08x21 - The Spoils of w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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08x21 - The Spoils of w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

this season has been insane.

We've fought the county and the
state just to be able to mine.

I put out a goal
of 5,000 ounces.

We've come up short,
but we've broken even,

And now's our chance
to start making money.

Schnabel: I started this season
with a w*r on two fronts.

Todd bet me 100 ounces that
he'd find more gold than us,

And there is no way
he's collecting on that bet.

I've finally bought my own
ground in the yukon,

But tony is fighting me
every step of the way.

You know what?

[Bleep] him.

Before this season is out,
I am going to mine this ground.


on this season finale...

Todd: okay, guys, final weeks.
Winter is here.

I know we're hanging
by a thread, but hey, guys,

We're hanging.

Why don't you shut that
[bleep] thing off.

You know what, todd?
We're broken by this season.

We failed.

I won't do another
season like it.

This place may be a mudhole,
but tony beets

Isn't getting any
of the gold out of it.

I take all the risk,
and you get all the money.

And you can go
[bleep] yourself.

Our 5,000-ounce goal
turned out to be...


Narrator: and it's the day of
reckoning for parker and todd

On their 100-ounce bet.

That's, like, $100,000.

Pretty flipping
nice morning, huh?

Todd: yeah.

Fricking cold, todd.

You think winter is here
to shut us out?

The fight is getting harder
every morning and every day now.

Narrator: in colorado, todd
hoffman is desperately trying

To turn a halfway decent profit.

For the second year in a row,

He's nowhere near his
5,000-ounce, $6 million goal.

Now winter is trying
to freeze him out.

We'll see what this belt
will do here.

It's got ice all the way built
underneath, all the way around.

You know how long
it'll take every morning

To thaw everything out?

Right here.

Old man winter
is here, todd.

Do we call it
a season or...

I hate to.

I mean, if we could get
another week or two,

It'd be great.

I know. I agree.

I want to get more gold
to these guys.

I think we should hold
our heads high.

I say we run
whatever we can.

I'll call the guys.

All right.
Let's hit it, man.

todd's two wash plants,
rusty red and holy roller,

Have mined only 1,540 ounces,

Leaving him and his
demoralized crew

Less than $50,000 profit
to share between them.

Okay, guys, final weeks,
it's getting cold.

I know we're hanging
by a thread, but hey, guys,

We're hanging.

I know it sucks.

We just got to push
through, guys.

Are you serious?

We're going to show up
every other day,

And it's going
to be like this.

Kevin, listen to me.

We are making money now,
so let's push hard

And get as much gold as we can
right here to the end.

Ready? Let's go.

Let's get to work.

Narrator: every day they
keep running pay dirt

Could earn todd and his crew
another $14,000.


Todd: come on, baby!


It's all started.

You want to hit
a little water on us?

Man: water is coming.

The boxes are thawing out.

We're hoping that we'll just
get some damn gold through

Holy roller.


Dodge: I just want to keep
rusty red running.

Let's fire it up, guys.

Rock conveyor, heat conveyor.


I'm going to bump that screw
in case it's frozen.

[ Machine whirrs ]

And it might be frozen.


[ Whirring continues ]


[ Whirring continues ]

Hey, todd.

go ahead, freddy.

I think the sand screw
is froze solid.

We got to get rusty red
running, freddy.

Right now, it's out
of our control.

Try it backwards.

[ Machine whirrs, crunching ]

There it goes.


Start it up!

Looking good,
looking good.

We're shut down
most of the season,

And I'm sure as hell not
going to stop for nothing.

We got to keep this plant
running as long as we can.

Let's make some gold, guys.

We're running, finally.



you know, winter is setting in.

We've got to keep our head down
and keep charging forward.

Narrator: 2,000 miles north
in the yukon, parker schnabel

Just raised the stakes on
the best season of his career.

We've hit our 5,000-ounce goal,
which is really sweet,

And now we're going
for 6,000 ounces.

with sluicifer in the last cut,
running the best pay dirt

He's ever mined,
parker still has a chance.

Schnabel: yeah. I know this
isn't going to be easy,

But we're here to make money,
and we're making money.

I think the better the ground,
the more money you make.

Narrator: two weeks ago,

In a move to break free
from landlord tony beets,

Parker spent $500,000 on his
first-ever klondike claim.

Definitely nice not to have to
deal with tony anymore,

And, like, on this ground,

We don't have to pay
him any royalties.

I think maybe we move
big red down here.

All right.
I'm game with that.

Narrator: but last week...
What the [bleep]?

...tony cut off
the water supply,

Making it impossible to sluice.

You can't deny us water.

[ Snickers ]

Now parker's half-million-dollar
investment is on the line.

So we can't just [bleep]
leave this dirt here.


It's a long [bleep]
haul down to big red.

What is it, 4 miles?

Probably 4 miles
to big red.

But we can't let tony
win on this one.


No matter what, we can't
let him call the sh*ts.

I agree.

I think, if you can't bring
the plant to the pay,

Then we'll break our rules
and bring the pay to the plant.

It's the last option

We've got...

...is to just haul this
out of here.

Let's get the gold
out of it then.

I don't know if this
is going to work

Because we're really not allowed
to sluice other ground

On tony's property,
but at this point,

We've got really
nothing left to lose.

[ Sighs ]


Welcome to my mudhole, mitch.

parker's last-ditch plan --

Haul the pay dirt
from the mudhole

Through tony's camp

4 Miles back to big red
at indian river.

[ Laughs ]


Yeah, no worries, got you.


Minnie: oh, my [bleep].

do they have to drive so fast?

Did he have to drive
through the yard?


Holy smokes, look
at that one coming.

I'm pretty sure we need to
park a rock truck, like,

Right in their way.

You can't stop them.

As far as in the yukon,
there is no trespassing law.

You have to give people access
to their mining ground,

So you can't
really stop them.

Blaschke: man, you should see
the look on these guys' face.

They don't look too happy.

[ Laughs ]

It's going to take a lot
more than tony beets

To stop this crew.


Oh, man.
This is messy as...


While you're all loaded up,
why don't you go parade

That truck
full of gold past tony?

Just try and smile and wave
when you go by him.

See if I can
get out of here.


Oh, man. It's sloppy
as [bleep] down there.

The ground is quite messed up,
but we've got our own ground.

How awesome is that?

Narrator: back at indian river,
parker is building a stockpile

Of his own pay ready to
run through big red.

I think we got enough of a pile
to fire up a wash plant.


Well, that's a good start.

You want to shut the bypass
and see what we got for water?


There we go. Whoo!

Schnabel: how's she looking?
Everything is running.

We just need to put
a scoop of dirt in.

Let's do it.
I'm ready to go.

The nice thing about all this
pay dirt is no royalties.

No royalties, well, hopefully,
there's some gold in it.


There it is.

for the first time ever,

Parker is running dirt from
his own klondike claim.

This is a big moment for us.


Narrator: up ahead...

There it is, guys.

Well, let's see
what we did, rick.

-That's some pretty gold.
-Couple of bucks.

-Best crew in the klondike.




Ideally, I'd like
to take the bolts out.

Narrator: at the start
of the season,

Tony beets
set himself two goals --

Mine 3,000 ounces

And barge his second dredge
100 miles

Down the yukon river
to dawson city.

8 Weeks ago, tony's barge,
the jasmine b, ran aground...


There's a lot of water
coming in those prop sh*ts.

...leaving the barge
confined to dawson

With a leaking hull
and suspected prop damage.

Now tony needs to fix the barge
and start shipping the dredge

Before the river freezes over.

For the last month,
tony has been constructing

A 120-foot steel ramp
out of 24-inch i-beam.

When he gets it to dawson, he'll
lower it into the yukon river,

Then winch the barge
out of the water

To access the hull
and propellers.

We got it all nicely lined up.

We need to chain her down.

Then we're going to
drive into town.

[Bleep] [bleep]

I only follow
the directions I'm given.


Narrator: after losing 8 weeks
to the damaged barge,

Tony finally has a way to get
his season back on track.





We're well into the fives,
might even get up

To 6,000 ounces
this year,

But it's going to have to be
some pretty rich stuff, man.

It would have
to be damn good.

At indian river,
parker is running pay dirt

From his mudhole cut
in a last-ditch effort

To hit his 6,000-ounce
season goal.

we've got our own ground.

Hopefully, there's a bunch
of gold in there.


Ness: that looks weird.

[ Squealing ]

Something is [bleep] burning.

Wow. The [bleep] bearing on
this tail wheel is smoked.

Talk about pushing
something to its limits.

It doesn't get
any farther than that.

I hate running it like that,

But I'm not willing to let
that bearing stop me

From finding out
what's in that pile of dirt.


Nothing we can do really except
keep packing it with grease.


We'll just run it until
it blows apart, I guess.


that bearing is pretty shot,
and now with the cold weather,

You know, nothing is real
happy about running here,

So hopefully, we can just
keep everything going,

And there's lots of gold
in it and nice, happy ending.

It's usually not as simple
as that though, is it?

[ Squealing ]

Oh [bleep].

Rick, there's a [bleep]
fire on the feeder over there.

shut it down!


[ Squealing ]

Rick, there's a [bleep]
fire on the feeder over there.


Narrator: at indian river...

Shut it down!

...parker is desperate
to hit his 6,000-ounce goal,

But his feed conveyor
is on fire.

Schnabel: holy [bleep]


[ Coughing ]

Nice job with the fire

I've never seen that before,
but the fire is out.


What the [bleep], man?

Well, at least it didn't light
the whole belt on fire.

Don't look like it.

Looks like everything else
might be okay.

That thing
is [bleep], though.

Dude, what happened?

A [bleep]
bearing caught on fire.


There's no bearing left.

That's just the inside...
Come on.

...riding on what was
left of the outside race.

Well, no wonder it
heated up so bad.

Yeah. I'm sure it was
the grease burning.

Holy [bleep].

Supposed to be little balls in
there that it all spins nice on,

And there's nothing left.

So close to the end.

So close.

I mean, we'd probably be looking
at most of the day

To change this out by the time
we pull the gearbox assemblies,

And who knows what we're going
to find when we get in there?

Well, we could wake up [bleep]
tomorrow and be frozen out.

Right. Then we'll have a
frozen-ass wash plant

By the time we get
that fixed, right?

That's where we're at.


Schnabel: well, we won't have
any more fires though

Because there's nothing left
to burn in there, is it?

It's just steel?

It's just steel on steel,
so there's nothing flammable.

All right.
Well, in my opinion,

[Bleep] it.
We just run it.

It's all spinning right now,
so let's just fire back up.

We're going to get
6,000 ounces.


Everything is grinding
and groaning

And wailing.

Man, I'm just going
to [bleep] will it to hold on.



Todd: you know, everything that
could've gone wrong this year

Has gone wrong.

We're not going to get 5,000,

But it sure feels good
just to be running.

Narrator: there are just days
left of the season,

And the hoffman crew
has barely scraped a profit.

It's been really, really,
really frustrating.

We're going to be ending

Over 3,000 ounces short
of our target,

So that's not a little miss.

That's a big miss.

but holy roller is finally
dialed in and on the gold.

We need to get as much dirt
in this plant as we can because,

You know, we don't really have
any more time to run this,

Get toward the end
of the season so.


[ Clanking ]

What was that about?


The connector between
the trommel

And the splitter
for the sluice box

Just came undone.

k*ll the water.
k*ll the water.

k*ll it.
k*ll it.

How the frick did that happen?

Scabbed-together piece
of [bleep].

Look at this.
It's all just silicone

And funny foam, foam insulation.

You don't build [bleep] in
mining with silicone and foam.

You bolt stuff together,
or you weld stuff together.


Narrator: six weeks ago,
todd cut corners

Fitting holy roller's
sluice boxes.

We just twisted
the whole bed.

Let's hit that
with some silicone.


now trey is dealing with the
consequences of todd's decision.

Poulson: I don't know what
he was thinking.

You know, I'm tired of [bleep]
being half-assed together,

And we have to keep redoing it,

Redoing it and redoing it.

This is ridiculous.

So what we're going to do
is just take a piece

Of conveyor belt,

Put it on the outside
of the first chute

To the inside
of the second chute.

Take some plate, bolt it down
as tight as we can get it.

Hopefully, it seals it off,
bush fix.

Poulson: well, we're getting
nowhere quick.


Narrator: every hour they are
down costs the hoffman crew

$1,400 In lost gold.

Morale is at an all-time low.

Spinks: trey is going to do it
the way it should've been done

Weeks ago,

And had it been done
that way to begin with,

We'd be sitting there running
dirt and making gold.

Hunter: yeah.
We've had a lot of downtime,

And it feels like
we can't run 2 hours

Without something going wrong.

Piss-poor planning, I don't
think corners have been cut.

I think we skipped
some entire laps.

Entire laps of the race
weren't run.


Hunter: yeah. We're bolting in
these metal straps,

Hopefully seal this rubber.

I think that's going
to work, dude.

Now this is flexible.

If you have to move it around
at all down there,

It'll flex
and move with you.


All right.
That's the last bolt.

We're ready to go,
ready to fire up.


Trommel is coming on.
Trommel is coming on.


Trommel is spinning.


All right.
Feeders are going.

I'm going to let
the sluice fill up,

And I'm going to
give it a shot.

Narrator: after 7 hours and
maybe $10,000 in lost gold,

Holy roller is finally back up
and running and making money.

This baby works like a dream.

It's looking good.


Narrator: up ahead...

Parker, we got
some business, huh?

that's, like, $100,000.

Deal is a deal, I guess.


tony should've shipped his
dredge back to dawson weeks ago,

But his barge is
still out of action,

And winter is about to hit.

Desperate to achieve his goal
of running the second dredge,

He first has to pull the barge
out and repair any damage.

Tony has built
a 120-foot steel ramp

To pull the stricken barge
out of the river.


Straight back.
Straight back.

Hold it there.


Looks good, looks good.

Christie: it's a little sketchy
having two loaders

Hooked up to a big
piece of steel,

But it's about the only way
we can move it.

mike beets drives in the oshkosh

To haul the barge onto the ramp.


The military-grade semi's
two hydraulic winches

Are rated to haul
a massive 55 tons.

I have absolutely
zero doubt in my mind

That this winch will have
trouble pulling this out.

I got more than enough
[bleep] power.

Sounds good.



Just going to get lined up,

We're going to take
her on that ramp.


It's looking pretty good,
done a good job lining up.

[ Metallic screeching ]

The angle is trying to pull
the [bleep] boat forward,

Without pulling it up.

With the way the winches
are trying to pull,

I'm doubling my weight now,

So now I don't have
enough power to lift.

[ Whistles ]

len brings in the 988 loader
to add extra pulling power.

Oshkosh said the winches
are not strong enough,

So we need a little bit
help of the loader.


Narrator: in dawson city...

...tony is struggling to haul

In his stricken
60-ton power barge.

The clever is snapped,
sheared clean off.

Len was a little too vigorous.

If they break,
they're coming this way.

That's why I have this.

It's so I keep that pretty face
and head all still there.

Narrator: tony needs to dry dock
the barge and fix it

So that he can ship
his gold dredge back to dawson

Before the river freezes over.

Mike: I think you got a leak.

The blades are over
an inch thick.

It would've taken a hell of
a beating to bust that off.

We are so close.

for the second season in a row,

Tony has failed to get the
dredge out of thistle creek.



Hunter: it's hard to not think
of this season

As a failure,

But hopefully we have all the
bugs worked out of this thing,

And hopefully we can just
run from here on out.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
has less than $50,000 profit

To show for their
backbreaking season.

Winter is approaching fast.

Rusty red and holy roller
are running hard

For every ounce of gold.


Hunter: hey, I need more pay up
here at the trommel.

Sutherland: roger that.


Something just
broke on this truck.

Man: copy.
Where you at?

Bottom of the hill,

Sutherland: juan.
Go ahead, doug.

Hey, yeah.
We need to get down here.

We got another
broken drive shaft.

We can't even move that one?

Do we not have any other trucks?

We're going to be shut down here
unless we can move it.

All right. Ten-four.
Yeah, I'm on my way.

What's the problem?

Shelled another driveshaft.

Oh [bleep]

This one is pretty bad
though this time.


Here I come.


That u-joint
is all [bleep] up.

What's that yoke
look like?

Oh, that yoke is gone.

Can you get on the phone
and get one of those coming?

I ordered one
a little while ago.

It took me 2 weeks
to get that yoke.

We won't get it in time.

Todd: what now?

it threw a drive line.

The u-joint busted off,
which isn't the bad part.


The bad part is
it screwed up the yoke.

We're about 2 weeks
out on that yoke.

Dude, are you kidding me?

We don't have any other spare
trucks, man, so it's your call.

I'm just telling you
this is bad.

two of their rock trucks
are already out of action.

Now, a third is down.

The last remaining truck can
only haul pay dirt to one plant.

We can only run
one plant now,

Plain and simple.

We're going to have to figure
out which one we want to run.

All right.
Not good.

I don't know what it is.

It's always like this
at the end of the season.

It's tough.
Stuff starts to break.

We just don't have enough
machines to run two plants.

I can't catch a fricking break.

It feels like colorado
has got a curse on it.



What's going on, todd?

We need to
shut her down.

Do what?

We lost another
rock truck.

We only got one left.

We can only run one plant.

Holy roller is
running more yards.

We got to shut her down.

So we're down just
because of equipment?


Well, that's kind of bull

I fought all fricking summer
to get this running.

I know, man, but it just
comes down to yardage.

I need you to
shut her off.


Make that your last bucket.
We're shutting down.

We don't have enough equipment
to run two plants.

It's a bunch of bull
[bleep] is what it is.

My heart isn't in that
trommel up there.

I worked my ass off this summer
so this plant could be here,

And that plant could be there,

And now they want me to shut
rusty red down.

Why don't you shut that
[bleep] thing off?

Todd: this is nothing
about friendship.

There's nothing about plants.

It's a simple situation
where it comes down to

Holy roller
is running more yards.

More yards -- more gold.

I know freddy is not happy,
but that's the way it is.

I'm in charge.




Narrator: in colorado,

Overnight the temperature
has dropped

By another 5 degrees.

The hoffman's only remaining
working wash plant

Is frozen solid.

How the hell are we
supposed to run, dude?

The sluice box
is buried in snow.

The fricking trommel is frozen.

Narrator: todd faces a battle
with the cold and a broken crew.

I can't keep going like this.

This is stupid to keep going.
That's what you do in mining.

You fight through it.

-What's up, guys?
-It froze, huh?

A little bit.

I'm tired of showing
up here every day

And it being like this.

It's just going
to get worse.

We don't know that, kevin.

Dude, if you come look at this,
all the water in here is iced.

The whole manifold
is full of ice.

-The whole manifold is iced.
-That's frozen.

-There's no way to drain it.
-The whole motor is frozen.

Hunter: the sluice box
is frozen.

Well, let's thaw it out
and run it.

If we could run the whole day,
fine, but we're not.

We're shutting down
three or four times.

that's because we've been
trying to get it dialed in.

Now it's dialed in
and you --

It's not dialed in.
It is dialed in.

Pierce: that's called
piss-poor planning,

Dialing it in
in the winter.

Piss-poor planning.

You get this [bleep]
dialed in months ago.

It's a day late
and a dollar short, bud.

We're in profitable
territory, guys.

I don't want to stop, and that's
kind of what's driving this,

And I really want to get
more gold to you guys.

We're not going to make up for
the lost time with, you know,

Fairplay this summer,
and the weather is closing in.

We might have just bit off
more than we could chew

At the end
of the season.

Dodge: we fought the government
all season

So we could mine this property
where the good gold is.

We've gone from three plants
to two plants to one plant,

And I'd like to keep it going
for a little while longer.

I agree 100%.

We're above the profit line.

Everything we get
is profit, guys.

That's what you have
to keep in mind.

You know what?
I appreciate that,

But we're broken
by this season.

We failed.

The only fair way to do it is

We're just going to
have to take a vote.

We're a team.

It's the only way to make it.

I vote we thaw it out
and keep running.

I'm with todd.
Thaw it and run.

That's three.

How about you guys?

I'm ready to go.

Juan, what do you think?

I think we're just fighting
a losing battle, you know?

We're going to have 4 or
5 hours to try to start up.

I just don't think
it's worth it anymore.


I think we should
be done this year.

That's three, three.


I think you call it

When the gold
you're going to get

In the few hours you can run
isn't worth your time,

And I think we're
at that point.

It's time.

Well, andy, you're the one
moving all the pay dirt

Over to the plant.
What do you think?

You know, I think the one thing
that we can't control the fight

Is the elements
and the equipment,

But I don't want us
to fight each other,

And I don't want
to go there.

I don't want to end it
like last year,


So I vote we're done.


Todd: so we voted.

We got outvoted.

This is it then, huh?

Last year, we didn't
walk out as a team.

I literally have not talked,
really, with dave for a year,

And we spent
a lot of years together,

So I don't want that
to happen with this group.

Okay, guys.

It's time. It's over.

We'll pull the mats,
and see what we got.

Narrator: after 5 months,

The hoffman's disastrous
season is over.

All that's left is the last
cleanup and final gold total.



Schnabel: well, we're here to
find every ounce of gold we can,

And that's what
we're going to do.

Narrator: parker is still over
200 ounces short

Of his new 6,000-ounce
season goal.

He is going all out,
running pay dirt

From the last cut
through sluicifer

And hauling pay from
his new mudhole cut

And running it through
big red at indian river.

Schnabel: it's all a gamble,
but we're just kind of doing

What we have to at this point

To get the gold
out of the ground.

Doumitt: no, this is different
ground. It's not tony's,

So we're not paying the
outrageous royalties,

And it looks like
it might be our first step

To getting out
from underneath him

And being independent miners
like everyone else.

I hope there's some gold
in this [bleep].

There has to be.

Who's this?

Tony beets.



Whoa, there.
What are you doing now?

I'm not here to [bleep]
anybody over.

Actually, you'll get over
a million bucks this year,

So I don't see how you
can have such a problem

With every little tiny

Thing we do, tony.

All you have to do is
sit back and make money.

What do you mean,
"that's not how it works,"?

That's exactly how it works.
I do all the work.

I take all the risk,
and you get all the money.

Yeah, for you it is.

We got a pile of pay
here now, tony.

We're going to run it.

And you can go
[bleep] yourself.



Man: what the [bleep]
was that all about?

tony shut the plant down.

Narrator: at indian river,

Parker has been shut down
by tony beets

For running his own
pay dirt on tony's ground.

He doesn't want us
sluicing dirt

From somewhere else
on his ground,

And that's just tony beets
trying to show he's in control,

And he's the boss,
and, you know, he's not.

Narrator: over at the last cut,
ground parker leases from tony,

Sluicifer is still
running pay dirt.

Parker pays a massive 20%
royalty on this pay dirt,

And it's about
to get even worse.

Schnabel: we're pretty close
to 6,000 ounces,

Which is the tipping point
for 25% royalties,

But you know what?

I'm not going to pay
your 25% [bleep]


Chris! Rick!
Can you come down the cut?


What's happening,

We're kind of coming towards
a perfect storm right now

In a sense that 25% royalties,

You know, 1 in 4 hours
is working for tony.

Like, 6 hours a day we're
sluicing just to pay the man.

Like, I'm not going to
fight this just to pay

Tony a quarter of
everything we bring in.

Yeah, there's no need to break
all of our equipment

And our backs just to pay
tony extra gold, right?

All right.
Well, yeah.

Let's just run what
we've got up, shut down,

Clean up, call it a season.

I think that's
a good call.

Yeah. Got it.
All right.

Thanks, guys.

You can let a guy like tony
win a few battles

But not the w*r.

That one's ours.

Narrator: in an act of defiance,

Parker is shutting down
for the season

Before winter freezes him out.

Well, here we go.
This is the last scoop.


-There it is.
-Yeah. That's the end of it.

Ness: last few rocks.

we're done. Shut her down.




Narrator: parker still needs
over 200 ounces

To hit his 6,000-ounce
season goal.

Schnabel: yeah, hopefully this
puts us right at 6.

It's going to be close.



Narrator: all season,
tony beets had son kevin

Running dredge one

And daughter monica
running her wash plant,

Fighting to hit
his 3,000-ounce season goal.

Now, it's crunch time --

The final gold weigh
of the year.


well, I'm glad it's over.

What part didn't you get?

I am glad it's over.

Monica: hello, hello.

Glad to see you.

That looks pretty good.


But isn't this
what they call life?

I agree.

Well, at the end of the day,
we're not barges.

We're gold miners.

And I think
we did pretty good.

You want to see
what we got?

You want to count, tony?

how many do we need to reach
the 3,000-ounce goal?

We need 226 ounces.

150, 200.

3,000 Ounces.



[Bleep] yeah.
A couple of bucks.

You look tired.

All right.
So that was yours, kevin.


Now are you going
to pour mine for me?

I guess.


200, 280...




[ Laughter ]

Beat you.

monica's haul is worth $536,000.

3,659 Ounces.

Five months of mining

Has delivered a record
season total --


Minnie: I think we should
do that too.


No, [bleep].

[ Laughter ]



Narrator: at eureka creek,

Monica has big news to
break to the family.

[ All "ooh"ing ]

Bling, bling.

When did this happen?

Well, that camping trip
I took with bae worked out.

I'm happy for you, sweetheart.

Kevin: congrats.
When is the big day?

Next year sometime.

You guys can take
a day off, right?

Well, it's my little sister
and my best friend.

I'm pretty sure
I have no choice.

I'm very happy for you.

Very, very happy.
I agree.

That's a beautiful ring.

He did well.

He designed it himself.

Well, he took a different
ring, and he made it for me.


He made
the diamond bigger.

That's the one thing he did
that's really smart.

He made the one
diamond bigger.

[ Laughter ]


Narrator: back in march,

Todd was convinced this would be
his best season ever.

I'm going to make
another run at 5,000.


Let's make it
official, then.

What are we

A hundred ounces?

That's like

Yeah, sure.

I'm happy to
take your money.


Now after a season
of breakdowns,

Legal battles,
and disappointments,

The hoffman crew
has barely turned a profit.


There it is, guys.

Our season total so far
is 1,540,

And that's not that great.

what'd we do this week?

51 Ounces from rusty red,
53.2 ounces from holy roller.


Not as much as I was hoping for,
but it's 104 ounces.

Season total is going
to be 1,644.

That's just under

We should've been somewhere
around 5 or 6 million.

Narrator: this is the second
year in a row

Todd has failed to get
anywhere near his season goal.

I don't know.

What are your guys's
thoughts on the season?

Yeah, I'm not
too happy about it.

You know, I came up here
to provide for my family,

And the thought of me
not being able

To provide for them
this season is just --

I can't have that.

you know, is it worth it?
Do we keep going?

We're not taking home the gold
that we wanted to take home.



You're right.

It just felt like we couldn't
get our feet under us.

I could go home and make more
money than I'm making right now.

You know, it's been a nightmare
from almost day one.

Thanks, everybody,
for fighting along,

But I guarantee one thing.

I'm not fighting
that battle again.


I don't know, man.

I mean, we had our problems
and issues, and I feel bad.

I'm really sorry.

I love you guys.

Have a safe trip home.

It feels like another loss,
and it's hard to keep losing.

I'm not the kind of guy
that likes to lose.

I don't know if I can
keep doing this.

If there's a next year, we need
to get closer to our goal

Because this year was
a complete failure.

Dodge: I won't do another
season like it.

You know, I may not do
another season anyway.

Time will tell.



Schnabel: I brought you
your christmas present.


-How you doing?

How are you?

I'm all right.

Schnabel: as you guys know,
we came at the season

With a pretty big
fight ahead of us.

You know, two real big goals,

And one was to find
our own ground

And get away from tony,
and we're getting there.

And the other one is to beat

Todd hoffman and kick his ass,
take his 100 ounces

And find 5,000 ounces of gold.

And that's a [bleep] ton
of gold to find,

But we nailed that one,
you know?

This in front of us,
plus this...

[ Laughter ]

...represents 5,791 ounces.


parker schnabel has already

Smashed his original
5,000-ounce season goal.

Rick promised to produce
half of that.

I said we'd do 2,500 ounces
with big red,

And I'd like to, you know,
keep my word on that.

All right. Well, let's see
what you did, rick.

Where's indian river
at right now?

Right now, it's at 2,398.

It puts him at 102 short.

It's going to be
really close.

Man:i'm going to say there's
at least 100 in there.

where we at, ashley?

Youle: 20, 40, 60...

Schnabel: oh.


Oh [bleep]


-No. No way.

Oh, my gosh, rick.
You're at 2,480 ounces, man.


On the nose.

20 Ounces short, but there's
nothing to be ashamed of.

Narrator: rick has mined over
99% of what he pledged,

Worth nearly $3,000,000.

I mean, surrounded by all this,
I'm not going to shed a tear.

There you go.
We're 20 ounces short.

It sucks.

But I'm pretty sure
we smoked the hoffmans.

[ Laughter ]

Schnabel: so anyway, this...

That's the last of sluicifer
right there.

Narrator: parker reset his goal
from 5,000 to 6,000 ounces,

And to hit that,
he needs just 127 ounces.

-There's a lot.
-There's a lot more than that.

It's 406.


Anyway, so where does that
leave us for the whole season?

Well, for the season,
our 5,000-ounce goal

Turned out to be
6,280 ounces.


[ Cheers and applause ]

To a sweet number
of $7.5 million.

Good lord, that's
a lot of money.


Narrator: parker has won his bet
with todd.

He's beaten him by
a cool $5.5 million.


You guys are the best,

The best [bleep]
crew in the klondike.



Schnabel: I'm sure giving me
100 ounces of gold

Is the last thing todd hoffman
wants to do right now.

He shouldn't dance
with the devil, I guess.

I think I just called
myself the devil.


Todd: I've had better years.

The season didn't go
like we had hoped.

I'm tired of losing,

But I want to be able to do this
right and honorable.

Anybody home?

I'll be damned.

Hey, todd.

How's it going?
Hey, man.

Welcome to colorado.

Good to see you.

We've got some
business, huh?

I was hoping you were
going to say that.

Let's go.

Hey, dad.
Jack: yeah?

Grab the gold
and the scale.

Pour 100 ounces,

Will you?

Narrator: a hundred ounces is
70% of the hoffmans' profit

For the entire season.

Todd: you know,
according to the math,

We were going to do
a hell of a lot more gold

Than what we did.

Thank god I got
enough to pay you.

Way to go, great season.

You earned it.

Jack: that's more than I got
my first season

Of mining back
in '86, you know?

Oh, yeah?

I had your name on it.

It's all ready.

It's not easy to do,
hand 100 ounces out,

But here you go, parker.

Well, thanks for
making good on the bet.

A deal is a deal,
I guess.


Let's do something
good with it, man.

Way to go.

Well, I'm going
straight to vegas.

I'm going to go
double her up.

Go ahead.
Throw it on black.

It's yours.

Way to go, man.

Good to see you guys.

Hopefully, things
pick up for you.

Best of luck.
All right.

All right.
Take care.

Have a good winter.

Got her.

Easiest 100 grand
of the season.


That was pretty weird,

And it definitely seemed
to go way too easy.

Like, I wonder if there's
something wrong with this.

It seems like gold,

But who knows?
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