04x12 - A Small Circle of Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Quincy, M.E.". Aired: October 3, 1976 – May 11, 1983.*
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Series follows Dr. Quincy, a resolute, excitable, ethical and highly proficient Medical Examiner (forensic pathologist) for the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, working to ascertain facts about and reasons for possible suspicious deaths.
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04x12 - A Small Circle of Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

I'll take the test,

and if they're
negative, we never met

Good day, gentlemen.

It's a business doing pleasure.

Hi, girls.

We have to make you aware of it.

Your husband had
a venereal disease.


What about the m*rder w*apon? That
would really help to clinch this thing.

Quincy, we're trying.

I know you want to put
him away for all he's done.

But that does not make
him a m*rder subject.

VD? Goodbye, Quincy.

Oh, stop acting like a child!

Look, if I said he had typhoid or
cholera, would you run out on me?

Gentle men...


- Is this the last one, Sam?
- Well, the last for tonight.

But we still have the whole
rest of the week ahead of us.

Gosh, I wouldn't know what
to do if I had any free time.

I know what you mean.
I'm thinkin' of sellin' my boat

and movin' in here.

- No name huh?
- She's been logged in
as a Jane Doe

but Monahan's working on an I.D.

Let's go.

The cause of death is multiple
s*ab wounds in the chest,

one of which pierced the
left ventricle of the heart.

Also present are hesitation
wounds over the ribs.

Looks like her attacker
wasn't too strong.

Yeah. The wound appears to be

made by a sharp instrument.

I don't know what, Sam. Judging
by the surface of the wound

and the curved tissue penetration,
I'm tellin' you it wasn't a knife.

Listen, I think we
better hold the body.

Do some more tests later.

Want to go for a drink?

No. I'll have to take a rain
check. I've got a date tonight.

- A date?
- Yeah, that's right, a date.

What's that? It's been so
long, I hardly remember.

Come on... You can
do it... Come on...

Here comes the defence.

They're really coming after
Riven. But he gets off the pass.

Ooh, Ramsey almost had it.

Darn it. Come on, Ramsey. Did you
see that? He had it right in his hands and

and he dropped it. I mean, Collins was
wide open out there on that post pattern.

Take it easy, will
ya? It's only a game.

That's funny coming from you.

How many times
have I told you that?

I didn't know you were a football
fan. You got a big bet on this game?

No, don't be silly.

Well, we've just flown
with the team quite a bit,

and I know Joe Ramsey
and a lot of the guys.

-You know Joe Ramsey personally?

-Yeah, but I
wouldn't brag about it.

Why not?

Well, he's been fooling
around quite a bit lately.

He's dating one of
my stew girlfriends.

Yeah? Didn't he marry
that rich society lady?

Mmm-hmm. But you know
how things happen sometimes.

- I'm trying to remember,
to tell ya the truth.
- Quincy, come on.

The game's almost over.

Yeah, but you gotta be back
at the airport in two hours.

I'm sorry, but I gotta see this.

It's a fumble.

Ramsey's lost the
ball. Harlan's recovered.

There's only three seconds left
but they're still in field goal range

and that's what
they're going to do.

They're setting up
for the kick. This is it.

It all comes down to this.
The kick is up, and it's good.

Ah! Oh, the game is over?

Okay, I'm gonna turn it off now.

Hey, don't you want to
see the instant replay?

Hey, Joe, hey big
guy, have a beer.

- No, forget it.
- I couldn't believe it.

That ball just bounced right up to
me and bam, I'm on top of it, wow!

Lucky, lucky break.

Well, what's the matter, Joe?

We won the game. Just
because you got rock hands today.

You know everybody has
a bad day once in a while.

I didn't get a decent
pass the whole game.

What are you talkin' about, Joe?

They were throwing over my head.

Throwing over ya?

Hey Joe, I just think you were a
little behind your pace, you know?

Maybe you been playin' around
too much with the ladies, friend.

- You back off.
- Hey,
what's the matter with you?

Just back off or I'll wrap
you around that pole.

- Hey, okay, butterfingers.
- Back off.

- Hey, Joe, I was just
kidding ya, ya know?
- Just back off...

What're you doin',
man? What's the matter?

Hey Joe. I'm sorry, man.

Hey Joe, what's the matter, man?

Hey, what's goin' on?

Doc, he just came at me and
started swingin', so I gave him a fist.

He's dead...

Joe Ramsey? I don't believe
it. I saw him play tonight.

- What happened?
- That's what
everyone wants to know.

There was a fight in the
locker room, and he hit his head.

Well, there's a bruise at back of his
skull corresponding to a direct impact.

But that hardly looks like
it was enough to k*ll him.

Well, we'll see what
there is to see, Sam.

The cerebral membranes
look a little too red to me.

They must be stained with blood...
There are definite signs of swelling.

Look at the flattening
of the convolutions, Sam.

The leakage of the blood here.

There it is, see there it
is, in the Circle of Willis.

Wow. It's a ruptured aneurysm all
right. How long do you think he had it?

Well, long enough to form a time
b*mb in his brain, just waiting to go off.

It must have been leaking during
the game, blew out in the locker room.

- And that's
the sole cause of death.
- Yeah. You were right.

The blow wasn't
enough to k*ll him,

but it was enough to get
Harlan in a lot of trouble.

At least we can help him.

It's times like this when I really
appreciate forensic medicine.

That's it then?

That's the cause of
death, but I'm really curious

about that urethral discharge.

Listen, you'd better take some
smears and run a tox analysis, okay?

I'll get right on it.

Well, Harlan didn't k*ll Ramsey.
An aneurysm in the brain did that.

But we've got forty witnesses
who saw Harlan lay into him

and make him hit his head.

Look, Quincy, we know it's not
intentional, but it's still manslaughter.

I don't care if you got forty
million people who saw it.

An aneurysm like that
can k*ll anybody at any time,

and there's nothing
anybody can do to stop it.

But isn't it possible when
Harlan lit into him or the fall,

couldn't that have
triggered the aneurysm?

No way. That aneurysm would have
k*lled him if he was home sound asleep.

Look, think of the artery in the brain
as a garden hose with layers of tissue.

Now, if the inner layer is weak and
the blood flows through the arteries

and it seeps between the
layers and it forms a bubble,

that's your aneurysm.

Now it grows and it grows and it grows
and then it explodes just like a balloon.

- Without a warning?
- Well, sometimes a few hours

before that happens, the swelling
could cause blurred vision, headaches,

it could cause somebody to get mad, act
belligerent, like looking for a fight, see?

You know, that checks with Harlan's
story and the other players' statements.

Also the way he
was playing tonight.

I'm afraid you'll
have to let him go.

Hey listen, this Jane Doe,
did you get an I.D. on her?

No, we're working on it.

Hey, you know, she had a very

expensive watch and a lot of money
on her, so robbery was no motive.

Somebody must've had
something against her.

We were hoping you'd be able to
give us some clues about who did it.

Well, find the m*rder w*apon
and I'll be able to help ya.

Quince? I think you
better take a look at this.

- Well, we'll work on it.
- Okay, see ya later.

See ya, Quince.

I ran a gram stain on Ramsey's
discharge, and that's what I found.

Hmm, multi-cellular
digital coccus.

The ancient scourge. Gonorrhea.

Apparently, he had an
injection of penicillin for it.

There were traces of procaine
and probenecid in his bloodstream.

It didn't get rid of it. Wow, wait
till Asten finds out about this.

- Gonorrhea.
- Yup.

Now Ramsey's wife and anybody
else he may have come in contact with

- could be infected.
- What do you mean,
anyone else?

Well, I understand he played
around off the field as well.

- His wife's gonna
have to be told.
- By whom?

- The Department of Health.
- Oh no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, Quincy.

See I've known Laura Ramsey for
years, even before she was married.

I know her family, one of the
most prominent in this state.

Terrific people, I can't bare to have
them hear this news from strangers.

Now, now, wait a minute.
They handle it very well.

They're discreet.
They're very considerate.

Sure, but they're strangers.
I'll handle this myself.

I'll talk to Laura
privately first.

Now, don't give me any talk
about personal involvement.

We might find that the problem is
contained and can be dealt with quietly.

It will be a lot more gentle coming
from us than the Department of Health.

- Coming from us?
- Right.

- First thing in the morning,
we'll go see her.
- We'll go see her?

Quincy, please. Listen, if
you knew Laura, you'd realize

how difficult this is gonna be for
me. Very uncomfortable talking

about certain subjects.

Look, I just want you along for
moral support. Quincy, be a friend.

- Do me a favor?
- How can I say no to that?


I knew Ramsey was a big
superstar football player.

I had no idea he was this big.

This is Laura's
family home, Quincy.

Ramsey married into the family.

- Hello, Marie.
- That's all right, Marie.

Laura, how are you?


I'm so sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- It's good to see you, Robert.

This is Doctor Quincy, one
of my medical examiners.

- How do you do?
- Hello.

Terribly sorry about
your husband. Thank you.

Laura, I know this is not the best time but
we really need to talk to you about Joe.

Of course. Would you
like to come this way?

Oh, thank you Laura. You
know, I can just imagine

how difficult it must be to
accept anything so sudden

and unexpected as this.

But Joe's death just seemed to come
out of nowhere, one of those things.

We call it an aneurysm of the
brain. Are you familiar with...

- Yes.
- Good.

Now there's no way to predict
them. Isn't that so, Doctor Quincy?

So there was nothing that
you could've possibly done

or anyone could have done.

- Then Gary Harlan
wasn't involved?
- Not in the slightest.

He was in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

Well, at least I'm glad of that.

I want to thank you for coming
and telling me in person, Robert.

I appreciate that. The
funeral's tomorrow.

Well, I'll certainly be there.

Oh, there is something
else. It seems that we, uh...

Well, Doctor Quincy,
you found something,

Doctor Quincy found something
else in the examination.

It doesn't have anything to
do with the cause of death,

but uh, uh... Well,

we have to uh, discuss it.

It's uh, warm in here.

Uh, Doctor Quincy,
would you discuss this?

What we have to tell
you is very unpleasant,

but we have to
make you aware of it.

Your husband had
a venereal disease.


Laura, there's no question.
There's absolute proof.

It's a new strain and we're afraid,
maybe needlessly, of an epidemic.

So please, please
understand the next question.

Do you have any idea
who he got it from?

From one of his little
playmates I suppose.

I don't know, and I
don't want to know.

Laura, now in this situation, we
both feel that for your own safety

you should go to your doctor for an
examination and possible treatment.

- All right?
- Is that necessary?

- It's really for
your own protection.
- Yes, of course.

- Good.
- I'm sorry.

But sometimes these things
just happen. To anyone.

So I've been told.

I spoke with Dr. Martin.

He's the head field epidemiologist
at the Department of Health.

- And?
- And he hasn't
come across any cases

of penicillin-resistant

- Not one?
- No.

Quincy, can I talk to you
a minute. It's about Laura.

I already told him.

Well, it's good news. Laura called
and the tests came back negative.

I don't understand.
How could that be?

Her husband had it. Did
she have an explanation?

She said that she hadn't
been with him for five weeks.

I'm just grateful she
wasn't touched by this.

Yeah, but somebody
else is bound to be.

Ramsey did not get it from
spontaneous generation.

There are a lot of people
walking around with this strain

who don't know
anything about it.

And if she hasn't been
with him for five weeks,

at least it gives them a
time lock to work from.

- Them?
- Yeah,
the department of Health.

We've been in touch with them.
They'll have to take it up from here.

Quincy, I know, I know.

Now listen, I'd be very relieved if
you'd work with the Department of Health.

I would still like to see this
handled as discreetly as possible

to spare Laura and her
family any more hardship.

Yeah, but I can't do that. We
don't have any authority there.

It's all arranged. Martin agreed.
You're gonna do me a favor

and work as a volunteer health
investigator, so let's get going.

Look at that... I'm
being farmed out.

- You've got
a nice size unit here.
- Not really.

We only have fifty five field
clinics and a staff of doctors, nurses,

health investigators,
epidemiologists and lab technicians.

But I don't have to tell you
guys the size of the problem

that we're dealing with here today. We
handle over forty thousand cases a year.

Forty thousand?

Mmm-hmm. Now, this
is a rapid iodometric test

of the samples you
brought in and, gentlemen,

I'm afraid your
suspicions are correct.

This is your culprit.


Penicillinase producing
neisseria gonorrhea.

It produces an enzyme that
breaks down the penicillin.

You could be using water
for all the good that would do.

Are there any effective
means of treating it?

Sure. Spectinotnycin.

But you see the problem is diagnosing.
Now, either the people won't come in

for treatment, or if they do,
they get a shot of penicillin

and then they don't come
back for a follow-up examination.

Well, what we have to find out
is who gave it to Joe Ramsey

and if they passed it
along to anybody else.

Well, normally, we could question
the subject, but not in this case.

Well, we do know that he was in
three different states playing football.

That means I'm gonna have to
contact the departments in every city.

We most certainly cannot have
this spreading around the country.

Concerning that, there's
a lead I want to check out.

And I have to get back to lab.

- We may be sending
you a lot of customers.
- That's what we're here for.

Quincy, what is this all about?
Why do you want to see her?

- I'm sorry,
honey, I can't tell you.
- Don't you trust me?

- Oh, sure I do. It isn't that.
- Then what is it?

- Well, it's kind of personal.
- Personal?


- With another stewardess?
- Look, if I don't see her,

- the Health
Department will see her.
- Health Department?

I shouldn't of told you that and
I'm not gonna tell you any more.

You're gonna have to trust me.

- Trust you?
- Yeah.

You have a beautiful
boat, you're single,

you're a doctor, trust
you? Easy for you to say.

- Could have thrown in
attractive, you know.
- Well...


Oh, Quincy, this is
the girl I told you about.

Jackie Curtis, meet my
favorite medical examiner.

- How do you do.
- You must be
the one with the boat.

Oh, I see Marsha's told you
about it. You want something?

No. I'm deadheading
back to Chicago.

What did you want
to see me about?

It's about Joe Ramsey. I have
to ask you a few questions.

- Me? Well what for?
- Well Marsha
said you dated him.

Well, that'll teach
me to kiss and tell.

Oh no, no, it's nothing
terrible. It's just confidential.

I have to talk to
Jackie alone, honey.

- Oh, all right. Well,
then I'll see you outside.
- Okay.

Remember I trust
you. Have a nice trip

and I'll see you
when I get back.

Yeah, if I don't see you first.

Doctor Quincy, honestly, I don't
know anything about Joe's death.

I mean, I was as shocked as
anybody else to hear it on the news.

Look, I'm really sorry but
I'm afraid I can't help you.

Yeah, but I don't want
to talk about his death.

I want to talk about your
relationship with Joe Ramsey.

Uh, why is that
everybody's business?

That's like something you
read in gossip magazines.

Look, the man is dead,
and I'd rather not talk about it.

Look, I wouldn't talk about
it if it really wasn't important.

Now, the last time
you went out with him,

did you, were you intimate?

What? If it weren't for Marsha, you
could consider your face slapped.

Now you see, Joe had
a resistant form of V.D.

Now we have to locate everybody
who came in contact with him

- within the last five weeks.
- V.D.? Good-bye, Quincy.

Now stop acting like a child.

Look, if I said he had typhoid or
cholera, would you run out on me?

Well, V.D. is a disease just
like any others, and it's time

we took it out of
the locker room.

We should be able to talk about it
freely. Were you and Joe Ramsey intimate?

No we didn't, we didn't.

We just, we went
out a couple of times

and I guess I just
wasn't the man's type.

And neither was
his wife, evidently.

What'd ya mean by that?

On the last flight,

he and Gary Harlan were
with these two other girls.

Other girls?

I'm trying to be
polite about this.

The scuttlebutt was that
they were professionals, too.

Only the kind that don't just
play on Sundays or wear numbers.

Do you know who
the one was with Joe?

She was on the passenger
list as 'Mary Jane Doe Smith'.

Look, all I can tell you is
she was a knockout blonde,

and L.A. must be her home base
cause she flew out and back from here.

And, that's all?

Well, I'm sorry, they don't
exactly give out statistics

or career information
in that game.

I know. Thank you very much.

You're welcome. So long, Quincy.

This certainly has
been a fun cup of coffee.

Oh, the conquest.

- Hi there.
- Hi.

You're a little old, well, I mean you're
not the same age as my other fans,

but I'd be happy to sign
an autograph if you like.

No thanks. I'm Doctor Quincy.

- I'm with
the medical examiner's office.
- Oh yes. Nice to meet ya.

Lieutenant Monahan told me
what you said about Joe's aneurysm.

I want to thank
you for clearing me.

Of course, that's not
gonna bring Joe back.

Boy, I feel guilty.

Now look, there's
reason for you to.

What I told the Lieutenant is absolutely
true. You had nothing to do with his death.

- I want to talk to you
about something else.
- Sure.

V.D.? No, no sir, Joe never
said anything about that.

Well, he had it, all right.

Your team doctor gave him a
couple of sh*ts of penicillin for it.

That figures. I
tell ya, Doc Casey,

he's gotta be the best
team physician in the league.

In this case, he wasn't so good.

He didn't report it to
the Department of Health

so that they could warn anybody
who might become infected.

Well, I think you understand
how it is, Doctor Quincy.

A famous football player like Joe
Ramsey, got a beautiful wife like Laura.

I'm sure he wanted
to keep that quiet.

So the heck would everybody
else involved. That's why I'm here.

I want to see that it
doesn't go any further.

I don't understand.
What can I do to help you?

I'd like to ask ya a couple
a personal questions.

I understand that you and
Joe had something going

with a couple of girls on
one of your trips out of town.

Oh boy. How'd you
find out about that?

What's the difference. I'm only
interested in eliminating the problem.

Well, it's true. Joe and I, we did take
a couple of chicks to an away game

a couple a months ago.
You know, just as a lark.

How can I get in
touch with these girls?

Well, that might
be a little difficult.

I mean, these ladles were not your
regular pickups or sports groupies.

These gals were professionals
and Joe, well, you know,

he made all the
arrangements, so...

Hey Jerry, we got a team
leader in one of the game plans.

Okay, I'll be right
there. Doc, I gotta go.

Can you tell me their
names, what they looked like?

Oh gosh, dynamite looking.
The blonde was just such a fox.

Her name was
Gabrielle, Gabrielle Martin.

The little brunette, her
name was Vicki Taylor.

I mean, you can't tell by that.

These are probably
just their workin' names.

Yeah, that doesn't
give us much to go on.

Do you know of anybody who could
have been with Joe in the last five weeks?

Nobody except his wife, Laura.

I'm pretty sure of that.

Yeah, in fact, I know it
cause Joe would've told me.

I mean we were real close.

- Thank you very much.
- Okay. Take care now.

Oh listen, you better
get yourself checked out

and not by the team doctor.

Go to the Department of
Health. Ask for Mr. Martin.

- Tell him I sent you.
- What for? I mean,
I don't have anything to do

with Joe's girl. I sure don't
have any of the symptoms.

Well, you still could have it.
She might have been a carrier.

If you don't take care of it,
the Department of Health will.

Okay. I'll take
care of it. See ya.


Thank you, thank you very much.

That's exactly the
news we wanted to hear.

Well, some good news and some
bad news. But first the good news.

None of the clinics in any of the cities
where Ramsey played have had any cases,

which means probably it's
confined to the Los Angeles area.

Oh, and your man
Harlan, he was clean, too.

I guess the bad news is we
have to find those two prostitutes

and we don't know where to look.

Well, we're going to have to
mobilize some of our health

officers and get them out on
the streets, talk to the prostitutes.

Well, wait a minute.
From what I've been told,

I don't think she ever
worked the streets.

Well, we just want to see if
it's gotten down to that level.

Even if it hasn't, we
might learn something.

At any rate, it's
a place to start.

Well, what about the police?

No, no, we never work with
them on anything like this.

We can't. We're
bound by state law

to maintain absolute confidentiality.
Besides, we have our own people

who know the pimps and the pros.

You see, we can't force these
people to come into our clinics,

but we can make sure
that they get an examination

and report back to us
because if they don't,

well, isolate them
as a health hazard.

Believe me, Doctor, they'll
cooperate. It's bad for business.

And besides our
services are free.

Not again. No, not again.

Come on, you know me. I'm not a
cop. I'm with the Health Department.

Look, there's a bad
form on the streets.

We think it'd be a good idea if you
took your ladies in for a check-up.

Good idea, huh? I
don't have to, so forget it.

You don't have to, but it'd be
bad for business if you don't do it.

- Hi, Tracy.
- Just leave me alone.

You promised me you'd
be in that clinic yesterday.

- You didn't show up.
- Well, I was busy.

This is much more
important. It's your health.

Now look, it's only gonna
take a couple of minutes.

- It's not gonna
cost you anything.
- Alright.

You be there by eight o'clock

- Alright.
- Okay.

Hi, girls. Just wanted to let
you know, it's time for a checkup.

It's not a bust, just a checkup.

You get down to the Health
Centre as soon as you can, okay?

You heard what I said to the girls?
Down to the Health Centre, soon.

- Hi girls.
- What's this?

- Health Department.
- Oh, wow, man.

- We want you to
come in for a check-up.
- I'm clean.

Ok, maybe so. But we
just want to make sure.

Clinic's open till
eight o'clock tonight.

You know where it is,
you been there before.

All right.

Oh, what's going on? I mean,
we've been waiting twenty minutes.

- Who are we waiting for?
- Someone who'll be
able to put the finger

on the girl you're
looking for, just like that...

Now isn't that
worth waiting for?

- What is he, a pimp?
- Come on Quincy,
now don't be crude.

He's a businessman.
His name is Sultan.

Sultan? What is he, royalty?
No, but he collects 'royalties'.

He just uses the name Sultan.

Well, what am I supposed
to do when he comes in here?

- Bow or something like that?
- Look Quincy, will you relax?

He'll be here. Now
he's a big businessman.

- He won't keep me waiting.
- Hello, Monahan.

- Oh, hi. Quincy, this is the Sultan.
- How do you do?

Meet Doctor Quincy. Did
I ask you to sit with us?

Oh. Excuse me. I am sorry.

Is everything all right, doctor?

Oh no, no, I just never
thought you would look like that.

Doesn't everybody wear a
turban, medallions, expensive rings?

Well, Monahan, what did
you want to see me about?

Why don't you sit down?

Doctor Quincy here
is looking for a girl.

He doesn't need you to
help him for that, does he?

No, not just any girl.

One in particular.
She's a blonde.

Goes under the name of Gabrielle
Martin, who spent a weekend

out of town with
Joe Ramsey recently.

We think she has a communicable
disease that's very difficult to treat,

and we have to find her.

Oh. That's bad
news for all of us.

But what makes you think
I know anything about it?

My stable's clean. What
are you asking me for?

- Sultan,
don't act coy with us.
- A blonde, a football player?

That really isn't much to go on.

I am sorry, gentlemen, but
I'm afraid I can't help you.

As I was sayin', you know
guys that don't cooperate.

You remember Freddie
Fox, he got in that little jam?

But he always cooperated, and
he got away with a short sentence.

But he wasn't in any real
trouble, you understand,

because then we couldn't
help him, you know,

one of those guys
who don't want to spend

- the time to cooperate?
- What's that?

It's the latest aid
to the businessman.

You just punch in names,
phone numbers, anything you like.

It stores them electronically.

If you want to get
rid of them in a hurry,

just push a button,
gone instantly.

No record.

I'll be back in a minute,
couple of phone calls.

Wow. You know,
I have to admit it,

I'm impressed the
way you handled him.

I didn't know you could do it.

Like I said, you don't know
anything about me and my job.

How come I always see the cantankerous,
belligerent, unbelieving side?

Because that's the
side you bring out in me.

Excuse me, Monahan,
but is that gentleman...

Is he with you?

- Yeah. It's official business.
- His or yours?

Quincy, I run a nice
little store, great clientele,

doctors, lawyers, professional
people. Not his profession.

You know what I mean?

Look, Danny, you don't
have to worry about that.

Everything's under control, huh?

Well thanks fellas. You
know, I've got a reputation.

- And so does he.
- Hey, you think he
might skip out on us?

What, and leave that jacket.

You know how much
a jacket like that costs?

At least five hundred bucks.

-Wow. I'm in the wrong business.

-You know, that
was pretty quick.

Just call her and tell
her I recommended you.

Use that message.
She'll see you right away.

- Oh,
follow the yellow brick road.
- Dr. Quincy?

- Yes.
- I've been expecting you.

- Come in.
- Thank you.

Then you know why I'm here?

Yes, I know why you're
here. You've got to be kidding.

- Would you like a drink?
- No thank you.

- Believe me, I'm very serious.
- But I haven't
noticed anything.

Well, it's much harder to
detect in women than in men.

In fact, sixty to eighty percent of the
women don't show any symptoms at all.

That's why I want you
to come down for the test.

If it's positive, I'll need
a list of your customers.

Also, your girl friend
and her contacts.

I'm sorry, Doctor Quincy, but I'm
sure you realize that's impossible.

I don't know you or have
any reason to trust you.

And there are some pretty
important people on my dance card.

If word got out, I
could be ruined.

You're talking about
closing up the candy store.

You expect me to trust
you just on your say-so?

Well, all of this will be
kept strictly confidential.

It's only a test and if it's
negative, you've lost nothing.

I am not the police. I'm
asking you to help voluntarily.

- I hope you understand that.
- But if I don't cooperate,

you'll go to the authorities
anyway? Is that right?

I don't have any choice.

You know, I don't believe this.

I've worked in New York, in Chicago,
in Singapore, and I've never had

so much as a mosquito bite.
I've always been so careful

about my clients and myself. And
now, at the top of my profession,

this has to happen.


Tell him to wait.

No, tell him that an
emergency came up,

and I have to cancel.

Okay, Doctor Quincy.

I'll make you a
deal. I'll take the tests

and if they're negative,
we never met. If not,

I'll tell you anything
you want to know,

and I'll chalk it up as
an occupational hazard.

You've got a deal. Thank you.

There it is.

- It's definitely PPNG.
- That's a relief for us.

I don't think Gabrielle and her friends
are gonna be very happy about this.

No. Gabrielle Martin, she's
already receiving treatment

and she's given us the names of every
man she's been with, dating three months

before Joe Ramsey. Now,
here are the list of names

- by number to
preserve privacy.
- All of these?

She's been one busy little girl.
She gave them to you without a fight?

Oh yeah. She's pretty angry with
whoever gave it to her in the first place.

Well, why don't we start calling
them up and bringing them in.

Look, why am I here? I
had all of this taken care of.

I had nothing to
do with that tramp.

I'm sorry, sir, you were named
as a contact with her friend.

Look, does my wife
have to know about this?

If you've had contact with her,
she really should have a check up

and treatment if
your tests are positive.

I don't know how I'm
gonna tell her or explain this.

However you want to
handle it is fine with us.

We're not going to call her,
and she doesn't have to come in,

if you want to arrange for
another doctor to see her.

We just want to make sure
that someone takes care of her.

Listen, I've been
through this before.

Ask your family doctor if he'll
call and say he found a little

nonspecific 'urethritis' infection,
and he wants to check her over.

Hey, why don't you mind
your own business, okay?

I've got news for you. We were
able to identify the Jane Doe

- that you were looking for.
- Really? Who was it?

Vicki Taylor, and she was identified
by her friend Gabrielle Martin.

You're kidding. Then
she was Harlan's date.

- Right.
- Well, that kinda
wraps it up, doesn't it?

I think so. What more
is there to do here?

- Well, they're finishing
the examinations now.
- All right.

I guess the Health
Department can handle that.

We gotta get back to work.
Charles, we were just about to leave.

I don't think you'll want to.

- What do you mean?
- Look at this.

Well, here's a list that
correlates everyone who was

involved with any known
carrier in regard to dates

and test results,
and whoever they

had contact with.
Now, look at the date

that Joe Ramsey had his
rendezvous with Gabrielle Martin.

Now, check the results of previous
contacts, two days before, negative.

Three days before, negative.
Two days after, positive.

Four days after, positive.
Five days after, positive...

Two days before, negative.
Two days after, positive...

The incubation period can be as
little as a day with that type of thing.

Now you know what this means?

Of course I know what it means.

Ramsey didn't get it from
Gabrielle Martin. He gave it to her.

Quincy, I just got the results
of the lab tests on Vicki Taylor

for The Department
of Health just called in.


Just like Gabrielle Martin.

Let this be a lesson to us, Sam.
We should have done a gram stain

on her right away for gonorrhea.

Wait a minute.

If she had it, that means Gary
Harlan should have had it, too.

Now, why did he lie to us?

Hey, Quincy. Sam.

Listen, we've been checking
up on that Taylor girl.

Seems that she works for a
travel agency as a cover up

and has a small apartment that
she uses for her mailing address.

That's why it was so
tough to find her and

Gabrielle Martin, why
she just assumed that she

was out on another
'assignment' and didn't miss her.

So when I told her what happened,
she gave me Miss Taylor's date book.

Check the name of the guy
that was her last appointment.

The last guy she
saw was Gary Harlan.

That's Gary Harlan's car.

The coach said he was paying a
condolence visit to Mrs. Ramsey.

Look, gentlemen, I'm
sorry. I know how it seems,

but I did not, I repeat,
I did not k*ll that girl.

Well, according to her notebook,
you were the last one to see her alive.

So that makes you
a prime suspect.

Yeah, but I didn't see
her last Sunday night.

- Well, can you prove that?
- Yeah. Yeah, I can prove it.

I've got an alibi. I was
with somebody else.

- I'm sorry, Laura.
- Is this true? You and him?

- Yes. Gary was with me.
- But what about the V.D.?

I first picked it up over in
the Far East. We were playing

a pre-season exhibition game. I didn't
even know about it until we got back

and by then I'd seen Laura
and then she'd passed it on

to Joe and Laura and I, well we went and
we got rid of it, but we couldn't tell Joe.

You understand.

Anyhow, we figured that if he
found out that he would have thought

maybe he got it
from somewhere else.

So we just hoped for the best.

And then when Joe died,

well that opened up
the whole thing again.

And you and Joe passed it along?

- Yeah... I'm sorry.
- So am I.

Sorry, I'm gonna
have to take you in.

We told you everything.

- It's the truth. I swear it.
- I'm sorry, I have to.

Excuse us. Can I talk to
you for a minute, Lieutenant?

Yeah. Excuse us.

- I believe them.
- Quincy, don't start it...

Don't make things
tougher than they are.

Everything Harlan says fits.

And it explains how
the V.D. went full circle.

- Well, what are you...
- Besides,
there's something else.

What do you mean
there's something else?

There were hesitation
bruises all over her ribs.

- Hesitation bruises?
- Yes.

That happens when the attack isn't
strong enough to penetrate the ribcage.

But with a football player like Harlan he
could put the w*apon right through her.

Besides the angle is all wrong.

The assailant had
to be much smaller.

I know you want to put
him away for all he's done,

but that does not make
him a m*rder suspect.

Now come on.

What do you want me to do? I
guess I'll have to go along with you.

Why do you always do this to me
just when I've got a case wrapped up?

Doctor Quincy seems
to think you're innocent.

But I don't so don't leave town.

- Yes sir.
- Good day.

If he didn't k*ll Vicki
Taylor, then who did?

Considering her line of work, it
could have been a lot of people.

You said she wasn't
m*rder*d for her money.

That's right.

The wounds bear out a sudden, impulsive
act, so that eliminates profession.

You think it could have
been a dissatisfied customer?

That's not a bad place to start.

Why don't we go through
that appointment book

and get the background
on the customers.

That will eliminate some possible
suspects and we may pick up a few.

You know, you're gettin' to
be like a regular detective.

- I was just gonna say that.
- Thanks a lot.

What about the m*rder w*apon? That
would really help to clinch this thing.

Look Quincy, we're
trying. I've got Brill combing

the entire area where
the girl's body was found.

That's not enough.

Why don't you institute
a door-to-door search?

Maybe somebody saw the w*apon.
Maybe somebody picked it up.

Without that m*rder w*apon,
we don't have any place to go.

Okay, okay.


The angle is all wrong.

Now overhand, a guy
about this tall. See?

- See?
- Yeah.

The angle is right.

So for now, that eliminates
anybody from the military

because they're
trained to attack like that.

So that takes care of
Pierce, get rid of him,

takes care of Stone,
takes care of Sullivan,

Bruno, Hubert.

So that leaves us Lansdon,
McCabe, Norris and Johnson.

Well, how we gonna figure
out which one's the m*rder*r

without the m*rder w*apon?

- Maybe this will help ya.
- This the m*rder w*apon?

Could be. We found
it in the neighborhood.

A couple of kids picked it up.
We checked it for bloodstains

- and fingerprints but nothing.
- Let's give it a shot, huh?

Well, this could be it, Quince.

The size and the curvature of the
blade match the wounds almost perfectly.

But how can we prove that this
wood chisel was the m*rder w*apon?

There must be a lot of
tools like this around the city.

Maybe not just like it, Sam.

Isn't there a tiny
chip right there?

- Yeah.
- Why don't we get Ed
to take a picture of it

and we'll blow it up and
we'll get a closer look.

There are the chips. Only now
they look as big as the Grand Canyon.

But how's that gonna
help us, Quincy?

Are you kidding? These
are as good as fingerprints.

These chips will leave small striation
lines on anything that blade was used on.

I'll show ya. Look here in the
clay. See these small marks?

Now, it's unlikely that any other tool
would produce exactly the same pattern.

And it matches the marks we
found on one of the victims' ribs.

Sam, let me have
the picture of the ribs.

There it is.

There's no doubt about it.
That's the m*rder w*apon.

Well, I'll be.

We also found a small residue
of wood fibers near the handle.

The only question now is,
who do they belong to, huh?

Well, McCabe, he was in
the garment industry, right?

Morris, what'd he
do? He owned a...

- Camera store...
- Camera store, that's right.


- Hello.
- We're closed.

- You'll have to come back
another time. I'm afraid not.

Why, oh honey, forgot to tell
you about these gentlemen.

They have a lumber yard.

They've got a terrific
line of new wood products.

Real cheap, too. I told
them we might be interested

in looking at some
of their stuff. Right?

- That's right.
- Honey, would it be okay

if we went over to the workshop
and kinda talked things over?

All right, all right.

But don't forget we have
to stack those shelves.

- And I'm not
gonna do it by myself.
- Sure.

Well, let's go into
the workshop. Okay?

It won't take long,
honey. Not long at all.

'It won't take long.' That's
what you always say.

Well, it better not take long. All
you do around here anyway, Marvin,

is drink beer and watch TV.

The clinic assured me that
all this would be confidential,

- and now you show up here.
- They kept their word.

We're not from the
clinic. Look, Mr. Johnson,

you're in a lot more
trouble than you think.

I don't need you
to tell me that.

Would you believe this is the first time
I ever did this since I've been married.

First time.

My wife went out of town for the
weekend and my friend Bob came over.

We went out and had a couple of beers
and then he said he knew these girls,

that he trusted them.

I never did anything like that but
he said everything would be all right.

I said okay.

I didn't know what I was
doing. I must have been drunk.

Well, she was so
beautiful, so lovely.

Beautiful apartment.

Dirty tramp, dirty, sick tramp.

Breaking up homes. Ruining
families. With all that money.

Why don't you guys go out and round up
more tramps like her instead of bothering

respectable businessmen like me? All
you're interested in is taking pay-offs.

And nobody does
anything about girls like her.

- Maybe this time somebody did.
- What do you mean?

- She's dead.
- Dead?

- Yeah.
- I'm glad. Yeah, I'm glad.

You want me to say
I'm sorry, right? I'm not.

- This belong to you?
- Yes, it's my wristband.

I severed a tendon in my
wrist a couple of years ago.

It's been very weak ever since.

Mr. Johnson, do you
know what this is?

Sure. It's a carver's tool.

- Is it yours?
- No.

- Well, take a look at it.
- No.

- Do you have one like it?
- Sure.

- Can we see it?
- Yeah. It's around here someplace.

I must've misplaced it.

Isn't that kinda careless?

Misplacing a tool
you use so often?

Are you sure you didn't throw it away?
After all, it was the m*rder w*apon.

m*rder w*apon? Are you
trying to say that I k*lled her?

We didn't say that.
The evidence says that.

But why would I do that?

Because she gave you a disease
and you gave it to your wife.

It made you very angry.

And then you took this tool, you
waited for her and then you k*lled her.

Are you guys saying all
this because of that tool?

Every wood carver in
town has one exactly like it.

Not exactly like it. This chisel
has a tiny chip right on the blade.

You can't see it with the naked
eye but it's like a signature.

And I'm sure that when we
examine some of the carvings here,

we'll find the same pattern that we found
on the victim's body after you stabbed her.

So look, can you
think of anything else?

We took care of the men,
we took care of their wives.

I think we sealed off
every source, don't you?

Yeah, I think we have.

I mean, it wasn't
easy but I think we...

- Hi, Sam. Hi, Quincy...
- Where you been?

I'm sorry. I was teaching
the new stewardesses.

And one of them sends
her warmest regards.

- Yeah? Who?
- Gabrielle Martin.

Are you kidding? She's
becoming a stewardess?

- Yeah, yeah.
- I bet she'll be a good one.

- Mmm-hmm. But she needs your help.
- Oh. What's the matter?

Do you know anyone who could
use a large overhead mirror?
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