01x10 - Every Man has in Himself the Most Dangerous Traitor of All.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Classroom of the Elite". Aired: July 12, 2017 – present.*
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The story follows the perspective of Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, a quiet and unassuming boy, who is not good at making friends and would rather keep his distance but possesses unrivaled intelligence and incredible physical ability.
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01x10 - Every Man has in Himself the Most Dangerous Traitor of All.

Post by bunniefuu »

[bell ringing]


[MAN A] Kiyotaka.

[MAN A] No matter what, you must always remember this.

To have great power and refuse to use it to your advantage

is something only a fool would do.

[IKE] Hey!

Check out all the fish we caught!

And look at all this delicious fruit that we picked!

Nice work! You guys are awesome.

[KEN] Okay, Hirata, what do you want us to do next?

If you two wouldn't mind getting the fire started,

that would be really helpful.

[KEN, IKE] Sure!

Kushida, I'd like you and your group

to oversee meal rations.

[KIKYO] Right!

[HIRATA] Anyone else who isn't busy can come help us

collect drinking water.

All right, then!

Can you help me carry these?

Oh! Okay!

[AYANOKOJI] Yosuke Hirata.

Class D's unofficial leader. Huh.

[SUZUNE] It's unusual to see you take initiative like this.

I'm almost suspicious.

I have nothing better to do.

It helps pass the time.

I don't mind doing recon, but I don't wanna

burn undue calories I could store.

Stamina is valuable on a desert island.

So, I don't like wandering around

without a clear goal in mind.

I understand that logic.

But on the flip side,

staying cooped up does us no good.

And, besides...

Next time, I'll deal with you personally.

I'm so looking forward to it.

It's clear that Class C has put a target on your back.

We've gotta be vigilant about this.

[sighs] Yeah, that's true.

I know!

This is amazing!

[ICHINOSE] There's so much fruit in the forest,

it's almost like someone planted it!

But if we need to, we can go fishing right here!

And the waterfalls provide all our fresh water!

Looks like Class B hit the jack pot.

You're all incredibly disciplined. I'm impressed.

[laughs] It was pretty hard at first.

But we rigged some things up, and it's really worked out!


Is it safe to assume that Class B can be trusted

to cooperate with Class D?

[ICHINOSE] Mm-hm. That's definitely how I see it.

[KANEDA] Sorry to interrupt.

How can I help you?

Oh, I was wondering if there was anything

you'd like me to do to help out.

Well, why not join Chihiro and the others

to see if there's anything they need?

I'd be happy to. Thank you very much.

He strikes me as a bit distant for someone

who's in your class.

[ICHINOSE] Oh, he's not. His name is Kaneda.

He got driven out of Class C because of some falling out.

So, he asked to join our camp, instead.

Oh, sorry.

I'd love to chat more, but there's more work to do!

Come visit again soon, okay?

As much as you know I hate to admit this,

this is way better than our spot.

I can't see inside.

There's a curtain over the opening of the cave.

[AYANOKOJI] Let's check it out.

What are you doing?

There's no reason to be intimidated by them

just because they're Class A.

What are you trying to achieve?

We don't stand to gain anything by revealing our presence.

[AYANOKOJI] Skulking around in the bushes

won't get us anywhere, either.

Might as well see what happens.


[YAHIKO] What do you want?

[SUZUNE] We came to scout your spot.

You got a problem with that?


How very underhanded.

We're coming in.



This place is property of Class A.

You don't get to see it.


Are you saying you've taken possession of this spot?

That's right. Go away.

I'm sorry, is there some rule I'm not aware of

that states I can't enter this cave?

I can't officially use an occupied spot,

but no one ever said I couldn't look inside.

That would be considered monopolizing this space.

I think you're breaking the rules.

So let me have a look, okay?

[KATSURAGI] What do you think you're doing?


I don't recall giving you permission

to invite your friends.

Look, I only wanna see what's inside.

I can't imagine that being against the rules.

Well, go ahead and have a look inside, then.

But, be prepared for the consequences.

Each class chooses to occupy one spot on the island,

and they must defend that spot until the test is over.

If you decide to break this unwritten rule,

then that will mean w*r.

You'd be better off to avoid that kind of trouble.

I think you need to reapply sunscreen.

[STUDENT G] One, two, three, you're gone!

You've got to be kidding me.

What in the world does Class C think they're doing?


Ryuen wants to talk to you guys.

[RYUEN] Hey, there.

You all seem to be living the high life.

[RYUEN] Oh, we are doing exactly that.

It's our summer vacation, after all.

Why shouldn't we enjoy it?


[GROUP] Uh--

That's right!

[SUZUNE] An incompetent leader only ends up

hurting his subjects.


[ISHIZAKI] Yes, sir?

[RYUEN] It's warm.

I'm very sorry, sir.

[RYUEN] For a measly one or class points.

The rest of you are willing to endure starvation,

heat, exhaustion.

[RYUEN] The very thought of it makes me wanna laugh.

I was dumb to come here with my guard up

against a fool like you.

[RYUEN] Who's the real fool here? Is it me?

Or is it you?

Ryuen, sir.

This is the way that I operate,

and I refuse to settle for anything less than that.

I see. Well then, do whatever you want.

It's way better for us if you're out of the game.

Oh, there was one other thing I wanted to ask you.

You're familiar with Ibuki, aren't you?

[RYUEN] Of course, she's in our class.

So? What's it to you?

[SUZUNE] Her face was messed up pretty badly.

Do you know how it may have gotten that way?

Disobedient servants are of no use to a ruler.

I only doled out the appropriate punishment.

[SUZUNE] You used up all of your S-points

on the first day, didn't you?

That's exactly right.

I spent all our class's S-points yesterday.

So it doesn't really matter.

Ibuki can do what she wants and it won't affect our S-points.

[AYANOKOJI] The rules state that, even if you lose

all of your S-points, you can't ever

get into negative numbers. He used that to his advantage.

A simplistic way of thinking.

I guess you don't mind losing all the class points

we were offered.

[RYUEN] Forget all of that.

Why don't you just come play with me?

I'll prepare a special tent for us, Suzune.

[SUZUNE] Let's get out of here, Ayanokoji.

If I stay any longer, this guy's gonna make me vomit.

Suzune, come back when you're ready

to have the time of your life. You know you want to.

I'll blow your mind if you would just give me the afternoon.

Absurd, isn't it?

But their bad decision benefits us.


In this test, you need to conserve

any way that you can, or there's no way

you'll last the whole week.

He's not planning to last the whole week,

which is the reason he did what he did.

What do you mean by that?

[AYANOKOJI] It's pretty simple.

He'll do exactly what Koenji did.

Cut any losses and run.

All they have to do is claim to be sick,

or that they can't handle the stress.

Then they can all go back to the ship

and enjoy the rest of their summer vacation in comfort.

Hold on, so you're telling me that he never

had any intention of participating in the test?

Well, this exam is about freedom of choice, isn't it?

Ryuen might have the best answer.

After all, he chose comfort.

I don't know. That's beyond me.

[AYANOKOJI] A zero point strategy. Fascinating.


Good morning to you, Hirata.

Oh, morning, Ayanokoji.

I'm sorry if I woke you up.

[AYANOKOJI] No, you didn't.

It's just hard for me to sleep very well

in this kind of environment.

My back is k*lling me.


[HIRATA sighs] That feels great.

[AYANOKOJI] It must be stressful to be the one

keeping the class together.

I only do it because I enjoy it.

If I didn't, there is no way I'd take that on.

I just like seeing the class happy.

[BOYS laughing]

[SAKURA panting]

Are you really sure you wanna be paired up with me?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

I know that I can be a total drag when we're searching.

And you're not the least bit worried?

People might start to talk about us.

No, I couldn't care less about it,

to tell you the truth. And, anyway.

When we first set out on the cruise,

I was feeling really down in the dumps about it.

I don't have a single friend so,

I didn't see how a cruise could be any fun.

But now... Now, I'm having a good time.

I'm actually happy that I came.

I see.


[SAKURA] Man, it's too bad.

If I had my camera right now,

I could take an amazing picture of you.


I wonder where they all could have gone to.

[KANZAKI] Ayanokoji, were you out on recon, too?

No, we were just out exploring the forest.

And we ended up here on the beach.

[ICHINOSE] Aw. I'm so disappointed.

I was hoping to get an idea of who Class C's leader is.

The primary goal here is to amass

as many S-points as possible.

Too bad Ryuen gave up, and so, he lost everything.

The straightforward approach is definitely

the best strategy for us.


There's something I've been wanting to ask you about.

[ICHINOSE] What's that?

[AYANOKOJI] Well, Katsuragi from Class A.

Do you know anything about him?

You're interested in Katsuragi?

Well, I know that Sakayanagi is sitting out the test completely.

So Katsuragi has now taken

temporary leadership over Class A.

[KANZAKI] Katsuragi's an intelligent guy.

Even with Sakayanagi gone,

I doubt Class A will suffer much internal discord.

[ICHINOSE] Although...

I doubt anyone who is on Sakayanagi's side

is having a very good time.

Those two are opposite extremes, after all.

Opposite extremes?

[ICHINOSE] A reformist and a conservative, essentially.

Their approach to everything is the polar opposite,

and I hear they're always butting heads over that.

[AYANOKOJI] Sakayanagi.

[STUDENTS chattering]

[IKE] Looks like we made it through another day!

By the way,

I thought I saw all the Class C people

heading to the ship this afternoon.

Hirata, you know anything about that?

No. I wish I did.

They probably just got sick of the island life

and decided to quit and head back to the ship.

You think the whole class did?

Can they even do that?

Why would I know any better than you do?

[KIKYO] Hey.

Are you going to head back to the ship?

The last thing I wanna look at is those jerks' faces.

So I am going to stay here.

[KEN] Seems kinda suspicious, doesn't it?

[KIKYO] Sudo, don't.


Do you know anything about what they planned?

Huh? No, leave me alone.

[KEN] Hold it!

[IBUKI] You keep your filthy hands off me!

What the heck is your problem?

We helped you, so you owe us one.

Or, did you conveniently forget about that?

I didn't even ask for your help, remember?

Your people just forced their help upon me.

Wasting your points on an enemy? Idiots.

--Say that again! --[HIRATA] Sudo!

Go ahead and hit me, then!

Both of you need to calm down.

This isn't the time for us to start fighting among friends.

We're friends? How stupid can you be?

[KIKYO] Ibuki. Are you okay?

[KEN] Damn it! What's her problem?

[SHINO] Hey, you guys!

Guys, wake up already, come on!

[HASE] Seriously, get up, now!

What's going on?

Look, Hirata. I've got bad news!

[HIRATA] What could it possibly be? It's so early.

This probably has nothing to do with you, Hirata.

But there's something we need

to get to the bottom of right now.

This morning, Karuizawa's underwear

went missing from her bag.


[SHINO] She's in our tent right now, bawling her eyes out.

Kushida and the others are trying to comfort her

to no avail.

Hold on. What are you saying?

You can't possibly suspect--!

[SHINO] Well, why shouldn't we suspect you?

One of you obviously snuck in and stole them

in the middle of the night!

You've got to be kidding.

It was probably that Ibuki girl trying to frame us!

[SHINO] A girl would never do something like that!

[IKE] But how can you be so sure?

Look, the point is, we refuse to camp

in the same place as an underwear-thieving pervert!

[GIRLS chattering]

[HIRATA] Hey, everyone, just calm down for a minute.

What proof do you have that one of the Class D boys

stole the underwear, anyway?

That's why we came to you.

We trust you to find the culprit for us.

You want me to do it?

To begin, we request to conduct a search

of all the boys' bags!

[HIRATA] Okay, fine.

But to protect their privacy, will you agree to allow me

to conduct the search, instead of you guys?

Come on. I'm startin' to get pissed off.

They don't even have any evidence

that a boy actually did it. It's crazy!


What's wrong?

[IKE] Uh, nothing.

Wait just a minute.

You're the one who stole them, aren't you?

Dumbass! No, man, I'm not!

Uh-huh. No way. Don't tell me that...

Of course not. Don't start suspecting me!

[YAMAUCHI] Show me what you've got in there!

Cut it out! I'm innocent, I swear.

I didn't do anything!

[YAMAUCHI] Caught red-handed!

No! I don't know how they got there, I promise!

It wasn't me, dude. I swear it wasn't!

No need to lie,

everyone's got their kinks, man.

I don't know how they got in my bag!

[GIRLS murmuring]

Hey, you!

You believe I'm innocent here, don't you?

Under the current circumstances...

I can't say with any level of certainty

that you're not the culprit.

A-Ayanokoji, why?

But, if you were,

I don't think you'd be so careless. You'd cover it up.

You're right!

So, you think someone else

planted the panties in Ike's bag?


That's gotta be what happened, don'tcha think?

Hey! Hurry, it up!

What do I do? What do I do?

I'm in major trouble!

Good luck, man!


You're gonna have to hide them somewhere.

Oh, will I? Hide them where? Help me out!

If you think hiding them is the best idea,

then you hide them yourself, smarty-pants!

[AYANOKOJI] Hold on. I didn't mean--

[IKE] I'll be right there!

Huh. You're kidding me.

[HIRATA] We searched all the bags.

For real?

[HIRATA] Mm-hm. So, now we know.

None of the boys here were behind the theft.

We can let them put their stuff away now, right?

And then we can talk about the next step.

I demand a pat-down.


An underwear thief must have a very deviant mind.

No telling where he might be keeping them.


Could you give us a break already?

[INO] Ike's been acting suspicious this whole time.

[SHINO] You think he's the one who did it?

[MIT] So gross!

[IKE growls] Fine, have it your way.

Why don't you guys just search me, then?

[AYANOKOJI] No, don't lead the conversation down that path.

Yes, why don't we?

Hirata. Go ahead.

[AYANOKOJI] This is the worst thing that could happen.

There's no way of talking myself out of it.

I'd be better off if I just told the truth.

They might believe me.

[HIRATA] Sorry. I'll make this as quick as possible.

[AYANOKOJI] It's over.


[HIRATA] Ayanokoji doesn't have them, either.


So you can rest assured it wasn't one of us.

[SHINO] Really? Well, if you say so, I can trust it.

[HIRATA] Thanks.


I'll let the others know, if that's okay with you.

[SATO] Yeah. See you later, then.

[AYANOKOJI] Hirata. Can we talk for a sec?

Why didn't you tell them what you found?

I thought so. That was the underwear, then?


Did you take them, Ayanokoji?

No. I didn't.

Good, I believe you.

You aren't the kind of person who'd do something like that.

Well, that's quite a relief, but I think

it would be best if I took those off your hands.

Are you sure?

Yeah, it's the only way.

I'll suffer least for being the culprit.

I'm her boyfriend, after all.

[HIRATA] I really do believe you didn't do it, Ayanokoji.

That's why I saved you.

And, the way you answer won't change that,

but I just have to ask. Will you find the actual culprit?

Me, help find the culprit?


Well, I'll try my absolute best to, at least.

Thanks a lot.

And if you do, will you let me be the first to know?


I don't want anybody else to hear about it.

So I need you to promise that you'll tell me

before anyone else.

Are you asking me to help you cover up the truth in all this?

"Cover up the truth." Huh.

Yeah, I guess that is what I'm asking.

Because, no matter who it is,

I think it would be best for us to bury the real story.

[HIRATA] I don't want everything to be ruined over this.

So that's why

I would like your mind working with me on it.
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