03x11 - The Promise

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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03x11 - The Promise

Post by bunniefuu »




STANLEY: Check out
the rest of the area, huh?

L.A., Station 51. Out 10
minutes. Return other units.

All units with station 51, cancel.

Man, oh man, did you see that?

One minute more and it
would've got the gas t*nk,

then, whoosh, my whole place
would've gone up.

You the owner, huh? Yeah,
yeah, Nelson. Roy Nelson.

Mr. Nelson, you got any idea
how this fire could have got started?

No, no, I was
working in the office.

Hey, wait a minute,
one of my new mechanics

was working on this car
a little while ago.

Hey, Rich!

Where did he get off to anyway?

Roy! Roy! Yeah?

We got a man down in here.

We need the drug box
and the Biophone.

I got a pulse and he's
breathing okay. All right.

Cap, we got
an injured man over here!

I think they've found
your mechanic, Mr. Nelson.

L.A., Engine 51. Respond
an ambulance to our location.

What's his name?

NELSON: Richard Allen. Uh-huh.

Has he any medical history
here? NELSON: Not that I know of.

Do you know if he's
on any medication at all?

I don't know. Do you have...

Do you know his phone number or his
address? Or is there anyway we can...

All I got is the application he
filled out when he came to work.

Do you want that? Yes.

I'll get it for you. It's in
the office. Thank you.

Johnny? Yeah?

Drug box.
Look, he's unresponsive.

He's got... Looks like
he's in a catatonic state.

Rampart base, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

We have a male patient.
Approximate age about 26.

He is unresponsive.

I think he might be
in a catatonic state.

We got no medical
history on him.

We don't know whether
he's on medication.

has he been that way?

Anywhere from
a half hour to an hour.

Do you have any vital signs?

Stand by for vitals, Rampart.

BP is 126 over 84.

Rampart, BP is 126 over 84.

Pulse is 86.

Pulse is 86.
Respiration's about 16.

external injuries?

Any external injuries? No.

That's negative, Rampart.


Do you want us to start an IV?

Negative, 51.

Is the ambulance at the scene?

Right, it just arrived.

All right, bring him on in.

Here's that application
you wanted.

All right, hand it here.

I don't think it's gonna
help you too much.

Set it right up
at the door, boys.

Yeah, I see what you mean.
Wait a minute now.

Here's a telephone number.

I called it,
but there's no answer.

All right. Okay.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Okay, he's ready to go.

Hang on now, just for a second.



toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

Start an IV with D5W.


I want an echoencephalogram
and a full skull series.

Are Gage and DeSoto still here?

I think so,
Kel. They were gonna pick up some supplies.

I'll have them wait outside.


Hi, Doc. Hi.

Hey, Doc.

Say, did you fellows get
any history on Richard Allen?

Well, the employment application,
which is pretty sketchy, as you can see.

Twenty four years old,
high school graduate.

U.S. citizen.
Born in San Francisco.

Here's a local address
and telephone number.

His boss tried to call that. He
couldn't get any answer. Yeah.

Dix, keep trying this number. And take
a blood sample up to the toxicology lab.

Let's find out
if he's been on any dr*gs.

See you, fellows.
Okay, see you later, Doc.

You'll let us know if you get an answer,
now, will you? Yeah.

Okay, this is it. I just wrote
the last one on the bottom there.

All right,
check with you later, Dix.

All right.

Hi, Ann. Hi, Roy.

JOHNNY: Got a little something going,
huh? Does she know?

Know what?

Know that you're married.

Look, I am a big brother to her.

You know, I see her
in the hospital.

We have some coffee together
when she's not working with a patient.

She feels that
she can confide in me.

I feel that
I can confide in her.

She feels that I'm her friend.

I feel that she's my friend.
That's all there is to it.


Look, if you're so interested,
why don't you ask her out?

Well, I wouldn't feel
right about it.

What are you talking about?

I just don't wanna
get in the way, that's all.

Get in the way?

You know,
you got this all wrong.

Last Saturday night,
she was over at the house

for dinner with Joanne
and me and the kids.

You got nothing to worry about.

Oh, that's really great.

Now what's the matter?

Well, man, you could've
invited me.



Squad 51.

Squad 51, difficult breathing,

154 South Roland. Cross street,
Citrus. Time out, 1142.

Squad 51.


That's Edna Self.



We gotta do something about her.

You keep telling me that.

Well, now this time I mean it!

We better get the oxygen
just in case.


You know, I wonder
what it is this time.

ROY: Miss Self.

JOHNNY: Door's open. Yeah.

Miss Self?

[GASPING] I'm glad you're here.

I don't know what I would've
done without your help.

All right. Now I just
want you to calm down

and try to breathe as slowly
as possible.

We're gonna give you
a little oxygen.

Pulse seems to be pretty normal.

Feeling better? Uh-huh.

All right.

You feeling better?


Good. Now as long as
you're feeling better,

I think that we should
have a little talk.

Talk? Miss Self...

Look, look,

Miss Self, we just can't keep
coming here to keep you company.

You know, it would be a
different thing if you're sick,

but you're not, you see?

And there are other people
out there who are.

People who need our attention
more than you do.

People who are seriously ill,
or badly injured.

See? And every time that you call us here,
you're risking...

We're risking the possibility

that someone somewhere
may die because we're here.

You know, you're
keeping us from our job.

And keeping you company
just isn't part of our job.

I'm a fool.

It's just that ever since
my mother passed on...


I do miss her very much.

And I don't make
friends very easily.

Well, maybe you could take up
a hobby or something?

Sure. What about bowling?

Or art.

Art was one of my favorite
courses in school.

Maybe I could get some oils
and try my hand.

After all there's so much junk
in the museums these days.

That sounds like a good idea.

You really think so?

Well, you gentlemen may have
changed my whole life.

ROY: Bye-bye. JOHNNY: Good-bye.

Bye. Thank you.

Boy, I hated to do that,

but I think I got
the point across.

You wanna bet?

You know, I hated
to say anything in there,

seeing you were going along
so nicely and all.

But do you know she was told
the same thing by B shift last week?

Almost word for word.

Well, maybe
my delivery was better.


Your delivery was better.

You don't have
much faith in me, do you?

Squad 51 available.



Boot, will you beat it?

Go dig up a bone. I'm busy.


Boot, would you beat it?

But she's a woman and
women have minds of their own.

They can say one thing and turn
right around and do exactly the opposite.

John Gage,
foremost authority on the female sex.

You know, you really
ought to write a book.

Yeah? Well, Chet, you know,
one of these days I may just do that.

Yeah, well, don't forget
to include Paula.

Paula? Paula who?

Oh, John, she wouldn't like
that. You asking, "Paula who?"

Oh, come on, be serious.
Paula who?

She called about an hour ago.

That's it?

No, there's more. She's...

Let's see.
Her name's Paula Slayton.

And she said you were real
nice to her a couple of years ago.

Something about you
doing her a big favor.

And she's gonna come by
the fire station to see you.

And now you remember?

No. Did she say
when she's coming by?

Mmm-hmm. Today.

Today? Today?

Did she say what time?

About 12:30.


She could be here any second!

Well, come on,
let's get this place cleaned up. Come on.

If you don't remember her,
then why all the excitement?

Boot, will you get off of me?

Well, she's a girl, isn't she?

She's a girl.


You want those?
You can have them.

Squad 51, woman down.

1022 Bellmar, Apartment 4.

1022 Bellmar, Apartment 4.

Cross street, Townley.
Ambulance is responding.

Time out, 1222.

Station 51.10-4. KMG 365.

Up here! Please hurry.

She can't catch her breath.

She's my roommate Lois. I
just got home from the market.

We're having a party tonight.
She was cleaning the place up,

and I went to the store to get
some food and decorations.


Smells like ammonia.

Here. I'm gonna get
this oxygen over here.

All right.

I'll open the windows up.


Let's see.

All right.

I'm gonna give you some oxygen.

What's the matter with her?

Please tell me.
Is she going to be all right?

Ma'am, she's gonna be all right.

We got to her in time.
Don't worry about it.

She's gonna be okay.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Here you go. There you are. Rampart,
we have a female, about 23, 24 years old.

She has marked shortness of breath
due to inhalation of ammonia gases.

We're administering
oxygen right now.

Stand by, 51.

Has she had
any recent illnesses?


Any allergies?


Well, what about medication?

I mean, does she take any pills?

Not really.

An occasional tranquillizer,
that's all.

Her pulse is 120,
the respirations were 30 and clear.

Stand by for the BP.

BP is 120 over 80.


Affirmative, Rampart.

BP is 120 over 80. Pulse is 120,
respiration is 30 and clear.

She's had no recent
illnesses or allergies.

start an IV with D5W TKO.


Lois, are you okay?

It looks like
you came home just in time.

What in the world happened?

She was just
scrubbing the floor.

Well, you can clean with ammonia

or you can clean
with chlorine bleach.

But if you mix the two,
the combination can be deadly.

It can result
in pulmonary edema.

That's when fluid
gathers in your lungs.

That's what happened to Lois?


That's frightening.

But she is gonna be all right?

She's responding well.

We're gonna take her to the
hospital just for some observation.

They'll be able to look at her,
see if there's any further complications.

I can tell you one thing.

What's that?
She's not gonna be very happy.

We've been planning
this party for weeks.

Was there any answer on
that number for Richard Allen?


Every time I've had a free minute,
I've dialed it, but nothing.

How's he doing?

No change.

I'm glad we don't have
those all the time.

Well, the next time,
we'll try to plan it a little better.

You know, it's rough treating a patient
without knowing anything about him.

I mean, what medication he's
on or if he's allergic to anything.

Dr. Brackett needs you in Treatment Room 2,
Miss McCall.

Thank you, Ann. You're welcome.

See you guys later.

Hi, Ann.

Hi, Roy. How you doing?

Oh, fine. You? Good.


Well, Good.

We better get
back to the station.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Are you ready to go?

Back to the station?

I can hear you, I can hear you.

Don't worry about me.
I'm coming along.

Yeah, I worry about you.

That... I got it!

I know who...

We rescued her
from an auto accident.

She ran her car into a telephone
pole on Main Street, remember?

Paula. Paula Slayton.

Oh, yeah, yeah. You took care of
her dog while she was in the hospital.

That's right.
That's her. That's her.

Hey, you know, that was
a long time ago.

I wonder why she called you
after all this time?

Well, I...

I do remember that she did have
that look in her eye, you know.

I mean, you can't deny it.

I mean, it's there.
When you've got more than

just a casual friendship
on your mind, it's there.

You can't hide it.

I remember that just like
it was yesterday.

She came to the station
to pick up her dog.

And I remember,

she looked me deep into the eyes,
deep in the eyes,

and said, "Johnny,
I'm ever so grateful"

"for taking care of..."

The dog, what's the dog's name?

Anyway, whatever
the dog's name is.

Important thing is
that I could tell.

I could tell.

She really...

You could? You...

Oh, just... I thought you...

You know, there was
someone... I was talking...

And apparently...

Excuse me just for
a second here.


PAULA: Johnny.

Johnny Gage. How are you?

Paula, I'm fine. How are you?

I'd say better than
the last time you saw me.

No more automobile accidents.

That's right, that's right.


Oh, Roy.

Good to see you.
Nice to see you.

I got here around noon,
so the guys invited me for lunch.

I'm afraid they didn't get a
chance to finish theirs, though.

That alarm went off right
in the middle of the meal.

Well, when you work around here,

you get used to
things like that.

I guess so.

Johnny, do you remember
my dog Bonnie?

Bonnie, sure. I ..

You took such good care of her
when I was in the hospital.

How is she doing?
Oh, she's fine. She's fine.

She missed Johnny for a while.

She got really attached to you.

Yeah, well, Bonnie was a great
dog. I really liked Bonnie.

I'm gonna get a cup of coffee.

Yeah, okay.


Johnny, I guess you must be wondering why
I wanted to see you after all this time.


Well, I made a promise to you.

And I always keep my word.

Do you remember that promise?

You wait right here.



Here you go. Attaboy! Come on.

Come here, come here.

One more trash can fire and I'm
gonna transfer to a brush station.

Hey, John, what happened
to Paula Slayton? She split?

She said she'd be right back.
I don't know where she went.

She said...


Nice girl.


Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey,
catch the dogs.

Go on that side.
Get around the back.

Boot, come here, come here.

Come here, come here.

Come here.

PAULA: Come on, girl.
Come on, girl.

PAULA: Here, girl. Here, girl.

PAULA: Here, girl.

Chase her back! Over there!

ROY: Boot!

PAULA: Come on, girl.
Come here, girl.

They're going around the back!


Oh, you idiot, I had her.

Roy, call him!


Okay, I got her.
I got her. All right.

Okay, I got you.

All right.

Oh, that's wonderful.
She likes you.

I knew I was right
in giving her to you.


But I need those
lab reports stat.

Look, I know you're swamped,
but this is top priority.

All right.

As soon as you get anything,
anything at all.

I don't know.

Well, find me!

Take it easy, Kel.

I know, I know.

Richard Allen?


This one's a real puzzle, Joe.

That kid's not gonna make it
unless we come up with an answer.

Did you find anything? No.

We've run all the neurology
tests from A to Z.

We've ruled out emboli,
aneurysms, neoplasm, you name it.

How about you?

I guess you've ruled out dr*gs?

You tell me.

We can't find any needle marks.

The barbiturate level
was negative.

I suppose he could've been off dr*gs
for a few days or a few weeks and then...

A delayed reaction?
It's possible.

You know, Joe, a psychological
shock might account for his condition.

Have you contacted Dr. Reed
in Psychiatry yet?

No. I just called him,
but he was out of his office.

They're tracking him down now.

I don't think we should
rule anything out,

and that includes a
severe emotional problem.

You know, I think I know
how to get in touch with Reed.

Maybe he could provide us
with some answers.

Yeah, well, let's hope so.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Kaplin,
Admission Desk.

Dr. Kaplin, Admission Desk.

Dr. Parker, Outpatient Area.

Dr. Parker, Outpatient Area.

Ann, would you see that
Dr. Morton gets this, please?

Yes, Miss McCall. Thank you.

Yes, may I help you?

Yeah, I'm... I'm looking
for my friend.

His boss said some firemen
brought him here.

His name is Allen.

Rich Allen.

Oh, yeah. Well,
if you'll tell me your name,

I'll get Dr. Brackett and he
can tell you how your friend is.

Fine. That'd be fine.

Could you tell me your name?

Oh, sure. It's Bo, Bo Jensen.

All right, Bo,
you just wait a minute.



Thanks, Dix,
I'll be right there.

Come on, Joe. Looks like
we got some unexpected help.

A friend of Richard Allen's
just showed up.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Hoffman,
Treatment Room 1.

Dr. Hoffman, Treatment Room 1.

This is Bo Jensen. He's very
concerned about his friend.

Hello, Bo. I'm Dr. Brackett.
This is Dr. Early.

Hi, Bo.

We've run
a lot of tests on Richard.

So far we can't find out
what's wrong with him.

Maybe you can tell us
something about him.

I don't think I can tell you
much of anything.

Rich has always seemed
pretty healthy.

We were supposed to go
to the cycle races tonight,

and when I didn't hear from him,

I went by the garage
where he works.

His boss told me
what had happened.

So that's when I came over here.

Has anything happened to him
recently that might have upset him?

A relative dying, an automobile accident,
something like that?

Well, I'm not around him
all the time, you understand,

but no,
not that he has mentioned.

What about medicines?

Has he been taking
any kind of dr*gs?


I mean, not that I know of.

Look, can I see him?

I suppose so.

He's in room 603.
But don't stay too long.

Okay, yeah, whatever you say.
How do I get there?

Right up the elevator.
Okay, thank you.

Well, it looks like we're right
back where we started from.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Adler,
wanted in Surgery.

Dr. Adler, wanted in Surgery.

Why didn't you
listen to me, Rich?

You thought you could
kick it yourself.

You got to go easy.

Nice and easy.

I tried to help you,
but you just wouldn't let me.

So now look at yourself.

They got you all plugged in,
don't they?

That stuff's not gonna
do you any good.

I'm gonna take
good care of you, Rich.

You're gonna feel a
whole lot better. You'll see.

I'm gonna go now,

but I'll be back.

I'm gonna bring you something to
make you feel good just like your old self.

All right.


Good morning.

How'd everything go
on your day off?

Not too good.

Trouble with the landlord? Yeah.

Turns out it's either me or her.

Now, that's a lousy choice.

Hey, come here, girl.
Catch Sam, get Sam!


Well, Sam.
I had to name her something.

Sam is short for... Forget it.


Oh, no.


Johnny, you better get rid of this dog
before Boots has a nervous breakdown.

All right, give me here
and I'll...

I better hold her. The Cap just stuck
his head in and he wants to see you.

Oh, no.

I think he mentioned
something like, "Right away."

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

Come on. Hey. Hey.

You know, John,
I met your friend Paula when she was here

and I can really understand
why you couldn't refuse the dog.

However, though it's not uncommon
for stations to have a mascots.

This station is gonna have to
muddle through with one mascot.

Now that means you're gonna
have to do something about it, John.

And soon.

Those two animals
can't stand each other.

All right. Okay, Cap.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I also think it's only fair that
since Boot was the first one here,

Boot should be the one to stay.


Okay, I'll

I'll make arrangements.

You or the dog?

Well, he didn't exactly
put it in those words, but...

Look, why don't you call Paula
Slayton and explain the situation to her.

Tell her you appreciate
her thoughtfulness,

but that the situation
as it stands now...

I can't do that.
I can't do that.

Why not?

I just can't do that, Roy.
I mean...

Look, when she promised me

a puppy from her
dog's first litter,

it meant a lot to her.

And I admire people
who can keep their promise.

Shows character.

Look, I can't just
walk up to her and say,

"Here, Paula,
take your dog back."

Why not?


DISPATCHER: Station 51.
People trapped in a house.

6284 Lake Canyon Drive.

6284 Lake Canyon Drive.

Time out, 1042.

Station 51. KMG 365.


JOHNNY: Man, will you
look at these tumbleweeds?

Stupid things are
all around the house.

Check around back, will you?

Let's clear a path
to the front door.

Well, you got to admit,
this is a first.

Yeah. I hear the winds did a
mess of damage out here last night.

Watch those... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I got it. All right.

Here we are.

Why don't you knock on the
door and see if anybody's there?


Well, it's about time
somebody got here.

Woke up this morning,
got dressed,

started to take
my usual constitutional

couldn't get out
through the darn door.

Well, everything's
gonna be okay now, Mr...

George Burke's my name. Burke.

Mr. Burke, is there anyone
here at home with you?

Sure, sure, my wife Martha
is right inside.

She's plenty upset. That wind
scared her real bad last night.

Darn near took
the roof off the house.

Is it safe now?

It's all right, honey. These young fellows
are here to take care of everything.

You're gonna be fine. Okay.
I'll go get the drug box.

Ma'am, why don't you come
over here? You've had a big scare.

Why don't you come and sit
down here in that rocking chair?

Go ahead, honey. Won't hurt
none to see if you're all right.

It's gonna be okay. We're just
gonna take a look at you, okay?

Let me take your pulse.

Just relax your arm.
Just relax. It's okay.

Are you having
trouble breathing?

Well, why don't you just relax
your breathing and just try to relax?

You'll be feeling fine
pretty quick.

You fellows sure do a fine job.

I said to Martha, I said,
"I'll call the fire department.

"They'll be out here in a
jiffy." We owe you a lot.

Well, not really.
You know, ifs just our job.

Oh, now, don't get modest
on me, Mr...

DeSoto. Mr. DeSoto.

Say, how long's it gonna take you
fellows to get this stuff out of here?

Excuse me.


Now, just try to
relax your breathing.

You're gonna be fine.

Cap, I think we got
a big problem over there.


Your pulse is a little fast.
You're breathing a little hard,

but I think you're
gonna be okay.

I think you're fine.

Do you feel better?

I'm glad you're here.

Oh, well, I think
you're gonna be okay.

Now, if you're feeling badly,

don't hesitate to call us.

But I think you're gonna be okay,
all right? Thank you.

All right.

See you later.

Oh, George.

John, listen. Go on over to the squad,
report us all available.

Roy and I will just
explain things to the guy.

Well, you see, sir,
we just can't take the time.

But I've called everybody and nobody
will come and haul this stuff away.

Look, it's all around the
house. I tell you, it's a mess.

My wife, here,
is a very nervous woman.

L.A., Station 51 available.

DISPATCHER.' Station 51.

Dr. Allen, report to Surgery.

Dr. Allen, report to Surgery.

Dr. Barnes,
go to the emergency entrance.

Dr. Barnes,
go to the emergency entrance.

Dr. Adler, wanted in Surgery.

Dr. Adler, wanted in Surgery.

What do you say
we check on the dogs?


I think Chet took Sam
into Captain's office.

Do you think that the Burkes
would like a nice little dog?

Sure. Keep away the tumbleweeds.

Oh, very funny.

You check on Sam,
I'll check on Boot.

You do that.

Any change in
that patient of yours, Kel?

I was just about
to look in on him.

Care to join me? Sure.


Joe, get security up here
and call the fire department.


Why, you...
You're gonna stay here.

Okay, you see the guy up there?

He came out
right through that window.

KELLY: If he wakes up and
makes a wrong move, it's all over.

STANLEY: Yeah. John,
you and Chet go inside the hospital.

Handle it from the window.

Roy, grab a Stokes and take
it up with you in the snorkel.

I'll go up with Roy. Yeah.


I wanted to help him.
I really did.

He's my best friend.

I'm sure you did.

But he needs professional help.

You should have come to us.

JOHNNY: He's out cold.
I'm gonna go down now.

I hope we get up there
before he does anything wrong.

We'll be all right as long
as he doesn't come to.

Whoa, now. Whoa, now.

You're okay. It's okay now.

It's okay.

It's okay!

All right, take it easy.

Take it easy.



Sit on him, Johnny. Sit on him.



Roy, give this to him.
It'll calm him down.

In his arm.

Johnny, Roy, sit on him till
the tranquillizer takes effect.

Keep him down. Sit on him.

I've checked him for fractures.
He doesn't seem to have any.

We'll get him
to x-ray right away.


All right, let's get him in.

ROY: Okay, you got him.

You guys all set? KELLY: Yeah.

Okay, we'll catch
the next one down.

Take him into 3.

You think the kid's
gonna make it, Doc?

Yeah, he's got a good chance.

He's young and he's strong.

That little dude was strong.

All righty, let's go home.

He went right through
that window.

It's amazing he didn't
cut himself on that.

I know. Not a broken bone.

All that glass.


Hey, nice going, fellows.
You did a great job up there.

Thank you, Doc. Thank you.

Listen, you didn't do
half bad yourself.

Now listen, if you wanna
join the Paramedic program,

I can put in
a good word for you.

Thanks a bunch.


How you doing, girl?

Get over now. Come on, get over.



what is your status?

Squad 51 available.

10-4, Squad 51.

Respond to difficult breathing.

154, South Roland.

154, South Roland.

Cross street, Citrus.
Time out, 1708.

Squad 51.10-4.

Roy, this time we have got to
do something about Edna Self.

Yeah, yeah, I got the feeling
this is an instant replay.

You really think
this is gonna work out?

Sure, it'll work out.

All Edna Self needed was a
little company. That's all, right?

Yeah, I guess so.

Yeah, Sam was the answer.

They'll keep
one another company,

and we won't be bothered
by her anymore.


Woman bitten by a dog.

154 South Roland.

154 South Roland.

Cross street, Citrus.
Time out, 2120.

You and your bright ideas.
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