03x09 - Thanksgiving in Hawaii: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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03x09 - Thanksgiving in Hawaii: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

You're not gonna believe this.

- My mom and her
- ex-boyfriend Terrence

- Were planning to spend
- Thanksgiving in Hawaii,

But luckily they broke up,

and so now she's taking me.

Man, it's cold out there, Tia.

I am so lucky.

- I get to spend my Thanksgiving
- in Detroit

While my poor sister

has to go to Hawaii.

You know, I'll tell you,

tamera, it may sound great

but my idea of the

perfect Thanksgiving

- is eating Turkey at home
- with my family...

- Not surfing,
- parasailing, hiking, snorkeling

Or lying under a palm tree

eating a pineapple.

- Put it that way,
- I see what you mean.

Oh, man!

I wish I could go!

Gosh, that is not fair.

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

- You know, I'm going
- to miss you, tamera.

Yeah, same here.

Except while I'm missing you

I won't be boogie boarding.

Don't worry, tamera.

- We can still have
- the Hawaiian experience.

I'll bring over my ukulele

and my mother's Don ho records

- and all you need to do is put
- on some coconut shells

And a little grass mini-skirt.

Roger, just because you're

going to be a house guest

this weekend

doesn't mean I have to

acknowledge your existence.

Roger? A house guest?

- My parents want to have
- a second honeymoon in Toledo.

So, my dad said he could

stay with us for

Thanksgiving weekend.

Lately I've been worried

about my dad's judgment.

- Tia, Tia, honey,
- look, look, look.

- I bought a new camera - so we
can take lots and lot - Of pictures

- To show to our frostbit
- friends and relatives.

Mom, ixnay.

Don't mention awaii-hay?


Oh, tamera, I'm sorry.

But, you know, you could go

- if your dad would
- just buy two extra tickets.

- I mean, if I can afford
- the super-saver-red-eye-

- Frequent-flyer-third-
- class-aloha-special-

One-time-only rate,

I'm sure he can.

I know, but he would rather

stay here with Tonya.

- Just my luck he has
- to find a girlfriend.

Couldn't he have stayed

lonely and miserable

a little longer?


- Ray, I don't think we should
- see each other anymore.


Ray, you deserve better

than that Tonya.

You're a man of

feelings and depth...

Not like that Terrence.

- When I dumped him, he just
- blindly went on with his life

Dating women...

Two, three at a pop.


- Yeah, I'm glad
- I'm not like that.

- But, you know, the invitation
- still stands for you and tamera

To join us in blue Hawaii.

Why not?

- The many charms of Detroit
- are lost to me now.

And tamera would love it.

- You're sure there's
- not one chance

- Of you and Terrence
- going together?

No, no, no, I wouldn't want

that two-timing rat

- back in my life
- for all the money in the world.

Why? He say something?


Figures, that bum.

- Are you and that bum
- still getting together

For the Tyson fight tomorrow?

Uh, yeah. It's okay, isn't it?

Yeah, yeah.

I got muumuus to make.

- Tamera, I know you're
- probably feeling let down

- About not going to Hawaii
- for Thanksgiving.

- Oh, no, no, no,
- not at all, dad.

I really want

more than anything

to have a wonderful traditional

Thanksgiving at home.

- In that case, I've got bad
- news for you.

We're going to Hawaii!


Aloha then!

Thank you, daddy!


- Let's get
- ready to rumble!

Hurry up, man.

It's just starting.

Oh, yeah.

- Tyson throws
- a left and a right.

He's there! It's all over!

- -Hoo!
- This fight is over!

Oh, well...

- -That was fun.
- -Yeah.

So, uh, what do we do now?

I guess we could sit

and talk or something.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

So, uh, how's it going

with you and Tonya?

Uh... well, it's kind of sad.

It really wasn't working out

so I sort of

kicked her to the curb.

Kicked her to the curb, huh?

Yeah. So how you going

to spend your holiday?

Well, I thought

I'd probably just, uh...

- Probably, yeah,
- with a lovely lady, huh?

Sharing romantic words

over a candlelit Turkey dinner.

No, I thought I'd just spend

Thanksgiving dinner

with my family... you know,

- making sure
- my nephews don't steal my car.

- Family. That's great.
- It's great being with family.

- I'm glad I'll be
- with my family.

Beats being stuck with a woman

- I thought I'd spend
- the rest of my life with.

- Sounds like you're still
- a little hung up on Tonya.

- -Oh, no, no, no. It's over.
- -No? Yeah?

- I hope she finds somebody,
- another guy.

She deserves it.


So, it's definitely over.

Oh, yeah.

Vapor. Gone. Kaput.

Oh, well, see you, ray.

Yeah. Vanished

out of my life forever.

Huh! Like a wisp of smoke.

Dust. Toast.

Adios. Au revoir.

Auf wiedersehen.

See you.

Tamera, you told Roger

we were going to Hawaii, right?

- -Yeah. I had Tia call him.
- -Oh, good.

Tia, you told Roger

we were leaving

for Hawaii, right?

Oh yeah! Mom told him.


- Ma, you called Roger - and told
him we were going - To Hawaii, right?

- -Ray called him.
- -Good.

- -Say, ray, you told Roger...
- -Hm?

- You were coming with us
- to Hawaii, right?

Yeah. It's all taken care of.

Oh, good.


Anybody here?

Mr. Campbell?



Guess I'll just wait here.

They'll be back soon.

Thanks a lot, Lisa.

- You just had to
- stop by the beach

On the way from the airport.

Aloha, you haoles.

That's "hello" to

mainland tourists.

Who are you?

Gus kilakamikimaka.

Oh, are you a native,

Mr. Kilama-mah-a... Gus?

Oh, no. I'm a fugitive

from the... mainland rat race.

What were you?

Accountant? Lawyer?

Stock broker?

I was in the rat race,

you know, pest control...

Rodents, bugs, your

typical vermin, etcetera.

Here you go.

-Oh, thank you.

-You're welcome.

So you just chucked it all

- -and you moved out here?
- -Oh, yeah.

- There's quite a few
- famous people come out here.

To hide out in the islands

there's Carol Burnett,

Tom Selleck

Jim "gomer pyle" nabors

there's me...

That's all very good.

Is this where we're staying?

Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right.

Number 12. The li'i li'i unit.

Here. I got these.

- Hey, you know, the
- Hawaiian language

Is so beautiful and exotic.

What does "li'i li'i" mean?

Uh, roughly translated,

um... "12."

Look. You're right

on the beach too.

Oh that's great! That means

we'll be able to hear

the ocean at night.

- Oh, no, sir,
- I'm afraid you won't.

It's pretty much drowned out

by the hum of the ice machine.

- Hey, you know, this is nice,
- but I just hope

- We'll be able to have
- a traditional Thanksgiving.

Oh, yeah,

don't worry about that.

- We on the islands
- pride ourselves

On our traditional

Thanksgiving dinners

right down

to the breaded shrimp pupu.

Hold the phone!


Where did you get that

piece of sacred lava?

- Oh, my mom found this when we
- went walking on the beach.

Hey, look...

You got to put that right back.

You've disturbed

the evil spirits.

That's mukka mukka taboo!

If you don't put that rock back

exactly where you found it

you'll have unlimited bad luck.

- Seven years,
- like when you break a mirror?

Seven years.

- That's a mere bag
- of puka shells.

Oh, don't believe that hooey.

Oh, watch your

language, please.

Hooey in Hawaiian means...

- I can't say it
- in front of the wahines.

- We're not going to have
- any bad luck here in Hawaii.

- We're going to have
- a great time.

Why, I've even

forgotten about Tonya.

Hi, there. Is this the... Lisa!




I think something

is terribly wrong.

Of all the li'i li'i units

in all the islands in the world

she has to walk into mine.

I'll see if there's

another unit available.

Oh, good idea.

I'll be right there, honey.

Honey?! Honey?!

Terrence, what

are you doing here?

- What do you mean
- what am I doing here?

This condo is half mine.

- Why didn't you think
- I'd be coming here?

No. Not since we broke up.

Are you crazy?

You think I'd let some jughead

keep me from diamond head?

Now I see why you were

pumping me about Tonya...

- So you could pick up
- the pieces of my life

And frolic with them in Hawaii.

Oh well, the whole island

is booked for the holidays.

- Wait a minute, ray.
- You're the one that told me

You kicked Tonya to the curb.

You kicked me to the what?!

I... a white lie.

- It would be nice if somebody
- told the truth around here.

And the truth is,

we can't all stay here

- but we're staying here.
- You get my drift?

Oh, no, I don't think we...


- You guys are acting
- like teenagers.

What are we supposed to do?

Well, uh... here are your leis.

Uh, aloha and all that jazz.

- Thank you, Gus,
- 'cause they were just leaving.

No, we're not leaving!

Oh, yes, you are.

- I'd stay out of this
- if I were you, Gus.

No, I mean, they're leaving

because the luau

is about to start.

Come on!

Come on, girls. Let's go.

I'll try to be

as civil as I can.

Oops. Guess I can't be

all that civil.

Who cares?

Frankie, they all

must have gone to Hawaii.

I'm here all by myself.

Who should I call?

What are you talking about,

dial 9-1-1?

I mean, should I have

a full-out rave

with 200 people

- or just a little intimate
- get-together

With 40 of my closest friends?

I mean, how often

do you get 4,000 square feet

all to yourself?

Uh-oh. I just heard

three thumps outside.

It's either a burglar or...

I'll call you back later.

Wh... who's there?

Who's there?

Oh, Roger, it's you.

- What are you doing
- here, smitty?

I knew these guys were

out of town so I thought

I'd bed down in the backyard.

- How come you don't bed down
- in the usual place

Behind the mattress store?

All they throw out now

are those futons

and my back can't take it.

You're welcome to stay with me.

- Just for the day,
- then I gotta be moving on.

Hey, it's Thanksgiving.

If Mr. Campbell were here

- he'd say, "my door
- is always open."


Hey, art, Howard, come on in!



And then he'd say,

"Roger, I'm going to k*ll you."

- Some Thanksgiving
- this is going to be.

I mean, I think that

volcanic rock really does

bring bad luck.

Tia, grown-ups would probably

be miserable no matter what.

Hey, check out the pig boys!

All right now,

ladies and gentlemen

I would like to present to you

the mukki mukki dancers

who will perform for you

some authentic ancient...


Thank you, ladies.

Thank you very much.

Now don't get too close

to those tiki torches.

I'm not insured.

- Tia, let's go get
- something to eat.

Good idea.

We'll be right back, dad.

Yeah. Bye, mom.

Here's the pig, dude.

All right.

There you go.

- -Hi, guys.
- -Hello.

I hope you guys are twins.

Otherwise, somebody

spiked the poi.

We're twins, all right.

I'm tamera, and this

is my sister Tia.


I'm Baldwin.

This is Barney.

We're not twins.

We're just buds.

- So where are you
- lovely ladies from?

Um, we're from Detroit.

Ever visit the Chevy plant?

- Would you girls
- move it, please?

We're missing a hula.

- -Sorry.
- -Sorry.

We'll see you guys around.

Yeah. I'll see you around.

- Even if I saw your sister
- instead of you

It'll still be like

seeing you around.

Tia, those guys seem like

fun to hang out with.

What do you think?

- Well, one bright spot
- is that eventually

We will be 5,000 miles

away from them.

That's the spirit.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay.

Now I'd like to slow down

the pace just a little bit

because, you know, it's not

too good to be so active

after reading so much

canned... uh, fresh pork.


One, two...

A-one, two, three.

Well, finally.

Everybody seems to be happy.

This is kind of a mess.

Yes. Very uncomfortable.

Well, not because you

still have feelings

for ray, I hope.

No, but let me ask you this:

Are you sure you're over Lisa?

I'd hate to think you arranged

this Hawaiian vacation

so you could just run into her

accidentally on purpose.

Oh, don't be silly, baby.

- It's getting a little
- cool out here.

Here, Lisa.

You can borrow my jacket.

Oh. Thank you, Terrence.

- You sure know
- how to treat a woman...


That was awfully friendly.

- Now we would like
- some brave volunteers

- To, uh, you know,
- come on up here

And look stupid doing the hula.

How about you sir?

You want to come up here

and look stupid?

- I think you pretty much
- cornered that market.

Thank you, sir. Okay.

Two can play this game.

- Ooh, looks like
- that Tonya's a...

Ooh, a high-strung girl.

Her... her bark is much

worse than her bite.

We'll, uh, make up later.

Aw, man.

Tonya packs a wallop.

Don't look at me.

I never expected

to see her again

much less on the arm

of my best friend.

Oh hold it ray.

That is not my fault.

- You wouldn't have seen her
- on my arm at all

If you had been honest

about Hawaii.

Honest about Hawaii?!

- I was wondering
- why you were so interested

In what I'm doing

on my holidays.

You told me you were going

to spend Thanksgiving

with your family.

- And to think
- I fell for that one.

Boy I tell you,

you never really know a man

until you bed down with him!

May I please have

some more blanket?

Gosh. This is pretty weird.

Mom's ex-boyfriend

- and your dad's ex-girlfriend
- showing up?

We're not in Hawaii.

- We're in the middle
- of Melrose place.

Let them fight it out.

We got to start having that fun

our friends at home

are jealous about us having.

- Okay. So what are we
- going to do?

Easy. Get up early,

go the beach

and cruise around

with Barney and Baldwin.


There they are.

- And you thought that
- rock was bad luck.

Ah, I guess the quality of luck

is in the eye of the beholder.

Hey, dude

don't bogart the zinc oxide.

Hi, guys. Remember us?

- Either you are those twins
- from last night

Or there's four girls who look

like you walking around.

No. We're the same ones,


So, you righteous babes surf?

No, not really.

- You know, they aren't too many
- bodacious waves

On the Detroit river.

But we can learn.


-All right!

Hey, Krystal.

Hi, Tiffany.

You righteous babes ready?

Yeah, sure.

- We're the righteous babes
- he's talking to.

Yeah. We're ready.

Willing and able.

All right!

Let's go.

They totally shined us on.

We simply have to get them

to pay attention to us.


- You know, tamera,
- this is really stupid...

Pretending that we're stranded

- so some guys can
- come rescue us?

Where did you get

this bright idea?

From gidget goes Hawaiian.

Tamera, are you crazy?!

How will we get back?!

- When Barney
- and Baldwin save us.

Oh, my gosh.

They're just waving back.

- They don't think
- we're in trouble.

Aw, this is great.

I wanted a beautiful

old-fashioned Thanksgiving.

- Well, just pretend
- you're on the mayflower

Headed for Plymouth rock.

Oh, no.

- We really are
- drifting out to sea.

I can barely see

Barney and Baldwin.

Help! Over here!

-Help! Over here!

-Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia!

Will you just save your breath?

Worst case, we can

always swim for it.


-What is it?

- I just remembered
- another movie...



- Tia and tamera:
- Next on sister, sister...

I don't see them.

No. They probably ran away.

I wouldn't blame them.

I... I blame myself.

- Well, if it makes you feel
- better, I blame yourself too.

Well, we passed

the three-hour Mark.

Having a good

Thanksgiving, Tia?

- Name one thing that can be
- worse than being stranded

In the pacific ocean with

having nothing to eat or drink.

- I could be home having
- Thanksgiving dinner with Roger.


Where's the TV?

Hey, where's everything?
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