01x09 - Satellite

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x09 - Satellite

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[electronic music]

[Ms. Hertz] Now then, if you provoke
a collision between two neutrons,

what do you obtain?
Who would like to answer? Anybody?


[Herb] Me, ma'am!

-Yes, Herb?
-[phone ringing]

[all] Hello?

[all] Hello?

-[all] Hello?
-[shoes tapping]

[Sissi] Who is this?

[Ms. Hertz] Sissi,
you, the principal's daughter,

should know the rule
dealing with cell phones.

Why don't you remind us all
what that rule is?

"All mobile phones have got to be
turned off before entering the classroom

under penalty
of having them confiscated."

[Ms. Hertz] Hand it over.

And that goes for everyone!

[students protesting]

-[Ms. Hertz] Quiet down!
-[students moaning]

Put all your cell phones
on my desk right now!

[bell rings]

XANA's sure gonna be happy about this.

[bell continues ringing]

[panting] [footsteps]

[bell continues ringing]

We had this weird problem.

This morning, everyone's cell phone
started ringing...

[Odd] The teacher confiscated them.
Us too.

Crazy, huh? All those calls,
and no one at the other end.

I think I'll contact Aelita.

[Jeremy] This could be XANA's doing.

We've gotta do something.

If Jeremy's is right and we can't stay
in contact, we're in a real jam.

-[Sissi] Hey you three

I'm organizing a meeting.

They've got to give us our mobiles back.
Well, are you with us?

-You bet we are.
-No kidding.

If you really mean it, we'll see you
in the auditorium right after lunch.


You were right. We've gotta see what's up.

[theme music]

[Jeremy] Connection.

[fast music]

[Jeremy] Aelita, do you read me?


-Oh, hello Jeremy.
-[Jeremy] Hi.

Tell me,

have you noticed
anything strange on Lyoko?

No. Should I have?

I don't know,
but I'd better launch a scan to check.

Okay, and I'll see if I can pick
up any of XANA's pulsations.

[Jeremy] Good, but be careful.

See you later.

[screen beeps]

-[keys clacking]
-[screen beeping]

[peaceful music]

[indistinct chatter]

You're gonna take back your cell phone?
That's called stealing.

-You know that?
-No, it's not.

Taking back what belongs to you
is not what I would call stealing.

The students were warned.

I'm not going to return their phones
that quickly.

We need to deactivate
the school's antenna.

That way, even with new phones,
they won't be able to use them.

Can you handle that, Jim?

Huh? Hmm

We have no choice, Yumi.


[Mr. Delmas]
Thank you, Charles.

Okay Ulrich, let's go.

[knob rattles]
[door squeaks]

[Ulrich] The coast is clear.

[Odd] Here we go.

[tinkering sounds]



-[tinkering sounds]
-[Odd straining]

[straining hard]

[Odd] Now, let's see.

-[Ulrich] Oh, hello, Mr. Leever.

[Mr. Leever] Hello, Ulrich.

[pen rattling]

-[rattles and stops]


[shoes scraping]


[receding footsteps]

[door opens and shuts]

[computer sounds]

-[door opens]
-[dog growls]

[jubilantly] Mission accomplished.


Let's hope that nobody finds out.


I'd rather hope
that we're worried over nothing.

For now, the scan
hasn't found an activated tower.

[Aelita] I haven't seen anything either.
False alarm.


[Jeremy] XANA!

-[tense, pulsating music]

[theme music]

[Ulrich] Why would XANA be interested
in mobile phones, huh?

That's what I'm hoping to find
out by checking out the school's antenna.

[Yumi] I'm off to the meeting.
I promised Sissi.

[piano music]




Hey, who let you guys up here?

Trying to stop me
from disconnecting the antenna?

Us? No, we were just passing by.

-[electricity crackles]
-[Jim screaming]

-[Jim screaming]

-[Jim screaming]

[Jim screaming loudly]


[boys straining]

We'll take him to the infirmary.

Okay, I'll try to find
out what XANA's done to the antenna.

-[Ulrich] Hey Jim, can you hear me?
-[Odd] He smells like roast chicken, huh?

[Jim moans]

[Ulrich] Jim. Hey Jim. Yoo hoo.

[Dorothy] Odd, Ulrich,
what are you doing here?

[woman] Jim!

-What happened to him?
-Oh, you know how Jim is.

-He's a regular live wire. So, I mean...

[piano music]

[bizarre beeps]



[Jeremy] The main television antenna?

[sinister music]

[indistinct conversation]


Oh, Miss Yumi is gracing us
with her presence.

Where were you when we wrote the petition?

Just what is going on in here?

[Sissi] Oh, Dad... I mean...

Sir, what's going on here is this.

-[Sissi] You see?

We all signed a petition.

-You have to give us back our cell phones.
-[Mr. Delmas] Oh really?

First, let me remind you
that in this establishment,

the students do not make the rules!

Secondly, Miss Hertz has just learned
that someone forced her locker open

to get back his cell phone.

-[indistinct mutterings]

It's only normal, sir.

How can anyone live
without their cell phone?

[Mr. Delmas] I'm sorry,
but this theft is another reason

for not returning them to you.

[Mr. Delmas] We're going to investigate
who had the nerve to steal back his own.

And I say that we don't set foot
in the classroom without our mobiles.

-[students] Yeah!
-[indistinct conversation]

[Jeremy] You see these waves?

XANA's using the school antenna unit

to try to plug
into the main television dish.


-That's why all the phones rang?

[Jeremy] It jams the frequencies.

If XANA manages to
take control of the dish,

he'll have direct access to the satellites
that are now orbiting the Earth.

And he'll be able to guide
a military satellite.



-Okay, but for what reason?
-I wish I knew.

In peace time,
these satellites are used for spying,

but if XANA reprograms one, who knows?

Anything can happen.

Jeremy is right. This is serious.

[Jeremy] You better believe it, Ulrich!
The scan has detected a tower!


Jeremy, XANA has activated a tower
in the polar region.

[Jeremy] We're on our way.

-[Aelita] Better hurry.
-We'll go through the tunnel in the park.


Kiwi, you stay here.

[door closes]

[dog growls]

[theme music]

[military drum beats]

"No more phones, no more school." Perfect.

I'll stay here in case XANA's got plans
to attack the school.

Hey, are you with us or not?

[laughs sheepishly]

-Ever heard of solidarity?
-Don't worry, Sissi.

-I'm with you a hundred percent.
-[Sissi gasps]

[Yumi] "No more phones, no more school."

-[Yumi] No more phones...
-Okay, let's go!

[slow lugging]

[paws shuffling]


Kiwi, what are you doing here?

for a dog, he's stubborn as a mule!

Well, now that you're here, come on.

[Kiwi barks]

[racy music]


[blades rolling]

[action music]

[Kiwi barks]

[Odd screams]


[muffled sound]

[rumbling and swooshing]


[wheels rumbling]

[Jeremy] Aelita's on her way
to the polar region.

-[Jeremy] Aelita?
-Jeremy, I made it to the ice floe,

but I don't see any activated tower.

[Jeremy] Wait there for Ulrich and Odd,
and watch out for XANA's monsters.

Well are you ready? Here we go.

[Jeremy] Transfer-Ulrich.

[Jeremy] Transfer-Odd.

-[Jeremy] Scanner Odd.

[Jeremy] Scanner-Ulrich.

-[key clacks]

[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[whirring and swishing]





[Aelita] Odd, Ulrich!

There she is.

[Odd grunts]


[Jeremy] Good news.

XANA's still not in control
of the TV dish.

[Jeremy] That gives us a little time.

I'll try to find out which satellite
XANA might want to get his hands on,

but it won't be easy.

[keys clacking]

[students chanting]
No more phones, no more school

No more phones, no more school.

No more phones, no more school.

No more phones, no more school.

-Now let's try the access code.

"Access code accepted." Yes!

-[Jeremy] Bingo! Let's see now...

[Jeremy] "U four six six."

"Military satellite armed
with a highly destructive laser beam."


[Odd] Where can that tower be?

[Jeremy] One thing at a time, Odd.

First of all, I figured it out.

[Jeremy] I know what XANA's after.

He wants to gain control

of a highly accurate
and destructive satellite.

If he does,
he can destroy whatever he wants.

[Aelita panting]

[Odd] The factory's safe.

XANA wouldn't fire at himself.

[Jeremy] Right. That'll give us the time
to take care of things on Lyoko.

Sounds good, but if XANA decides
to destroy the school...

[Jeremy] Remember, Yumi's there,
so that's for sure what he's gonna do.

We have to warn her.

Without a mobile?

[Wiki woofs]

[Wiki whimpers and pants]


[theme music]

[students] No more phones, no more school.

-No more phones, no more school.

[students] No more phones...

[Mr. Delmas] I demand
that you stop this absurd strike now!


-[Yumi] Kiwi?

Yumi, what is going on?

[Yumi gasps]

-[stammers] Well, I...
-This is inadmissible!

-[Kiwi whimpers]
-[Mr. Delmas] To my office immediately!

-Did you see that?
-[Kiwi whimpering]

We have to save her from the dictator!

[all] Free Yumi! Liberty for Yumi.

Free Yumi!

[upbeat music]

[Jeremy] According to the holomap,
the tower is just across the bridge,

but be careful.

-It's probably guarded by those...
-[Odd] By the waspsters.

[Odd] Thanks, we've noticed.

[Jeremy] Remember,
the poison they're carrying

will k*ll your life points, so watch out.

What are they waiting for?

They must just want to hold you there

until XANA's able to control
the satellite.

You've got to get past them.

Laser arrow.


No Aelita, watch out!

-[wings whirring]

[Jeremy] Aelita, don't take any chances.

Leave that to Odd and Ulrich.

[Aelita panting]


[Mr. Delmas] Yumi, I don't understand.
What's going on?

A strike, a dog...

[Mr. Delmas] You're usually
so sensible too.

Yumi, will you listen to me?!


[Yumi] I'm sorry, sir,
but I have to leave right away.

You too, as a matter of fact.

Everyone around here has to leave.


[Jeremy] We have no choice.
One of you has to make the sacrifice.

Listen, I'll attract their attention
so you can get through. Here I go.

Odd, wait!

Take that! [grunts]


He's nuts!

Okay, let's go.

-[laser sh*ts]
-Yeah, take that!

[Odd yelps and grunts]

[Jeremy] Odd,
between the poison and the arrows,

you've already lost 70 life points.

[grunts] You said, no choice.
There, you horrible beast!

[Odd panting and grunting]

-[electricity crackles]
-[Odd screams]


[panting and moaning]

[Jeremy] You've only got

-Oh no! XANA's taken over the satellite.
-[loud beeps]



He let you go, Yumi?

-I escaped when he wasn't looking.

Because our demands are more important
than anything for me.

In fact, we should increase the strength
of our movement and protest in town.



Everyone into town.

We've got to get other schools
on our side.

[all gasp]

-[Sissi] Okay!

Let's go. "Freedom for all our schools."
Come on.

[all] No more phones, no more school.


[satellite beeping]


[Jeremy] Wow, what an incredible
technological masterpiece!



[sirens blaring]


[computer] Parameters locked in place.
Targets localized.

[Jeremy] Already?

We were right.

The school's
in the satellite's line of fire.

-[constant beeps]

[all] High school students,
middle school students.

All for one and one for all!

Come on, come on, faster!

-[all] No more school...

You will not leave the grounds!

[Sissi] You have no right!

[Mr. Delmas] Hmm?


[upbeat music]

What's going on?

I thought the tower
was supposed to be here.

-[panting and grunting]

[Jeremy] Ten life points left.

-[wings fluttering]


[heaves] Ulrich, it's game over for me.


Oh no! Ulrich, Aelita,
the waspsters are after you.

[Jeremy] The holomap doesn't lie.
It's got to be somewhere.


[both scream]


[Ulrich screams]

[Aelita screams]




-[Aelita pants]
-[lasers blasting]

Triplicate. Go on. don't worry about me.

[Aelita panting and straining]

I wonder how accurate
this satellite really is.


[Jeremy] Oh no, I don't believe it.


[mechanical sound]

[Jeremy] Yumi is in danger!
The laser's aimed right at her!

[pants and gasps]

[theme music]

[Yumi] You're making a terrible mistake.

I beg of you, sir,
we've all got to get out of here!

I have had enough, Yumi!

I'm suspending you for a month.

You and your dog
are to leave this campus now!

As for the rest of you,
back to your classrooms.

This strike is over!

[Yumi] Sir, it's a question
of life and death!

Let us all leave! Please!

Hey, aren't you being
a little dramatic, Yumi?

[Odd] Yumi!

-[Yumi gasps]
-To the factory! Hurry.

It's you the satellite's after!

-[Yumi gasps]
-[Mr. Delmas] Huh?





[gasps and pants]

-[crackling and fluttering]

[computer] Laser flight path locked.
Satellite ready to fire.

[Jeremy] It's all over.
XANA's gonna fire!

[grunting and panting]

[both gasp]


[Aelita pants]

[Aelita screams]

[Aelita] Where is it?


Come on! We have to reach the factory!
It's the only place that's safe.

What in the world is happening?
Let's get out of here now!

Aelita, have you found it yet?
Time's running out.

[Aelita] I'm doing my best,
but nothing yet. It's pretty well hidden.




[both panting]

[lasers firing]


Ulrich, Aelita, answer me!

[Aelita] I'm here Jeremy,
but Ulrich's out cold,

and I still haven't found the tower.

-Ulrich, can you hear me?
-Yes, Aelita.

Have you found the tower yet?


I think I have.

Okay, go!

[upbeat music]

[Aelita] Jeremy, I found it.

[theme music]

[tense music]

To the boiler room. Ready?


-It's now or never. Let's go!
-[Odd gasps]








[Odd] Yumi!



[Yumi screams]

-[Odd screams]
-[Yumi gasps]


[Yumi screams]

[laser swishes]


[Yumi screams]

[Yumi] Oh!

[rewind sound]

Return to the past now.

[joyful guitar music]

Invitations to a party?

Not really.

What is this thing?

"Official school policy reminder
to all students:

All mobile phones not turned off
before entering the classroom

will be immediately confiscated."



That's incredible!
Talk about teacher's pets!


Anyway, I'd like to see someone
try to confiscate my mobile!

-[Herb] You're so brave, Sissi!
-[all laugh]

[theme music]
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