02x05 - It's a Love Thang

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x05 - It's a Love Thang

Post by bunniefuu »

It's so funny.

Sometimes I'll start to

- say something
- to Michael,

And he'll finish my sentence.

- And sometimes Michael will
- start to say something,

And I'll finish his sentences!

- And sometimes, we'll both
- start to say something

- And we'll finish
- each other's sentences.

- Do either of you guys
- ever shut up?

Hey, one day you'll meet a guy,

- and you'll bore me to death
- talking about him.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Oh, yeah, it will.

I mean, it may not be today,

or tomorrow, or

next year, or...

You can stop now, Tia!

- Okay. If you could meet
- the perfect guy,

What would he look like?

Hmm, well, he'll be

tall as will Smith,

muscular as David justice

and as cute as babyface.

That's him!



♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

He's beautiful.

A guy can't be "beautiful".

Do you mind?

I'm having a moment here.

- Hey, he's
- smiling at you.

No way.

- His girlfriend's probably
- sitting behind me.

Hey, she's old!

He is smiling at me.

Now he's not.

Just go over there and

say something to him.

- I don't know.
- What do I say?

Well, how about,

"whatcha doing, good looking?"

What would I say

in this century?

Just go for it.

Okay, okay, I can do this.

He's gone!

Tia, my guy's gone!

I'm sorry.

I hate this whole dating thing.

Trying to meet guys.

- Yeah, I'm so glad
- I have a boyfriend.

I'm gonna take you out, girl.

Oh, tamera,

- have you seen
- a pearlette earring

- In a pretty rubylike, cubic
- zirconia, gold-plated setting?

- No. Where were you
- when you last had it on?

Well, let's see.

Well, Terrence was on the couch,

and I was on...

Oh, never mind.

So, you guys going out tonight?


- He's taking me out for a nice
- romantic dinner at le cafe,

And our lips are

going to be flambé.

You're so lucky.

Oh, what are you so

down in the mouth about?

- It's just that I
- saw this guy today,

And I wish I could've

said something,

- but now I'm never
- gonna see him again.

Well, no, honey, there's

no such thing as never.

But how am I gonna find him?

All I know is,

I've sniffed them out

- like Lassie sniffed out
- lost cub scouts.

So, what are we

laughing about?

It's kind of private, dad.

You know, girl talk.

Ah, tamera, tamera,

- you can talk
- girl talk to me.

- I happen to be in touch
- with my feminine side.

- Uh, ray, when you've had
- water weight gain and cramps,

- Then we can talk
- about your feminine side.

Tamera, if you have a

problem with anything,

I'll understand.

Okay, well, I saw

this guy I really liked,

and he was gone before

I could even meet him.

Well, maybe it just

wasn't meant to be.


And you call

yourself a woman?

Okay, okay, come on.

- I know what you're going
- through, tamera.

- There was this girl
- in high school,

Natalie Burke.

She was...

How you kids today

say "beautiful"?


Hey, I'm still hip.

Anyway, I used to walk

by her house every day

and just stare for hours.

That's not love, ray.

That's stalking.

So, what happened?


- I often wondered what would
- happen, though, if i'd...


My earring!

Thank you, ray.

Now, come here, honey.


When it comes to love,

it's never too late.

Aw, thanks, Lisa.

- Now, why don't you
- come and help me

- Pick out a dress
- for my man?

I want it to say,

"I look way too good to touch,

but don't let that stop you."

Hello, operator?

Uh, I guess in the Detroit area.

A listing for Natalie Burke.

Lisa, sweetheart,

happy three month


Our three month anniversary?

You didn't remember?

- Oh, of course,
- I remembered it was our,

Our three month anniversary.

- It's just that your
- present's out being engraved.

What is it?

A puppy.

Oh, it's okay, Lisa.

Here, open your present.



Oh, this is beautiful!

I'm speechless.

Hey, look what my man bought me!

Isn't it magnifique?!

Oh, I love it!

Here, let me help you.

Oh, I can't believe you

spent so much money.

Oh, wait a minute,

I can't accept this.

This is too extravagant.

Okay, you talked me into it.

Lisa, uh, I wanted to get

this for you because...

Because I love you.

I really love you.

Tia, this is a dumb plan.

- I mean, we're never even
- gonna find that guy.

Sure, we will.

This is just like

sleepless in Seattle.

Except i'm

"desperate in Detroit."

- Do you know what you're
- gonna say to him?

Yes, i have it

all worked out.


You had help with this,

didn't you?

- I wonder what
- his name is.

- Well, he looked
- like a Shawn

- Or a Damon,
- didn't he?

No, no, no, something

more exotic, like...


Cameron from


Or... dijon.

- Yeah, yeah,
- yeah, dijon

- From the isles
- of poupon.


Well, whatever his name is,

- I'm sure we'll be
- seeing him soon.

Tamera, let's go home.

We're falling asleep.

No, no, no, he's

gonna show up.

There he is!


Hi, baby, how you doing?

I said hi.

I think we

can go home now.

Hello, Mrs. Burke?

This is ray Campbell.

I went to school

with your daughter, Natalie.

Yes, yes.

Oh, I'm fine, thank you.

And you?

Well, having gout is never fun.

Listen, uh, I wanted to get

in touch with Natalie,

you know, see how she's doing,

kind of catch up.


- Uh, no, no, ma'am,
- I'm not still stalking her.



- Ray, I got to
- talk to you.

Yeah, what is it?

- If you said
- you love me...

- I'm not
- finished yet.

How are you

gonna top that?

Ray... and if I

didn't say,

"I love you," back,

what would you do?

Oh, somehow, I'd get

on with my life.


I couldn't say it.

I just couldn't

say it.

Wait a minute.

- This is about Terrence,
- isn't it?

- Oh, I really screwed
- up this relationship.

I mean, there I was,

- sitting across from
- this wonderful man,

- And for the first time in my
- life, I couldn't speak.

And I missed it?


- Well, you know,
- sometimes it's hard

- To tell someone
- you love them.

- Yeah, well, maybe if
- I warmed up to it,

- If I practiced - a little.
- Yeah.

- Ray, could you pretend
- to be Terrence?



- This isn't going
- to involve any kind

- Of weird touching
- or baby talk, is it?


- Now, ray, now, just
- stand up straight now

- And loosen
- up your tie.

- Oh, ray, don't squinch up
- your mouth like that!

Now, come on, ray... now,

we're talking my life here.


Look sexy.

Well, I... I guess

that's close enough.

Can we get on

with this?

Terrence, I...

I... I...

I... love you.

There... you have it.

- Oh, come on,
- ray, wait.

Let me... let me

try it again, okay?

I love you.

- I love you...
- I love you.

I love you.

- I love you.
- Okay, okay.

Fine, you got it.

- Now, when you see Terrence,
- just pretend he's me.

- And wreck
- my entire evening?

Terrence, I...

Love those tomatoes you

brought over last week.

Well, thank you, Lisa.

Is that all

you wanted to tell me?

- No, I also wanted
- to tell you

That I... I...

- Could you squinch
- up your mouth

- A little bit
- like Ray's?

Look, Lisa, I got a lot

of work to do.

I'm glad you liked...

No, loved... the tomatoes.

What is wrong with me?

Why can't I just say it?

I love you... I love you.

I love you!

- Well, I get off
- at 6:00.

Did I say that dijon's

got soft brown eyes

- and really
- cute dimples?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I hate this guy.

- I can't believe
- I'm posting

- His pictures
- all over town.


I'm so glad

I have a boyfriend.

Don't you just

want to smack her?

I just want to touch her.

Draw, Roger.

- All right,
- I'm almost done.

Okay, are you ready

to see your dream guy?

- Yeah, let me see,
- let me see!

Now this is someone

you can really

sink your teeth into.

- Tamera, you should
- just forget about dijon

- And move on
- with your life.

I'm over him.

- It's just that
- I feel so empty,

- Like my life has
- no meaning.

- You life never
- had any meaning.

Yeah, but I didn't know it.

- You know, he wasn't
- even that cute.

Yeah, and I don't even think

those dimples were real.

- And as far as
- I'm concerned,

He's the big loser.

- I can't believe
- it! That's him!

Don't you ever diss

my man again.



Um, I saw you on the

bus the other day,

- and I think
- you saw me,

But if you didn't see

me, I didn't see you.

I saw you.

I saw you, too.

You want to sit down?


I'm tamera.

- And i'm... - No, no, don't
- Tell me.

Is it, um, dijon?

- No, it's Robert,
- but I have an uncle named Denny.

I knew it!

Um, well, I'm really

glad to meet you,

- and I hope I can meet you on the
- bus again or any other place.

Hey, I'm having a party.

Sure, I'd love to.

- Want to come?
- Sure, I'd love to.

I just wanted to say

that you've opened my eyes

and allowed me to love myself.

And by loving myself,

I'm able to love all of you.

Group, how do you feel

about what Marge just said?

We love you, Marge.


I don't believe

we've seen you here before.

I'm new to the group.

My name is Lisa.


Hi, Lisa!

Hi, group!

So, what brought you here?

Maybe someone else should go.

I'm feeling kind of shy.


Please share, Lisa.

Whoo! Where

do I start?

I've been

seeing someone.

And the problem is,

he told me he loved me,

but I just can't say it back.

What do you think

your problem is?

I don't know.


It only works

when I do it.

Well, it's kind of hard

for me to talk about this.

I've had a lot of relationships

- that seemed good
- at the beginning,

- But then crashed and burned
- after I said

- Those three little words.
- You know what I mean?

- I mean,
- what if that same thing happened

Between Terrence and me?

- I don't want that
- to happen!

- I think
- I just had a breakthrough.

Or a breakdown.

You did good, Lisa.


Darn good.

I don't know.

I'm still so confused,

but I am glad I came to this

"women who can't express

their love to men" group.

Thank you, Lisa, but this is

the "women who can't express

their love to women" group.



Hey, whatever floats your boat.

Oh, y'all got any refreshments?

And good for you.

Yeah, that's all right.

- I'm really glad
- you could make it, tamera.

- Robbie's been asking
- about you.

He has?

- He's really
- been looking forward

- To having you
- at his birthday party.

- Oh, I didn't know
- it was his birthday.

Yeah. Come on in.



- Okay, kids,
- after I cut the cake,

- Who wants to
- watch Aladdin?

- Tamera, why don't
- you sit here

- Next to the
- birthday boy?

Yeah. Right here, tamera.

Oh, sure, I'd love

to, birthday boy.

- (Kids laughing
- and clapping)

- What are you
- doing, Lisa?

- Hmm, at the end
- of every relationship,

- I pack a box
- of memories.

I'm the bekins of love.

- You still haven't told him
- you loved him?

But now I know why.

I just don't know how.

Besides, it's too late anyway.

He hasn't called me,

and I'm afraid to call him.

Well, I'm sorry, Lisa.

- What do you
- got in there?

Mm, six old movie stubs

and a half a box of goobers.

That's all you did?

No, but I couldn't put

this couch in this box.

God, I loved him.


May I speak to Natalie, please?



This is ray Campbell

from mumford high.

- You probably don't
- remember me, but...

Ray? Ray Campbell?!

Of course

I remember you.

You do?


- Do you still wear those
- fluorescent bell bottoms?

- Only on the
- weekends.

Oh, ray, how are you?

Oh, I'm fine.

- It's been a long
- time, hasn't it?

Oh, yeah.

Last time I saw you,

you were standing

outside my house.

Oh, so you

saw me, huh?

Every time.

Those pants did glow

in the dark.

Hey, ray,

remember those Friday

afternoon school dances?

Ah, do I?

- Everybody in the gym doing
- the temptation walk.

- You do know why they call it
- the temptation walk, don't you?

No. Why?

- Because I get tempted
- whenever I see you walk.

- You look so
- out of sight

- In your miniskirt
- and white go-go boots.

You look pretty good, too.

You know, the reason

I called is,

I, uh... I...

I really... I...

- Honey, hurry up.
- We're gonna be late.

- Oh, is that
- your husband?

Yeah. We're going out.

Well, I better

let you go then.

Ray, it was nice

talking to you.

Yes, it was

nice talking...

Natalie, I really

liked you back then.

A lot.

I used to think about

you all the time.

- I just wanted
- to tell you that.

Oh, ray,

that was really sweet.

Thanks for telling me.

Yeah. You take

care of yourself.



I really liked you, too.




- Michael and I were eating
- hamburgers the other day,

- And Michael said
- that he was thinking

About becoming a vegetarian,

- which I think
- is very sensitive of him.

- Oh, baby, open
- your mouth.

Open your mouth.

Now don't talk with

your mouth full.

Tamera, now

how was your party?

I left early.

They're still trying to figure

out where Carmen sandiego is.


The man of my dreams

is only 12 years old.


- Great. Thanks for
- your support.

- Well, I hope
- it wasn't that bad, sweetheart.

Well, I whipped their butts

in musical chairs.

Well, I guess neither one of us

had a good day.

Ray, must you add

to our pain?

- Oh. Why is everybody
- so depressed?

We're having men trouble.

Not me. I have a boyfriend.

Don't you just want

to smack her?

So, the party

didn't go well, huh?

Let me give you a little advice.

- Dad, I know
- what you're gonna say.

It wasn't meant to be.

No, no, I was gonna say

- it was great
- that you went for it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Tonight I called
- Natalie Burke,

And I told her how much

I really liked her back then.

- You did?
- Yeah.

I mean, I know it

took me 20 years,

but you know I don't like

to rush into anything.

- The important thing is
- that I did it.

I don't know. Back then,

I was either scared, hung up...

- Who knows why...
- But I let a good thing pass.

Too many people are

afraid to take the chance.

You got to go for it.

Right, Lisa?


Attention, food boy shoppers!

I said, attention,

food boy shoppers!

Yes, that's better.

Now, listen.

I, Lisa Landry,

am madly in love

with Mr. Terrence winningham,

your food boy manager.

You are?

I definitely am!

Where are you?

Here I am, baby.


And I love you.

Oh, that sounds so sweet.

- Can I hear it
- one more time?

Terrence, honey,

I love you.

I love you. I love you.

Oh, I love you, too, baby.

♪ Love lift us up

where we belong ♪

♪ where the eagles cry

on a mountain high ♪

♪ love lift us up

where we belong ♪

You know,

she really wanted me.

Hey, Tia, that guy

just winked at me.

He's cute.

Now, tamera, don't be shy

and miss this opportunity,

'cause, um... ow!

Hi. I'm tamera.

I'm Brian.

Do you know

you are very pretty?


Can I see some I.D.?
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