1164 - December 10, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1164 - December 10, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Collinwood in .

And Quentin Collins sits in jail

awaiting trial for his life.

The crime, witchcraft.

The penalty, beheading.

Now Gerard Stiles, possessed by the spirit

of the warlock, Judah Zachary,

has become the new master of the great estate,

and will remain so, unless Quentin is declared innocent.

At Rose Cottage, Flora, in order to get information

for her new book on vampirism, has encouraged Leticia

to conduct a seance.

They seek to communicate with the spirit of Roxanne,

hoping she will reveal the name of the person

who was responsible for making her a vampire.

And Barnabas, unable to prevent this,

has no choice but to participate.

This magic circle must not be broken.

We seek a spirit that can tell us the mystery

that surrounds our village.

We seek a spirit that can tell us

who made her as she was when she died.

Roxanne Drew, come from the shades

where you now dwell.

If you can hear the sound of my voice,

come to us.

Come to us!

[wind howling]

Can you hear me, Roxanne?

I come, I come!

FLORA: Barnabas, look!


I have no rest.

Roxanne, if you will,

tell us who was responsible.

Who turned you into a creature

that walked by night?

Who made you become a vampire?

Will you tell us?

Will you?



LETICIA: Who, who?

Say the name so that others may be spared!

Yes, yes!

[dramatic music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

Who made you a vampire?





Leticia are you all right?

What happened?

Did Roxanne appear?

Yes, yes, it was perfect.

LETICIA: And who made her a vampire?

Did you find out?

She said a name, Angelique.


Who is Angelique?

I don't know.

But you do, don't you Barnabas?

I could see you recognized her name.

Yes, but not the Angelique that Roxanne referred to.

The Angelique that I knew was my mother.

Some people thought she was a most unusual woman,

and I suppose in a way she was.

She was free, her spirit is free.

When my father went to England,

she stayed behind and then she joined him later.

But she missed her home here and her friends.

And so she traveled back and forth very often.

Yes, I suppose

that she was a most unusual woman.

I loved her very much.

If you'll excuse me.

I don't believe him.

Didn't want the seance in the first place.

And when we were near the truth, he broke the circle.


I can't help remembering the things Gerard

keeps saying about him.

He doesn't trust Barnabas,

and after what just occurred in this room,

I'm not willing to accept his explanation.

If there is another, I will find her.

[dramatic music]

[door slamming]

Who is it?

Who is it?


I knew there'd be trouble when you came here.

It was just a question of time.

Angelique has,

Roxanne has identified you.

Roxanne is dead.

But you do know of spirits.

You of all people know of spirits.

What's happened?

Flora has written the book on vampirism,

and she had Leticia conduct a seance.

Roxanne's spirit went into her body

and named Angelique as the one who made her a vampire.

Oh, let her name Angelique.

Who knows Angelique?

Angelique is the name recorded as that of the wife

of Barnabas Collins.

The date of the marriage is .

And how can that be connected to me?

Flora doesn't believe that there are two Angeliques.

She's determined to find out more about it.

Well, that troubles me not at all, knowing Flora.

But why have you come to warn me, Barnabas?

Could it be love at last?

Or is it the fact that you know

that if I'm discovered, you will be as well?

Or does it even go beyond survival?

What do you want, really?

I want you to be careful.



Quentin's trial for witchcraft is tomorrow.

The case against him is very strong.

The townsfolk already believe he is guilty.

You could use your powers to find out more about this.

You could save him!

I will never save Quentin!

Quentin is guilty!

And the sooner he is dead, the better for all of us.

[dramatic music]

Quentin is a warlock.

He is guilty.

I don't know what is happening inside you,

but it is evil, and I am determined

to find out what it is.

Even if I have to go to the gates of Hell!

You may have to do just that, Barnabas.

You may have to do just that.

Oh, Gerard, what a pleasant surprise, come in.

Thank you, Flora.

I have come to ask a favor of you.

Well, of course.

I have one to ask of you.

So you first.

What can I do for you?

Well, I would like you to spend more time at Collinwood,

it's such a very big house, and it's crying out

for a woman like yourself.

Gerard, how sweet.

And as you know I, I do need friends very badly.

Gabriel and Samantha, well, they're not exactly

very friendly to say the least.

Oh, you poor boy, it does seem so unfair.


So, what should we call you?

The official hostess of Collinwood.

Oh, Gerard, I'm honored.

Wonderful, truly wonderful.

And now, you asked me for a favor.

Well, uh, Desmond asked me to look for something,

and I thought you might have taken it with you

when you moved, by mistake, of course.

But by any chance, have you seen the journal

of Judah Zachary?

No, I'm afraid I haven't.

Well, that's strange, I wonder where it could be.

Oh, excuse me, am I interrupting?

No, dear not at all.

I do so want to find that journal.

GERARD: Is something wrong, Leticia?

I hope not.

You know better than I.

GERARD: Know what?

A lot of changes occurred around here recently.

You had anything to do with them?

Changes, what changes?

Well, you're the master of the house at Collinwood now,

that's rather a big change.

And it happened suddenly, didn't it?

Well, believe me, I was just as surprised

as everyone else.

And look what led up to it.


Vampires, peculiar att*cks on people like,

like Desmond for example.

Oh come, Leticia, you're acting like a common villager,

and I thought you were beyond that.

Of course I'm beyond it, you and I both know that.

But the people in the village don't know it.

They chased me all way over here.

When I went to the apothecary shop, they called me a witch.

Just like they're doing to him.

GERARD: Quentin?

And do you think he is one?

Of course not!

You and I both know it's not Quentin.

Gerard, is it you?

What a dreamer you are, Leticia.

And we know each other so well.

What do you want, Gerard?

What do you really want?


LETICIA: I'm serious, Gerard.

So am I.

Come here, Leticia.

You always had a way of changing the subject

when you didn't want to go on.

That's true.

Of course a subject that we know and like a lot more.

Well, I can't deny that.

But it's not the time for it.

Some other time.

Maybe, but...

Well, I doubt it.

You don't mind if I keep hoping though, do you?

It's up to you.

Goodnight, Leticia.


[dramatic music]

I can't find that silly journal anywhere.

Leticia, don't you think it's strange

that a book like that could just disappear?



What's the matter, is something wrong?

Yes, something is wrong.

He's different, he's very different.

FLORA: Gerard?


And it frightens me.

[dramatic music]

GERARD: I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone was here.

It's all right, I was just leaving.

Please, Daphne.

Believe me that I don't want to be here like this

in Quentin's place.

There's only one thing I want,

and that is for Quentin to come back here where he belongs.

Dear God, how I want that, too.

But I'm frightened, Gerard.

I'm frightened of the trial.

I'm afraid of what those people may do to him.

You know he's innocent and I know that.

But can they be made to know it?

We will make them.

Believe me, I will make them.

You're trying to take me away from him.

Why, I don't know, but it can't be done.

Have you forgotten about Samantha?

Are you taking their marriage so lightly?

I'm not taking the marriage lightly at all.

There is no real marriage.

Quentin doesn't love Samantha, he loves me.

And I love him, so please, Gerard,

will you leave me alone?

[door slamming]

[suspenseful music]

Now, Daphne,

you sleep.


And in your dreams you will see how quickly

hate is turned to love.

[eerie music]

Sleep, Daphne.

And you will find out where we are going.

But you will not remember.

You will only remember when it becomes a reality.

Now sleep.

And soon you will be mine.

[eerie music]

With this ring I thee wed.

[eerie music]

Gerard, I love you so much.

GERARD: Happy?


I never dreamed I could feel this way about anyone.

GERARD: I will never let you go.

No, Gerard,

don't ever leave me.

GERARD: Or you me.

I couldn't!

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.




Did I just call...

No, I couldn't have.

But I did.

God, what's happening to me?

Help me, somebody, please, help me!

[dramatic music]

[door slamming]

May I come in, Gerard?

GERARD: Please do.

I came to ask you if I might borrow a book of yours.

Oh, a book?

Yes, remember you told me once about a journal

written by a man named Judah something or other?


Yes, that's it.

It sounded so fascinating,

I thought I'd like to read it.

Could I borrow it?

Oh, well I'm afraid I don't have it.

You see it does belong to Desmond, and, um,

well, he seems to have misplaced it for a while, anyway.

Oh, what a pity.


Well, as long as I'm here...

Well, I probably shouldn't mention it,

but you, you are so close to Quentin.

And I am so deeply concerned about him.

As we all are.

When you were together on the voyage,

what was he like?

I mean, was he engaged in voodoo then,

in witchcraft, and things like that?

Well not engaged in it, actually.

He was interested in it, as I was.

That's all.

Well, the ring was he attracted to that right then?

The one that has the devil's mark?

Yes, most assuredly, but not for the powers.

Uh, tell me, why are you asking all these questions?

Well, because Quentin has changed.

He's changed in a way that none of us can see.

I don't know why I'm so certain,

but I do know that it's true.

Oh, excuse me.

VALERIE: Oh, it's all right, Daphne.

I have to go back to old house anyway.

Good evening, Gerard.

Good evening.

VALERIE: Good evening, Daphne.


How delightful to see you.

I was just about ready to stop by and see you.

Oh, were you?


I was on my way down to the jail,

I thought perhaps you would like to

come with me to see Quentin.

Well, I can't, really, because Tad's gone to bed

and that would mean leaving him alone.

Isn't it amazing, how empty this house has become

now that I've moved in here?

Well, I don't think it has anything to do

with you, Gerard.

Oh, of course it does.

Don't you think I understand why people feel

the way they do?

Oh, Daphne, you must help me.

You must make them believe that it wasn't...

It wasn't what I wanted.

It was only because of Quentin that I took this position.

And just, please help them stop hating me.

They don't hate you, Gerard.

They're very troubled people.

They don't hate you at--

You really meant that, didn't you?

You really did, you wanted to comfort me.

Oh, Daphne, thank you so much.

In spite of what you say and how you feel,

I, I do need you.

Very, very badly.

Ah, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go someplace.

Oh, dear God, what was I going to do?

I wanted it.

What is happening to me?

[dramatic music]

[thunder rumbling]

I am coming for you now,

but please do not be afraid.

What I must do, I do with love.

Your sister, Joanna.


Joanna, are you here?

Joanna, please don't hurt me.

Joanna, can't you help me?

Joanna, help me!

[door slamming]

[eerie music]



It's your cape.

Joanna, why, why are you doing this?

Joanna, please, don't you understand?

You can help me, please, help me!

Joanna, let me have the love that you had.

Joanna, if anything's going to destroy me,

can't it be that love, why must it be you?

Joanna, please.

Please, Joanna, can you hear me, please help me!

[door creaking]

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]
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