02x15 - Log 64: Bottom of the Bottle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x15 - Log 64: Bottom of the Bottle

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 4-8-3.

One-Adam-12, a

with chains and knives.


You don't understand.
You just don't understand.

A man comes into
this world alone,

he leaves it alone.

I just want to be
left alone, that's all.

Hi, Malloy, Reed.
Must be Sunday.

Wouldn't be Sunday
without Louie.

Here's his reservation.

All right, empty
the pockets, Louie.

Oh, sure. Here, let
me give you a hand.

Say, haven't we met before?

Oh, yeah.

A bottle opener, 27 cents,

and the New Testament.

New what? New Testament.

Hey, hold on now.

Just wait a minute.
And a pocket comb.

My dough.

You guys stole my money.

How much did you have, Louie?

Ooh, uh, $100 maybe.

Are you sure it
wasn't more like, uh,


Oh, yeah.

It was just like I told you.

Hang on, buddy.

Okay, Louie, let's go.

You know, you guys'd
be out of business

if it wasn't for us
drunks, wouldn't ya?

It might cut us down
to a four-day week.

There you are. You see?

We're important to you.

Now, you remember that.

All right, Louie.

Come on, come on.

You've been all
through this before.

Put your hands there. That's it.

Yeah, and they
ain't changed a bit.

A bottle opener, a
comb and 27 cents.

Don't forget the book.

Yeah, I wonder
where he got that.

The good old mission.
That's their specialty...

A meal, a bed and the book.

How many times do you
figure old Louie's been arrested?

Who knows. 40 or 50, probably.

You look at a guy like that and you
wonder what's happened in his life.

You know, like where he came
from, who his parents were,

what made him crawl
inside a bottle like he did.

Louie wouldn't know himself.


He'd be the last person I'd ask.

One-Adam-12, a 390-415.

4093 South Fall at the bar.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Ow! Get him!

Get him, tiger! Go
on, get him good!

Hold it, mister!

Lady! Will you stop it, lady?

Let me go!

Let me... Let me... Ow!

I'm sorry about this,
Officer. Really, I'm sorry.

Oh, you're sorry.

You're always sorry, big shot.

You want to tell us
what this is all about?

Yeah, well, the
dame's already here,

and then he comes in and
he orders a glass of water.

Big spender, huh?

Well, anyhow, pretty soon
they get into an argument...

You know, a personal
argument... So I turns my back.

Then all of a sudden I hear
"ker-plunk," and I turn around

and this dame's
flat on the floor,

so I say, "Knock it
off. Get out of here."

Then the guy takes a swing at
me. What's your name, mister?

Pilaf. Christopher Pilaf.

This whole thing is simply
a misunderstanding, Officer.

You got to believe it.

"Misunderstanding," huh?

You ever hear of as*ault, buddy?

I said I'm sorry.

I'll take care of the
damages, and I do mean it.

And how you will.
You can depend on it.

I've never been arrested before.

What's the setup
in here, anyway?

It's a jail. The
bare essentials.

And my wife, what about her?

She'll be held at
Sybil Brand Institute.

You'll both be
arraigned tomorrow.

In the meantime, you'll be
given a chance to make bail.

Do you mind if I sit a minute?

Are you all right,
sir? Yeah, I'm all right.

It's, uh...

It's my wife I'm worried about.

Well, sure. Sit down.

What about your wife, Mr. Pilaf?

Well, you saw her,
didn't you? Yeah.

Why is it some people can
take a drink and handle it

and some... some
only think they can?

Yes, sir.

I couldn't take it anymore. I...

You ready now, sir?


I'm ready. Why not?

All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12,

One-Adam-12, a 211 silent.

1105 Guyler, at
the liquor store.

Handle. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

One-Adam-12, disregard the call.

One-Adam-16 will handle.

What's that all about?

Can you make it?

No, it's not on the hot sheet.

Tell 'em we're in pursuit.

This is One-Adam-12 in pursuit,

eastbound on Boudray,
approaching Pine.

Suspect vehicle is a

California license
Lincoln Union Ocean 389.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit eastbound
on Boudray approaching Pine.

Get a load of that.

End of the line.

Hold it! All right,
come out slow.

Keep your hands
where I can see them.

You... You crazy?

She's dying. Look
in the back seat.

Let's go. Hands against
the trunk and lean.

Look, we're not kidding. She'll
die if you don't do something.

You too, mister. What is it?

It's a girl. She's bleeding bad.

Didn't you see us
waving you alongside?

We were trying to find a hospital.
Requesting an ambulance...

Look, we'd have been there by
now if you'd have given us a hand.

The nearest hospital's
the other direction.

Okay, you fellows can relax.

Look, I was looking.

I was rushing to the hospital

and you guys started tailing
me, and that really threw me.

Ambulance is on the way.
What happened to the girl?

She was in the park
just bleeding, you know,

and her wrists were
bleeding just like they are now.

Maybe she tried
to knock herself off.

She's going to die, man,

if you guys don't do something.

Can I have your name, please?

Can I see your driver's license?

Oh, great.

Try to save a girl's life and
get a ticket for speeding.

I can't believe it.

Michael Corolla... is that you?

Try to be a good citizen, and that's
what you get... a whole bunch of trouble.

I told you that when
we put her in the car.

You should've called
the police in the first place.

Driving the way you just were,

you could've wiped
out that girl, yourselves,

and anybody else who
might have gotten in the way.

I still don't understand.

Why didn't you
pull alongside of us?

Didn't you see us waving at you?

We have policemen
k*lled that way.

Sideswiped or shot.
Could I have your name?

Eddie Alvarado.

East Los Angeles.

Who's the girl?
Carmella Hermosa.

What park did you find her in?

Yeah, at, uh, Page
and Veneto Street.

She was sitting under a
tree... we go to school with her...

And I honked the horn, but she
didn't even look, so we stopped.

When Carmella doesn't
look, something's wrong.

Yeah, so we got out of the car,
and then she just slumped over.

We tried to stop the bleeding,

but forget it.

Hurry it up.

Oh, that's her purse.

It was laying right next to her.

The victim a friend of yours?

I was telling him, we
go to school together.

Junk, mostly.

Some small change. No I.D.

The guys gave me her
name... Carmella Hermosa.

Uh, it means "beautiful."


Do you know where she lives?

I even got her phone number.

Sure, you and everybody else.

Hey, that note over
there... what is it?

Is it a su1c1de note?

Yeah, you might say that.

Yeah? No kidding?
What does it say?

It says nobody loves her.

No kidding?

Well, here you go, buddy.

That was quite a pursuit
you two tied on to yesterday.

Those boys took
a lot of chances.

Yeah, we added
them up... 13 violations.

They meant well, anyway.

We warned them and
then we thanked them.

I just had a call
from the girl's father.

He's filing a complaint
against both of you.

Complaint about what?

Well, he said his daughter
had a purse with her

when she, quote, snuck out of
the house yesterday, unquote.

That's right. She asked for it at
the hospital, and we left it with her.

Hermosa doesn't deny that,

but he does say
there was a wallet

in the purse with

His daughter confirms
it. I checked the purse.

If there was a wallet in it, it
was gone when we got there.

Well, that's what I figured.
I just hope you can prove it.

I wonder what
happened to that wallet.

First let's check the park.

Why don't we talk
with those two kids.

Maybe there never was a wallet.

Yeah, that thought's
occurred to me, too.

Did you clear us? No.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12 clear and a call.

See the manager. sh*ts fired.

9501 James Street at
the apartment house.

Code 2. One-Adam-12, roger.

First, I thought a
water heater blew up.

But those were sh*ts.
No doubt about it.

I don't get around
so good anymore,

so it took me a little time to
find out where they come from.

It was a shotgun. Yeah.

Lucky nobody's home. You sure?

I called, but nobody answered.

Well, maybe they
couldn't answer.

I'll take that, sir.

Will you just wait out
here in the hall, please, sir?

Would you come in here, sir?

Holy cow!

You know this man,
sir? Sure. Mr. Pilaf.

He pays the rent here.
Does he live here?

No, he don't, but his wife does.

He moved out a
couple of months ago.

Darn shame, too. Why?

Mrs. Pilaf's a
very lonely woman.

How lonely? Okay, so
she's got a boyfriend.

She didn't have
till they split up.

He's a rough-looking guy.

Rides a motorcycle,
you know what I mean?

Hey, come to think of it,

I heard a motorcycle
start up in the alley

right after I heard those
sh*ts. Do you know his name?

Look, I run an apartment house.

I'm not exactly a private eye.

What my tenants do
is their own business.

Let's check with the neighbors.

You won't find out much.

Everybody in the
building works days.

Can you give us a description

of this friend of Mrs. Pilaf's?

Sure. Dark hair,
about 30 years old.

Rugged, like I said.

What's going on here?

Oh, honey, no, no!

Easy, easy, honey.
Don't get excited.

What... What's happened here?

That's what we're
trying to figure out.

Looks like somebody's
been using your apartment

for a sh**ting
gallery, Mr. Pilaf.

Want something more from me?

No, that's all, unless
you can remember

the man's name,
the motorcyclist.

Like I said, I don't meddle
in my tenants' affairs.

What... What's he talking about?

Mrs. Pilaf, somebody
blew two full loads

of buckshot through that door.

The manager thought
you might know who did it.

I... I need a drink, Chris.

Not a chance. Not a chance.

Not a chance. We've got a deal.

The manager gave us
a partial description...

A tall man about 30, dark hair,

rides a motorcycle.

Does that mean
anything to you, Mrs. Pilaf?


No, I... I...

I don't know. My... I...

I'm... I can't help you.

Then you've never seen anybody
that looks like that around here?


Well, the manager says you did.

He's lying, and I wish you'd
all go away and leave me alone!

Hey. Hey.

I'm sorry.

Honey, we agreed.

A new start.

Mrs. Pilaf?

I... told him

that I didn't want
to see him anymore.

He said he'd k*ll me if I
didn't give him the money.

He... He must've thought
I was in here, huh?

What's his name?

He said he wanted $200.

Chris, I'm so ashamed.

Who is he?


He calls himself...
He calls himself Monk.

I met him a month ago in a bar.

His telephone
number's in the desk.

Do you know where he lives?

He lives in North Hollywood.

That's all I know.

Would it be all right if I
used your telephone, sir?

Yeah, go ahead.

It might be a good
idea for the two of you

to get out of here until
we run this thing down.


This is our place,
and we're staying.

Sarge, this is Reed.

On that "sh*ts fired,"

we have a telephone
number for a possible suspect.

We need an address.

It's 990-1134.

Right. North Hollywood.

Right. We're leaving right away.

He's gonna meet us on Tach 2.

We'll be in touch with you.

This is One-Adam-12.
Go ahead, One-L-20.

The address is on Blake Street.

1662 North.

Stake it out and wait for me.

Roger. Will do.

It's the two-story
house across the street.

I talked to the neighbor.

She said she heard him drive
in about a half an hour ago

and he's still there.

Did she actually
see the guy? Yeah.

He had the shotgun when
he went into the house.

She says he lives alone.

One-L-20 to Control.
Request any available "A" unit

to one house west of

One-L-20, roger.

Any available central
"A" unit meet One-L-20

one house west of

Code 2 and identify.

Remember, he's probably
still got that shotgun.

We've got an armed suspect
in that two-story over there.

Malloy and Reed
are casing it now.

You two cover from the rear.
I'll back up Malloy and Reed.

Police officers, Monk. Open up.

Come on, Monk.

Open the door and come
out with your hands up.

Okay, Monk, open the door slowly

and throw the
shotgun out butt-first.

Come on, Monk.

We know you're in there.

Come out before we
come in to get you.

Okay, I'm here.

But who says I got a shotgun?

Come on out, mister.

Yeah, sure.

And you g*n me down, huh?

Hey, I got a better idea.

You come on in and get me.

There. Door's unlocked.

Come on in.

Okay, Monk, we're coming in.

What are you guys waiting for?

Come on in!


Ah, we got company, huh?

Tell him to come on up.

Come on, Monk.
You're surrounded.

Play it smart.
Throw the g*n out.

You guys catch
any of that buckshot?

No. Suspect's holed up in
a room at the end of the hall.

You should be able to get a
clear shot from out in back.

There's a window
that's got to be his.

Right through the kitchen.

What's wrong, cop?

What are you waiting
for? No guts, huh?

I can't breathe!

I can't see!

Okay, okay, I'm
coming out! Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

She says she's lonely,

but she can't even come
up with a lousy 200 bucks.

So you tried to k*ll her?

Who tried to k*ll her?
I wouldn't hurt a flea.

Is that so?

Ah, drunks.

If you guys only knew.

Prior convictions:
two counts GTA,

as*ault, ADW.

Detectives advised booking him

as*ault with intent
to commit m*rder.

Where's Reed? He's calling
his wife. We're overtime.

That belongs to your su1c1de
attempt, Carmella Hermosa.

Where'd it come from? A
fellow turned it in at the front desk

while we were out
rounding up Monk.

Said he found it under
the back seat of his car.

One of the kids you
stopped with the girl.

Mike Corolla.

Sergeant MacDonald? Yes, sir.

My name is Hermosa.

They called me and said
you had my daughter's wallet.

Yes, sir. One of the boys that tried
to help your daughter turned it in.

Would you sign this "property
received," Mr. Hermosa?

Is that it?

Yes, sir.

My daughter said
to tell you "thanks."

Tell her she's welcome.

By the way, how is she?

She'll heal.

The cuts will, anyway.

Well, I guess that lets
you guys off the hook.

Yeah. Kind of looks
that way, doesn't it?

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