02x10 - Log 143: The Cave

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x10 - Log 143: The Cave

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, no warrant.

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12. A 415... fight
group with chains and knives.


One-Adam-12, clearing a call.

See the woman... a

One-Adam-12, Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Here, officers. Over here.

It's Mrs. Brady. She's
in terrible trouble.

Get him out, please,
just get him out.

What's the matter here?

Oh, please, my
husband's in there.

He'll k*ll him.

Open up, Brady. Let me in!

All you people stay back.

Hold it, mister.

You hold it, cop.

We're splitting, both of us.

Drop the knife.

Sure, just as soon as
you two let me out of here.

Please, he means it.

He'll cut me,
like he did before.

When'd he cut you, Mr. Brady?

Four months ago.

He owed me $10.

What was the 10 bucks for?

Rent for that crummy
room back there.

Twice a day I swept
out, stacked shelves,

washed windows... and he's
going to hang me out for rent?

You agreed, Johnson, remember?

I needed a place to
flop and three squares.

Well, I paid for it with sweat.

What's in the shopping bag?

It's my stuff. It's
what I came for.

He locks himself in
that hole back there

he calls a room and
says I can't have it.

Why, Mr. Brady?
I'll tell you why.

He tried to keep it as payment

for his lousy 10
bucks, that's why.

Take it, just take it, okay?

Oh, you should
have thought of that

a lot sooner, Mr. Brady.


Okay, Johnson.

Now all you've got
to do is get by us.

You want a dead man
on your conscience,

charge right in.

Be my guest.

No, don't let him do it!

You're forgetting
something, aren't you?

Your stuff, Johnson.

Officers, you
mustn't let him go.

Pick it up. He, he...

All right.

So maybe this time
I get six months.

Yeah, maybe.

Maybe nothing. I'll
give you odds, cop.

You better call an ambulance.

Right. Add it up, Johnson.

You beat up two people,
wrecked their place of business

and threatened a
man with a knife.

Six months, easy time.
You didn't let me finish!

You forced Brady to come
out of that room at knifepoint.

Did you ever hear of kidnapping?

You're crazy.

You think so?

Oh, no. Not for
a lousy $10 bill.

I'll tell you one thing, mister.

You sure get your money's worth.

You're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

I never would have spotted
him if I hadn't needed that sugar.

I beg your pardon?

Well, I was coming
around the corner

to the store, and I
saw him drive up.

He was driving a car?

Yes, that's it over there.

Thank you, ma'am.

Is that your car across
the street, Johnson?

I never saw it before.

This lady says she
saw you drive up in it.

Yeah, well she's cracked.

Well, he's a liar. I saw
him with my own eyes.

Get her out of here.

Talk about gall!

Thank you, ma'am.
You've been a big help.

You've got all the
information, Officer.

And if you need me
for anything at all,

I'll be glad to testify.

Thank you.

It'll make it on the hot sheet.

requesting a wanted DMV

on Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

Okay, okay.

So I found it.

One-Adam-12, no warrant.

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

for the crummy room.

How much do you figure
it was worth, Johnson?

A buck and a half,
two at the most.

I guess you're a victim
just like the rest of us.

Victim of what?


Hi, Malloy, Reed.

Still at it, huh, Duke?

What you got going today, Duke?

Yeah, oh, try the
steak sandwich.

Guaranteed not to bite back.

You make book on that?

It's prime beef!

How prime is the horse flesh?

Oh, come on, Malloy.

I'm just keeping my hand in it.

Hey, you never know.

Now, one of these days
they might make it legal, huh?

Oh, I wouldn't bet on that.

Hey, Angie!

This way, boys.

Been holding your reservations.


Too late to change now.

Yeah, make it a pair.

Hey, anything new
with you and the boss?

Mmm, same old routine.

He keeps sweet-talking,
I keep hoping.

But nothing happens.

Chili burgers, a pair!

The only way I'll ever
get Duke to an altar

is to rope him and hog-tie him.

There some kind
of law against that?

Forcible marriage or something?

I'll look it up.

You know it'd be just like Duke

to charge me with
as*ault and Battery.

Anything to beat the rap.
Looks like you got a problem.

Well, nail him
when you're alone.

No witnesses, and it's
your word against his.

Yeah, I don't know. I
think he's too slippery.

Why don't you just give up?

I'd expect that
from you, Malloy.

Bachelors... birds of a feather.

She'll make Duke a
good wife someday.

Maybe, if she can
ever catch him.

Duke's not about
to tie himself down.

Just like somebody I know.

Guy probably doesn't
even know his car's gone.

I wouldn't be surprised.


Just a moment, Officers.

Uh, yes, ma'am?

Yes, sir? I'm Officer Malloy.

Is this the Finlay residence?

Excuse me. Yes, it is.

Artie! I'm Mrs. Finlay.

Is something wrong?

I only took three, Mom! Artie!

Amy! For crying out loud!

Can't you keep that
kid out of the house?

How am I going to get any...

Any rest. What do you want?

Are you Mr. Jay Finlay?

Yeah. If it's about
that traffic ticket,

I mailed in the dough yesterday.

Well, no, sir. But
it is about your car.

What do you mean? My
car's parked right out...


Holy cats, where's the car?


Tell me you lent it to
that brother of yours,

and he stacked it up! Jay.

Mr. Finlay, you
didn't report it,

so obviously you didn't know
your car had been stolen.

If you'll call this number,

they'll make arrangements
for you to reclaim your property.

Great, that's all I need.

My car swiped and
then stripped, probably.

No, sir. It wasn't stripped.

You turn your back
five minutes nowadays,

they'll steal you blind.

You made it pretty
easy for the thief.

My keys.

That's right.

You left them in
the ignition. Ma'am.

It's an absolute outrage.

And unless you people do
something about it at once...

Pete? I don't know
what I'm going...

This is my partner,
Officer Malloy.

Ms. Grimes, here, has a problem.

Ms. Grimes. Efiginia Grimes.

And I do not have a
problem, gentlemen.

You do.

Ma'am? Crooks! Thieves!

That's what it's about.

This whole neighborhood
is a sinkhole of crime.

You get back my stolen property,

or I'll form a
vigilante committee.

And if I lay eyes
on those thieves,

I'll blast 'em to kingdom come!

And Mrs. Lizza's rug.

Taken right off her clothesline.

Mrs. Lisa?

Z-Z-A, Maggie Lizza.

She lives right down the street.

It was one of those shag rugs.

It was just beautiful.

And don't forget to
ask the Wilkinsons

about their bookshelves.


The Wilkinsons.

They live right behind me,

on the next street over.

Solid oak bookshelves.

Say, how would you two

like a nice, cold
glass of iced tea?

No, thanks, ma'am.

Oh, nonsense.

Now, you stay
right where you are.

It's no trouble at all.

And... and don't forget...

Efiginia, remember?

A rocking chair,
camping cot, shag rug,

and some bookshelves.

A pellet g*n.

Could have fooled me.

Folding Ping-Pong tabletop.

What do you make of it?

And no two items taken
from the same place.


And the neighborhood's
crawling with kids.

Well, now, that
didn't take long, did it?

No, ma'am.

How do you get along with
the youngsters around here?

Oh, they don't bother
me, I don't bother them.

Oh, sometimes they come
asking for cookies, you know.

I make a delicious
oatmeal cookie,

if I do say so myself.

The Finlay boy's
especially fond of them.

Say, you don't think

it's some of the
children, do you?

We'd like your opinion.
What do you think?

I think you better
drink your iced tea

and then you just go find
that rocking chair of mine.

Well, hello, Mr. Finlay.

Could I see you guys a minute?

Yes, sir.

My TV set... it's gone.

Stolen. I told you, didn't I?

A sinkhole of crime.

The whole neighborhood!

Excuse us, ma'am.

Dear, you...

You're not going to
drink your iced tea?

It was here last night
when I left for work.

I tend bar downtown.

When did you first
realize it was missing?

Just now. That's my room.

Nobody goes in there except me.

Brand new color portable.

Cost me plenty,
and that's no lie.

Yes, sir. If you'll
just sign here

we'll see what we can do.

Somebody must
have come in last night,

while Artie and I were sleeping.

We were alone, of course.

Can I help it if I
have to work nights?

Listen, I want that set
back, you understand?

We'll do the best we can.

What if you can't find it?

I mean, I still got a
few payments to go.

I don't get stuck
for them, do I?

No, sir. Not if you're insured.

You know what they charge
you for that kind of coverage?

That's Harry.

I'm going to get the car.

You guys get on the
ball now, you hear?

He wasn't always
this discourteous.

At first he was
a real gentleman.

Yes, ma'am.

Somebody's laundry.

How long have we
been in the area?

About an hour. Why?

Maybe we got a break.

Code 5 in the vicinity

of the 2200 block of Woodset.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units, One-Adam-12
is Code 5...

Do you see it?

Yeah, barely.

Okay, keep your eye on it.

Do you mind telling me

why we're staked out
on someone's laundry?

Did you notice the
house next door?

It's closed up tight.

Shades drawn,
newspapers on the lawn.

Open invitation to a thief.

He breaks in,
takes the silverware,

transistor radios...
Anything small

he can stuff into
the pillowcase.

When he slides out, he spots

our black-and-white in the area,

so he drops his haul.

Comes back to pick it
up after we've cleared.

Are you guessing or betting?

If Duke were here, he'd
give you better odds.


There's someone
picking up the pillowcase.

Clear on the right.

Silver, a radio, a
ladies' wristwatch.

Three rings, wasn't it? Mmm-hmm.

You believe the guy
about Mr. Finlay's TV?

Wasn't in the pillowcase.

Maybe he took it
earlier and fenced it?

I still think the TV ties in

with the rest of the stuff.

It could be.

I guess that's about it.

Let's clear and code 7.

I'm hungry.


You're getting worse than I am.


Oh, yeah, put her on.

Mrs. Finlay?

No, it's quite all
right to call us here.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, we'll ask the Watch
Commander if we can handle the case.

No, no, it's no
imposition at all.

We'll be in touch
with you, then.

Nice lady.

What'd she want?

Something else is missing.

Her son.

I called my husband, of course.

That's why I had to call you.

Why? Won't you sit down?

Well, he said I
shouldn't bother him.

That sounds cruel,

but you've got to
understand Jay to know him.

He's a good man, really.

It's just that he's
jealous of Artie.

It's my second marriage.

Artie belongs to me.

Well, did your boy have
an argument with Mr. Finlay?

Yes, it came to a head
about two weeks ago.

That room where
the TV was stolen,

it was supposed to be Artie's.

A place where he
could bring his friends in.

My husband wouldn't
let him have it.

Artie threatened to run away.

Who's your son's
closest friend, Mrs. Finlay?

That'd be Jimmy.

But he hasn't seen him
either, not since this morning.

Where does Jimmy live?

Two doors down. Jimmy White.

Has Artie ever run away before?

Oh, no, sir.

I think I'll go talk to Jimmy.

Excuse me.

I'm causing you an
awful lot of trouble,

aren't I?

No, ma'am, I wouldn't say that.


Mr. White, I'm Officer Malloy.

I'd like to speak
with Jimmy, if I may.

Sure. Jimmy?

I saw your car up the street.

What's this all about, Officer?

One of your neighbors,
Mrs. Finlay, called us.

Her son's been
missing for a few hours.

She's pretty upset.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Is there anything I can do?

Hey, I heard you
guys caught a crook.

What'd he do?

I'll trade you answers. Sir?

Tell me about Artie.

Mrs. Finlay says
you two are pals.

What do you want
to know about him?

Well, what you guys
do together, anything.

Weren't you and Artie
playing together this morning?

Well, yes, sir.

But I haven't seen
him all afternoon.

I can vouch for that, Officer.

We've been together
most of the day.

We're baching it this week.

The wife's out of town.

So you wouldn't
know where he is, huh?

How would I know?

We want the truth now, son.

If you know where
Artie is, you tell the man.

His mother's worried, huh?

Pretty worried, yeah.

I'll bet Mr. Finlay
isn't though.

What do you mean by that, Jim?

Nothing, I guess.

This morning we
talked to some people

that have had some things
disappear around here,

kind of mysteriously.

You wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?

Old Lady Grimes' rocker.

Everybody knows about that.

She claims it's pretty valuable.

That old hunk of junk?

Now you listen to me, young man,

if there's been
any funny business

going on around here,
I want to know about it.

And right now.

Can I go now, Pop?

Maybe I can find Artie.

What do you mean
maybe? Do you or don't...

I don't believe it.

That's the first
time in his life

he's ever defied me.

Artie may be a
lucky boy at that.

What do you mean?

Looks like he's got a friend.

If you hear anything, I'll
be at the Finlay house.

Are you sure Jimmy knew
what he was talking about?

Well, he didn't really tell
me anything, Mrs. Finlay.

It was just a feeling.

Let's give it a
few more minutes.

You gotta come.

Is something wrong, Jimmy?

What is it? What's happened?

Not her, please!

You better stay here, ma'am.

Artie... he's in
there, in the cave.

You better get on the horn.

This is One-Adam-12,
we have an earth slide,

Woodset Street,
off-ramp freeway south.

Requesting an
ambulance and rescue unit.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

When did this happen?
Do you got any idea?

I don't know. Last time I was
here was maybe three hours ago.

Artie was going
to stay all night.

How big is this cave?

Big, real big.

It took us a long time to dig.

I see.

Artie's all right,
isn't he, mister?

He's not dead, is he?

I hope not, Jimmy.

It's his old man's fault.

What do you mean, son?

All he wanted was
a room of his own.


It's all right.

Hi, Artie.

Hi, Jimmy.

Okay to go inside?

All the comforts.

Even Duke wouldn't
book these odds.

What do you mean?

If this freeway were open,

and one heavy truck
used an on-ramp...

A semi, maybe...
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