Mountainside (2023)

Comedy Movie Collection.

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Mountainside (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »




I'm picking up a distress signal

on a foreign frequency.

It sounds human.


Match frequency with

Lieutenant Zamora.

Let's get this on the

main speaker.

Aye, captain.

Ship is in need of repairs.

Our food supply is exhausted.

We've lost contact with

our headquarters.

If there's

anyone out there

receiving this message,

please respond.

We are in dire need

of assistance.


Well, for an extra terrestrial,

she most certainly speaks great


With the amount of radio waves

being constantly transmitted

from Earth

into space... They easil

y could have been studying

our language for centuries.

But how could they

have gotten here?

If service headquarters had

dispatched them...

We would have been notified.

Plus, it's a blind

distress call.

Surface Headquarters

already knows we're here.

Patch me into SHQ.

I want to get to the

bottom of this.

(VOICE OVER) Okay we get it.


this is moving way too slow.

(VOICE OVER) Maybe this is

where the werewolves should come



Oh, my God.


What in the world?





No... That seems too rushed.

Who am I kidding?

This whole scene sucks.


(birds chirping)

It is way past my bedtime.

(music plays over

opening credits)


(alarm clock beeping)

Writing group.

Give me a break.

Have you even started

looking for a new job yet?


I could probably set you up

with something where I work.

You work at a school.

You're a teacher.

What are you gonna get me?

A teaching job?

I don't even have a

degree in anything.

You went to film school?

Come on. You know

that's not even a real school.

I could probably get you a

job as a lunchroom attendant.

Jesus Christ.

I'm not desperate.

I am trying to help.

You said it yourself as soon

as your theater goes digital,

you're going to be out of a job.

I'm not going to be

out of a job.

I'm just going to be miserable.

I'm gonna be pushing buttons.

You know, a monkey

could do that job.

Then look for something else.

No, there's no point.

It's only 20 hours a week, and

it gives me plenty of time to

work on my writing.

20 hours a week?

You're in your thirties now,


Oh. Whoa, whoa,

whoa. I'm not in my

thirties. Okay? I am 30.

There's a difference. You've

been working on your

writing, since you moved out


And you haven't done

shit with it.

I know history has never

been your strong point, sis,

but Rome wasn't built in a day.

That's not a good analogy. Yes,

it is.

Who are you talking to?

It's Felix.

Hi Felix!

Tabby says hi.

Hi, Tabby.

What are you even

working on right now?

Something totally new that I've

never told you about before.

Is it the one about

the werewolves?


You've been writing that

f*cking stupid werewolf movie

since you and Hannah broke up.

I've been writing that

f*cking awesome werewolf movie

ever since

before Hannah and I broke up.

Oh my God, why?

You need to let the

idea marinate!

Maybe you could just join a

writers group or something.

How'd you know?

I was thinking about going

to a writers group.

I didn't.

Well, I'm not.

Okay well, it could be helpful.

When I think of groupsl

just imagine a bunch of older,

washed up

has beens who never had the

chance to be

who claim to have some skill or

talent but never actually did

anything with it.

And all of a sudden, during

some midlife crisis or whatever

start questioning and

rethinking their

lives and start looking for an

outlet to express their inner


or their real self and start

going to groups as a means of


And that's not you?


I don't know... Maybe you shou

ld join a writer's group.

Look, I don't need to go

to any groups, all right?

I'm fine.

Inspiration will hit me.

I just need to be patient.



Did you start "Monika"?

Yes! Can you pl

ease stop

sneaking up on me like that?

Hey, I got to go.

I'll see you Friday.



(door slams)


(sobbing) He waited

purposefully into the

roaring surf...

(door squeaks open loud)

Oh. I'm sorry.

Um... I think I have

the wrong room.


Is this the writer's room?



(door squeaks closed loud)

Would you mind sitting down?

In a chair?!

(chair squeaks

embarrassingly loud)


Okay. Where was I?

(sobbing again)

Strangely content

with the knowledge

that an ungrateful world...

Would just have to wait

for everything else...

He wanted to say.

And that's all I've got so far.

Judas. Wow.

Comedy is the hardest thing

in the world to write.

I don't think it sounds

that bad, to be honest.

Yeah, it sounds

really fun.

I wish I had the time to

do something like that.

Yeah, but you understand

where I'm coming from, right?

I mean, these people are crazy.

I don't think crazy is the word

I would use.

Writing a bunch of really

personal stuff

and then sharing it in front of

a room full of strangers while


Maybe they're just less insecure

than you are.

Not everyone feels the need to

write about blood and guts all

the time.

Why does everybody

say that? You obviously ha

ven't seen all the

movies that I've made.

I'm pretty sure I have.

You just haven't made anything.

Well you obviously haven't read

everything that I've written

because most of it

doesn't have any blood or guts.

I just don't share it

with every Tom, d*ck and Jane.

These onions are k*lling me.

I think you need a girlfriend.

Why would you say that? What

does that have to do with


It's just you're so

anxious all the time.

I feel like it would help

chill you out a bit.

Well, I don't want a girlfriend,

so I think it'd be


I think you should meet

my friend Emma.

Oh, yeah.

She's super cute.

She's gorgeous and

she's really nice.

And she just moved here,

so she barely knows anybody.

Great, so she'll

probably like me

since she has no basis

for comparison.

We could double date.

Oh, that could be fun.

Thanks, Tabby, but I already

dated your sister and that ended


I think I'll stay away

from your friends.

You've got to get over that.

I am over it.

I'm way over it.

Obviously not.

Would you grab me some eggplant?

Look, just because I don't

want to get involved

with someone doesn't mean Hannah

has anything to do with it.

Oh, you're hilarious.

I wouldn't say I'm hilarious

but I've always thought I ha

d a pretty good sense

of comedic timing.

It's been, what, five years?

Almost six. Feli

x I don't know

if this is helpful or not, but

my sister is very much over you.

First of all, Tabby. Your

sister was over me long before

we even broke up, so that's not


Secondly, I don't care.

I'm not in love with your

sister anymore.

Okay? So it's not a thing.

I just have no desire to be

in a relationship right now.

You don't have to get into

a relationship, man.

Just date.

What's the point? That

seems pointless.

I dated a bunch of people before

I ended up with your sister.

Just casual hookups. Sex here,

sex there.

Gross, babe, come on.

See that's not me, you know.

I know myself.

You know, if I actually

end up meeting someone that I

really like

I'm gonna want to do it to

the max, I'm going to go 100%.


No, that's not great.

I don't want that.

Why not?

Because I won't do anything,

and I'll become

just as unproductive as I

was before I moved out here.

I need my time. It baf

fles me how immature

you are about relationships.

Honestly, it's like

talking to a sixth grader.

Of course you'd say that

you're a middle school teacher.

That's right, I am.

And I have to listen to this

kind of nonsense on a daily


But coming from kids,

less than half your age.

Well if that's the case,

then that's a perfect example

of why it would be totally

unfair for me to put anybody

else through this.

Through what?


Yeah, point made. Look, I appr

eciate that you guys are

trying to be my wing wo-men.

I do.

But I really just want to

be a single guy

right now.


expl*sive dynamite

expressions, dancing in

succession over and over again.

Get lost when she opens her lips

like a reverse eclipse and drops


And that's when the drums

are going to kick in

and the guitar gets all huge and

distorted, and then I'm like...


"Knowledge, knowledge,

knowledge, knowledge. Wow."

And then the little breakdown

happens and the second verse

kicks in.

But I haven't written that yet.

All right.

Well, thank you, Elijah.

Oh, also...

Just wanna let you

knowtomorrow night

my band's going to play a

house show in a mansion.

So if you're into cool crap,

you should come.

Felix, buddy.

I'm looking at you.

What? I'm sorry. What?

Come on. These guys won't

come to my shows.

They're all a bunch of squares.

It's true.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah. What's the name

of your band?

"Sunken Pleasure."

We're a one piece.

One piece band.

Uh cool, yeah um

I'll... I'll...

Totally. I'll

check it out.


Very dope.

(ambient music and

party chatter)

This is NOT a mansion.

Oh, hey, Elijah.

Oh, Felix. Dude.

Hey, I didn

't think you were going to come.

Yeah, I thought you

said this was a mansion.

Dude, I know, right? This

place is huge.

What'd you think about the set?

Did you love it?

Oh, shit.

I just got here.

Yeah. Hey, no worries.

You at least want to stick

around for a bit?

I don't know. You know,

I don't know anybody here.

I'll introduce you.

I know a ton

of these cats.

Sure, yeah,

whatever. Okay.

There you are

Mr. Solo Artist.

What's your band called again?


"Sunken Pleasure."

That's so funny.

What's up, dawg?!

Oh, damn, dude.

Hey, what's up, bro?

k*ller f*cking set, dude.

Dude, k*ller f*cking stache.

Dude, you were so funking

gross tonight.


Did you break your hig

h E string

during that last song?

No it was actually my low E, but

I had it tuned like my high E.


Very baller.

What kind of dog is he?

He's a rescue.

Can I get two

beers please?

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Oh, sorry.

Double fisting, huh?

Oh, uh...

No. Uh...

That one's my friend's. I'm just

holding it for him. Not double


You know, I was told

this party was in a mansion.

This is not a mansion.

Yeah, I was told the same thing.

It's very underwhelming.

You think maybe there's a

secret room or a trap door?

Or like a rotating bookshelf?

Hey, you ever see this movie,


- Black Sunday!

- Haunted Honeymoon!

Oh, wait, which one?

Which one did you say?

Black Sunday.

Oh, it's this old Italian film

that feels like a universal

horror film, but way more bad


It's full of trapdoors and a

revolving fireplace that leads

to a crypt.

And there's this guy with

a Prince Valiant haircut.

He's got, like, a

handlebar mustache.

It's great.

You watch many movies?

Uh, I do.

What kind are you into?

I'm pretty all over the board.

What filmmakers do you like?

I don't know. I feel like

I'm going to say

someone totally obscure

and I'm just going to embarrass

myself. So...

Better safe than sorry.

Got it.

I don't know... Spike Lee.

I like his movies a lot.

He's someone people know.

He did "Girl 6."

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, he did.

That's not the one that most

people know him from, but yeah

he did "Girl 6."

I like that shot at the end

with all the telephones

falling from the sky.

Yeah, it's good.

You ever watch any David Lynch?

Are you kidding me?

Eraserhead is like, one of

my favorite movies of all time.

Oh, f*ck that baby though.

Yeah, f*ck that baby.

That screechy little whine

that turns into a raspy laugh.

Oh it's so creepy.

You know, one of the first short

films I ever made was, like,

basically a rip off of


Oh, was it called Pencil Head?

Yeah, it was.

Yeah. I've never been

very clever with m

y titles.

So you're a filmmaker?

I haven't made anything

in a really long time, so

I don't think I can really

call myself a filmmaker.

But you have made films.

Yeah, but I mean, you know, like

most of them were real short,

little like video.

I think it's okay for you to

call yourself a filmmaker.


("Hey Suzzanne" by Posse

begins playing)

I think I'm gonna get

another beer.

You know,

you can have this one.

It's okay, I don't want to

drink your friend's beer.

No. I uh...

You were right.

I'm totally

double fisting.


Yeah, you nailed it.

But seriously, I have not

even taken a...

Well, I took one drink, but

I don't know

if I should trust you, man.

I mean, we just met,

and you already lied to me once

about fisting.

(spits beer)


I'm sorry.

That's embarrassing.

You want to go outside?


(werewolf roars)

What in the...

(Zamora screams)


That sounds so cool.

I can't tell if you're

being sarcastic.

No, I really mean it.

It sounds like "Barbarella"

meets "The Howling..."

Yes, yes.

That's exactly...

Yeah, that's...

That's it. This is

something you've

already written?

Well, no, I

I've already

writtenlike the first

15 pages,

but I have a ton of notes.

You know, like I said, I've

been working on this for years.

First, I wanted it

to be a disco musical porno, but

I scrapped that early on to

focus on the erotic horror sci

fi elements.

You should just write it.

I'd watch that movie.


Thank you.

Unfortunately it's...

It's really hard to writ

e, because, you know, I don't

know the first thing about.

One: Science. Two: The future.

Or Three: Werewolf women

from outer space.

That's your title right there.

I've gotta

write that down.

That's amazing.

I don't think you're

creatively stunted.

It seems like maybe you just

need to trust yourself more.

Trust your ideas.

But I can relate.

If I don't finish writing

something all in one sitting, I

typically never get

back to it.

I lose interest.

I'm an English major,

but I kind of hate writing.

That's pretty funny.

I like collaging a lot though.

Have you ever heard

of Grete Stern?


She's probably

one of my greatest influences.

The way that she was able

to visually interpret dreams

is like nobody else I've

ever come across.

You should look her up.

I think you'd like her.

I will.

I used to have the most

bizarre dreams as a kid.

And I always wished there was a

way to re-access them in the

real world.

I think that's why I

like film so much.

I feel like it's the closest

we've ever come to making that a


That is so cool.

I don't know your name.

Oh, yeah.

It's Felix.

You know, like the cat

from the old cartoon.

It was my mom's favorite show

when she was a kid.

You know those...

You know those clocks,

they're like that...

That big black cat with

the big wide eyes

that go like this.

And they've got that

swingy tail.

We've got one of those

in our house.

Yeah, that's... Th

at's well, that's not exactly

Felix, but that's basically

Felix the cat.

So you were named after a clock.

Yeah. I was named after a clock,


What about you?

Was I also named after a clock?

Not that I know of.

Very funny.

It's Stella.

Your name's Stella?

Mm hmm.

That's an excellent name.

Thank you.

My dad's really into

campy sci fi movies.

Campy sci fi movies

like "Star Crash"?

Shut the f*ck up. Are

you kidding me?

Holy shit. You were n

amed after the girl

from "Star Crash"?!

Most people think it's "A

Streetcar Named Desire"

but nope.


I can't believe

you've actually seen that movie.

What can I say? I love

my Italian "Star Wars" rip-offs.


You going to smoke that?

Oh, uh...



(coughs uncontrollably)


Well, it was nice meeting you,


Whoa whoa whoa whoa.

You're leaving?


Saturdays are my Mondays.


But I hope you have

a good rest of your night.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, me too.

Or thank you. You too.

Do you want me to walk you

out or something?

No, it's fine.

Have a good one.

Yeah. No. Yeah, I'll

I'll um

I'll see you


"I'll see you later?"

(alarm beeping)


That's depressing.


(alarm beeping)

(lo-fi hiphop beat plays)

(music stops)

"Just put it on my bill."

I'm sorry. That is not...

all you did...

Was read a joke, eat a Popsicle,

and then read

an answer that was already

written on the stick.

- Well...

- I feel like I'm going crazy.

Am I going crazy?

I thought this was a writer's

group, not a g*dd*mn Popsicle

reading group.


(mirror crashes on the ground)

It's a homemade Popsicle.

Hey, Felix!

Oh my God, Jesus Christ!

Are you reading while walking?

Yeah. Is that weird?

Nah dude, it's dope. I mean,

I can't do that.

I'd probably get carsick

and puke on myself or something.


Where are you going?

You need a ride?

Uh, no, no, I'm just...

My house is just like, right

up the street, so I'm good.

Well, we're going that

exact direction.

Nah nah I appreciate it, but

uh... I'm right at this part

where this guy...

He cooks his own head and tries

to feed it to his pet snake.

(off screen) Hi, Felix.


Whoa. Small world.

Dude you two know each other?

- We met at the party.

- We met at the party.

How's the werewolf movie coming?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Werewolf movie?

Is that what you've

secretly been working on?

Dude, Felix hasn't shared

anything with the class yet.

It's... not... ready.

How long have you guys been

seeing each other?

- Oh, God, gross. No. - Elijah

is my roommate's boyfriend.

Hey, watch the 'B' word.

Sorry. Elijah is my

roommate's sex friend.

Thank you. We carpool

sometimes because I work

just a couple blocks away.

Oh, where do you work?

The little bookstore

on the hill.

The one with all the cat puke

stains on the carpet.

Oh, yeah. I love that place.

It's got a really loud fan

in the bathroom.

Are you sure you don't

want to ride?

Come on.

What the heck?

There you go!

You can pull over right here.

Which house is yours?

Uh, I live like a block up

the road actually.

I just don't want you to see

where I live because I'm

embarrassed of it.


Maybe. Or maybe you're

afraid I'm going to stalk you.

My house... It looks

like garbage.

It looks like

a frat house.

Ooo, "Frat Boy Felix."

(off screen) How many

people do you live with?

Honestly, I have no idea.

Sometimes I go weeks

without seeing anybody

and then all of a sudden, it's

like every time I walk in the

front door

there's a new roommate.

Hey, whose copy of "Cannibal

Holocaust" is this?

Have you seen it?

No, but I really want to.

You should borrow it.


Yeah. Th

ere's not a lot of people

that I would recommend it to

but it seems like you and I have

a pretty similar taste in


You might hate it, but you

should definitely watch it.

The score alone

is amazing.

It's also really

f*cked up.

No, I'm serious.

Like I watch a lot of weird shit

and I mean a lot of weird shit,

but even I can't handle it.

So good luck, dude.

Well, all right.

Thank you.

And thanks for the ride,

by the way.

Mi Carsa su Carsa.

All right.

So I guess I'll see you

whenever the next group meets.

Shit yeah you will.

And uh... I

will see you...



Uh, okay.

See ya.

Oh hey, Felix!


Got to find out what

happens with that snake, dude.



Uh... Stella?

Do you...

Would you...

Want to hang out sometime?

We could go see a movie,

or uh...

You know, maybe do a bunch of

silly touristy stuff around



Or not.

We can do something...

Something else.

Let's do all of those things.

Oh, okay.

Cool. Uh, yeah. Okay.

Uh, should I just get

your number from Elijah?

Uh, do you have

something to write on?

Uh, yeah.

Yes, yes I do.


Let's see.

Do you have something

to write with?


Uh... no.

No worries. I got you, dude.


What is thisbizarre cell

phone world we live in wher

e numbers like this actually


I know, it's the future.

It's a real weird future.

A weal weiwd futuwe.

A weal weal weiwd futuwe!


Okay, I'll see you.

Hey, Felix?


Just so you know... And maybe

I don't even need to say this,

but I just want to be really


I'm not looking for anything

more than a friend.

Right now.

Yeah, that...

That's... great.

That's awesome.



You have no idea how perfect

that is actually.

Okay, good.



I am going to call you though.

We are going to hang out.

We better.

I want my movie back.

Fair enough.

Bye, Felix.

Later, dude.

See ya.

"I'll see you later?"


(blood-curdling screams

come from the TV)

Your directions were perfect.

Step outside. Take a left.

Go straight. I was goin

g to mention how close I lived

when I dropped you off the other

day, but

I decided not to.

Yeah, just in case I

was actually a stalker.


Smart move.

I really like your place.

Thanks. Sorry if I

t smells weird in here.

I mean, it just smells like a

mix of catnip and marijuana.


Oh, there's the culprit.

Yeah, she's a real big pothead.

(off screen)

Is somebody talking about me?

Hi, I'm Gina.

That's my roommate.

Hey, I'm Felix.

Nice to finally meet you.

Um... It's nice to meet you too.

Want to take a quick bong rip?

Uh no thanks. I will probably

just end up hearing things, and

then I'll get really judgmental.

You guys are a bunch of squares.

Just because a square's a

rectangle, Gina, doesn't mean a

rectangle's a square.

I am way too stone for

this conversation.

It's actually starting

to make sense to me.

It was nice meeting you, Felix.


Have fun.

We grew up together.

You have a TV in your fireplace.

That's really cool.

So what did you think

of "Cannibal Holocaust"?

I mean it was definitely

intense, but you were right.

I mean, that music was amazing.

And it's crazy too how relevant

this movie is

to right now.

Like the power of media

and reality TV?

Yeah. And it was

made in what...?

That blows my mind.

It's a pretty smart movie.

Horrible. But very smart.



These aren't...

Are these your collages?


The one with the horse in

the desert is actually a dream I


Man, I love the mix of your

own drawings with the cut-outs.

You're really good at drawing.


Do you have any more of these?


Can I see some of them?


We should get going, yeah?

I've just gotta feed

Barfzone real quick

and then I'm ready.


You know, our stoner cat.


(French pop song plays

over montage)

Oh my God!



Haha that's you!

Jesus Christ, again?!

(off screen)

Drink it all up, "Movie Boy."

Ugh! I am so tired of all

my sister's dumb-ass drama.

Not in front of the kid, babe.

No no, please.

I love it when you talk

shit about your sister.

Makes me feel less crazy.

It's nothing. It's just annoying

relationship stuff

involving the dude

she's been seeing. Stuff

I'm sure you don't want to hear.

She's back in the dudes again?


Well, she was, but not anymore.

Now she's hooking up

with the dude's ex-girlfriend.

The one that they just had

a threesome with last week.

You're right.

Totally stuff I don't

want to hear.

Is it my turn?

Oh, yeah. Mm-hm.

(Felix's phone buzzes)

(off screen) Y'all really gotta

work on your aim because

(off screen) I think I've

actually started sobering up

since we started playing.

You know, I'm sorry guys.

I gotta go.

I totally spaced

I made plans with someone.

Yeah. You have plans with us.

No, I made plans with

someone else.

Invite them over. We have

plenty of beer.

We are already going to be doing

something totally different.

Felix, are you seeing someone?

No, no, no.

She's just my friend...

Aha! "She!"

No, no "Aha."

She's just...

We're best buds.

I'm your sister.

We're best buds.

And we never see you anymore.

What are you talking

about? I'm here right now.

You're over significantly

less often than usual.

And we're your only friends.

That's not true.

You're not my only...

And you're about to leave!

So? So it's like you

aren't even here right now.

This is ridiculous. I thou

ght you said you don't

want to be seeing anybody.

Yeah. I

don't. And I'm not seeing an

ybody right now.

You know what?

Forget it.

Invite her over.

I want to meet her.

Yeah, me too.

You know what? I'm

hopping your fence

and I'm running away.

(Felix's VOICE OVER) Once, when

I was about five years old...

Unbelievable. (Felix's

VOICE OVER) My sister Ilana

was babysitting me while

our mom was at work.

At one point, she eventually

realized I was nowhere to be


and got up to go look for me.

(low foreboding ambience)

(Felix's VOICE OVER) The roar of

the hot water-heater filled the

damp air...

Reverberating louder and louder

through the cracked cement walls

and floors of what might as well

have been a set from

"A Nightmare on Elm Street."

Room after room, she checked,

and I was still

nowhere to be found.

(Felix's VOICE OVER) When my

sister finally turned the last


in the furthest reaches of

the basement...

There I was. Five year old

Felix, sitting in the cat-litter


Turd in my hand, turd in my

mouth, just devouring cat poop.

She said it looked like I was

stuffing my face with

Almond Roca.

To this day, I love Almond Roca.

Oh, that's so disgusting.

And to think I'm sharing this

bottle of wine with you. Ugh!



All right.

Your turn. Truth or dare?


Tell me more about this

dad of yours.

All I know is he was really

into campy sci fi movies.


As long as I've been alive,

my dad, or Bob

as he's commonly referred to...

Has been a dentist.

I used to be embarrassed to tell

people who is a tooth doctor.

So instead I told them

he was a government spy.

(intense action music plays)

All I really know about my mom

is that she used to be a writer.

She published this New-Ag

ey self-help

book thing right before her

and my dad got divorced, called

"Polygamy: The New Monogamy."

According to my oldest brother,

she's somewhere in Utah now.

Living in a Bus Commune.

Bus Commune? Yeah, just

like a big piece of

land with a bunch of old,

decommissioned busses

parked there.

Maybe, I don't know.

What are you thinking?

You thinkin' my family

sounds crazy now, huh?

I was thinking about your mom's

book. "The New Monogamy."

It's pretty interesting.

When was the last time you uh...

Well, you know.


You know...


Oh you don't have to say

if you don't want to.

You sure you want to open

that can of worms?

Uh... it's been a while.

I mean, the last

relationship I was in

was with Hannah, and

that was like five years ago.

There's no way you

haven't had sex in five years.

No, I mean I have.

I have.

But it's just not,

you know, good sex. Or fun sex.

It's sex that I don't even

care about or remember half the


Mostly I just feel bad about it.

Oh no! What?


Oh my God, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I'm laughing.

Why do you feel bad about it?

I don't know, lots of reasons.

First of all, it's

usually an accident.

Like, you know,

me and so-and-so are making out

and she starts putting out sex

vibes, and you know, I'm so go

with the flow

I just... go

with the flow.

And then suddenly I realize

partway through it that I've

been inside my head

the whole time, just wishing I

was somewhere else, far far


Well that's terrible.

Other times I just pass out.

What do you mean?

I just pass out.

Like during sex?

Yeah, during sex.

I have even passed out

in the middle of...

In the middle of what?!

Going down on the person.

No way!


Itiple times.

I don't even know how

that can happen!

It's pretty embarrassing.

I mean when I am in the moment,

I am in the moment.

I am relaxed.

I am focused.

Yeah, see I think the

problem for me is I'm just not

into casual sex.

I'm not against it.

I'm just not interested.

Well, that's the opposite of

what most guys I know would say.

Or girls.

Yeah. Well you know, I

mean I think that

the concept is more

appealing to me

than, you know, the

actual doing it.

I guess... I don't

know. I guess I

feel like I ca

n't really perform well

unless I have some sort of

emotional connection

to the person.


I'm sorry.

That just sounds so scripted.

Whoa, what does? "I jus

t can't perform well if I'm

not emotionally connected."

What is that? Your line?

Is that how you get girls

to fall for you?

Okay, 'F' you. Is that my line?

Oh! What if falling asleep

during sex is your mutant power?

That's a shitty mutant power.

If I had a mutant power

I'd have the ability to

manifest chairs out of nowhere.

See even that's a

better mutant power

and that's a shitty

mutant power.

Standing in line at the

post office, waiting to mail a


Boom! There's a chair.

At the DSHS waiting to

register for food stamps.

Bam! There's a chair.

Oh no! All the bean things

fell out of my beanbag chair...

Boom! Now it's a normal chair.

Problem solved.

That's actually very convenient.

I know.

What about you?

What about me?

When was the last time you...

You know.

I don't kiss and tell.


You rascal!

What are you doing? Where

are you going?

I'm supposed to meet some people

at a bonfire down by the beach.

You're coming with me.


You shush yourself!

You're doing fantastic.

Oh, my God.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Start over. Get better.

I need some competition.

("Hey Suzzanne" by Posse

begins playing)

(off screen)

Oh shit! I already died.

You really are terrible.

What is this?

You like it?

Yeah, it sounds really familiar.

If I had a record player

I would borrow the

s-h-i-t out of this.

I can copy it onto a

tape for you.

You said you have a Walkman,


I do have a Walkman.

That'd be awesome.

Uh, do you want to...


I need to go to sleep.

Uh yeah, I should probably go.

You don't have to.

You can stay here if

you want to.

Are you sure?

I mean, would that be weird?

I don't see why it would be.

Need me to turn off the light?

Yes, please.

Oops. Sorry.

Tell me something about yourself

that no one else knows.

Well I don't like to

refrigerate leftover pizza.

I prefer it at room temperature.

(Stella snores)


(dreamy synth/guitar

music plays)

(echoing moans)

(evil laughter)

Cut to... Connor

Zabladowski wakes w

ith a start, smacking his head

against the ceiling

of his sleeping vessel.

He winces in pain.

(Elijah winces)

Connor rubs his

sweat-covered brow.

He sighs.


And that's it.

That's the scene.

Thank you. Thank you.

Nice job, Felix.



Yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, thanks I

I've been feeling very

inspired lately.

It's... It's... It feels great.

Does anyone else have

any comments?




I like how the protagonist

dreams of himself

as a martian, symbolizing how

disconnected he feels from the

people around him.

Even that whole image of the

two of them floating practically

naked in the middle of space

conveys a sense of emptiness and


and just the overall feeling of

not knowing where you're going.

Just drifting through life

without any purpose or meaning.

And then BANG! Two pe

ople meet and now worlds are

forming and stars are exploding.

And everything just starts to

make sense all of a sudden

because these two sad

beautiful beings

have finally found each other.

I love it.

I absolutely love it.

"Symbolizes how disconnected"

I have a question.

What was the inspiration

for that little thing

at the end?


That little...

(makes clicking teeth noise)

Oh, yeah yeah uh

I'm just really into

vag*na dentata.


(door slams closed)


Hey man, what's up?


Hey, are you getting a ride home

with Stella today?

Uh no.


Do you know if she, um...

Did she get like,

a new phone number or something?

She hasn't been responding

to my texts

and you know, I haven't

seen her in a while.

I haven't seen her either, man.

Gina and I are kind

of on a break right now.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Nah, things were just getting a

little too serious and

I think it was starting to

have a negative effect on our

open relationship.

Right. Okay. Uh well...

Hey man, you know I

really liked your script today.

What you shared of it.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah, dude. You got

to finish that.

I will.

No I mean it. There'

s nothing worse than sitting

on the side of a mountain

looking up at the top and

wishing you were there.

I take it that was a...

that's a metaphor, huh?


It's also a line in a

song I wrote.

Got it. All right, man.

Uh... thanks.

I'll see you.

That's a good line.

(Felix off screen) Hey, you

I hope all is well.

If you and Gina

aren't busy tonight

you should come see

a movie.

I would love

to see...

(off screen)

Who are you texting?

Oh my God, Jesus Christ!



Oh my God, I've told you

so many times not to do that.

It never gets old.

What are you doing?

Come to steal free

movies from me?

You know I don't watch these

artsy foreign films.

I just came to grab some

delicious movie theater popcorn.

You came all the way out here

just for some popcorn?

And to see my little brother!

We really miss you.

We never see you anymore.

Tabby really wants you to

come over for dinner on Friday.

Yeah I don't know.

I'm kind of trying

to keep the evening open

just in case I hear

from my friend.

You're kidding.

Sorry, but you're not blowing

me off for plans you don't have.


Don't be stupid.

I'll see you on Friday.

Is this seriously

the only way in and out of here?

This trap door thing?


So annoying.

(off screen) That's what we

need. See, I'm allergic to


so we can't have anything...

Please don't pepper spray me.

It's just Felix!

(Tabby off screen)

And there he is!

You're all dressed up.

You just get back

from a funeral or something?

Oh. Ha ha.

Felix, this is my friend I

told you about.


Hi, it's really nice

to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

We were thinking of going

out to eat instead of cooking

and then going to see a

movie afterwards.

What do you think?

That sounds great.


What do you say we make

like a Popsicle and split

then, shall we?

We already made reservations.

Hey, be a good sport.

I'm sure you'll like the movie

at least.

(screams and g*nshots from

off screen movie)

(Felix's VOICE OVER)

I really wish they'd

stop trying to set me up

with their friends.

It's a nice

gesture, but...

It's a waste of her time.

I like what you did there.


"It's not fair to HER."

"It's a waste

of HER time."

That's a solid

defense mechanism.

How come we never tried?

Being more than friends?


We're pretty compatible.

We're super compatible.

Conversation never runs dry.

We always have a million things

to talk about.

We really like each

other's company.

I like being around you more

than I like being around most


What if you actually like me?

Of course I like you.

Like, "like me" like me.

Maybe I do.

Do you like me?

You'll never know if

you don't ask.

That's true.

But do you really

want to do that?

What if it ruins our friendship?

What if it turns out

that you like me

but I don't like you?

And then I feel weird being

around you once I know you have

feelings for me.

Yeah. Yeah.

No, no, no. See, I don't want

that to happen.

I don't want to be the the cool

guy friend who ends up f*cking

up a perfectly solid

platonic friendship just because

I came down with a crush.

I think that's what I'm

most afraid of.

Finally falling head over heels

for someone

who doesn't feel the

same way I do.


Is it worth the risk?

You know, honestly, I

think I'd rather never tell you

how I feel about you than

potentially lose you as my


Then again, maybe I'll

feel the same way you do.

You think so?

It's a possibility.

Yeah. See, I don't know.

You know, I haven't seen or

heard from you in quite a while.

I feel like something's

got to be up.

I mean, did I do something wrong

last time we hung out?

You know, there was that moment

we were sitting

on your bed

and we were a

little drunk.

And for a second I thought

maybe we were about to kiss.

But we didn't.


We did agree from the beginning

that both of us

just wanted to be friends.

It's very true.

But who knows?

Maybe that has nothing to do

with why you haven't seen me


Yeah. I mean, maybe...

Maybe you've just

been really busy.

I've probably just

been really busy.


- Maybe you have a boyfriend.

- Maybe I have a boyfriend.


But you don't know that.

Maybe I don't.


And like I said

I'll never know

if I don't ask you.


Maybe I should call

you right now.

See if you want to meet

up sometime next week.

Yeah, that's a great idea.


Maybe I'll text.

Keep it casual.

It's not urgent.

Uh-oh. Looks like your

little fantasy sequence is about

to end.

(loud booming sounds)

I'm sorry... You want some? You

want some?!

It's a good movie.

(cellphone vibrating)

I love this girl.

(Gina off screen) But at least

he bothered to tell me, I guess.

Instead of keeping it a secret

or just blowing me off.

I think I just wasn't ready for

it to end when it did, or the

way it did.

Hey, that sounds exactly

like my last relationship.

Except for the part about

telling you instead of keeping

it a secret.

Elijah called her last night

to tell her he was about to

have sex with someone else

and that he doesn't

want to see her anymore.

Eesh... That's rough.

Even though we were never

officially going out, I still

feel like

I just got dumped.

Whatever. Boys suck.

I just want to get stoned.

You'll always have

Jordan Catalano.

Oh my God, Stella!

Okay, I know what I'm

doing tonight.

Pajama party starring me, a

fatty blunt, and "My So-called


Mmm... I'm coming for you,



Op it!

Okay, I'm getting the

fart out of here.

Have fun playing


Love you, b*tches!

Love you.

Hey, how's it going?

How's everything?


You're not going to introduce me

to your new friend?

Nora, this is Felix.

Oh, you're Felix.

That's me.

You're the filmmaker guy.

I've heard a

lot about you.


So what are you guys drinking?

You seem like a cheap

beer kind of guy.

When you're right, you're right.

All right.


I'll do the same actually.

Like two peas in a pod.

She's good.

(finishes the

drink loudly)

All right, kids. Here you

go. You need anything else?

I think we're good.

All right.

You just let me know

when you need me.

Do you want to

get a table?


You know, I had a dream

about you the other night.

You did?

Mm hmm.

The night before you texted me,


Cool. What happened?

All I really remember

is that you were selling

tangerines from a food cart

on a cobblestone road somewhere

in like France or Italy.

And you had just recently

shaved your head

and got married to a guy named

Jeff, but he spelled his name

like JEEF.

And you guys had a kid together.

And he hated cheddar cheese.

Who hated cheddar cheese?

The kid or Jeff?


That really happened.

You had some weird facial

piercings too.

Like one of those barbell things

between your eyes

and one of those little

silver studs on your upper lip

that everybody thinks is really

cute, but it looks like a stray


The "Monroe."

That's it.

Yeah, I just got that

taken out yesterday.

It healed up quick.

Regeneration. That's my

mutant power.

I thought it was the power to

fall asleep in the middle of

having sex.

Of course you did.

Because your mutant power

is forgetfulness.

Oh sh**t. You're right.

I always forget that.

Of course you do.

Speaking of which,

before I forget

I made you a copy of

that album that you wanted.

The one we were

listening to back at my house.

Oh yeah...

Thank you.

Wait a minute.

Is this why I haven't seen you

in almost two months?

Because you've been spending

your every waking moment

painstakingly replicating this

onto tape for me?

I'm not trying to make

you feel bad.

I'm just.

I'm just being a goofball.

Goofball is a weird word.

It is a weird word.

It's a real weird word.

It's a weal weiwd wowd.

You know, um

I've been thinking about

you a ton lately.

Um, yeah

I don't know um...

How do I say this.?

Did I tell you that me

and Nora started

seeing each other?



You and who?



The bartender?

Mm hmm.

(loud maniacal laughter)


No, you didn't tell me that.

Since when?

I don't know.

Maybe like, two months.


We've been friends

for a long time.

Yeah, it feels like we have.

I mean me and Nora. She was one

of the first people I met when I

moved here.

I guess we kind of both always

had a thing for each other

but we were both too afraid

to say anything.

So how did you find out?

That night at the bonfire

down by the beach.

Somebody sent Nora a text

saying I'd come looking for.

You weren't looking for her.

That's why we were there.

She invited me.


The next morning, I woke

up to a bunch of drunk texts

from her saying how she thought

I was really cute and how

she'd always kind of

had a crush on me

so things just kind of

went from there.

That was the night I

stayed over.


Well I'm happy for you.

Are you?

(gulps loudly)




Because I talk about you a lot,

and I know

Nora really wants all of us

to hang out together.

I would love to hang

out with you...

And your girlfriend...


I'm glad to hear that.

(thunder rumbles overhead)


Haha! Eat shit, Derryl!

You f*ckin' assh*le! Haha!

(groans in pain)

(French pop song begins playing)

(Nora off screen) It's just

such a trashy looking format.

(Stella off screen) That doesn't

mean it can't be nostalgic.

(Nora off screen) Okay but

when I think of "nostalgic"

I think of like eight millimeter

or like Super-8 films.

You know, like the opening

of "The Wonder Years."

(Stella off screen)

Sure, but when I was growing up

we didn't have Super-8.

It was the nineties. We had t

his big, bulky VHS camera that

my dad recorded everything with

even when it was super outdated.

Oh, that is so "Bob."

Whenever I think about

my childhood...

Unlike Kevin Arnold or Winnie

Cooper or Paul


My memories play out in VHS.

Timestamped and auto-date

flashing in the corner of the


Having to adjust

the tracking in all the spots

the magnetic tape of your memory

fails you.

Trashy or not, in my opinion...

VHS is the quintessence

of nostalgia.

That's a really beautiful image.

Pun intended, I hope.

You guys really are like

two peas in a pod.

Felix, are you okay?

You look really uncomfortable.

Oh my gosh. I totally

called you out.

I'm sorry. You're not... You'

re not calling me out

because I'm just being normal.

Felix, what are you doing

for Halloween?

Oh, my gosh. Okay,

you should totally come.

I'm not excited about this,

but you probably will like it.

We're going to that haunted

house in Georgetown next


You should come with us.

Uh, yeah. Uh...

That sounds really fun.



I don't have a costume or

anything so...

You have like a week

to pull something together.

You're creative.

You can figure it out.

He's coming. Besides...

What else are you going to do?

You're right.

What else am

I going to do?

Yay! Oh my gosh...

It's going to be so much fun.

Oh, and I'm going to need

all the protection I can get

because haunted houses creep

me the f*ck out.

(off screen)

Thank you. (Karaoke Host of

(f screen)

Let's hear it for Eddie!

Next up we've got

Nora and Stella!

Oh, that's us!

Oh my gosh, yes!

Give them a warm

welcome to the stage.

(Ilana off screen) You need to

figure out what your intentions


I don't have any intentions.

I just don't want this...

This stupid relationsh

ip of theirs to get in the

way of our friendship.

Why are you smiling?

It's just really cute

seeing you like this.

What? No no. No it's not cute.

It's not cute.

She's the best friend that I've

made since I moved here

and I don't want to lose that.

Okay, Mr. "I don't want to

be in a relationship right now."

Okay... You know what? You need

to chill, okay?

As much as I love seeing you

head over heels for someone

I got to be honest.

I don't think this is

good for you.

How is it not good for me?

What does that even mean?

You said she's q*eer, right?

Whoa, no no no no no no

I never called her the "Q word."

I said she had a girlfriend.

(laughs)What, isn'

t that like a derogatory slur?

Forget it. Look, Felix,

you just spent the past 30 min

utes telling me how miserable

you've been these last few weeks

hanging out with her and

her girlfriend.


Hanging out with her and


That doesn't necessarily

mean anything.

I mean, just because she has a

girlfriend now doesn't mean


Oh my God, Felix, I

respect you so much...

Please don't say anything

stupid right now.


Maybe that type of thing

doesn't mean

anything to everyone

but to a lot of people it does.

Look at you

and look at me.

Okay, well...

Even you got pregnant

in high school.

That was an accident.

That was literally one time.

I was drunk.

I was experimenting.

Why would you bring that up?

You know how I feel about that.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why I said that.

Anyway, I just don't want

you to get hurt.

I love that you like this

person so much.

But as your sister and as

your friend

I just hope you know

what you're doing.

Well thank you...

And I don't know what I'm doing.

I really like your decorations.

(Stella off screen) Thanks!

Help yourself to some candy.

Don't mind if I do.

Drop that

Snickers, Mister.

Thems is mine.

Gina, hey!

Hey, Fee-fee. How are you?

I'm good. I'm

I'm all right. I wa

s just telling Stella how much

I really like your decorations.

Did you guys plan this?



You guys both dressed as shitty

vampire versions of yourselves.


Are you...

Coming with us to the

haunted house?


I'm exhausted.

I don't even like

haunted houses.

None of my friends like

haunted houses.

I don't get it.

You got to go.

It's going to be...

So much fun.


Mm-mm. I'm too stoned.

Like I actually make

shit my pants.

Shit pants! Shit pants!

Shit pants!

Let me get a photo of you

two before you go.

Ugh! She hates

it when I take her photo.

Is it because you're stealing

part of her soul?

I hate the way I smile.

Don't smile.

Pretend like it's our

prom picture

and we're really bummed out.

Like we just got an argument

about how I didn't

bring the proper corsage to

match your dress or something.

See, I like that.

Yeah, so just like...

Like it's the worst day

of your life.

Should we hold hands?

Like real loosely?

Like we just feel obligated to?

(Gina off screen)

This is f*cking hilarious.

That's great.

Yeah, it looks like my

actual prom photo.

You should keep it.

No... No no

I think you

should have it.

Ahem! Maybe the

photographer wants it.

Right. Sorry.

I'm just kidding.

You guys keep it.

Should we get going?

Uh yeah...

Oh, what about uh...

Where's Nora?

We're going to pick her

up on the way.


(Stella off screen)

She should be here any minute.

(Felix off screen)

You want me to get in the back?

No, you're fine.

How are things?

The two of you.

You and Nora.

I mean, we haven't started being

shitty to each other yet so

I guess that's good.

Because that's inevitable?

Maybe. But yeah, we

have fun together.

I like her a lot. You know that.

Yeah, I know that.

(lound bang)

- Oh!

- Ah Jesus!

God, I turn my back

for one second

and you're already trying to

steal my girlfriend?


No no no no

I'm f*cking with you, Felix.

You two really look

you together.

What are you supposed to

be, like twin zombies or



Hm! I guess I missed the memo.

We did not...

It was a... It was a


Like two peas in a pod.

Stop it.

Just remember, at the end

of the night

I get to go home with her.

Aren't you presumptuous?

Oh my God... You look so

f*cking hot right now.

You know I just want to

"you know what" you right now!

How was your work party?

You smell boozy.

My coworkers kept shoving

drinks down my throat all night.

So many martinis.

Are you doing okay?

I'm wonderful, darling.

Thank you!

Your mascara is running.

Oh, because I'm

"When Doves Cry."

I'm "When Doves Cry." Like

the Prince song?

It's my costume.

That's really clever actually.

Hey, Stell-belle! How badly do

you want to go to this haunted

house thing?

Do not even try it.

Oh, come on!

You know how much I hate

haunted houses.

Can't we like, go back

to your house

and play Mad Libs or something?



You guys go without me.

Just drop me off at

my apartment.

Are you serious?


You guys just go have

fun without me.

(Nora laughs and snorts loudly)

Remember Gina is sleeping, okay?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You're just so funny.

May I continue?


one drink. And someone

has to wake her up

so she doesn't get kicked out of

the geriatric facility?"

(Nora laughs loud)

Oh my Gosh, you have the

cutest little giggle.

I love it.

All right, you guys

pick the next one.

I'm going to use the bathroom

and put on some music.

Hurry back, my love!

I think I'm gonna get

another beer.

I'm... I'm a little drunk.

But I got to ask you something.

You're a real catch.

I mean, really, I get why

Stella likes you.

No, no, no, I...

What's your deal?

Like... Why aren't

you with anyone?

Is it because you don't want to

be like, tied down or whatever?

That's what Stella says,

and I get it.


I just DON'T get it.

Because when I meet

someone like you

and they're not in a


I just.

I mean, there's...

There's got to be something,


There's got to be a reason

why you're not

with anyone.

Am I wrong?

Oh, I'm sorry I made you


No. No no...

It's none of my business.

I'm fine. I'm not uncomfortable.

It's just that before

Stella and I started going out

she would go on and on about how

crappy all the guys she knew


How when they realized

that when she didn't want to be

anything more than friends, they

either treat her like garbage

or wouldn't even bother

talking to her.

But she always had good things

to say about you.

Great things to say about you.

(a record begins playing)

I forgot the point I was

trying to make.

Maybe it's me.

Maybe I just can't

stand being single.

Maybe that's why I don't get it.

There's gotta be someone that

you're a little into.



There's someone.

Or... There wa

s someone.

But they're unavailable now.

So that's that.

Wow. Uh

I didn't realize how

late it was.

I should probably get going.

Oh, no. Oh, shit.

No, no.

Oh, I made it awkward.

No, no... It...

It's not awkward.

I just... You

know, it's...

It's too late.

Do you want to take

another beer for the road?

No, thanks.

I'm pretty drunk already anyway.

Well thanks for hanging out,

and talking with me.

It was my pleasure.


And Stella, as always

it was very nice to see you.


I'll see you.

Goodbye, Felix.

Get home safely.

(door opens and closes)



This is crazy.

You need to stop.

(melancholy music plays

over montage)

(Stella off screen)

Hey Felix, it's Stella

Nora and I just got out

of this movie

that I think you will love

called "Romance of the Flesh."

It's this insane new cannibal

exploitation film from Italy.

It is gross! So gross!

It's basically like if Ingmar

Bergman directed Cannibal


You've got to see it. Anyway...

Let's hang out some time!

- It's a shapeshifter. - That's

a science fiction term,


Can you think of a better one?

How about "Therian


- All right, you win. - We

come to a large window that

looks into an inc

ubation room...

(Audio begins to echo

and become muted)

(Evelyn off screen) Felix!


How was it?

Oh, fine.

I'm sorry.

It was great.

I'm sorry, I just suddenly

realized how much I

I just don't care

about this script anymore.

You know, I've been working on

this thing for the last six


and who am I kidding?

I'm never going to be

able to sh**t this.

Just think of how much

time I've wasted.

Hey, don't say that,

man. Yeah, we can

work through the

kinks. That's why we're here.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, you guys

are great but

I think I'm done here.

(phone vibrates)

Hey, what's up?

I just wanted to tell you

that I love you...

And that I also hate you for

being a lesbian.

Maybe we should talk

about this later.

Every time I fall for a girl,

she either used to be a lesbian,

becomes a lesbian...

Or just straight-up

is a lesbian.

I blame you.

And maybe Mom

a little too.

I assume that what you're trying

to say is that because you and I

are so close

and because you love and

respect me so much

you think that's why you're

constantly attracted to women

who just so happen

to also be lesbians?


It's okay for me to laugh

at this, right?

It's absolutely okay.

I'm guessing this has somethi

ng to do with that Stella girl?

You were right.

I'm sorry.


Can I give you a call when

I get off work?

Or maybe if you want,

you can come over for dinner.

No, I'll be fine.

Honestly, I just wanted

to tell you I love you.

I love you too.

And I don't really hate you

for being a lesbian.

I know you don't. I'll

talk to you later.





You the new downstairs roommate?



Felix sat slouched in his chair

writing about nothing

in particular.

All he could think about

was Stella.

("Hey Suzzanne" by Posse

begins playing)

(Felix's VOICE OVER)

Interior House Party Night

Finnegan stands in an archway,

talking to a brunette girl in a

denim jacket.

She notices the two open

beers in each of his hands.

- Double fisting, huh? Uh, no.

- Uh,

Uh no. Uh...

This one is my friends. I'm just

holding it for him.

(Felix's VOICE OVER)

The Brunette Girl laughs.

(Felix's VOICE OVER)

Exterior House Party Night

Finnegan and the Brunette girl

continue to talk on the

balcony of the back porch

bathed in moonlight.

Finnegan is smitten,

and eventually he asks

her for her name.

The girl lights up a cigarette,

which envelops her

in a dreamlike veil of smoke.


And Suzanne

Suzanne turns and walks away



alone beneath

the marquee.

He looks at the camera

and shrugs.


"Well, I did it."

Cut to... Black.

The end.


Now what?

(Upbeat pop song plays

over montage)


Let's have you stand

right here...

And let's get sound up!

Um yeah...


Jeez okay...

Just hold it right there.

This is that party scene,

scene seven...


Hmm... Double-fisting?

Oh, no.

These are just um... Just

holding it for my friend.

What kind of movies do you like?

Um... I don't know. All kinds.

Have you ever watched

any David Lynch?

Oh yeah, I mean Eraserhead

is like one of my

favorite movies of all time.

Eraserhead.. Yes.

f*ck that baby though.


Here I got you some

cigarettes for this scene.

They're real cigarettes?

During the

audition I asked

if you would smoke,

and you said that would be fine.

Yeah you know, now that I

think about it though

I'd really just prefer if I

didn't have to do that.

Hold on. Hold for sound.

Is that really an important part

of the character?

She smokes in like every scene!


Um, do you wanna...



All right, when I call action

I'm gonna have you, Suzanne, and

you, Nor

ma, start singing along

to that karaoke song.

What song are we

supposed to sing?

The song that's in the script.

- There's a specific song in the

script? - Oooo I did not know


Oh, my God. How did you

not know that? It's in the


You read the script!

Felix, man we got to

get rolling soon.

We have like 10 minutes before

we're supposed to be wrapped.

Oh my God, I am freaking out.

I am freaking out!

Also, why am I

wearing this beard?

(various chattering)

What the f*ck am I doing?

Holy shit!

Okay, smile though!

I made a cool movie. I

made a good movie.

People are going to

like my movie.


Yeah! Felix! Woo!


(uplifting music begins playing)

(audience member coughs)

Uh... Thank you.

Thank you all for

coming to my movie.

Um, if you don't have

any questions feel free to...

If you have any questions

or comments, feel free to...

All right... Yep.

Thanks for... Thanks for

coming anyway.

Does anybody have any...


f*ck you!


Thanks for coming to my movie!


I just don't know how I'm

supposed to feel about it.

I'm sure he wasn't

trying to hurt your feelings.

Yeah, but about Nora?

That's not fair to her. What

about the way...



I'll see you at home?


You really made it seem like I

was a huge pothead.

Those were just


I know.

But good luck trying to

convince her of that.

You know, you didn't have to

make a whole movie about it.

You could have just told me.

Seeing those

characters up there...

Seeing us up there...

That was so inconsiderate.

And with Nora sitting

right next to me

that was really embarrassing.

I can see how that might be

a little uncomfortable.

And what was with the

bearded girl?

The one who was obviously

supposed to be Nora.

Was that some kind of gay joke?

No! No, absolutely not!

Have you ever seen "Die Hard"

or uh...

You know, David Cronenberg's

remake of "The Fly"?

Of course I have.

So I was rewatching

both of those.

And you know, I realized in

the eighties...

Any time someone important in a

movie had a beard...

They're always a bad guy.

So that's...

Why I gave Nora a beard.


Are you mad at me for making it?

I don't know.


Good... Beca

use I needed to make it.

I really did, you know?

I tried to finish writing my

other movie but

I just couldn't.

This was all I could

think about.

I like that you shot it on VHS.


You know, you made a comment

once about nostalgia.

And how your mind

practically plays back

all of your memories on VHS.

You said something about um...

Yeah! Um...

About "Having to adjust

the tracking

on all the spots where the

magnetic tape of your memory

fails you."

I just thought that

was beautiful.

So that's why I did it.

How come you

waited so long

to tell me that you and Nora

had started seeing each other?

How come you pretended

like you were my friend

when you were really just

trying to get me to fall for


Okay. Tell me that's not what

you actually think.

I wasn't pretending to

be your friend.

I wanted to be

your friend.

When we established right away

that that's all it was

ever going to be.

That was a

dream come true.

But then, you know

when we started hanging out, it

was all so effortless.

I just

I loved being around you.

The more I got to know you

the more I realized

how much I love

absolutely everything about you.

And at first, you know,

it was pure

legitimate friend love.

I mean, honestly it wasn't

until my sister

and her girlfriend tried

to set me up with one of their


You never told me your

sister was gay.

Um... well... she is.

She's very gay.


Anyway, so

I went on this double

date, and it was bogus.

And the whole time I just

kept comparing the person...

To you.

I wish you would have told me.

Well I was going to. But I mean,

that was the night that you told

me that

you and Nora started

seeing each other.

And even though it

broke my heart.

I tried so hard

to be friends with both of you.

Because I just couldn't

bear the idea

of not having you in my life.

In whatever capacity.

You truly are...

Maybe the best friend

I've ever had.

I don't know.

Maybe it was dishonest of me

not to tell you how I felt.

But also, maybe it wasn't.

But if it was, I'm sorry.

I was afraid to tell you

about me and Nora.

I thought maybe you wouldn't

want to hang out with me


And then I'd lose you.

As a friend.

You realize that's absurd,


It's not the first time

it's happened.

I really liked you, Felix.

And eventually I had

a feeling that

you might have been like,

I don't know

falling for me

or whatever.

But I didn't know how to bring

it up. Or if I even wanted to.

I thought maybe if I just

stopped talking to you

then maybe you'd stop trying

to talk to me too.

And it'd never have to

be addressed.

We'd forget about it and each

other, and just go on with our


We could just blame it on

fate or whatever.

You know, unfortunately

I can't forget about

you that easily.

You've made far too big of

an impact on me.

Stella I think you're an

amazing human being.

You know, frankly I think you're

the cat's bananas.

I think you're

amazing too.

I don't know that I've ever

had a friend that

I click with the way that I

click with you.

But I can't be your friend if

you can't handle me

being with someone else.

Nora's probably pretty mad

at me, isn't she?

Did you not see her

storm out of the auditorium?

Yeah, I guess I did.

Would you tell her I'm sorry?

I will.

Hey, maybe we could all hang

out later this week.

The three of us could go see a

movie or ride go-karts or


I don't know why I said that

I've never ridden a

go-kart in my life.

Maybe I just really want to.


We should probably give

it some time.

That makes sense.


Goodbye, Felix.

I'll see you...


Well... I did it.

(synth pop music plays

over credits)
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