02x18 - Log 124: Airport

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x18 - Log 124: Airport

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12, a

with chains and knives.


Hello, Officers.

I'm Walt Cook. I
just lost an airplane.

I'm Pete Malloy. Jim Reed.

Yeah, you want
to tell us about it?

There's not much to tell.

About 20 minutes
ago, I was out back.

Somebody stole my airplane.

I got a call from the tower.

Is it possible someone could
have borrowed the plane?

No, I don't think so.

How'd the tower operator
happen to call you?

He recognized my airplane
taxiing out to the runway.

The pilot, whoever he is,

never bothered to
get a taxi clearance,

so the tower called him.

He wouldn't answer.

But by the time they got
a security guard out there,

he'd taken off.

He cut three airplanes
right out of the pattern.

Reminds me of another case.

Yeah, the kid that read the
book, thought he could fly?

That's what shook
'em up in the tower.

Pretty bad, huh?

Well, according to half
a dozen people up there,

the guy's never
been off the ground,

or he's blind drunk.

Excuse me.

You, uh, ever bust a flying 502?


What do you do, pull him
over to the nearest cloud?

Gentlemen, the tower's
got him on the radio.

If we go outside,
maybe we can see him.

Better bring the car
up. We might need it.


Van Nuys Tower, this is 99X.


How you reading, ol' buddy?

Niner-niner X-ray,

what is your position
and intention, over?

In about one minute,

I'm going to be right
over your field, Van Nuys,

and I'm going to
land this machine.

Sounds bombed.

Yeah, my poor airplane. Yeah.

I'm more worried about
the people on the ground.

All aircraft in the Van
Nuys Airport pattern,

we have an emergency.

You are requested to exit
the pattern and clear the area.

Is that your airplane?


Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Niner-niner X-ray,
this is Van Nuys Tower.

Get her downwind,
right-hand traffic,

runway 3-4 right.

Report a beam
to the tower, over.

Are you kiddin'?

What does all that mean?

Here he comes.

Forget the downwind
jazz, old buddy.

I'm going to show you guys

a landing that
will put you away.

I'll bet on that.

Can we get out there?

Sure. Let's go.

Niner-niner X-ray,
this is Van Nuys Tower.

You are cleared to land.

Exercise caution.

Doesn't look too good, does it?

No, I don't think so.

Easy, boy. Easy.

How much can that
landing gear take?

A lot more than I
can, I'll tell you that.

Keep it flying, boy.
Get some power on!

Niner-niner X-ray,
go around, go around.

What do you think
I'm trying to do, pal?

This thing don't
act right, though.

I'm going to try it
once more, Van Nuys.

If that doesn't work,
the heck with it.

Uh-oh, look.

Hey, we're still in business.

Cross your fingers.

I've got them crossed.

Somebody help me.

I'm scared!

My first time, boys.

Would you believe that?

Get out of here!

Darn fool kid, he's
drunker than a skunk.

He's out like a light.

Well, at least your
airplane's okay.


Wait a minute.


Mixture's rich.

Switches still on.

What made the engine stop?

He was out of gas.

Did Sergeant MacDonald speak to
you about that missing juvenile report?

He said he gave
you the information.

What's he want us to do?

The department got a letter
from some woman in the Midwest.

Her daughter's a runaway.

And she's been seen in L.A.?

No. She got a letter
from her daughter

with an L.A. postmark.

She did some detective work
and came up with an address.

Mac wants us to check it out.

What's the address?

This must be the place.

Let's take a look in back.

Get a load of that.

An alarm system.

Something tells me she's
not going to be home.

Well, maybe she's hurt. Yeah.

You ever see anything like it?

Not that I recall.

Well, it looks like
we interrupted lunch.

Two people.

I think we interrupted
more than lunch.

Nothing like a little
pot to settle a meal.

Why don't you
take a look around?

I'll stay here in case
they try to cut out.


The house is empty.

I even checked the attic.

Well, they couldn't
have gone too far.


What are you looking
for? I don't know.

A panel or something, I guess.

It'd be easy to hide
on a wall like this.

Guess, it would at that.

Where's that door lead to?

That's a closet.

Some clothes and some junk.

No exit, top or bottom.

What now?

Now we go away.

What are you doing?

Going to booby trap it.

Ah-hah. Ze old
paper in ze door trick.

At least we'll know if
anybody's been in or out.

I bet they're hiding
within 30 feet of here.

You want to bet?

I don't like the odds.

I wonder who that
girl's living with.

The clothes in the
closet belong to a man.

Or a reasonable facsimile.

All units in the vicinity

and One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress at the market.

532 Beatrice Drive.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

We're getting close.

Cover the back.

Freeze, mister!
Don't move a muscle!

It's okay, Officer.
I'm just closing up.

Put your hands up and
move over to the door!

Honest, I mean it. It's okay.

Everything's fine.

You all right?

Don't worry about me.

How many are there? Uh, two.

One of them's got a shotgun.

Can they get out the back way?

There ain't no back way.

Anybody else in the store?

They... They ran them all out.

One of them must
have called you, I guess.

Heard a shot.

That was the guy
at the cash register.

They're back there
now, two of them.

This is the only way
in or out. Yeah, I know.

The store rooms
are all locked up,

but the attic ain't.

I saw one of the men
running for the ladder.

You sure?

Yeah. The one with the shotgun.

Okay, you stay here
and keep your head down.

You can count on it.

Hold it, mister!

Now come out nice and slow

with your hands
where I can see 'em.

Okay, I'm coming out.

Don't sh**t.

Right over here.

Whatever you
say. I... I've had it.

Where's your partner?

I saw him running.

I don't know where he went.

He's clean.

I didn't mean to sh**t.

You scared me.

Your partner armed?

Who knows.

Hi, Malloy. What've you got?

One's still in the attic.

Why don't one of you guys
go outside and watch the roof?

How do you figure to get
the climber? I don't know.

Keep an eye on this one.

All right, mister, we
know you're up there.

Come on down.

Maybe he crawled
out a ventilator.

You're wasting time, buddy.
Come on down from there.

I can't walk! I twisted my leg!

Yeah. Sure you did.

Now throw out that
g*n and come on down.

I haven't got a g*n
and I can't walk.

Okay. I'm coming up.

You out of your mind?

I need help!

Well, that settles that.

Okay, mister, you
stay where you are.

The tear gas will be right up.

Get MacDonald.

Wait a minute. I'm coming down.

The g*n first!

Here! Here's your g*ns.

Don't sh**t! I'm giving up!

All right, mister.
Nice and slow.

Don't sh**t now, okay?

The g*n went off accidentally.

I didn't mean to sh**t.

Yeah, we know.

Hands up against
the case, come on.

Okay. All right.

Hey, did you, uh,
happen to notice

how good that market
smelled? Uh-huh.

Mozzarella and
salami, garlic, provolone.

Okay, okay. Where
do you want to eat?

How about farmer's market?

All right.

One-Adam-12, see the man.

A 459 report.

1728 O'Connell Street.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Morning. Morning.

I'm Del Hoenig.

Say, where were
you guys last night?

I'm Pete Malloy. This
is my partner Jim Reed.

Ever seen anything
like this before?

Yeah. Once in a movie.

What's missing, Mr. Hoenig?

A 3-ton safe and
about 10,000 bucks.

The safe used to
sit in that window.

I'll call for the detectives.

You know, nobody saw
anything or heard anything.

It was Sunday, you know.

It was a good thing

I decided to come
down and do some work.

Well, it looks like a
pretty professional job.

Yeah. I bet you won't
find a single fingerprint.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Yeah, what's bugging
me is what they used

to lift that safe out of there.

A tow truck, probably.

What makes you so
sure? I just got the word.

A tow truck was stolen about
three blocks from here last night.

The detectives are
checking the report.

They'll be over here
as soon as they finish.

Well, it may cost
me 10,000 bucks,

but I hope whoever
took my old safe

is smart enough to know
how to get the door open.

Why is that?

I've got it booby trapped.

And when they open the door,
it'll blow 'em to kingdom come.

Hey, I've heard of some
crazy burglar alarms,

but can you imagine a guy
wiring a stick of dynamite

to the door of his own
safe to booby trap it?

Yeah. Mr. Hoenig's going to have

a little explaining
to do himself.

Speaking of booby traps,

you want to check
on our runaway?

Why not?

Your booby trap worked anyhow.

At least we know
they've been here.

I got a feeling
they're still here.

They haven't run out of grass.

I wonder where in
the heck they could be.


All right, up you come.

Please, we haven't
done anything.

I don't have a g*n.

Now that's the truth.

So take it easy, huh?

Let's go. Out of
there, both of you.

All right, up against
the wall, mister.

Feet back and spread 'em.

You want to sit down?

What's your name, mister?

Rogers. Gerald Rogers.

How old are you? 26.

Who's the girl?

Diane Michelle.

She's from out of town.

And hey, man, we
haven't done anything

to be shoved around about.

It's true. Just like he said.

How old are you,
miss? 19. I can prove it.

Well, your mother
says you're only 17.

So what?

Is it a crime to be

Crime is contributing.

I mean, that's why you rigged
that alarm system, isn't it?

That and the pot?

What do you have on
your face? Cold cream.

We were going to go to
Vegas, and I wanted to be pretty.

Look, man, I love
her, and she loves me.

And we're going to get married.

I wouldn't count on it.

You want to wipe your face?

Are you going to arrest us?

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

You had to write that
stupid mother of yours.

Oh, Gerry, please.

It's what you been
crying for, isn't it.

Hmm? To go home to Mother?

Gerry, don't. I love you.

Let's get out of here.

Malloy, Reed, glad
you could make it.

Found that booby trap safe, huh?

Well, I hope so.

We got a tip from a neighbor
who lives in that old house.

Been watching the garage
since early thing morning.

She see the safe?

No, but she did see a tow
truck drive away right after dawn.

She's been watching
guys crawling in and out

of that place ever since.


It seemed that they raised
that garage door a foot or two

and they crawled in
and out underneath it.

That's what made her suspicious.

I take it she hasn't
heard any explosions.

No, just the sound of
high-speed power drills, that's all.

How do you want to do it?

We checked the building.

The big door's
the only entrance.

We'll pull the power switch.

Figure that ought
to smoke them out.

How many guys are inside?

We, uh... We heard three voices.

You called for assistance.
What do you want us to do?

I want you to coast your car right down
to position in front of that garage door.

When you get into position,
then we'll pull the switch.

We'll be on both
sides of the door.

When they start to come
out, we'll grab the door

and shove it up
as high as we can.

We'll hit them
with the spotlight.

You got it, so let's get moving

before they set
off that booby trap.

Yeah. Right.

Hey, what happened
to the lights?

Hold it!

You okay? Yeah.

How is he?

Pretty bad.

Reed, call an
ambulance, will you?

This all you cops got to do?

Go around sh**ting people?
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