05x14 - Riot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Quincy, M.E.". Aired: October 3, 1976 – May 11, 1983.*
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Series follows Dr. Quincy, a resolute, excitable, ethical and highly proficient Medical Examiner (forensic pathologist) for the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, working to ascertain facts about and reasons for possible suspicious deaths.
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05x14 - Riot

Post by bunniefuu »

This joint is full of hostages
to the pig establishment.

It has to be kept
absolutely under QT.

If Ray was really
poisoned, question is "Why?"

What are you doing
coming on like a cop.

I didn't k*ll Ray.


I got enough for the warden.

There's a riot going on.

We're going to keep your
buddy boy here, for insurance.

I'm not leaving
here without him.

You're not going to
leave here with him.

Gentleman, you are
about to enter the most

fascinating sphere
of police work.

The world of forensic medicine.

Warden! I'd like to speak with
you about my appeal next month.

Who is this man, Stewart?

Ray Stone, sir.

Oh. Yes. Our
"political" prisoner.

Hey, look. Warden,
I'm not the only one.

This joint, is full of hostages
to the pig establishment!

A word of advice.

Applications for hearings should be
made through the proper channels.

And you'll find life
much easier here

if you display a little respect.


I could beef you for what
you said to the warden.

Or I could beef you for
what you just called me.

But I'm a fair man.

Well, well, well, what
do we have here?

A plant. That's
what we have here.

It'll teach you to live
within the system.

Now you wanna take
the fall or you want me

to find you something
really heavy?

C'mon, get in!

I'm not going back
in the hole! Pig!

Ain't but four cons
ever touched me!

And not one of them
lived to serve out their time.

Be back in a few minutes.

You an' me are gonna have
a long heart to heart talk.

You see anything?

No, Sir, Captain
Stewart. No, Sir.

My eyes are real bad these days.

Get back to work then.

Yes, sir.

Hey! Hey, Ray!

You sure messed yourself
up with the wrong dude.

Yeah, tell me about it, Jonah.

You need anything, Ray?
I mean anything I can...

Hey, you!

You mopping floors or runnin'
a Prisoner's Aid Society?

Yes, sir, yes, sir.
I'm going right now.

Well, Quince?

Monahan, didn't I
tell you not to bug me?

As soon as I finish the
report, I will give it to you.

But when are you
gonna finish it?


Ah, thanks, Quincy.

Why didn't you call me?

I just finished it... You
didn't give me a chance.

Talk about gratitude.


Oh, this is great, Quincy.

This should put
Roget away for sure.

Hey, I really appreciate it.

He appreciates it.

Every time I give him a
report on time he appreciates it.

You know, that's only
a word..."appreciate."

If he had any class,
he'd buy us lunch.

You're right, Quince.

Oh, you agree. Let's
get our jackets. Come on.

C'mon where?

What, you deaf? You're
gonna buy us lunch.

I am?

You can't lose. Oh yeah?

Three sevens.

Three nines.

Four sevens.

Five sevens.

Five aces.

Six aces.

Six aces?

Pass... pass...


C'mon, Quincy.

I'm thinking. I'm thinking.

I know. We can hear
the wheels grinding.

Quincy, Quincy...
C'mon, not now.

I'm on my lunch hour.

I knew I'd find you here.

Now listen, something
very important has come up.

We're needed right away.

It just can't wait. Besides, with those
numbers you don't have a chance.

Really? I gotta go.


Big mouth!

So you understand,
Doctor Quincy.

It has to be kept
absolutely on the QT.

The coroner's report is a matter

of public record, you know that.

Yes, of course.

However, the situation in
here could be a little touchy

if the wrong
impression got around.

We don't deal with impressions.
We only deal with facts.

Yes, but you see...


Whatever they may be, Warden.

Well, you'll find
your "facts" in there.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I've got a meeting downtown.

We'll handle it from here.

These guys are ripe
to go. I mean really ripe.

For what?

To get their heads blown off?

I'm not foolin' with you, man.

Now how long we gonna
put up with this Tompkins?

Look man, they're
already talking about

getting a commission
together to investigate this joint.

Tompkins won't last a week
once they get their act together.

There's the guard.

So I told the guy to
get his team together...

The next time we
do that, though,

we're gonna have to
make sure we're organized.

You got everything you need,
Ed? Yeah, I'm all set, Quince.

Fellas... fellas, you
can take him now.

Hey fellas.

What you want, mouse?

I gotta talk to you.

About what?

Ray Stone is dead.


Beat to death in
isolation by Bull Stewart.

You foolin' with
our heads, Jonah?

No, no, honest. It's straight.

Hell, the doc from
the coroner's office

is down there
with him right now.

That's it man. I
mean, that's really it.

Let's just do it.

Let's just pass
the word and do it.

Now? Right now!

Find anything, Sam?

Nope, you?

I am taking a sample
of this blood smear.

He must have hit his head here.

Okay, let's go.

Nobody's going anywhere.

So this is where
it happened, huh?

I come to see where ol' Ray
got wasted, and what do I find?

A couple a ghouls.

I don't like ghouls.

Hey, Ed... Ed!

Ain't it a little bit early
to start killin' folks?


Dead pig's just bacon.

Live one's what you
call negotiatin' material.

Yeah. Yeah!

Yeah, you're right.

I'll see you later, ghouls.

You wanna watch
out for that dude.

He ain't exactly
playing with a full deck.

I can see the
warden isn't exactly

running this place
at the moment, is he?

You got that right.

Where we going?

I'm going to take
you to a safe place

where you can watch
your first big time prison riot.

All this because
of Stone's death?

Because Bull Stewart k*lled him.

A lot of the guys were
primed to go, anyway.

They've had just about as much
of that Warden as they can take.

But k*lling Ray... That
really blew the lid off.

We don't know what or who
k*lled him. Not yet, anyway.

Hey man, they don't hand
out keys to the hole to us cons!

There's only one kind
could've k*lled Ray. Guards.

And only one of them
would've. Bull Stewart.

Where exactly will you place
your sharpshooters, Captain?

Pardon me, Warden.

Aren't we getting a
little ahead of ourselves?

I believe in preparing
for eventualities.

What about the
prisoners demands?

Are they all that unreasonable?

They have not approached me yet.

Dr. Asten.

Where's Quincy and
Sam? They're still inside.


Yeah, we barely
got out ourselves.

Then the prisoners are holding
them with the rest of the hostages.

What are we gonna
do, Lieutenant?

Find out what's happening.

Besides, I do not believe
in acceding to blackmail.

What about the hostages?

I said I don't
accede to blackmail.

Who are you? I'm
Lieutenant Monahan.

This is Sergeant
Brill and Doctor Asten.

I'd best get back
to my men, Warden.

What about my people?

Any man who accepts a position
here is well aware of the risks.

And my feelings.

There's at least two people
in there who aren't guards.

They're also very
good friends of mine!

I'm sorry, Lieutenant.

If you can't deal with them, why
can't you sit and wait them out?


Drivel like that
is what's filled

these prisons
in the first place!

I always deal from a
position of strength!

Warden, those men work for
me. I'm the Deputy Coroner.

Now if anything happens to them,

there's going to be hell to pay.

Doctor. No matter what happens,

there's going to be hell to pay.

Chateau Paint Thinner.

How old's this sucker?

Almost ten minutes now.

Okay. Let's get down
on them demands.

We gotta get out of here, Sam.

That's a good idea, Quincy.

Got any plans?

I'd like to...

So you're the doctor, right?

That's right.

Know all about m*rder
and stuff like that, huh?

Well, that's my
job, I mean, our job.

Lemme ask you, Doc.

Can you s*ab a
guy with an icicle?


Or suffocate him by stuffing
snow in his mouth and nose?

I mean once the stuff melted,
there'd be no evidence, right?

I mean you wouldn't have a
m*rder w*apon or anything.

Well, that makes
sense, I guess...

From what you said...

Okay, Charley, split.

But I gotta get my
answer. Move it.

What is it with that guy?
Is he a homicidal maniac?

Charley. Hell no.

He's just in for forgery.

Thing is, he's always
trying to write scripts for TV.

Even got himself an agent.

This could be a real bad scene.

Ed... You boys 'bout the
evilest-looking bunch I ever seen.

Look like you'd be
better off in prison!

We want Stewart. Now.

Ed, we already
talked about that.

Changed my mind.
Want my bacon. Now.

That ain't even government-inspected.
Hardly worth butcherin' out.

No mood for jokes.
We want Bull Stewart.

I don't think it's time yet.

I do.

You go for him... you gonna
have to come through me.

I can do that, too.

Aren't you guys
forgetting something?

Sure you can k*ll Stewart,
that's easy, that's simple.

But you're gonna make a
martyr out of him, a hero.

They'll name a bridge after
him or prison... maybe this one.

Butt out!

Somebody's gonna have to pay
for his m*rder and pay heavily.

Yeah. Him.

Wouldn't it be better if a
court found him guilty of

k*lling Ray Stone and
then send him back here,

not as a cop this
time, but as a con?

How do you figure that?

When a court convicts you of a
crime, you go to prison, don't you?

That's what will happen
to him. He'll wind up here...

No special privileges,
no protection.

You hear that?

You're gonna be living with us

We're gonna have a good
ol' time, won't we, Bull?

Oh, but it's not
gonna work, though.

What do you mean?

You just said You need proof.

You have proof
that he k*lled Stone?

We all know he k*lled Stone?

Can you prove it
in a court of law?

How do you prove it, Doc?

Well, you've got to do
an autopsy on the body.

Find out what caused his death.

That's what we're gonna do.

So you want us to let
you walk outta here,

so you could cut up
Ray Stone, is that it?

It's your choice.

It's either us in here or him
in here with you... for years.

All right, supposing
we buy your story, Doc.

Supposing we just let
you walk out of here...

How do we know you
ain't gonna fake the report

to cover up for that slime Bull?

If I faked the report and
somebody found out about it,

first I could lose my job,
then I could lose my license.

I could go to jail for
falsifying public documents.

I worked awfully hard
to get where I am now.

Why should I falsify them,
I don't even know him.

I don't know about you guys...

Sounds pretty good to me.


All right, Doc. We'll buy it.

Kick him loose.

Let's go, Sam.

No, no, no, no, no.

He stays. What?

Now we bought your story.
But not all the way, Doc.

We're gonna keep your buddy
boy here for insurance, you got it?

I'm not leaving
here without him!

You're not gonna
leave here with him.

You must think we're
all real stupid in here.

You think we're gonna
let you both walk out?

Go ahead, Quince.

It's all right.

If we both stay nothing's
going to get settled.

Sam, I'm not leaving
here without you.

Go on, Quince.
It's okay. I'll be fine.

I'll get you out as fast
as I can... I promise.

Nothing's gonna happen to him.

Easy, will ya! I'm Doctor
Quincy, I'm coming out!


What do you want, Bull?

Listen man, you gotta help me.

You and the other cons,
you got this all wrong.

I tried that line in
front of a judge once.

He gimme five years.

No, listen! I didn't k*ll Ray!


An' the Pope ain't Catholic
and the warden's a hippie.

But it's the truth,
man! I swear to it.

Now when I put him in that cell

Shut up!

Or do you want to go talk to Ed?

I'll take care of Bull.

You might not have to.
He'll probably die of fright.

All right, c'mon, let's get
back to these demands.

I'm telling you, Doctor, you
push this thing any further

and you could be responsible
for a major disaster here.

And I'm telling you.
Warden, there's nothing

I can do to make matters worse.

They already believe
that Stewart k*lled Stone!

The worst I could
do is confirm it!

I just can't allow it.

You can't stop
it either, Warden.

The Medical Examiner's
Office has a legal responsibility

under which you have no control.

That's right. What are you
trying to do, start a w*r?

I cannot tolerate
this rebellion.

You're gonna have
to learn to live with it.

At least until I come
up with some answers.

Warden, my best
friend is in there

and I'm gonna make sure
that nothing happens to him.

I'll set the toxicology
on these now

and everything is
set up for the tissues

as soon as you give them to me.

I'll have them for you
in about a half hour.

It's hard to believe
that this kind of brutality

goes on anywhere these days.

We're not sure he
was beaten to death.

There's a fine centimeter
laceration over the left frontal area.

Contusion, 12 one centimeter in
diameter over the interior chest wall.

Four centimeters
left to mid-line.

Laceration of the right external
ear. One centimeter from the top.

Prominent ecchymosis
around both eyes.

This could be it.

A severe laceration
ten centimeters long,

approximately five
centimeters behind the left ear.

Over the mastoid
area, an acute blow.


Well, we won't know
if it was the death blow

until we see what kind of
internal damage was done.

That's it.

Type this up, Specs.

I'll take 'em out
when you get done.

Looks real good, Lenny.

I sure hope the doc is
playing it straight with us.


Hey, it's my hide
that's on the line

and I'm not close
to being worried.

Then you're a damn fool.

You don't know
these guys like I do.


Listen, lemme ask
you something though.

People get k*lled in
prisons all the time.

Why is Ray Stone so special?

Ray was one great dude.

Been to college. Taught
himself a bunch of law.

And used it to
help a lot of cons.

Especially us
so-called minorities.

Did he ask for
anything in return?

Wouldn't even take
a pack of smokes.

He showed me how to
write up my own appeal.

And stirred up a whole bunch
of fuss when they turned it down.

A jailhouse revolutionary.

Hey, I don't know nothin'
about no revolution.

In the joint, there's
only one kinda politics.

Me against everybody else.

If you feel that way...

Why are you sticking your neck
out working with the committee?

Two reasons.

One, I owe Ray Stone.

Two... I'm heavy
into stayin' alive.

Staying alive? I
don't understand.

Riots gotta have a leader.

If it ain't me and some of the
others, it'd be Ed and his crew.

But that man's a psychopath.

That don't matter
to the average con.

All they see is Ed's
a stand-up dude

who don't take
nothin' from nobody.

Like Ray Stone didn't?

There it is. Like Ray Stone.


Hands over your head.

Take him.

Shouldn't we wait to
see what they want?

No sudden moves.

It doesn't matter
what they want.

Perhaps you're right.

Maybe it isn't time
to prick the boil yet.

This is gonna be the first time in
my life I've ever wished I was wrong.

I don't think we
missed anything. No.

There's simply no
conceivable way Ray Stone

died from any of these injuries.

The prisoners are never
going to believe that.

I know.

What are we going to tell them?

What can we tell them?

We've got to find out
what did k*ll him and fast.

Let's look again.

Yes. I've seen the
list of their demands.

Well, what's your reaction?

At the moment, none.

When the prisoners
have returned to

their cells and order
has been restored

I shall set up an
appropriate review board.

That is the only
concession I will make.

Have you decided on your
response to the riot yet?

Yes. I intend to
meet force with force.

If the prisoners have
not released the hostages

and returned to their
cells within twelve hours...

I will take the
appropriate measures!

Does he mean what
I think he means?


He's gonna Attica our butts!

The first thing we ought
to do is shank a hostage

and let that damn warden
know that we mean business!


Let's take a vote. C'mon!

All right now, we're gonna vote.

Who do we waste first?

Bull Stewart or the ghoul?

I think you got a
good point there, Ed.

I do?

We're gonna show that
warden we mean business.

We're gonna shank us a hostage!

No, man. That'd be playin'
that dude's own game.

That's exactly what
he wants us to do.

He does?

Sure, man.

He gives us the
time limit. We react.

Which gives him an excuse to
come in with the g*ns and gas.

So what do we do?

We don't do nothin'.

He set the limit.
He's stuck with it.

So we let the clock tick
out on him instead of us!

You got it, bro.

That gives us more time to
make another batch of raisin jack.

C'mon, Ed. Let's go. Yeah.

Hey, Len.


It's his boss.

He says he wants to talk to him.

He's on the phone at the guard
desk. He says it's real urgent.

C'mon. Let's see
what the problem is.

Hi, Quince.

Sam, you all right?

At the moment.

Did you catch the warden on TV?

Yes, I did. That guy's crazy.

Also, I've got news.

Go ahead.

Ray Stone was
not beaten to death.

But the...

I mean, how do you
explain his injuries?

He died of convulsions.

He gave himself
those injuries but

we don't know what
caused the convulsions.

I'm listening.

We're running a
toxicological series right now,

trying to find out
what happened.

Well, that's good news.

Is it possible that Stewart
could have given him a poison?

He could've had the opportunity.

But I wouldn't
think it was his style.

Then I've got to
ask you something.

For obvious reasons,
I'm very cooperative.

The only way those guys will
accept death by poisoning...

If that's what it was is
for us to produce the k*ller.

So I've got to ask you to
play cop for a while, okay?

But... I guess I don't
have a choice, do I?

I'll see what I can do,
Quincy. I'll be seeing you.

Okay... take care of yourself.


Can I talk to you in private?

Guess you don't have the
hostage value we thought you did.

And the doc's just as
crooked as everybody else.

For five minutes, just five...

Would you not assume that
I'm trying to whitewash this thing?

Why the hell should I?

Because it'll help pass the
time until Tompkins comes

charging in with his tear
gas and machine g*ns.

I ain't playing no h*nky
parkour games in a long time.

Okay, now what you're saying
is if Ray was really poisoned,

it had to be
someone else. Right?

It sure looks that way.

Question is. Why?

It's your turf,
Len. You tell me.

Okay. Let's start looking.

Who are we going to see?

Duane. He was Ray's cellmate.

In this place you don't have too
many secrets from your cellmate.

What kind of a
guy is this Duane?

Nothing heavy.

Just a guy trying to
get by as fast as he can.


Hi, Len. C'mon in, man.

First time I been up here since

you and Ray,
moved into this block.

Looks like Ray did all right,

for a dude with nobody on the
outside sendin' him anything.

Hey, you know Ray.
Always had a scam in.

Is that right? Like what?

Whatever came along.
Cigarettes, candy, jack, dr*gs.

You're kidding!

Ray Stone!

And the dude never
drank or got off himself.

You positive about dr*gs, Duane?

Hey man, for sure.

Who do you think
set up those reds

that came in under the
garbage truck last month?

Man! That was a
big shipment, too!

They was all over two blocks!

So Ray was pretty
big-time, then.

Who'd he use for muscle?


What do you mean, muscle?

Ray didn't need any muscle.

Easy... just askin'.

And what are you doing
comin' on like a cop?

Forget it, man. Let's leave it.

We got some other
people to talk to.

Ray Stone! An operator.

You could've fooled
the hell out of me!

It sounds like some kind of
black market going on in here.

Here and every other joint.

But don't the guards... I mean,
how do they keep it hidden?

Ain't no hidden about it!

The pigs know
what's comin' down.

Why do you think they
sell candy bars by the case?

Or four cartons of
cigarettes at a time?

The pigs want us to do that.

You know, I don't want
to sound dumb... but why?

Because it keeps our
mind off other things.

Like goin' over
the wall some night.

Besides... they get their cut.

What's happening, Jonah?

Why are you still cleaning up?
That's all down the tubes now.

It's my job, Len.
It's what I always do.

Hey, Len, you wouldn't
happen to have any...

No. You know I don't deal.

Maybe Duane's got some.

You tell him I said "it's okay."

Man! That's what I
call institutionalized!

He's a little...

Oh, he's not nothin!

See the way he kept on sweepin'?

There's a riot going on!
He didn't have to do that!

How long has he been here?

I don't know.

He k*lled his wife in the
30s, 40s, who knows.

Only thing keep him
going is doping off.

If I ever get like that...

I'll go off the top tier and make
sure I come in on my head!

I gather we're following
up on that muscle

that Duane was
saying didn't exist.

You caught that, huh? Yeah.

We're gonna make
a con outta you yet.

Or turn you into a cop.

Hey, you're the second dude
that's said that to me today.

I hear it one more time, I'm gonna
put somebody's hand in a toaster.

I'm sorry. My mistake.

You cons sure are snobs.

Professional pride, my
man. Professional pride.

I think that's very
unreasonable procedure.

Feel like I just got off the
phone with Captain Bligh.

The warden wouldn't
give an extension?


Eight hours. He
sends in the troops.

What's Monahan
doing? I just spoke to him.

He's in the same predicament
we are. No jurisdiction.

I never should have
left Sam in there.

Quincy, that's the only way you
could have saved either of you.

Here's the toxicological report.

Oh, thank you, Mark.

Stomach contents... negative!

Any poisons? No.

In the blood, there's just a trace
of Phenobarbital... and Phenytoin.

Phenytoin? Yeah.

Remember the skin
condition... Hypertrophied gums?

Let's take another
look at that body.

With only three hours remaining
on your deadline, Warden,

it's obvious you're not expecting
the prisoners to surrender.

I discount no possibilities.

When Attica prison
was stormed in 1971,

nine of the ten hostages k*lled

were almost certainly the
victims of police g*nf*re.

Now what is to prevent that
from happening right here?

Under state law, any inmates
convicted of participating in the riot

will be culpable for any harm
that comes to those hostages.

Don't you understand?

You're avoiding my question.

Do you have a plan to keep any
of the hostages from being shot?

Got enough of that warden!

And hostages and
demands and all the rest.

Reporter didn't ask him
what was gonna happen to us.

I got a little plan of my own.

How we can have some fun
before they come in after us.

My mind keeps goin' in circles!

Now you know how... Pardon
the expression... a cop feels.

I'll shine that.

Assumin' your boss is tellin'
the truth, which I still am...

Stone was poisoned.

Or something.

I can believe Stewart
beat Stone to death.

But I can't believe Stewart
poisoned him. He's too dumb!

That's the way
I figure him, too.

So Ray's knight on
horseback bit was just an act.

He was usin' us to
build some kind of...

Power base.

Looks like he used a lot
of people for a lot of things.

Yeah, about half
of those dudes had

every reason in
the world to k*ll him.

But none of the people we found
out about could have k*lled him.

Which leads me back
to Bull Stewart again.

But I ain't sure enough of
none of it to keep this going.

Hey, it's time to pack it in.

Let's go talk to the committee!

Hey, something's going down.


You boys having a party?

What it is.

We took a little vote
while you was out, Lenny.

About what?

Ain't no way the
bulls ain't gonna come

stormin' in here in
a couple of hours.

And ain't no way they ain't
gonna let Bull Stewart off the hook.


So... we are gonna pay back
Bull Stewart up front, right?


You just gonna waste him?

Aw no, no, no.

We gonna give him a real trial!

Then we gonna waste him.

You ain't thinkin'
about opposin' us?


I'm with you.

Give him the jug.

Let's go have some fun.

All right!


I'm telling you there's
no other way to handle it.

I've got to go back inside and
sell those guys on our findings.

Quincy, they won't
believe you because

they don't want to believe you.

They have a choice, I don't.

All right, everybody.

Okay, quiet...
quiet... now quiet!

This court's now in session!

Everybody got a drink?


Now I expect everyone here to
maintain a certain amount of dignity.

This is a m*rder trial.

How 'bout it, slime Bull?

You gonna tell the truth, the
whole truth an' nothin' but the truth?


I'm ready, Warden.

Oh, Doctor Quincy.

I'm afraid I'm going to have
to re-nege on my decision.

It's entirely too hazardous
to allow you to go inside.

Warden, my report showed
that he died instatus epilepticus.

Now that's an epileptic seizure.

That's gonna get you off the
hook and defuse this b*mb.

It's too late, Doctor. I've
given them a time limit.

The exact cause of Stone's death

is no longer
relevant to the issue.

I don't believe you're for real.

You want blood, don't you?

You want to force
a confrontation.

What are you trying to prove?

Look warden, I'm gonna
give you exactly thirty seconds.

Either I go inside,
or I'm going to bring

this whole rotten
story to the press.

You make up your mind.

Very well, go on in!

Okay, who wants to
be the next witness?

Stand up here and tell
what a louse Stewart is?


Quince. You all right, Sam?

Yeah, I'm all right.

So... you came back.

That was part of our deal.

Now I see you got
a little trial going.

That's right, Doc.

Then we're gonna convict Stewart
there of murdering Ray Stone.

All nice and legal like.

Don't you think you ought
to hold an inquest first?

To determine the cause of death?

He's right you know.

Okay. Doc, you tell us
how Stewart k*lled Ray.

Then we convict him.

Did you ever work Stone over?

I never did hit him. It's against
prison policy to strike an inmate!

You keep lying and I'll
turn you over to them.

Now I want you to level!

All right. I maybe hit
him a couple times.

But I didn't go back and
then beat him to death!

I hate to disappoint you
but he's telling the truth.

Well, how did Ray die?

He was locked up
all alone... by himself.

You gonna tell us that
he beat himself to death?

You could say that.

Stone was an epileptic.

He died from what we
call a grand mal seizure.

Epilepsy, huh! That's right.


It's a cover-up fellas,
just like we figured.

Cover up. That's right.

Okay. Hold it a minute.

We can sh**t that
one down right now.

Duane? Where's Duane?

Okay, you'd know
if anyone would.

Was Ray an epileptic?

Yeah, he was.

Was he taking medication for it?


Phenytoin and Phenobarbital?

Something like that. It
was some kind of capsules.

How much of a
supply did he have?

They're kinda tough
about that here.

He had to go up to the dispensary
everyday to get what he needed.

If an epileptic is
on those dr*gs

and he's denied his medication
for say a couple of days,

there's an extremely good chance
that he would have a seizure.

Now I'm not talking
about a ordinary seizure.

It's like a junky
going cold turkey.

Cutting of his supply could
leave him in a condition

where he could have one
seizure on top of another seizure

on top of another seizure,

ripping his body
apart until it stops or...

Until it kills him.

All right, so Stewart
cut off Ray's supply

when he was in the
hole and that k*lled him.

It's the same thing anyway, Doc.

I ain't to sure about that.

Beating him to death
would be Stewart's style.

Not giving him his pills... He
wouldn't get his kicks that way.

It didn't necessarily
happen that way.

Why not?

Because I understand
that Stone was no dummy.

He must have known
what would happen

to him if he didn't
get his medication.

I'll bet after 24 hours,

when he didn't have any,
he started to scream for some.

I think somebody gave
him what he thought

was Phenytoin and
Phenobarbital, but it wasn't.

You mean somebody
deliberately tried to k*ll him?

Sounds kinda
wild, if you ask me.

Again not necessarily.

I told you there was
Phenobarbital in that medicine.

If somebody wanted it bad
enough, they could have taken it,

and then substituted
something like sugar.

That almost begins
to make sense, Doc.

Who did it, Doc?

You tell me.

It had to be somebody
who is a user,

who had access to
isolation and the dispensary.

Now who here fits that?

I don't know nothing about
anything fellas. Honest.

Go ahead and ask him, Doc.

So far you're doing fine.

How long have you
been in this prison?

I... don't remember any more.

I think... Truman...
Mr. Truman was president.

Do you have any
family on the outside

that send you money
or gifts, things like that?

No, Sir.

Do you have any special skills
that would earn you money in here?

I'm pretty tidy. Keep
things cleaned up.

How did you feel
about Ray Stone?

Ray? Yeah.

Everybody liked Ray.

You knew he had epilepsy?


But I didn't tell anybody.

Ray wouldn't have liked that.

I'm sure you didn't...

You were into him
pretty deep, weren't you?

I don't know what you mean, Doc.

He gave you dr*gs and
you owed him a lot of money.

Yeah. But I promised to pay him.

Oh... how would you do that?

Well... I... I... I would've
figured out something.

In the meantime he'd cut you
off. He didn't give you anything.

It's tougher than life
without a fix, isn't it?

He had no... No call to do that!

He had plenty of stuff.

Why didn't you give Stone his
medicine, like you were supposed to?

I meant to. I really did...

But I'd been so long without it.

And when I went down back there

to try and get
some more for him,

they wouldn't let me have any...

What else could I do?

I didn't think it
would k*ll him.

I didn't, really, I didn't.

I figured that he could go for
a couple of days without it...

C'mon, Sam.

Wait! Just hold it.

Everybody, cool it!

All right, all right,
we were wrong.

The pig didn't do
away with Ray Stone.

So now what do we do, Doc?

Throw in the towel?

Hand the whole show-bang
back to Tompkins and that pig?

You know what
would happen to us?

He's right, Doc. Ain't no
way we can just give in.

Not with those two in charge.

We're gonna have
to hold on to you

for just a little
while longer, Doc.

Unless... Unless what?

So you see, Warden, you
have to make a fast choice.

Either agree to their new terms

or start a w*r
there's no reason for.

And I suppose if I don't agree

you'll thr*aten to take it
right to the press again?

Oh no, I'm not
going to thr*aten you.

I'm going to do it. Now look,
it's not that hard to live with!

Fire Stewart, he's
going to come up

on criminal as*ault
charges anyway

and since the inmates
haven't hurt anybody,

agree to amnesty and
accept their arbitration panel.

Arbitration panel?

You see, they pick a representative
and you pick a representative,

then you get together
and you pick a third one.

I guess I don't have too
much of a choice, do I?

Not from where I'm
sitting. I don't thing you do.

All right.

Good! I'll tell 'em
everything is settled.


The only thing that cheers
me up about this whole affair

is that you and I will not
be seeing each other again.

Well, if I were you, I wouldn't

exactly get my
hopes up too high.

You see, the inmates
have asked me to be

their representative
on the arbitration panel.

Three nines.

Five nines.

Five aces.

Six aces.

Again with the six aces!

C'mon, Quince, we're
gonna be late. Late for what?

For Len Woods parole hearing.

We're supposed to be
testifying his character witnesses.

Yeah, I got a good
hand... Come on, Quince.

I gotta... Seven aces.

Eight aces! Eight aces!

Nine, Ten.
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