03x14 - Computer Error

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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03x14 - Computer Error

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Roy?
I wanna ask you a question.

What? About the Rambar?

No, it's kind of a personal one.

I don't want a lot of firehouse
opinions about it, you know?

All right.
Well, let's go in the dorm.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

Okay, what's the problem?

This. It's my credit card bill.


Shh. Could you keep it down?

How'd you manage to run up
a bill like that?

I didn't. That's a mistake.

I never spent that much money
in my whole life.


Last month, I only
used the card once.


At a restaurant.

I took out that new nurse,
Evelyn Collins.

Evelyn Collins?
You had a date with her?

What are you doing back there?

Just getting a splinter
out of my thumb.

But tell me how you managed
to spend 800 bucks on Evelyn.

Look, if you're gonna
eavesdrop, get it right.

This bill is wrong,
I only took her out to dinner.

Look, why don't you try sending a
letter to the credit card company?

Oh, yeah?
Who would I send it to?

Well, the name is right here.

Miss Gloria Truelove,

Credit Consumer Representative.

Well, what do I do? Just
tell her that the bill's wrong?

CHET: Eight hundred bucks to try and impress
some poor, gullible little nurse. Unreal.

Will you get out of here?

CHET: Hey, Marco,
you want to hear a good one?

Oh, man. Oh, man.


51. Vehicle accident with injuries.

4100 Sherman Avenue.
4100 Sherman Avenue.

Cross street, Maple.
Time out, 1020.

STANLEY: Station 51, 10-4.
KMG 365.

All right, there's two people
trapped in the station wagon.

The other driver's a little shaken,
but he seems to be okay.


Stoker, you get the rail line.

Okay, Captain.

L.A., Station 51. We have two
people trapped in this vehicle accident.

Time out, 20 minutes.


I'll get the drug box
and Biophone.

It's right outside.

Is it?


How's she doing, Roy?
How's she doing?

I'm not quite sure
what I got here yet.

I'm gonna get
on the phone to Rampart.

Okay, let's take a blood
pressure reading here, all right?

GIRL: No. No.

Give me your arm.
Everything's gonna be okay.


There we are.

We'll see if you have any problems here,
then we'll get you out

and get you to the hospital
where they'll check you out.

You're gonna be okay.

DISPATCHER: Battalion 3. Engine
32 will be on service in 45 minutes.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

JOHNNY: Rampart,
we have one male, one female,

late teens, injured
in an overturned car.

The male has head lacerations
and is comatose.

The female victim is conscious. She
has possible blunt abdominal injury.

Get Dr. Brackett.

Do you have any vitals, yet?

JOHNNY: Negative, Rampart,
we're still working on getting them out.


All right, now just relax. You're
gonna be fine. Just relax now.

I can't move.
I can't feel anything.

Can you move your hand?

I can't move anything.

cancel your response.

Hey, Cap. Yeah?

Listen, we got a possible
head and cervical spine injury.

Can you get that to Rampart?

And listen, also, we're gonna need
a vacuum splint and a backboard.

Mike? Okay.

What do you got, Dix?

Squad 51. Car accident.

Couple of teenagers. One with a
possible head and cervical spine injury,

one with abdominal trauma.

STANLEY: Rampart Base,
the male victim is conscious.

He has no motor response
in his arms and legs.

We're immobilizing him
in case of spinal injury.

KELLY: 10-4, 51.

51, we may have a cervical fracture.
Be very cautious in moving him.

The slightest movement
of the head could be fatal.

Yeah, 10-4, Rampart.

DISPATCHER: Engine 236,
return to quarters.

All right, ready?
GIRL: Don't move me.

Take it easy. We're gonna
get you to the hospital.

We've gotta get you
out of this car first.

Okay, easy now. Easy.

All right. Swing her
a little bit. There we are.

Okay. Want to move this gurney
back a little bit? There we are.

GIRL: How's Freddie?
Is Freddie okay?

ROY: Yeah, he's gonna be fine.

This is 51 again. We now have
the vitals on the female victim.

The BP is 135 over 90,
The pulse is 100. Respiration is 24.

Easy, everything's
gonna be all right. Okay.

She has no visible injuries, but she's
complaining of severe abdominal pains.


KELLY: 51, start an IV.
D5W TKO on the female victim.

And get me the vitals on the
male victim as soon as possible.

STANLEY: 10-4.

We better set up two treatment rooms. We
may need operating rooms for both of them.



Absent deep tendon reflexes.
Negative Babinski.

No evidence
of any motor response.

Blood pressure is holding
at 120 over 70.

Respiration's up to 20.

Looks like spinal cord injury.
Mid-cervical level.

Dix, start him on 10 milligrams
dexamethasone to start

and give him four milligrams
every four hours.

I want a full skull series and an AP. Also,
a lateral view of the cervical spine.

And get me an open-mouth view
of the odontoid process.

Let me know as soon as
those x-rays are ready.

Marsha, I'm going to
press very lightly.

And you tell me
where it hurts, okay?



No rigidity
or rebound tenderness.

Together with her normal BP,
I think we can rule out a ruptured spleen.

Let's get a CBC on her.
When did you eat last, Marsha?

This morning. I didn't have
much. I wasn't very hungry.

How's Freddie? Freddie?

My boyfriend. He was driving.

I don't know.

But I can promise you,
he's in good hands.

If anything happens to him,
I'll just die.

JOE: Let's talk about you, okay?

Now, were you in any pain
before the accident?


You said you weren't hungry this
morning. Were you feeling nauseous?

No, I just wasn't hungry,
that's all.

Let's put down an NG tube
and check the aspirate for blood.

What about x-rays, Doctor? At least,
shouldn't we order them immediately?

Apparently, Doctor, you've completely
forgotten my lecture last week

on abdominal trauma.

What must we always do before
exposing a young female to x-rays?

Yes, sir.

Marsha, I don't mean to pry
into your life, honestly.

But you got to
tell me something.

Is there any possibility
that you might be pregnant?

No. Freddie and I
are just friends.

JOE: Look, I'm not
accusing anyone.

But, you see, if we take x-rays

and you are pregnant,
it might harm the baby.

There's no baby.

Can't you stop asking me
questions, please?

I don't want to talk anymore.

Keep resting, take it easy.

I want the results of those
tests as soon as they're available.

Yes, sir.

KELLY: How is she, Joe?

Well, I think we can move her
out of the emergency room.

You know, I'm beginning to think
this isn't an accident related injury.

We'll know more
when the tests come back.

Have you taken x-rays?

Not yet.

I'm waiting for the results
of the pregnancy test.

You think she might be pregnant?

Well, she says she isn't.

But in any event,
she's in no immediate danger.

How's her boyfriend?

Not good.

His motor and sensory responses are
completely gone in his arms and legs.

We're taking preliminary
x-rays now.

We just contacted the boy's
father. He's coming right over.

The girl's parents
are out of town.

Keep trying-

Incidentally, the paramedics
still here?

In the coffee room. Good.

I'm gonna see if I can't get
some more information.


Well, there was plenty of room.

She was cushioned
by a surfboard.

JOE: Do you think anything might
have jabbed her in the abdomen?

A piece of metal or maybe
something loose in the car?

I didn't see anything.

You know, it was lucky she
wasn't riding in the front seat.

That front was squashed
like an accordion.

You mean, she was
in the back seat?

Right. Mmm-hmm.

Seems kind of strange,
doesn't it?

Two kids, one in the front,
and one in the back.

Yeah. How's the guy?

Kel said he's paralyzed.

We don't know yet
if it's permanent.

Thanks, anyway.

JOHNNY: See you.

Gentlemen, luncheon is served.

STANLEY: That soup smells
great, Marco.

This isn't soup. This is stew.

That's it.


The $842. I remember now
what I spent.

I spent $8.42.

Well, then the credit card
computer is the villain.

It probably transposed
a decimal, that's all.


Yeah, that's it.

ROY: Where are you going?

I'm going to call the Credit Consumer
woman, tell her what happened.

No need to write a letter now.

You know, only Gage could
take a girl to dinner for $8.42.

Hello, I'd like to speak to
Miss Gloria Truelove, please.

Oh, hi. Miss Truelove?

Hi, this is John Gage
and you see, well, uh,

I've got this problem.

I mean, what can you feed a girl
for $8.42? A hamburger and a coke?

Just a hamburger.

Without cheese.

And a toothpick
for dessert, yeah?

Yeah, well, look,

why don't you go check it out
with the computer and I'll wait.

Oh, just call me John.

She's gone to punch some keys.


DISPATCHER.' Station 51.

Uh, Gloria?

26309 Barcelona Drive.

Gloria? I gotta go.

26309 Barcelona Drive.

Cross street, Terri}.
Time out, 1302.


She was just swallowed up
by the earth!

This way.

She's out back where
the laundry is. See it?


Marco, why don't you keep
everybody back.

We don't know how much of
this thing is gonna break through.

I'm slipping down.

She's down about eight feet.
Looks like an old well.

It looks like
she may be slipping, though.

Okay, why don't you get us a
couple of ladders here to use as a base

and bring back some ropes, huh?

Hang on. We're gonna come down
and get you in just a minute, okay?


She was just swallowed up
by the earth.



All right, all right. Easy.

Easy. Okay, over this way.
Here we go.

Grab a hold of me. There we are.

Okay, you all right? Yeah.

All right. I'm fine.

I'm just going to change my
clothes and take a bath. Okay.

All right. You'll be all right.

I'm just... You okay?

All right. Here we go.

Got her there?
Put her legs down.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51. This is Rampart.

Rampart, we have a female,
approximately 30,

we just recovered her
from an old abandoned well.

BP is 135 over 90.

Pulse is a strong 85.

She just had a sinkable episode.

Is there any evidence
of head injury?

Negative, Rampart,
her pupils are normal.

She seems to be
coming out of it.

KELLY: 51, it sounds like a
delayed fright reaction to me.

See how she responds
to amyl nitrate.

10-4, Rampart.

May I help you?

Please, we're Fred Wilson's

Oh, yes. I'm Dr. Brackett.

Fred is being x-rayed
at the moment.

He suffered some damage
to his spinal cord.

But we don't know the
extent of the injuries yet.

Doctor, is Fred paralyzed?

Well, at the moment,
I'm afraid he is.

It may be hours before
we know anything for sure.

Why don't you come with me?

I think you'll be more
comfortable in the waiting room.

And I'll let you know
when you can see Fred.

Thank you, Doctor.

And you're sure you
don't feel dizzy anymore?

No, no, I feel fine.

But I do have an awful
lot of housework to do, so...

Well, now, if you have
any more fainting spells,

you call your physician
right away.

And if you cannot reach him,
you get back here on the double.

And if I were you,
I'd stay out of wells.

Oh, don't worry.

I'm going to go home and I'm going
to have that yard paved in concrete.

All right.

Thank you.


have a doctor in Treatment 1?

Well, apparently,
the lab agrees with Marsha.

She's not pregnant.

Well, maybe it's
too early to tell.

Everything else checks out
perfectly normal.

You know, I'm going
to check with the boyfriend.

I'd like to find out why
she was in the back.

What about x-rays?

Not yet.

No x-rays until I get
a few more facts.

May I speak to
a Gloria Truelove, please?

JOHNNY: Gloria?

This is John Gage.


Credit Consumer Representative.

Her computer misplaced
a decimal on his bill.

Well, that happens all the time.

I once bought six dollars of
gasoline and got billed for $6,000.

I wrote them a letter.
They straightened it all out.

Sure, okay. Sure, I'll hang on.

There's something really,
really strange going on here.

I mean, this woman says that
she's Gloria Truelove, right?

But she's got an older voice, plus
she's picked up an accent along the way.

Well, the real Gloria's
probably out to lunch.

Maybe somebody just
answered the phone for her.

Huh? Yeah, sure,
I'm still hanging on.


Of course I got a credit card
with your company.

How else could you have
sent me the bill?

They don't know who I am.

Right. Gloria, just a second.

Listen, I've got the credit
card right here in my pocket.

And I... Listen, I really do
owe you $8.42. Honest.

I told him to write a letter,
but he never listens to me.

Sure, okay.

All right, thanks a lot, Gloria.


BOTH: She's going
to punch some keys.



Fred, this is Dr. Early.
He's taking care of Marsha.

How is she?

She's just fine.

But I'm going to need some
information from you, Fred. Okay?

Sure. Anything.

Now, tell me something.

Was Marsha sick
before the accident?


She had cramps
while we were surfing.

I had to carry her in.

That's what I thought.

Now, Fred,
I want you to be completely honest with me.

Is there any possibility that
Marsha could be pregnant?

Fred, it's very important.

Yeah, she might be.

We were all set to get married.

But she can't marry
a vegetable, can she?

I really love her, Doctor.

Then you owe it to her to
keep the faith. Remember that.

Hi, lover-boy. Right on
time. Gloria's on the phone.

Gloria? She got it all
straightened out. Thank you.

Now, he is lucky.

What do you mean?
JOHNNY: Hello, Gloria?

I mean, that Gloria has the
sexiest phone voice I ever heard.

JOHNNY: Yeah, I just got back
to the station.

Did she have a foreign accent?

No way, man. She just had
a low, sweet voice

like she just ate a pound of cocoa butter,
you know what I mean?

JOHNNY: I'll wait.

You got to be kidding me.

You just told me
a half an hour ago...

Well, maybe not you,
but somebody...

He must be talking to
Gloria Truelove number three.

I think Gage is losing it.

JOHNNY: Well...

I know it's a mistake,
but why can't you fix it?

All right. Sure, sure.

She said that,

a mistake has been made
and she's gone off to fix it.


Why did she call?

Oh, that's simple. You see,

she said the computer says
I now owe $1,684.


man locked in a safe.

1817 South Maplemoor.

1817 South Maplemoor.

Cross street, Vale Boulevard.
Time out, 1445.

Squad 51, 10-4. KMG 365.

WOMAN: Hurry up.
Come on, hurry up.

He's in the shop.
In back of the garage.

WOMAN: Will you come on?

That's it.

You forgot the combination,


(STUTTERING) He's been
in there for 45 minutes.

I wouldn't be worried,
but he's wearing handcuffs and leg irons.

Frank, that's my husband. He's
an amateur Houdini. Escape artist.

He bought that
at an auction last week.

What do you think,
should we try to get him out?

Yeah, actually I think
we should ask him.

WOMAN: Frank, he just loves
to perform.

At PTA meetings,
at church carnivals. Oh, he's so talented.

I mean, once he hung from a flagpole
upside down in a straightjacket...

Ma'am, if you could keep quiet,
we're going to try and hear him.


His name is Frank, right?

Frank, my husband, yes.

Frank! Frank!



Wait a minute, I have an idea.


JOHNNY: Frank?

I don't hear a thing. You know,
I don't think he has any air in here.


Well, you know these escape artists,
they know how to cut down their O2 intake.

Wait, here's a drill.

Let's start to drill
a hole into him,

then we can pump oxygen
through the hole.

Oh, boy. This isn't going
to do much.

See if we can find
something bigger.

All right. Let's see.

Roy? Roy!


Uh, look at this.

Who in the hell was pounding?

I almost couldn't hear
the tumbler.

And who are you guys?


Frank, these are the firemen.

I was...

What are you doing
with my drill?


Did you let them
drill holes in my safe?

FRANK: It cost me $200!

I was so worried, Frank, you were in
there for 45 minutes. I didn't know what...


You don't believe in my gift.
You never did.

And this just proves it.

HARRIET: Oh, Frank, honey.
I really believe in your gift.

I mean, but you were wearing


FRANK: Harriet,
I read Houdini's book

and I can do anything
that the big boys can do.


I believe in your gift. I've
always believed in your gift.

But you were in leg irons.


JOHNNY: You know,
maybe we ought not to leave.

I don't think Frank's going to be
able to catch her with those leg irons.


Hey, ROY-

Yeah. Listen,

how can three women
have the same name?

Well, I think Miss Gloria
Truelove is probably just a name

they use for customer referrals.

Everybody in the office
probably answers to it.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

That's the name of
the computer, right?

Yeah, yeah, I guess
you could say that.

Of course. Of course,
that's the name of the computer.

Why didn't I think of that?

Wilson, I'm going to sue you. That
kid of yours ran a stop sign, didn't he?

Oh, Charles, please.
Shut up, Eunice.

If it weren't for your whining,
I'd never let Marsha

run around with that kid
in the first place.

Wilson, I'm gonna sue you
for everything you've got.

Do you mind keeping
your voice down?

I am Charles Evans.

Where is my daughter
and where is this Dr. Early?

Mr. Evans, I'm Dr. Early.

How's my daughter?

She's doing fine. I'll take
you to see her if you wish.

Well, lead the way.

But first, I'd like to get some information
to supplement our medical history.

You know if Marsha's ever had
an abdominal injury?

Never. Right, Eunice?

No abdominal injury of any kind.

Any gynecological problems?


Any suspected
or aborted pregnancies?

She's just a kid, Doctor.

She's 17, Charles.

She is a good girl, Doctor.
At least, she was,

until she started running
around with his kid.

Mr. Evans, you're not making matters easy.
This isn't the place for recriminations.

If you want to see
your daughter, follow me.

He's so upset. How's Fred?

He's paralyzed.

I'm so sorry.

I'll talk to you later.

CHARLES: My baby.
My little girl.

Mr. Evans, will you please
be careful?

I'm sorry, Dad.

What have you got
to be sorry about?

You just get well, okay?

What is it, Doctor?
What's wrong with her?

We're not sure yet.

What do you mean,
you're not sure?

Haven't you made tests,
taken x-rays?

I haven't ordered x-rays.

Well, it's been almost
six hours since the accident.

Mr. Evans, why don't we go
outside and discuss it there.

How are you feeling?

Mom, they won't tell me
about Freddie.

How is he?

I don't know.

Oh, Mom, tell the truth.

I heard a fireman at the
accident say he was paralyzed.

Something like that.
But I don't know for sure.


It's all my fault.

You think my daughter
is pregnant? My daughter?

Well, she's perfectly normal
in every other respect.

Pregnancy is a possibility
we just can't ignore.

What does she say?

She denies it.

Still, I'm not convinced.


Marsha, is there any possible
way that you might be pregnant?

Now, you got to tell the truth
because the doctor has to know.

Now, how about it?

No, Dad. Honest.

Why won't anybody believe me?

I'm satisfied
she's telling the truth.

I'm not.

And as long as I'm her physician,
I'll do what I think best for her.

Are you going to take x-rays
or not?

Not at this time.

Then I'm taking my daughter out of
here and putting her in a private hospital

and then I'm slapping you with the
biggest malpractice suit in history.

That's your privilege,
Mr. Evans. That's right.

Charles, please. He's so upset,
he's not himself.

MARSHA: Oh, yes, he is.

Where do you take
a date for $8.42?

You don't have to tell me.
It's none of my business.

Just thought I'd ask.

It was doubled.

What was?

842 times 2 is 1684.

Instead of making a mistake on my bill,
they just doubled it.

You know, if you had taken
my advice in the first place

and mailed a letter in to them,

instead of messing around...
All right.

With Miss Gloria Truelove... All right,
all right.

Next time I'll take your advice.

Tomorrow, dig up that
cash register receipt

and march on down there,
all right? I am.

In fact, I'm going to go to the
president of the company if I have to.


Tell him Gloria sent you.

Very funny.

Looks like a dislocation at
the fourth to fifth cervical level.

You'll have to have
Crutchfield tongs placed.

His respiratory pattern was irregular for
the first half hour, then it normalized.

Everything else checks out fine.

Any hypertension? Nope.

You know, that's a good sign.

He sustained considerable
spinal shock.

Which may account for part
of the lack of neural response.

Why don't we take another look?


I want you to tell me if you can
feel anything. Can you do that?

Sure, why not?


Okay, I'm ready.

I think you're pressing
on my foot some place.

Was there any sensory
response before?


His parents have been waiting
since noon to see him.

I'll tell them they can
see him for a few minutes.


How are you, Freddie?

Just great. Never felt better.

Have you seen Marsha yet?

We haven't seen her,
but her folks are with her.

When you see her,

tell her that nothing's
changed, okay?

Whatever happens,
I feel the same way about her.

And everything we've planned,
everything, still goes.

Okay, Freddie,
I'll be sure and get word to her.

Thanks, Dad, Mom.

And listen, don't worry.

If there's any way
to get out of this bed,

I'm gonna find it.

Well, I guess you're
about ready to travel.

How do you feel?

Why do I have to leave?

I want to stay with Freddie,
I can help him.

Why won't Dr. Early
just do what my father wants?

Your father wants x-rays.

Why won't Dr. Early believe me?

Because he talked to Fred.


Freddie shouldn't have told. Dad
hates him. He'll have him arrested.

Freddie was just doing what
he thought was best for you.

That's why he told the truth.

Poor Freddie, he was so excited.

You know,
we were going to run away and get married.

Look, my father mustn't find out.
He'd do something terrible. I know it.

I'm scared of him.

But if you are pregnant,

he's gonna find out
sooner or later.

Yeah, I guess so.

It's like the end of the world's
coming and there's nothing I can do.

Yes, there is.


Tell him.

Now. Hi, there, baby.

I got an ambulance
waiting downstairs for you.

But Dr. Early wants to take a
look at you before we go, okay?

How do you feel, Marsha?

Okay, I feel okay.

Come on in.

Now, wheel it right over
to the bed there.

And be careful.

Watch, watch her arm. She's
got those tubes in her arm there

and don't bend her in the middle,
because that's where she was injured.


No, wait. I don't want to go.
The doctor is right, Dad.

Would you wait outside, please?

Marsha, what are you
talking about?

I lied.

I've been sick in the mornings.

Today, at the beach,
I had cramps.

Freddie was taking me
to the hospital.

That's why he went
through the stop sign.

That's why he got hurt.

Dad, we made a mistake.

I'll have that kid put away
for the rest of his life.

No, Dad.

I love him.

Think of your mother.
What an insult to her.

I'm not insulted, Charles.

I am ashamed of myself
and of you.

Our little girl was afraid
to tell us the truth.

CHARLES: How could
this happen? My baby.

My baby.

Mr. Evans, it's about time
for me to take a coffee break.

Why don't you join me? Come on.

I had such plans.

And she threw it all away.

Threw it all away.

Maybe you were
expecting too much.

No more than any other father.

Did you ever stop to consider
that perhaps Marsha

might have hoped
for a few things from you?

Like what?

Like a little understanding.

You know, Mr. Evans, I really don't
think you know your own daughter.

Why... Why do you say that?

Because I think
she's afraid of you.

What can I do?

I think it's time for you
and Marsha to get acquainted.

Well, I have some good news.

Fred has gained some feeling
in his right side.

Does that mean... Now, I'm not saying
it's going to be all that easy for him.

There'|| be months
of traction and therapy.

But I think eventually,
he'll regain full control of his muscles.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Lord.

I'll send the ambulance back. I
don't think we're going to need...

Doctor, would you excuse me
a second?


Mr. Wilson.

I'd like to apologize
for my behavior.

That's quite all right.

Mr. Wilson. You can
see him if you wish.

I'd like that.

And with Dr. Early's permission,
I'd like for Marsha to see him, too.

I think that would be
excellent therapy.

You want some milk?

(SIGHING) I can't find it.


This receipt for $8.42.

Well, what are all those
papers you got over there?

Gas receipts, mostly.

Laundry ticket.

Deposit receipts.

Pulled it all out of my car.
It wasn't in there.

Well, you probably left it back
at your apartment some place.

Look, I wouldn't worry about it.

I mean, it's only for $8.42.

The computer isn't going
to get any more from you.

You just pay up your bill and
let them take care of the rest.

Yeah. You're absolutely right.

You know, if I were you... Why don't
you put these in order, alphabetically.

Oh. All right.

What is that "G" for?

Oh, this?



DISPATCHER: Station 51,
fire in a salvage yard.

Ted's Scrap Metal Company.

20216 Magnolia.

20216 Magnolia.

Time out, 1802.

Station 51, 10-4. KMG 365.



STANLEY: Okay, Marco,
pull an inch and a half.

Roy, let Chet take
that inch and a half.

My brother Sam's in there. I heard a boom,
then the whole place was on fire.

I don't know if we want to
go in with or without water.

John, stand by.

Roy, you and John
get the PortaPower, okay?

Rig the PortaPower.

Help me, will ya?
Get me out of here!

Just hang on, hang on.

Come on, Marco!

Okay, now you hang on. We're
not going to let the fire get to you.

We got a piece of equipment coming
in here to get this fork lift off of you,

so don't move. All right?

How are you doing?

My legs.

One of them's broke.

Feels like it's been cut in two.

Can you move at all?


Hey. Captain?

Yeah? We've been salvaging
amm*nit*on from the desert.

Mostly for casings,
it's going to go any minute.

thanks. We'll be fine. You stay back.

This ground's real soft.

Let me go and try to find
some shoring material.

You Okay?

Just shaken up a little...


Hey, that's white phosphorus. We
got to get everybody back from here.

Hey, Gage, you better... Gage?

All right, we're going
to get you out of here.

All right, we're gonna
slide you out here.




Come on. Put this on.

There you are. Okay.

Okay, now try it again.
Easy, watch your leg.

Okay, now, put him over.
Hold him.

Got him? Okay.



You know,
the Captain said they found a b*llet hole

in that asbestos blanket
you were wearing in the fire.

Said the b*llet hole must've been
pretty close to where your head was.

Lucky it wasn't close
to one of your vital zones.

Oh, very funny.

Hey, what's the matter?

Did Gloria Truelove decide
you owed her $8 million?

No, no, we got all that
straightened out.

Right, so what's bothering you?

Well, you know the
Gloria Truelove that I met?

Well, she was real cute,
you know?

And when she found out that
my dinner bill was for $842,

she was really impressed.

So, I said, "Look, hey,
when we get this thing all worked out,

"you want to go out to dinner?"
and she said, "Yeah, sure, fine."


So, she found out
that the bill was for $8.42.

And she probably remembered
she had something else to do, right?

Yeah, how'd you know?

That's really too bad.

You know, I don't think you're
gonna have any more trouble

with the credit card company.



You know,
Miss Gloria Truelove might make a mistake

about how much
you spent for dinner once,

but she ain't going to make
the same mistake twice.

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