06x07 - By Their Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Quincy, M.E.". Aired: October 3, 1976 – May 11, 1983.*
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Series follows Dr. Quincy, a resolute, excitable, ethical and highly proficient Medical Examiner (forensic pathologist) for the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, working to ascertain facts about and reasons for possible suspicious deaths.
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06x07 - By Their Faith

Post by bunniefuu »

How does she explain the
cures and the miracles, Father?

She has been given
the Divine power.

How did they find
out you could heal?

That is the greatest
mystery of all.

"L.A. Coroner
says it's a miracle."

Hey, I didn't invent these
wonder cures, I just report them.

Your luring them
away from legitimate

medical treatment
with promises...

you have no right to make!

We may be looking
at an epidemic.

Don't you think we want to help
those people as much as you do?

But what are we supposed
to do in the meantime?

Sit around and watch them die?

Gentlemen, you
are about to enter

the most fascinating
sphere of police work,

the world of forensic medicine.

Oh, I see your reading all
the news that's unfit to print.

He's here. You may go on in.


Did you know no
respectable fish would be

found dead wrapped
in a rag like that.

Ahhh... This is
Archbishop Vallejo.

How do you do sir.

And this is the
renowned Doctor Quincy

and his assistant Sam Fujiyama.

How do you do.

I have heard about the
fine work you do here.

You have? Hey, we're flattered.

Look, why don't we make
ourselves comfortable.

- Excuse me.
- Sure.

You needn't sound
so surprised, Doctor.

In recent years, our
Church has discovered

the benefits of
forensic medicine.

It's proven to be
a valuable tool

in Thaumaturgical


Oh, that's the study of the
miracle phenomena, Quince.

Our Church is very
interested in miracle claims.

It is our duty to validate
or disprove them.

Our faith was
born of a miracle...

And miracles sustain us.

Are you talking about
the San Ramos miracles?

Claims of miracles.

You don't think they're kosher?

Quincy... I'm just
coining a phrase...

Many times, that which
has the aura of miracle

can be proven to have
more of a logical explanation

than a divine explanation.

You see, there are hundreds of
cure claims for relics down there.


Yes. A young village
girl discovered them.

A skeleton wrapped
in a burial cloth.

Why should they
be considered holy?

Ordinarily, such
remains would not be.

But they seem to verify a local
legend about a priest from Salamanca.

That's the city in Spain noted
for its theological heritage?

You are well studied
indeed, Mr. Fujiyama.

Yeah, I seem to be the
only dunce around here.

In any case, the
Dominican Fray Diego

was a missionary among the
Inca's in the late 16th century.

It is said that he performed
many cures among the tribes.

Eventually, he
suffered martyrdom at

the hands of an
envious chieftain.

He died from a knife
thrust to the chest.

The discovery of these
relics if they prove to be real,

would have great
significance to the Church.

Yes, of course, but there
is an immediate problem.

The discovery, and the cures
in the name of Fray Diego

by this young village girl,
has caused quite a commotion.

People are pouring into the
area more and more every day.

With who knows what
ailments and diseases.

That'd be a problem for a city
as modernized as Los Angeles.

I should say so...

Well, we'd be honored
to help, Archbishop.

When could you have
the remains sent to us?

Oh, that will not be possible.

The remains and the burial
cloth cannot be removed

or separated from the area.

I was hoping that
you and Mr. Fujiyama

would be willing to
travel to San Ramos.

- Us?
- That's right.

And what an exciting project.

You will be part of an
international group of scientists.

You and an
archeologist will attempt

to authenticate the
bones of Fray Diego,

a chemist, biochemist
and a physicist

will be examining
the burial cloth.

How does that sound?

Well, we...

No, no, no. Don't worry about
being away from the office.

I've already explained
to the Archbishop

we could spare you
and Sam for a few days

if you decide to go.

Oh, you did.

San Ramos, Sam.

Well, when do we go?

How soon could you?

How about tomorrow morning?

- Fine.
- Oh!

I want to thank you both.

Thank you. Thank you.

Listen, we better go,
we got a lot of work to do.


Excuse us.

There so big you could
put a saddle on em'.

Big as crocodiles.

That'll probably be next.

No wonder Asten was
so eager to let us go.

Yeah, I should've known he
was concocting some devious plot.

That man's a confirmed sadist!

All right Purfurio, here's
what we're gonna do.

We're gonna push and your
gonna g*n it hard. Okay?

One more try. You got it?

Sorry, senors. But I
don't think that it will move

till the mud dries.

Looks like we're gonna
have to rest till then.

How long is it gonna
take for the mud to dry?

Oh, around December or January.

December or January?

It's only June!

Well, I guess we walk, huh?

How much further is it?

Oh, four to five or six miles.

Say, Purfurio give us a
hand with the bags, will ya.

Sorry, senor. I
don't do luggage.

I have a bad back.

A little bit of home, Sam,
right here in the old jungle... eh?


We are here.

And they said it
couldn't be done.

What I wouldn't give for
murmuring pines and hemlock.

Sam, right now I'd just
settle for the hemlock.


I'm Berg. Brooklyn. Archeology.

You must be
Quincy. L.A. Coroner.

- How'd you do?
- Hi.

It was a long trip.

Ah, not so bad.

I made it yesterday.
In less than four hours.

We all did.

Hey, you guys
look like you swam.

This is Sam Fujiyama.
L.A. Lab Assistant.

We are proud to make
your acquaintance.

Who are we?

Me and those
characters over there.

See that cute guy with the
sexy eyes, that's Abrego.

Mexico. Biology.

The mouse with the mustache
is St. Pierre. Paris. Physics.

The guy in the straw hat
with the immobile upper lip

and no sense of
humor is Rutherford.

London. Biochemistry.

I see the g*ng's all here.

- Yeah.
- Where's the village?

About a mile that
way. As the crow flies.

Where's the lab?

You're sitting in it.

It's gonna be life under
the big tarp for all of us.

You see, Archbishop Vallejo
delivered tents with our lab equipment.

Is that the
equipment over there?

Yeah, that's it over there.

They flew it in early
this morning by chopper.

A helicopter brought
in the equipment there.

It landed here?

Yeah, no sweat.

It brought in the
equipment and not us?

Well, you wanted the equipment
to get here safely, didn't you?

I wanted us to get here safely.

Listen, welcome aboard.

Now why don't you relax and
take a nice ten minute break.

Just ten minutes?

Well yeah, we gotta get
crackin' on those tents.

We've got work to do, gents.

Lots and lots and lots of work.

QUINCY: Come on will ya, Sam!

You wanna see or not?

BERG: Running away?

No, we're gonna take a look-see
at the village. You wanna come?

No thank you. Some
of us have work to do.

But let me tell you something,
after you've seen that place,

they'll have no trouble
keeping you down on the farm...

- Have a good walk.
- Thank you.

Holy Father.

This man has come
such a long way.

Heal him, please.

I never thought there'd
be so many people.

And more and more are coming.

From your country, Central
America, even Europe.

With every possible sickness
and disease one can imagine.

Even if we had
physicians to help,

these people would
not accept them.

They are here for
miracles, no more, no less.

Like the people at Lourdes.

I'll bet that's our man
from that rag, the Scope...

The eyes and ears
of yellow journalism.

He has been here
since the beginning.

How he found out, I do not know.

People like that
can smell something

exploitable a
million miles away.

Well, the Church
wants just the opposite.

We wanted to proceed
quietly and sensibly until

your investigation
was completed.

But now, because of his
stories, that is impossible.

Do you believe?

Do your really believe?

You must believe.

Oh, look at her.

She almost seems to glow.

She has always been
a very special person.

She was a child of
remarkable intelligence.

Although her parents
were poor and uneducated...

she passed through school
with the highest honors.

After they died,

she worked at any
job she could get.

She sacrificed and saved.

Sometimes eating
nothing more than bread.

Until she had the
money to go to college.

She would still be
there if it weren't

for the needs of her
brothers and sisters.

What she has done is
quite remarkable, Doctor.

Maybe God touched her
earlier than any of us thought.

How does she explain the
cures and the miracles, Father?

Jacinta believes that
she is merely a vehicle.

It is only through the
intercession of Fray Diego,

she has been given
the Divine power

to relieve the ills of those
who come seeking help.

What do you believe, Father?

I believe that a miracle is
an event which creates faith.

Only then is it a true miracle.

With all due respect, Father,

even if miracles are
performed here every day,

these people are
gonna need food and

shelter and clean
water and sanitation.

Believe me, Doctor, we are
doing everything humanly possible.

But since the articles began,

the flood of humanity
has been so great

that it is really hard
for us to handle it.

We do the best we can... As
you can see, it is not enough.

Then we better start
finding answers right away.

God help us all...


What's the matter? See
something you wanted sonny?

I... I believe you
dropped this, sir.

Bring it over here, come on.


You're right. This
sucker belongs to me.


You're welcome, sir.

My name's Mike. Mike Jensen.

Well, what's yours?

Christopher Eddington, sir.

Listen, why don't you knock
off the sir business, huh?

Here... Want a soda?

No thank you, I'm not allowed.

Oh, yeah... I saw
you a couple days ago,

you were up with the
miracle girl, takin' the cure.

Well, did it work?

Well, I do feel a bit better.

Terrific! C'mon take a load off.

"A load off?"

Yeah. Well it's an American
expression that means "take a load off".

MAN: Christopher? Christopher!

Where the, devil are you?

I'm down here.

Christopher, you know you
shouldn't be running off like that.

Sorry if he's
been a bother, sir.

Let's go lad, back
to the tent, will you?

Can't I stay a
moment or two longer?

Hey, it's okay with me if he
wants to hang around a bit longer.

Thank you, but he needs rest.

I want you to get as much rest
as you can while you're here.

Come on now, off we go.

I'd like to learn
about your cameras.

May I see you later?

Yeah. Yeah. Sure.

Excuse me...

The kid looks pretty
healthy to me. What's he got?


QUINCY: So this is where
they found the old Fray Diego.

SAM: That's what
Father Dominguez says.

BERG: Welcome, gents!
There's no place like home!

What are you doing here? I
thought you had work to do.

Hey, the name's Berg.
Archeology. Remember?

This is my laboratory.

Okay, Berg, Archeology, how
about taking two novices on a tour?

You got it. I'm gonna teach you

somethin' about the
fine art of spelunking.

Well you see, this is
not naturally formed.

It was dug out, who
knows how many years ago.

By whom?

Incas. As part of
a temple structure.

Could it have been
carved out for Diego?

Well, it might have
been a burial cave.

But I don't think it was
specifically carved out for Diego,

because this predates it.

I mean, this dates back
to the fluorescent culture,

the Incan culture
about 1200 A.D.

Then the bones aren't his.

Well, that's what I thought.

Until I found this...

Now this is a fine
example of Bernal ware.

Dates to the Colonial
Period, late 16th century.

That's the time Fray Diego
was supposed to have died.

BERG: Exactly.

Now this piece would
lead me to believe

that the bones they found
here were put here with this.

- Is it authentic?
- Oh, yes.

Yeah, it's authentic.
If it isn't, I'll eat my hat.

You know, I haven't
been in this business

for a hundred years
just for the fun of it.

The bones, are they
his or aren't they?

If I had to be pinned down
right now, I would have to say,

chalk one up for Fray Diego.

FATHER: You will have to wait until
tomorrow, she's not coming today.


Where is Jacinta? I thought this
would be a good time to meet her.

I have taken her home for a
while away from the crowds.


Healing is an exhausting
procedure for Jacinta.

If I do not insist she
go home and rest,

she would stay for hours

unable and unwilling to
deny her powers to anyone

who seeks her help.

Sam... That woman's convulsing!

Sam, she's burning up.

Don't touch her Doctor.

She has come here
for the spiritual help.

Father, she's critically ill.


Do you speak English?

- Ja.
- Is this your wife?

- Ja, ja. Meine frau.
- She is critically ill

I'm a doctor.

No! No doctor. To the girl.

She may not live long enough
to even see her. Please!

My son, come let me talk to you.

Give me that water.

Sam, I've gotta get her away
from here, cool her down.

Her breathing is so shallow.
It's a miracle she's still alive.

Can I quote you on that, Doc?

Okay, catch you later, huh?

C'mon Christopher, I think
we've worn out our welcome.

It is agreeable
with her husband.

Let's take her to
the parish house,

it is right down the road.

Danke, danke.

All right, you guys. Gather
round. I have a duty list here.

Abrego, check out the
chemicals from Mark.

St. Pierre, check out
the X-ray equipment and

make sure
everything is in order...

I do beg your pardon, madam.

But I wasn't aware this camp
came with head counselors.

Somebody has to take charge. I
think we've been wasting a lot of time.

Speak for yourself, monsieur.

No, I'm gonna speak
for that town out there.

We may be looking
at an epidemic.

With a limited amount of medical

supplies and a limited
amount of cooperation.

We better clear this thing
up as fast as possible.

BERG: Then I'll be in charge.

And we'll work as
a team. Agreed?

Agreed! Let's get
this show on the road.

I have never understood
that expression.

Sur la rue, baby.

Rutherford, I want you to
check that pollen chart...

get that pollen in gear.


How's the woman?

Oh, much better,
Doctor. Her fever broke.

The medicine you gave
her seems to be helping.

Good. But those g*ns,
they're not good at all.

Well, the church has
nothing to do with it.

The government has
sent them to protect you.

To protect us?


They don't want anyone wandering

in here without their approval.

May your work be
blessed with success.

Thank you.

It's a canvas prison!

Be careful.

Let me handle the
remains first, okay.

Nobody touch this
shroud without gloves.

- Gloves, Sam, gloves.
- Careful, careful mes amis.

We have to think
of contamination.


We'd like to have a
moment with Jacinta.



Good evening, Father.

This gentleman is a doctor
from the United States.

I'm Dr. Quincy. How do you do?

Buenas noches.

When you finish, I'll be
waiting for you outside.

There's not need, Father.

I will be waiting.

Please, sit down.

Are you with the scientists
who have come to examine

the relics of Fray Diego?

Yes, I'm from Los Angeles.

Is something troubling you?

No. No. No. I was at the cave.

Those are magnificent
archeological findings, aren't there?

None of us even
knew it was there.

It is in a place we
do not often travel.

I don't even know
what led me that way.

Maybe just a feeling...

As I walked in the forest,

I saw a strange light.

And felt heat that seemed
to go right through me,

as though I was
there in its path.

And then?

As I got near the cave,

I noticed that the light was
coming from somewhere inside.

So I went in.

It was very bright.

Not like the sun

but somehow just as bright.

I saw the holy remains.

I went over to pick them up.

As I knelt, the light went away.

The cave grew dark.

People that have sought you out,

how did they find out
that you could heal?

That is the greatest
mystery of all.

The next day someone came to me.

A man who had an arm that
had been paralyzed for years.

He asked me to pray for him.

I closed my eyes

and remembered Fray
Diego in my prayers to God.

And then it happened.

A sense of warmth
and perfect peace.

When I opened my eyes,

the man extended his arm
and lifted it over his head.

After that, others came.

And the rest is history.

The rest is as it is.

Well, Doctor, what do you think?

I think she's
absolutely sincere.

And I believe she believes.

Do you mind.

- Dusting?
- Mmm-hmm.

It's a slower process.
But very safe.

What are you hoping to find?

Pollen fossils.

Something that might tell
us where this cloth has been.

What about carbon-14 dating?

Would love to, mate.
But the ol' pater nixed it.

We'd be destroying
too much of the cloth.

Oh that's terrific!

We're fighting a time b*mb, they
keep putting new restrictions on us.

SAM: Hey Quince?

Why don't you come and have
lunch with the rest of us, I'm starved.

Oh Sam, these bones
don't show anything.

There's no break, no
disease, nothing unique!

Are we ever gonna
be able to proved

whether or not they
belong to Diego?

Settle this thing
once and for all.

I don't know, Quince.

You go have lunch.

Okay, can I bring
you back something?

- No, I'm not hungry.
- Okay.

Hey, what are you doing here?

How did you get past the guards?

All scientists look alike.
Don't you know that, doc?

I told you I don't want
you around here anymore.

Oh, well, I'm what's known
as the persistent type.

Get out of here.

Come on, Doc, I'm here
for the same thing you are.

- Information, right?
- You want a story?

Why don't you do
what you usually do?

Make it up on the whole cloth.

Believe it or not,
I want some facts.

Well, you never had
any use for them before.

Come on, I'm just trying to earn

a living just take it easy, huh.

By the agony of others.

Have you seen what
you caused out there?

People who thought
they had no hope

coming here
because of your lies.

Lies! No, there are no lies!

They aren't truths!

Couldn't you have
waited until it was

documented one way or the other

before you exploited
that girl and those people?

Look, Doc, I am
not a monster, okay?

All I do is report what I see.

I give my readers
exactly what they want.

Yeah, just the way the pusher
gives the junkie only what he wants!

You better get out of here
before I have the gold dust twins

show you the inside
of a local prison.

I said get out of here!

Okay, Okay. I'm
going. I'm going.

Doc... See ya around, huh?


Hello, Christopher.

- What's up mate?
- Nothing much.

Hey you look a little tired.

Shouldn't you be taking
a nap or something?

I feel okay...

Need some help
with that camera bag?

As a matter of fact, no.


Hey, you really feel up to it?

I feel great, honest!

Okay, I tell you what.

You can carry
the one-thirty-five.

What's a one-thirty-five?

The lens, that's the
part that looks at you.

See, the bigger the number,

the closer things seem
when you look through it.

How big do the numbers go up to?

Well let's see, I got one at home
that's a thousand millimeters.

You look through that and you
can see the craters on the moon.


- That's a twelve.
- Twelve.

Now these points... The
points seem to match.

Yeah... An eighteen.

Remarkably similar,
Sam, how tall are you?

About five-ten.


Okay, five-nine and a quarter.


Ahhh... It would appear our
Fray Diego was a little bit shorter.

About half an inch.

What is your poundage, old boy?

Ah, hundred fifty-eight.


Okay. A hundred and sixty-five.

But I haven't been able
to exercise around here.

Usually it is a
hundred fifty-eight.

I would say that our man was
approximately the same size

according to the
displacement points.

QUINCY: That corresponds
to the measurements

I derived from the skeleton.

It seems pretty clear then
that the man whose bones

we have is the one
originally buried in the cloth.

I found that the
weave in the fabric is

consistent with
other types of clothing

that have been definitely,
definitely identified as Incan.

Where does that leave us?

I think, at the beginning.

The beginning?


Now that we know
that the cloth and

the skeletal remains
are not fraudulent.

That's a start.

But we need results.
And we need them fast.

My dear Doctor, you aren't
a novice in science, surely.

You know that we
must carefully analyze

and assess each turn,
each new piece of evidence.

I'm afraid we're gonna have to
be a little more daring than that.

There are people
out there whose lives

are in jeopardy, and
a lot more on the way!

We don't have
the luxury of time!

Dr., you are allowing that
reporter to pressure you

and we must not allow
that to happen to us.

I only want to
tell them the truth.

That although the
remains are not a hoax,

we cannot link them to
their sainted Fray Diego.

Yet. We need more time
that is the only truth here.

Can you guarantee
even with more time you

can prove it one way
or the other? Yes or no?

Please, Dr. Quincy, you know
that science makes no guarantees.

Except for guarantees
of honest effort.

I need answers you're
giving me platitudes.


Now don't you think
we have compassion?

Don't you think we want to help
those people as much as you do?

You're not the only
one with feelings.

But... we have a
commitment, to prove or

disprove the
authenticity of the relics.

I'm sorry, I know your right.

But what are we supposed
to do in the meantime?

Sit around and watch them die?

More photo supplies. Quince.

I don't know what
we're gonna do with 'em.

Look at this zero
radiology there.

That's the best
we're gonna get of

those bones short
of cutting them up.

Still adds up to a big fat zero.

There's no evidence
of infectious disease.

Nope. And no signs of parasites,

no metabolic or tumor diseases.

The only thing
wrong with this guy is

there was nothing
wrong with him.

Oh... here's something
that came in from Asten.

Probably next
weeks work schedule.

It's only been a little
over a week and he's

already starting to
breathe down our necks.

It's just a newspaper.


Okay, see that hole down there.


That's the aperture.

- That number right there.
- Mmm-hmm.

That is the F-Stop.

Now I don't know why
it's called the F-Stop,

but the F-Stop determines
the size of the aperture.

That lets the light
in, right? You got it.

It also gives you what's
called depth of field.

- Mike?
- Yeah?

I do so much want to learn...

Could we do it later?

Tired, sport?

I think I'd like to rest a bit.

I tell you what,

I'll just let you get some sleep

and we'll pick this right
up where we left off later.


Thanks, Mike.


Sleep tight, sport.

How could you
do a thing like this?

Hey that's terrific!

I didn't know you
were a subscriber.

Don't be flip with me.

"L.A. Coroner
says it's a miracle."

Yeah, that's what you said.

I what?

Sure. Don't you remember
a couple of days ago

when you were examining a
woman near the trail, and you said,

and I quote "it's a
miracle she's still alive".

You can't quote me
out of context like that.

You said it, I just wrote it.

But I didn't mean it this
way and you know that.

So sue me. I got you on
tape. This things always rolling.

You don't want to
be quoted, don't talk.

I thought you were
a bloodsucking leech,

but was I wrong.

You're a lot lower
than that, aren't you?

What do you want
me to say? It's a job.

So is being a hit man.

You print things like this

and thousands of hopeless
desperate people come down here

because you say
there's a wonder cure.

Hey, I didn't invent these
wonder cures, I just report them.

Yeah, but it's the shoddy,
irresponsible way you report it.

You are k*lling
some of these people.

Your luring them
away from legitimate

medical treatment with promises

you have no right to make!

Now back of there, buddy,
because your off base.

Don't go telling me my rights
because the constitution already did that.

I guess it's a natural
progression from

the scum you've always written.

You really hit the big time
exploiting this one, didn't you?

I just know my business.

I've learned what to look for.

v*olence, sex,

a little innocence, controversy.

That's what sells papers.

What about the truth?

The truth?

Read the New York Times.

All right everybody,
what've we got?

Oh, I've made an
exact replica of the skull.

Now I'm trying to
reconstruct the face.

But art is a slow process.


This is a photographically enhanced
image taken from the shroud.

Now you see the dark stains?

Under the infra-red
and ultra-violet radiation,

they respond very
much like blood.

Now look here... In the uh...

X-ray fluorescence
gives a correct

elemental composition for blood.

That seems to
indicate a chest wound.

The way Fray Diego
would have died.

But we can't be sure
it's Diego's blood.


The pollen in it's
rudimentary positive.

Pollen taken from several
plants indigenous to this area

it's all over the cloth.

But mon ami's,
that proves only that

the cloth's been in this area
and that we already know, eh?

It could be this,
it could be that,

it looks like this,
but it looks like that!

Quincy, we're trying!

Yeah but a simple yes or
no is what we're looking for!

A yes and the church
will pour enough

money into this area
to get medical supplies.

A no and the people
will go home and those

that need medical
care will get it.

But a maybe is going
to accomplish nothing.

I'm sorry. Keep pushing will ya.

Hey, Doc! Doc!

I told you to stay away from me.

I'm gonna sic those
two guards on you.

Hey come on... this isn't
about me. Look, it's the kid.

- Christopher.
- The English boy?

Yeah. He's unconscious.

He needs help. Will ya come?

I'll get my bag.

I'm sorry.

Doctor we brought
Christopher here

because he's the most
important thing in the world to us.

Then we heard about the girl.

And we came here.

And when she blessed
him he seemed to get better.

He did.

We only wanted our
boy to be well again.

Doctor, please...

Did we do the wrong thing?

I wish I could
answer that for you.

But nobody can.

You want me to
send for the priest?

Please, doctor.

All right Doc, now you
tell me, he's okay, right?

Tell me he's gonna be okay.

He's dead.


He's not supposed to die.

With Leukemia.

If he had been back home in a
hospital room, he might've lived.

Now you think about
that, Mr. Jensen

and you keep thinking about it.

Maybe one day you'll realize
just what you've done to him.

BERG: Hey, Quincy!


You look like you could use a
good stiff bowl of chicken soup.

Make it a double.

Um, you got it!

But your gonna have to hold
off till I get back to Brooklyn.


Well, what?

Well, aren't you gonna ask?

Ask what?

What's new?

Okay, what's new?

Come here.

St. Pierre, tell him.

For you, we have an answer!

- You do?
- Uh-huh.

- Not a maybe?
- Uh-uh.

- A yes or a no?
- Yes.

Well, what is it?

I've just completed work
with the VP-8 Image Analyzer.

That's the news?

As you know, it is an
instrument sensitive

to the conversion of image
density to vertical relief.

I used it on the image
taken from the burial cloth.

- No.

You will. The cloth
contains, as you know,

not like a photograph, but a
true three dimensional image.

From which I was
able to reconstruct

a three-dimensional
model of the face,


Hold it. Quincy, come here.

I took my replica of the skull

and added appropriate
thicknesses of clay at each point

to produce a
sculpture, approximating

the way the man
must have looked.

You ready?

They're the same.

BERG: You got it.

Then it's not a hoax.

No. The skeleton
and the markings on

the shroud are
from the same man.

But that man was not Fray Diego.


Definitely. Look at this face.

Fray Diego was a Spaniard.

He would have looked more
like St. Pierre, Rutherford.

This is the face of an Inca.

The wide bridged
nose, the almond eyes.

QUINCY: An Inca?

Not Fray Diego?

ALL: Uh-huh.

Then that's the answer!

Oh, thank you very...

I better go tell Dominguez.

Say Dr. Quincy,

is that the answer you wanted?

To tell you the
truth, I don't know.

But thank you.

Calm down, Dr. Quincy.

Everything is gonna be right.

I wanna make sure we explain
it properly, chose the right words.

I don't wanna hurt that girl.


Jacinta, please come on in.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Be comfortable, I know
how tired you must be.

You wanted to see me, Father?


the scientists have
completed their investigation

and they have reached
their conclusion.

I want you to know that the
people who worked on this

are some of the finest
experts in the country.

And the equipment they used was
the finest that could be brought in.

Experts? Equipment?

I'm talking about
people, Jacinta.

People who care,
who are concerned.

And what we found,
what we proved

beyond a shadow of a doubt

is that the remains that were
found, did not belong to Fray Diego.

But... I don't understand...

What is he trying to say?

What he is trying to say

is that what you found

were merely the remains
of an ordinary man.

Then you tell me.

How could there be healings?

How could there be cures?

Jacinta... When I
asked Father Dominguez

what constituted a miracle,

he told me that a true miracle
was an event that created faith.

Because of you,

for the first time in my life,
I understand what faith is.

I mean real faith.

I saw it in the
faces of the people.

I felt it in my own heart.

More faith than I
have ever known.

And you... You have
brought us that faith.

FATHER: We need not worry
about Jacinta, Dr. Quincy.

Her faith will sustain her
through the rest of her days.

QUINCY: I don't
doubt that for a minute.

It's this town I'm
concerned with.

If the influx continues...

Dr. Quincy, wait
a second, please.

Hello, Father. I would
like to talk to you.

No thanks. I don't
want to be misquoted.

Yeah well I guess
I deserve that.

Hey, take a look, no
camera, no tape recorder.

Please, this is important.

What do you want?

Well, I'd like to apologize.

It's a little too
late for that isn't it?

Yeah, maybe so.

But I...

Look I... I think this
expresses it. Please read it.

What is it?

It's the last story
I'm filing from here.

May I listen?


An international team
of dedicated scientists

have proven conclusively
that the ancient relics

uncovered in the tiny
village of San Ramos

are definitely not the remains of
the legendary missionary Fray Diego.

Their scientific proof, however,

came too late to save the
life of Christopher Eddington,

a small and courageous nine-year-old
boy from Hampton, England

who died of leukemia last night

in this dusty,
overcrowded village.

Whether authentic
miracles actually took

place here will never
be known for sure...

What I do know,
though, is that a young

boy, who might
otherwise be alive...

Thank you.

Anyone who reads this won't
come here for any miracle cures.

It sounds like a
wonderful story, may I?


You did it without
v*olence, sex, controversy.

Yeah I know but
there is some truth.

You mean the Scope
is gonna print truth?

No way. That's
why I'm freelancing

this story to the wire services.

I thought you had a
contract with the Scope?

I do.

So if you sell that story,
you're gonna be out of a job?

So, that might be
worth writing about.

Hey, I've got a
'copter to catch.

I gotta get back to the
States and sell this one.

Dr. Quincy, it was a real
pleasure meeting you,

probably more than you know.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Father Dominguez,
please, accept my apologies.

With my blessings.

God go with you my son.

Hasta luego.

There, Dr. Quincy...

Another one of the
Lord's small miracles...



When he prints this story and people
read it, they will stop coming here.

And what about the people
who are already here?

There will always be
people who believe in Jacinta

even though they know the
relics are not those of Fray Diego.

But now the Church can help.

But still we need the
sanitation programs,

the Doctor's, the medicines.

I'll take care of that. I'd
better get to work right away.

I'll see you later.

Let's keep him on 500
milligrams, four times a day

till he's well enough to
travel back to Germany.

And then get back into chemotherapy
and we'll pray for success.

You know, Quince, I gotta
admit that mending bodies

is sure harder
than digging 'em up.

Maybe it's not too
late. I could see it now...

Berg. Brooklyn. Medicine.

Yeah, I don't like
the sound of it.

I'll stick with Berg.
Brooklyn. Archeology.

Chicken soup is specialty.

Quincy, the fever's way
down on the typhoid case.

- Oh!
- Oh, great.

Oh isn't it funny
how things work out.

When the news broke that the
remains were not Fray Diego's,

most of the people who refused
medical treatment, have come forth.

Dr. Quincy, I have excellent
news, the helicopter just landed.

Additional medical
supplies are here.

We haven't opened up all
the boxes from the last load.

Even with the new doctors.

Where's all this
stuff coming from?

Well, at first I thought it
was a gift from heaven.

In a way it is. You see...

These are private donations

mainly because of a
series of newspaper articles.

Newspaper articles?

Yep. Yep. That's the
exact word he used.

What are you doin' here?

Well, I'm sort of
on a short vacation.

I was awarded a pink
slip a few days ago.

You're fired?

Uh-uh, no mutual agreement.

Well, what now?

Well, I've got a
couple of feelers out.

As a matter of fact I've
got a couple of nibbles.

And in the meantime, I
thought I'd give you guys a hand.

Hey, that's terrific,
come right with me.

Excuse me, Father.
You see these crates?

Open these crates
and unpack them,

after that there's a lot of
sheets that need to be changed.

And after that give me time,

I'll come up with
something really special.

Sergeant. Major.
General. Ma'am. Sir.

- Just one question, sir.
- Yes?

How do I get a transfer?
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