01x07 - Image Problem

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x07 - Image Problem

Post by bunniefuu »

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[both panting]

[Jeremy] Thirty degrees north.

[both keep panting]

You should be able to see it by now.

[Yumi pants] No kidding.

Sticks out like a sore thumb.

There's nothing happening.
It's awfully calm.

Well, be careful. You never know.

[tense music]

[ethereal music]


[ethereal music]


Yoohoo. Hi Jeremy.

I don't see anything
out of the ordinary in the tower.

Are you sure it's the right one?

That was what the scan picked up,
at least for a few seconds.

-[Yumi gasps]

[Jeremy] And you said you felt pulsations
a while ago, didn't you?

I did. Well, let's say yes and no.

I'm not sure I did anymore.
I thought I did.

Okay then, I'll go and try to...

-[Yumi screams]
-[Aelita and Jeremy gasp]

-Sounds like Yumi.
-What's going on?

Can you hear me, Yumi? Answer me!

[Jeremy] Yumi?

-[Aelita] Jeremy, Yumi's disappeared!

Come on, she couldn't have just vanished!

[digital whirring]

[computer blipping]

Aelita, hold on. I'll get back to you.

[Aelita] Jeremy? Jeremy!

Hey, Yumi!


[theme music]



Hey, what's wrong
with the hot chocolate today?

It tastes like sweat socks
and an old pair of sneakers!

Odd, the gourmet!

-[Sissi] Yoo hoo.

Hey Ulrich, yoo hoo, yoo hoo.

Oh, well, what do you know, your fan club!

I don't believe it. Your darling
Yumi's deserted you for once.

Like your brain, huh?
It deserted you a long time ago.


-[mobile ringing]
-[Sissi grunts]

[Ulrich] Hello? Oh, it's you Jeremy.

I recommend the hot chocolate.

-Take my word for it.
-Hm. What?

-[Odd pants]
-Okay, easy does it. That's it.

-Oh, well then, what happened to her?

Well, she started feeling sick...
during recess.

It's ‘cause she's been studying real hard.

Our teachers give us too much homework.

All right, I'll take care of her.

Now back to class, all of you.

You heard what I said. Now go! Go on!

[sinister music]

Well, feeling better? Mmm?

-Hey, no, come on, lie down now, you hear?

-Please, you need to rest.

-[Yumi grunts]

Are you sure she wasn't hit by a laser?

Maybe there was a megatank
hiding somewhere.

No, no, I would've seen it on the screen.

She still had all her life points
when she was devirtualized.

Well, in any case,
something abnormal happened.

Yeah, that's for sure.

The proof is she passed out
in the scanner.

-Normally, the return trip's pretty easy.
-Ah! That's what you think.

You ought to try it one of these days.

-You'll love it.
-[Ulrich sighing]

Oh, Yumi!


-Guess you're feeling better, huh?
-You had us scared.

Tell us what happened.


You sure you're okay?

-Yeah. I'm just tired.

Yumi, tell us what happened on Lyoko.

Nothing, you hear?

Come on, let's go over to the factory now.

In your condition?
That's a pretty crazy idea.

Hey listen, we have much more important
things to do... like eating,

for example.



-What about Aelita? Is she safe?
-Yeah, I hope so.

I told her to stay in the tower.

[computer blipping]

I've got to go and check it out.

[indistinct chatter]

[light music]

And you really can't remember
what happened?

No, nothing.

Do you think it could come
from the scanners?

A bug or something like that?

Unless it's XANA trying out
a new way of attacking.

I haven't the slightest idea.

I'm wondering if all these transfers
aren't becoming a health problem.

Hey, do I smell fish
or just cheap perfume?

You're such a riot!

[gasps] Ulrich, what do you say
we get together after school, huh?

Get together with you?
Very tempting, but... not.

[all laughing]

You're showing off
because Yumi is here, huh?

Mademoiselle likes to keep the competition
as far away as she can.

That's not true.

Why don't you go out with her?
She's really pretty.

[both gasp]

Hey, you wouldn't be trying
to make fun of me, would you?

[laughs] Great, thanks a lot Yumi.


I'll be waiting for you
in the park after school. Ciao.

Hey, what are you trying
to pull anyway, huh?

Nothing. Go on, go out with her.

She's been waiting for this for ages.
Go on.

Miss Ishiyama,
come to my office right now!

[theme music]

[Aelita gasps]

But that thing wasn't there before.

It looks like a guardian.

[digital whirring]

[gasps and pants]

-[laser blasting]
-[Aelita grunts]

[electronic music]

[energy buzzing]

[theme music]

[Ulrich] What's going on with Yumi?

Is she mad at me or what?
I've never seen her like that.

She must've had a really serious shock.

-[Herb] Ulrich!
-[all gasp]


What's the big idea of having
a date with Sissi, huh?

This isn't the time for that,
you hear, Herb?

If you want an explanation,
go and ask Sissi.

[Ulrich grunts]


Okay, I'll leave you to your love stories.

I've got a super psychopathic
computer to feed.

[Mr. Delmas] Yumi, this is unspeakable!

Our poor nurse,
Dorothy is still very upset.

How could you have done such a thing?

I'm giving you two hours of detention
in the library to teach you a lesson.

Well, go on!

[tense music]

There's something troubling you, Yumi.

Care to tell me about it?

Yumi, I'm here to help you.
That's part of my job.

Very well.

Keep this up, and I'll have
to inform your parents

about the way you're behaving.

Not my parents.

[tense music]

That's enough now Miss Ishiyama!

What? But...

-Get your hand off the phone right now!
-Not my parents!

I won't warn you again.

Yumi, if you keep this up,
I'll suspend you.

-[grunts and screams]

-[Yumi grunts]
-[Mr. Delmas] Oh!

[telephone line beeping]

[sinister music]

[Jim] Hello there, Yumi.

[laughs] Huh?


[grunts puzzled]

[indistinct chatter]

[Aelita through computer]
As soon as I got close to the monsters,

they started to sh**t.

You shouldn't have left the tower, Aelita.

I know.

-You're not mad at me, are you?
-Mad? No.

I think you made an important discovery.

This could have something to do
with what happened to Yumi.

-Should I go back there?
-No, hold on.

I'll send Ulrich and Odd as backup.

Jeremy, what happened to Yumi

might happen to one of your friends
or both of them.

If they come to Lyoko,
it could be very dangerous for them.

I guess you're right. Go on then,
but promise me you'll be careful.

-[Aelita] You know me.

Oh, it's you. What did the principal want?

We have to go the factory now.

Oh no, forget it.

First of all, there's no reason
to go and second, you have to rest.

I have to go to the scanner room.

No, nobody's going back to Lyoko
until I give the order.

[Jeremy] It's too dangerous.

I've got some tests I have to run first.

-[Yumi] Hey!

It's important, you hear?

I have to go back to the scanner room.

[stammers] Yumi,
what are you trying to...


-[Jeremy stammers]

I... I'm not sure it's a good idea.

You should go home and get some rest.

-Come on, take me to the scanner room.
-[groans nervously]

[stammers] But, but, but, but...

You should go home and take a bath.
No, a cold shower... very cold.

Very, very, very, very cold
to calm you down.

[Ulrich] Jeremy, hurry up.
We've gotta get going.

[both gasp]

[both gasp]

Ulrich, no, wait. It's not what you think.

-[Jeremy] I swear, Ulrich, wait!

[Odd grunts]

[evil laugh]

Okay, time to go.


[lasers blasting]

[electronic music]



[theme music]

[indistinct chatter]

[teacher] And we can also observe cases
of parthenogenesis among certain insects.

This phenomenon is relatively common,
comparable to a sort of natural cloning.

That is to say the animal gives
birth to a replica of itself,

an exact replica with no differences
between them.

Scientists have succeeded in employing
this process with rabbits.

All right,
we'll continue with this subject tomorrow.

-[bell rings]
-[indistinct chatter]

Ulrich, you have to listen.

I don't wanna listen to you.


Something's not right with Yumi.

She's not in her normal state.
I don't know what she's been through,

but she's traumatized.

[sad music]

Okay, let's go.


[Aelita pants]



Oh, no!

-[laser blasting]
-[Aelita screams]

[Ulrich] What do you think
this phenomenon is?

I wish I could tell you, but I have
no idea. Aelita's checking it out.

It could be XANA's doing.

[Jeremy] Oh no, I forgot to lock the door.

[all gasp]

[Jeremy gasps]

[gasps] All my equipment!

You think Sissi's behind all this?

But why would she want to do that?

Hey, maybe it's Herb.
He sure was mad when we saw him today.

Wait, who was the last one
to leave this room?

Oh, no.

No, that's impossible. Not Yumi.

Huh, you gotta admit
she's been acting weird lately.

Okay, Yumi hasn't been herself lately,
that's right.

But still, the enemy is XANA.
Jeremy's right.

XANA's launched an attack,

and I'm sure all this other stuff
is to distract us

while he's calmly and quietly
getting rid of Aelita.

[Jeremy] Aelita!

She's all alone on Lyoko,
and we can't get to her.

Are we going to the scanner room?

[sinister music]

Yeah, let's go!

[sinister music]

[sinister music]

[Odd] Go on, do your stuff, Jeremy.

Are you ready? Here we go.

Transfer Ulrich. Transfer Odd.
Transfer Yumi.

Scanner Odd. Scanner Ulrich. Scanner Yumi.

[digital whirring]

-[Jeremy] Virtualization.


[Ulrich and Odd gasp]

Where's Yumi?

What? She's not with you?

[Ulrich] No, she wasn't transferred.

[Aelita panting]

Over there.

[Aelita gasps] Oh!

-[Ulrich grunts]
-[Aelita gasps]

[Odd] Laser arrow!

Hurry, we've got to go and free Yumi!

Yumi? Yumi's not...

The real Yumi.

The one who's here in Lyoko.

The other one was created by XANA.

[Aelita through computer]
Jeremy, whatever you do,

don't go anywhere near Yumi.

Do you hear me, Jeremy?


[sinister music]


[Yumi grunting]

-[Yumi continues grunting]

-What are you doing?


-[Yumi grunts]

-[Ulrich] Now!
-Laser arrow!

[Ulrich grunts]


[Yumi laughs evilly]

[electronic sinister music]

[laser blasting]



It's a guardian...

A sort of digital jail adapted
to the body imprisoned in it.


[Ulrich] Ah!

I can't destroy it with my weapons!

I can create a clone,
a false image of Yumi.

We can try to convince the guardian
that he's mistaken.


Okay, let's go.

[ethereal music]

[Aelita sighs]

[chuckles] Wow, piece of cake!

[sinister music]


[pants] What... What happened?

Sorry, no time to explain.
We've gotta deactivate the tower.

Jeremy's not responding.
I don't understand.

I have the feeling that something's wrong.

He's all alone with the other one.

If she destroys the scanner,
it's all over.

The other? The other what?

Who wants to wreck the scanner?

The other... you.



What if something has happened to Jeremy,

and what if we don't manage to deactivate
the tower in time? This is serious.

Listen, one of us has to go back
to reality and right away.

-We don't have much time!
-Right. I'll go.

No, it's better if I go.

I don't know how many life points
I have left, Ulrich,

and if I only have five or ten,
I won't be of much use to you here,

and I also have a little matter
to deal with, that only I can settle.

It's between me and myself.

Then you go, but first you have
to devirtualize yourself.

The question is how.

You're armed, aren't you?

[theme music]


[electricity crackles]

You know what?

You look just like me when
I'm having a bad day.

[tense music]



Oh. [grunts]

[electronic music]

[Odd] Oh-oh.

We've got company.

Odd, watch out... on your right.

[Odd pants]

How many life points do I have left?

[gasps] I don't know,
but it's gotta be less than ten by now.

-[Jeremy sighs]
-[fake Yumi grunting]

-[real Yumi screams]
-[fake Yumi laughs evilly]

[both grunting and panting]

[gasps] Yumi!

[grunts] I'm still here!

Well, I guess I messed up
on my calculations.

You always were a washout in math.

Right, but thanks to you,
I can count to three.

[both grunting and gasping]

[Jeremy grunts]

[fake Yumi screams]

[gasps] Oh!

Triplicate! [panting]

[all three screaming]

[Ulrich gasps]

[Ulrich] Fusion!


Aelita, you're up!

[Aelita panting]


[Jeremy screams]

-[computer blipping]
-[ethereal music]



[ethereal music]

[computer blipping]

-[Jeremy screams]
-[fake Yumi grunts]


[fake Yumi grunts]

[fake Yumi laughs evilly]

Oh, no!

[digital whirring]


[screaming fades away]

[energy buzzing]

[indistinct chatter]

[birds chirping]

That's fantastic!

The fact that XANA was able to materialize
another Yumi proves one thing.

It proves that materialization
is really possible.

[Yumi] That's crazy.

XANA's helping us
with our materialization research.

Back to work then, Einstein.

No sweat.
I'll start programming again right now.

But why bother?

If I were you, I'd go and see XANA.
He's got the answer. So ask him.

I wouldn't trust him.
Look at the Yumi he sent us.

Oh, yes, she wasn't that different
from the original.

She sure was.

She didn't fool me.

I saw the difference,
as soon as she started to flirt with me.


Are you sure?

Do you have any proof
that it's the real me you're looking at?

-[stammers] What're you doing?
-[Yumi chuckles]

Oh no. Cut it out.
I've had enough of that for one day.

You're not jealous, are you, Ulrich?

-Sure looks like it.


-[all laughing]
-[Jeremy] Yeah.

[laughing continues]

[theme music]
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