine man.

Wait, just wait, because soon you'll find out

the truth, and when you do, as usual,

you will come to me for help, but this time,

my dear Barnabas, I will not help you.

[dramatic music]

Good evening, Daphne.

Good evening, Barnabas, have you heard

the news about Quentin?

Yes, I've already been to see him.

But you don't believe the charge, do you?

Of course not, but Quentin told me that

his father apparently does.

I'm planning to have a talk with Daniel.

Someone has got to convince him that Quentin is innocent.

[dramatic music]

What's wrong?

How long have you been in the room, Barnabas?

Just a few minutes, why?

Has anyone else been in here?

Well, Valerie left just a moment ago,

but, please tell me what's wrong.

Nothing, nothing at all.


[door slamming]

[mysterious music]

JOANNA VOICEOVER: You have not heeded my warning.

Therefore, I shall protect you and watch over you.

You shouldn't have followed me here.

I'd really rather be alone.


Being alone will only make it worse.

Why don't you show me what the letter says.

It's the most frightening one of all.

This one means that Joanna's in the house.

Yes, this note implies that.

There must be an explanation for it,

either natural or supernatural.

I wouldn't advise you breathing a word of this to anyone.

If it became public knowledge,

well, it could be used against Quentin.

Why do you look at me like that?

I don't know.

I suppose it's because you confuse me

when you begin to defend Quentin.

I never know whether you're really sincere or not.

Oh, you will know, when you make your

final decision about me.

I'm not sure whether I really want to know.

GERARD: But you do.

Deep down inside, I know you do because I'm

the only one you can count on now that Quentin's gone.

Quentin isn't gone!

Daphne, look at me.

You're very confused, and I can help you.

I can help you because I'm the only person

that you can count on right now.

Quentin wanted it that way.

That's what he asked me, look after Daphne.

You must believe me in that.

DAPHNE: Uh, why did I do that?

Why indeed?

I don't know.

I don't understand you!

I don't understand the things that I do

when I'm near you!

I don't understand why you frighten me so!

I only frighten you, Daphne,

because you are frightened of yourself.

I'm going back to the house!

Thank you very much.

A letter from Quentin to father.

My dear brother is obviously trying to get

father to change his mind, and he might succeed.

He's always been very persuasive.

No, I don't think dear old father shall ever see this.

[mysterious music]

[moves to dramatic music]

I heard the messenger say that there was a letter

for your father from Quentin.

I was just about to take it upstairs to him.

I will be glad to save you the trip.

I will see that he gets it and reads it immediately.

[crescendoing music]

I appreciate you letting me read the letter, Daniel.

What is your reaction to it?

From what Quentin says in there, I'm more

convinced than ever of his innocence.

Now surely, you must've been moved by the letter.

Yes, yes, I was, but then I know

Quentin better than you do.

I know that he's capable of being most eloquent

when it suits his own purpose.

There is more than a little of the politician in him.

I know this sounds cynical coming

from his own father, but it's true.

True or not, he remains an innocent man.

No one would like to believe that more than I.

Daniel, he was deeply hurt by your decision

to change your will.

I did what I felt I had to do.

I followed the dictates of my conscience.

Now Daniel, as a good friend, I urge you

to reconsider what you've done.

I tell you, I've searched my conscience, Barnabas.

I tried desperately to find a way that

would give him the benefit of the doubt!

I could not find it!

Daniel, you say you know your son better than I do.

Well, I believe you're wrong or you've deluded yourself.

DANIEL: I beg your pardon?

Daniel, your son is very devoted to you.

When I talked to him in the jail cell,

I was moved by the way he spoke of you,

of how he grew up in this house under your guidance.

He said that when he was young,

you were the whole world to him.

He looked up to you.

He respected you.

He wanted to follow in your footsteps

because he knew that you were basically a good man

and fair like no one else he knew.

He said all this to you?


And he was counting on you above all others

to be at his side during this crisis.

Now Daniel, I urge you to think

again about this whole matter.

You must be fair to him as the law must be.

In the eyes of the law, he is innocent until proven guilty.

I will take your advice and give more

serious thought to the matter, but I cannot

make a decision now at this time.

[tense music]

Now you've seen me back to the house, Mr. Stiles,

against my wishes, I don't think it's necessary

for you to follow me in.

I'm not following you, Daphne, I merely

have business inside.

Do you smell it?


Yes, what's unusual about that?

It's the same scent Joanna used to wear all the time.

I'd know it anywhere.

Now you listen to me.

You don't let that letter upset you like this.

Isn't it quite possible that there could be

another woman who wears the same perfume

as your sister used to?

Yes, I suppose so.

[eerie music]


[dramatic music]

What is it?

This purse and these gloves,

these are Joanna's!

She is somewhere in this house!

[eerie music]

These things are hers.

She has come back.

Somehow, she's come back to warn me.

Daphne, now listen to me.

If you are right, and your sister is come back,

why doesn't she simply appear and tell you

what you want to know?

I don't know.

I can't think clearly.

But you must.

There are a lot of things here that we must find out.

Now I am going to help you whether you like it or not.

Now why don't you go upstairs and try to get some rest?

Yes, I think I'll do that.

[mysterious music]

Where have you been?

Out for a stroll.

What's the matter, Gabriel, you look a little pale?

Barnabas has been upstairs with my father

for over an hour!


I don't know why you should get so worked up

about something like that.

He took a letter from Quentin to him.

Now, it's quite possible that he and Quentin

are going to change my father's mind completely.

Now do you understand why I'm worried?


Yes, I understand.

Yeah, that's him.

Why don't you just stay down here

and keep your cousin company.

I'll go upstairs and talk to your father.

GABRIEL: Barnabas!

Yes, Gabriel.

I think I should have taken that letter

to my father, not you.

Well I don't know that it would've got to him

in your hands.

Barnabas there are going to be some changes

around here very shortly, a new regime,

as my father might put it, and when this happens,

there will be new rules and regulations,

and one concerns interference in matters

that do not concern you.

Let me give you fair warning, Barnabas.

Such interference will not be tolerated!

[tense music]

[clock chiming]


You were right.

I couldn't get a word out of Daniel,

except he plans to send for Desmond early in the morning.

And this can only mean one thing.

That he has had a change of heart.

That he intends to revise the will all over again.

[intense music]

DANIEL VOICEOVER: I, Daniel Collins, being of sound

mind and body do hereby.

How dare you enter my room without knocking!

So it's true.

You are revising the will again!

Leave this room at once!

No, father.

I've taken my last orders from you and everyone else,

and I'm not going to let you ruin my life!

Now give me that pen and paper!

Stay away from me!

You sick, senile old man!

Senile, am I?

Well, that's where you're wrong,

you ungrateful wretch.

What do I have to be grateful to you for?

You answer me that!

I've sat in Quentin's shadow all my life.

I've watched you give him everything and me nothing!

You changed the will once, father,

and once is enough for me.

When I'm through with you, you'll have nothing

because you are nothing.

Yes, I love Quentin, and do you know why?

Because he's times the man you are!

You've done nothing but bathe in self-pity

ever since you settled in that wheelchair!

You did it to make people feel sorry for you,

so you could have your own way!

Do you know what would have happened had it been

Quentin who had had the accident and not you?

He would've fought and gone on fighting

till the day he rose up and walked!

That's why he's always had my love and admiration,

why you've never had it and never will have it!

You're nothing but a weakling and a coward!

That's enough!

[dramatic music]

I, I don't believe it.

You're right, father, I can walk.

I've been able to walk for years.

DANIEL: You're even worse than I thought you were.

I've been able to walk for years,

and for years I've been waiting to get back at Quentin.


You did it, you!

Yes, father, I did it.

I k*lled Randall Drew, and now Quentin's

going to pay for it, and now you're

going to give me that will.

- No! - You're not going to

- change it! - No! No!

- You're not gonna change it! - No!

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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