03x02 - The Old Engine

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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03x02 - The Old Engine

Post by bunniefuu »


repeat your destination.

Where is everybody?

MAN 1 ON RADIO: 10-4,
Assistant 6.

MAN 2 ON RADIO: 10-4, Info 1.
Press Room has been notified.

Man, what a monster.

STOKER: Isn't she a beauty?

Finally arrived yesterday.
Hasn't been on a run yet.

We'll break this
beast in right. Right.

What happened to the squad?

Day shift not back yet?

Went out on a run.

Should be back
in about 30 or 40 minutes.

You got to admit,
it's really impressive, huh?


You know, sometimes I really
miss working on an engine.


Hey, try and sweep up
a little, will you?

DISPATCHER: Station 127,
working yard fire.

1129 West Fulton.

Now come on,
get your gear, come on.

Cross street, Sepulveda.
Time out, 0811.

Engine 51. KMG 365.



Do we got water? Yep.

Gage, DeSoto,
grab the reel line.

L.A., Engine 51. We have
a pile of old car seats on fire.

Engine 51 out 25 minutes.
Return other units.

responding with Engine 51, return.

Engine 236, return to quarters.

Hey, look at that.

Yeah, it looks kind of puny,
doesn't it?

Puny now,

I'll bet the day that they brought it
in to service it was really impressive.

Yeah, it's kind of sad,
though, in a way.

All right, might as well
start overhauling this mess.

Yeah. Right, Cap.

DISPATCHER: Return, 3.
Call Station 8.


Engine 18, see the man at 1st and
Caven regarding a hazardous situation.

You know, Roy, I was thinking
about that engine over there.

Don't start.

Well, it's just that
I've got an idea.

That's what worries me.

Now, let's have it again.
You did what on your day off?

We bought a rig on our day off,
a 1932 Dennis.

It's a real antique.

In fact, it should be here
sometime this morning.

If this is not
a dumb question, let me ask,

what would you want
with an old, junk rig?

It is a dumb question,

and there's thousands of things
you can do with it if you'd just think.

Okay let's see,
there's putting out fires...

You know, wait a minute.

Now, we only paid

and we figured it deserved better
than rotting in some old junkyard.

We can take it and put it in the
back there and spruce it up a little.

And then what?

Well, there are lots of things
that you can use it for.

There's the Fireman's
Olympics, there's parades,

fire prevention work.

We're always doing
demonstrations at school.

We can put it up against one of the
modern rigs and kids would eat it up.

Yeah. Yeah,
I think that's a pretty good idea.

Did somebody here
buy a fire engine?

Yeah, well,

as a matter of fact,
Roy did and me.


Well, the guy that sold it to
whichever one of you bought it

just called to say that
he's gonna be a little late.

He can't tow it very fast.

Tow it?

Yeah, it seems the rear end is
making a very bad grinding noise.

Grinding noises are very
common among $80 fire engines.

Oh, shut up.


probable overdose.

2267 West Hill, apartment 6.

2267 West Hill, apartment 6.

Cross street, Burlington.

Time out, 0806.


You're not cops, right?

No, no, we're firemen.

Close enough. Anything but cops.

It's my roommate. Come on.

Where is she? Harriet?

In the closet.

Sometimes goes up there
for a couple hours

and it doesn't mean anything.

But been she's been in there
for eight hours now.

Every time I start
to open the door

she screams bloody m*rder.

She must be on some
really wild stuff this time.


Harriet, we're here to help you.

Is she on acid?

You're really not cops?

We're not cops.

She took a little.

I mean, she does every time
she gets really uptight.


Harriet, we're...


See? Now, isn't that a drag?

Harriet, I am gonna have to
get myself a new roommate!

Hey, hey, hey,
come on down here.

Now, let's sit down.
He doesn't need our help.

Now, come on, sit down.



Harriet, there's nothing
to be afraid of.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.

I'm here because I want
to help you, all right?

See, nothing to be afraid of.

Come on, why don't you come out so
that I can have a look at you, all right?

Harriet, if you don't...

Hey, now, your friend's
upset the way it is.

Come on. Come here.


You get away from me!

Now, Harriet,
put down that iron.

Harriet, you freak!


L.A., this is Squad 51.

Request police assistance
at our location.

We have a female OD victim
running between the houses.


Did you see her? No.

Why don't you hop on?

There she is.

All right, there's nothing
to be afraid of.

No one's gonna hurt you.

I'm here to help you.

What's the trouble?

What are you frightened of?

I'd like for you to talk to me.

Can't you talk to me? I'd like
to know what you're scared of.

I mean, there's nothing
to be afraid of.

You're in your own neighborhood here,
nothing's changed.

I know I may be
a little strange.

I'm a fireman.

You're not afraid of firemen,
are you?

I'm your friend.

I'm here to help you.

I know you're going through
some rough times right now,

and I know you need some help.

That's all I want to do,
is help you.


Easy now, easy.

No one's gonna hurt you.
No one's gonna hurt you.

All right, okay, come on.


Up here.

Howdy, Dix.

Hi. How's the girl?

Oh, Dr. Morton's
got her under sedation.

I think she'll, you know,
be okay before long.

Dix, what's, uh...
What's with the base station?

Whole new unit.
Installed yesterday.

Boy, that's very impressive.

Yeah, and professional.

DIXIE: With five squads operating
out of this place, we can really use it.

DISPATCHER: Repair 15,
L.A. Call station 23.

You've even got the L.A.
County Fire Department here.

Sure do.

Now we can hear
the squads dispatched.

Gives us that much more time
to set up a rescue.

Hey, Johnny,
what's with your elbow?

Oh, I was wounded.

Oh, poor baby. Any other damage?

Oh, not to me,
but Roy here might.

She got in a pretty good
lick with an iron.

Only my ego,
that's all that hurt.

You know, at the end I thought she
was starting to warm up to me a little bit.

Yeah, I could tell.

Well, Johnny,
you know where everything is.

The trouble with our job is

we never get any sympathy
from the nurses around here.

Hey, I hear you two bought
yourselves an old fire engine.

ROY: News sure travels fast.

Well, what's wrong
with buying an old engine?

Oh, nothing.

Perfectly sensible thing to do.

Happen to hear of an old
hospital I can pick up cheap?


Emergency. Miss McCall.

Can you grab that?

Right. Thank you.


there's a man coming in,
g*nsh*t in the abdomen.

Let's take him in 1.


You boys starting
a volunteer fire department?

Hey, listen, watch out,

or we're not gonna give you a
ride in our new antique fire engine.

DIXIE: You promise?

Dr. Marcus, Admission Desk.

Dr. Marcus, Admission Desk.

Into 1.

Hey, how much longer
is it gonna be?

Just be quiet.

Come on, I'm serious.

So am I.

This may sting a little.

Chest sounds clear.
Heart's good.

Pressure's 90 over 40.
Pulse is 120.

Hey» you're pretty.


Dix, call the lab. Tell them I
want a CBC on electrolytes.

Have him type and cross
matched for six units of blood.

Hey, they tell you
how it happened?

When did you eat last?


It was the darndest thing
you ever heard of.

What time was breakfast?

Around 7:00.

JOE: What did you have?

A bowl of cereal, coffee.

It was a dumb thing.


These two girls walk up to me
right in the street,

get right in front of me

and one of them said,

"Hey, give me your wallet."

Take it easy.
Don't exert yourself.

I'm not exerting myself.

I thought it was
some kind of joke.

Do you feel any numbness
in your legs?


Any tingling?


It's not like it was a bad
neighborhood or something like that.

Can you move
both your legs all right?

Hey, I'm trying to tell you
how it happened.

You can tell us later.
Right now you just be quiet.

You tell me to be quiet,
but you keep asking me questions.

Questions are necessary.

Can you move both your legs?

Sure. Easy.

Then I looked down at them.

One of them has got this
two-barreled little g*n.

It was a Derringer.

Yeah, but they got toys out
now look as real as anything.

Dix, I want a chest x-ray and
a flat plate of the abdomen.


Like I said, broad daylight,

busy street and two young girls.

Look, we're gonna have to
operate on you as soon as possible.


They'll take
very good care of you,

so just take it easy
and try to relax.

I am.

Hey, Doc. I haven't finished.

Dr. Mendez, Receiving Room.

Give them a hand in 1.

This is Dr. Brackett
in Emergency.

Let me have the surgeon on call.

Okay, guys, you can
get right over there.

Anybody would figure
it's some kind of gag.

It's the natural reaction.

Do you have
any medical problems?

I got a b*llet in the gut.
What would you call that?

I mean, have you been under a
doctor's care for anything recently?

Okay, scoot. No.

Any respiratory problems?

I mean, do you have
problems breathing?


Do you have a family doctor? No.

I never even been
in a hospital before.

Okay, let's get him out of here.

No exit wound. Probably a .22.

He ate about two and a half,
three hours ago.

Right, he's on his way
up to x-ray now.

We'll get the chest and a
flat plate of the abdomen.

So I sort of laughed and I
started walking past them.

You see, I'm not afraid
of a couple of little girls.

Are you allergic to any dr*gs?

No, for Pete's sake.

Is there anyone
you'd like us to call?


I guess I'm gonna be here
for a while.

You guess right.

What I've seen of it so far,
I don't think much of it.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Baker, report to
Surgery. Dr. Baker, report to Surgery.

It's here.

All right, all right!

Guy dragged it in
a half hour ago.

KELLY: And it was clanking
and grinding something awful.

I hope he didn't do
any damage to it.

Well, if you ask me...
Nobody did.

Looks pretty good, huh?


They sure don't build them
like this anymore.

That's for sure.

Couple coats of paint
and this'
look great.

Yeah, you know,
the guy that we bought it from

said it went through
the earthquake in '33.

Hey, even I remember
hearing about that.

Must've really been something.

you know there's great visibility up here.

Did you take a look
at the water t*nk?

Eighty gallons.

Why'd they even bother?


Hey, that's great.

You know, this is
laid out kind of different.

It's got three pedals.

Let's see, this is three,
three forward.

I guess this one's reverse.

What do you say
we get it started?

All right.

My dad said a crank could kick like a mule,
break your arm.

Better watch yourself.


Why don't you choke it?

KELLY: Eighty bucks.

All right,
we knew it was gonna need a little work.


heart attack.

8476 Cresfline Terrace.

8476 Cresfline Terrace.

Cross street, Harding.
Time out, 1721.

STANLEY: Station 51.


Hey, can I help you with something? Yeah,
you wanna take this?

Yeah. Thank you.

This place.

No, no! He doesn't need them.

Hannah, get out of the way.

Are you a relative?
She's his housekeeper.

You're an ungodly,
blaspheming man, Harvey.

You have no faith.

Hannah, now, come on. No,
that's not the way. That's not the way.

Only faith can heal.

Get over here and stay out of this,
will you? Just sit down.

He's still breathing.

Are you related?

I'm closer.
I'm his campaign manager.

That's Councilman Wilby
lying there.

Well, carotid is palpable,

rapid and faint.

Rampart, this is rescue 51.

Rampart Emergency. Go ahead, 51.

"JOHNNY: Rampart, we have a male,
about 55, height 5'9",

weight about 170.

Apparent heart attack.

Has palpable carotid pulse.

Vital signs to follow, Rampart.

DIXIE: Rampart standing by, 51.

Can you handle this, Kel?

No chance, Dix, get Joe.

Joe, 51 is on a rescue.

Look, I'm gonna have to
call you back later, okay?

Rampart, vital signs are
BP 70 over 40,

pulse 170. EKG shows V-tach.

Hold it, Rampart, shows V-fib.

JOE: 10-4,

You stand clear.

All right, hold it.


All right, he's okay.

Rampart, he's back
in the sinus rhythm.

Start lidocaine drip
and insert esophageal airway.

He's testing all of us.

How long ago did this happen?

I don't know. Hannah?

He's testing all of us.


Now, when did it happen?

About an hour ago.

He all of a sudden
jumped to his feet

and then he was
pulling at his shirt,

and then he said very clear,
"I feel awful."

And then he fell down
right where you see.

An hour ago?

I told him to get rid
of that dumb broad years ago,

but he said she was good
for his image.


Hey, look, he's got
a big fundraiser.

He's gotta at least
make an appearance.

There's no way.

He's a very sick man.

Stand up, Wilby.
Show the unbelievers.

is there an ambulance there yet?

JOHNNY: That's affirmative,

Hold it right there
for a second, please.

I got over here
as fast as I could.

He keeled over about an hour
ago. She let him just lie there.

Hannah. Well,
he's testing my faith.

He's testing all of us.

It's a good thing I decided
to come over a little early.

Roy, he's throwing PVCs.

See? There,
he threw another one.

Yeah, the rate's down to 55.

Rampart, rate's down
to 55 with PVCs.

Like to administer atropine.

Affirmative, 51.
Give him 0.5 milligrams.

You're gonna have to
take that meeting tonight.

Harv, I don't know if I can...

You got to. It's a cinch.
He can't,

and I'm not gonna cancel.

We may even have to
find ourselves a new boy.

He is gonna be all right.

Isn't he?

JOE: 51, what's the pulse now?

Rampart, the pulse is now 74.


Bring him on in, 51.
Take him directly to CCU.

I'll arrange admission.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Hold it.


You better get Rampart again.

with very distinct rates.

JOE: Give him
ten milligrams MS IV.

JOHNNY: Ten milligrams MS IV.

Kel, we've got
a real bad one here.

MAN: Rampart, patient is...

10-4, Rampart. Four liters.

as soon as possible.

This will be Lead 2.

JOE: Start rotating tourniquets.

I'm free, Joe, if you need me.

Look, 51, disregard those
instructions to take him to CCU.

Bring him directly here
to Emergency.

10-4, Rampart.

What do we got?

I don't understand.

I just don't understand.



PA pressure is 56 over 32.

Inflate the balloon.

Wedge pressure is 28.

Okay, Dix, deflate the balloon.

We'll leave
the catheter in place.

Let's start with

Dr. Roberto Almanza.

Dr. Roberto Almanza.

You said there was a delay
in getting help to him?

About an hour, according to Roy.

Is there anyone here for him?

A woman that worked for him,
I believe.

A maid or a housekeeper,
somebody like that.

If we'd had that extra hour,
he might still be alive now.

Did they say why?

There wasn't time to go into it.


I guess I better go tell her.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Davis,
needed in Surgery.

Dr. Davis.

You know,
it's not like this was just some old car.

Then I'd say we'd have
something to worry about.

Yeah, I wouldn't
get involved in that

if they gave it to me.

Yeah, and you know
this is fire equipment.

It's very well maintained
and taken care of.

Yeah, well, you know, Roy.

We knew that it was gonna
cost us a few extra bucks.


And you know paint will
probably be our biggest item?

Oh, I wouldn't doubt it.



the engine's tight as a
drum and the block's cracked.

It's a perfect match
with the transmission.

It's completely shot.

Seems to be the only
thing in working order.

Yeah. Okay.

Right, Ed. Hey, listen.
I really appreciate this.

Okay. Thanks a lot.
See you later.

It was Ed Wainwright.

I gave him the serial number
to the old engine,

and he's been checking through
the records for the past couple of days.

What'd he come up with?

Well, it did work at 9's

and it definitely did work
the quake in '33.

Man, it must have been something else,
from what Ed says.

Yeah, 1933.

Wow. You know,
didn't that occur just about dinnertime?

Yeah, it was a real biggie
from what Ed says.

You know, the school kids would've
really got a charge out of that old engine.

It seems a pity.

Yeah, well, we've got a couple
hundred hours of work to do on her.

Plus getting parts
made specially.

It will cost an arm and a leg.

Well, I guess,
we'll just... We'll just have to scrap it.

You know, we'll get
about $40, $50 on it.

It really is a pity.

Yeah, well, we'll have to have
somebody drag it away tomorrow.

DISPATCHER: Battalion 3,
call Operations at your next stop.

Hey, what do you think
you're doing?

How do I get out of here?

you don't. You have to go back to bed.

Now, come on. I don't
like it here. I'm going home.

Well, you're in
no condition... Dr. Brackett.

This man is trying to leave,
and I can't stop him.

Hey. What seems
to be the problem?

I don't like it here.
Feeding me through a tube.

That's no way to treat a man.

Look, you were shot
the other day.

You've just had
major abdominal surgery.

'm hungry-

Being fed intravenously,
I can understand why.

But you can't have
anything solid for a few days.

I'll find something.

You will only
make yourself sick.

I'll be okay.

Look, come on in here and
let me take a look at you, okay?

No. No!


I want to go some place else.

All right, we'll talk about it.

Right now, I want you to lie down
before you rip those stitches open.

Now, come on. Come on.

He's got the constitution
of a horse.

And an appetite to match.

What are we going to do
with him?

Try to keep him calm and conned,

at least until he makes
some kind of recovery.


He's in better shape
than most healthy people.

Well, don't worry. Our hospital
food will take care of that.


DISPATCHER: Station 51,
Engine 27, Engine 32, Truck 105.

Structure fire.

1700 Lakeview.

1700 Lakeview.

Cross street, Gardner.
Time, 1632.

STANLEY: Station 51.




Looks like we're the first in.

ROY: Yeah, looks like
we've got a worker.

STANLEY: Squad 51,
make the hydrant. We're laying duals.

Squad 51.

L.A., Engine 51. Send me a second
alarm. Approach from the west.

DISPATCHER: Engine 51.

Station 19, Truck 34,

Battalion 43, second alarm.

DeSoto, you two guys take the
K-12 and open up about the fourth bay.

ROY: Right.

DISPATCHER: 1700 Lakeview. Cross street,
Gardner. Time out, 1645.

Engine 9, you can lay duals
to the rear of the building.

Engine 17, assist Engine 9.



Engine 17, you can pump
to Engine 51.


what is your status?

The roof went!
Captain Harmell fell through!

The roof went!

Hey, a man fell in.
I'm gonna go get him!


Cap, Harmell's fallen through
the roof. Johnny is on top.

Oh, boy. Grab a ladder. Right.

Truck 17, come right on past.

Set up on the east side.
We got a man through the roof.

Get me out of here, pal.

All right, Cap, we're gonna
get you out. Just hang in there.

How's your leg doing?

It's not good. I can't feel it.

All right. How're we doing?

Well, we may have
a possible fracture.

Yeah. All right,
we need a splint!

And bring down some pry bars!

DISPATCHER: Battalion 3, Engine

MAN: Here you go. Right.

Hey, you sure got yourself
into a heck of a mess here.


Watch your back.



Okay, here we go. You got it?

Can we have some oxygen?


All right, turn that on.

DISPATCHER: Engine 35.

Battalion 7, Squad 36 is 10-7
at Rampart Hospital.

Station 88, building on the
beach. Pacific Coast Highway...

All right, Cap,
we're gonna pry you loose.

Keep your legs straight.

DISPATCHER: Copter 15,
what is your status?

10-4, Copter 15?

ROY: All right.
Here we go. Easy.

Easy. UP-

Give me that splint.

Cap, you wanna help me here?

Right here. Easy.

DISPATCHER: Copter 10,
cancel your response.

Return, 2. Engine 163
is requesting a tow truck.

Mayweather and 71st Street.

Now we got it.

Cap. We're gonna have to lift you up.

All right.

Here we go. Okay, here we go.

Here we go, Cap.

All right, great.

If he goes that way,
it'll be best for me.

Okay, let's go. Get him up.

Keep that steady.

Hey, over here.

DISPATCHER: We'll relay
the message.

Grass fire north of
the freeway in Devil's Pass.

Engine 41.

Squad 209, return.

You gotta take
this thing off first.

Watch his leg.
All right, grab that side.

Move that arm.

Yeah, all right. Watch it. Okay,
give me that leg.

Okay, grab hold of my shoulder.
Over my shoulder. Okay.

All right.

Stay up. How's your leg?

It's okay. Thanks.

Hey, I thought
you were gonna turn in.

Yeah, I am. In a little bit.

You know, Roy, in its day,

that was the latest thing.

Modern, up-to-date.

Yeah. Wonder how many
responses it had.

I don't know.
Thousands probably.

Yeah, easy.

JOHNNY: All the men
that used to work on her.

Hundreds I'll bet.

Yeah, probably.

Yeah, I know. Roy...

You don't want to junk it.

Neither do I.

But it's the only
sensible thing to do.

Yeah, but on the other hand...

We can always get the frame
welded. That'd be no big deal.

That's right,
and see what happens from there.

One step at a time.
I mean, we're in no hurry.

That's right, and if it still
gets too much for us,

we can scrap it anytime.

But we won't. You know that.

Yeah. I know that.
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